Ejemplo n.º 1
def eu_filter(quantity, kind, domain, f=None):
    EuFilter computes filter parameters for the Weighted Peak Method

    :param year: reference guidelines. '1998' or '2010'
    :param receptor: 'occupational' or 'public'
    :param quantity: 'B', 'J', 'Ecns' or 'Epns' (to be defined according to the guidelines)
    :param domain: 'freq' or 'time' to build the frequency of time filter, respectively
    :param domain_var: variable related to the domain chosen. Sampling time (Ts) for time-domain
    or frequency array (f) in freqency-domain
    :param kwargs:
       * 'RCseries': option to build the filters related to the 1998 guidelines according to the 2010
           guidelines approach (series of RC filters)
    :return: parameters of the filter. (WF, phase) in frequency domain. (num, den, num, den) in time-domain

    AUTHOR: Luca Giaccone ([email protected])
    DATE: 29.02.2016

    >>> quantity = 'B'
    >>> kind = 'low'
    >>> Ts = 2e-4
    >>> num, den, num, den = EuFilter(quantity, kind, 'time', Ts)

    # Create filter according to input
    if quantity.upper() == 'B':

        if kind.lower() == 'low':

            from exposure.icnirp import icnirp_filter
            if domain.lower() == 'freq':
                weight_fun, phase = icnirp_filter('2010', 'occupational',
                                                  quantity, domain, f)
            elif domain.lower() == 'time':
                num, den = icnirp_filter('2010', 'occupational', quantity,

        elif kind.lower() == 'high':

            if domain.lower() == 'freq':
                # get sign
                isgn = np.sign(f)
                f = np.abs(f)
                # Initialize output
                weight_fun = np.zeros(f.shape)
                phase = np.zeros(f.shape)

                weight_fun[(f >= 1)
                           & (f < 3000)] = f[(f >= 1)
                                             & (f < 3000)] / (np.sqrt(2) * 0.3)
                weight_fun[(f >= 3000) & (f <= 10e6)] = 1 / (np.sqrt(2) * 1e-4)

                phase[f < 3000] = 90 * isgn[f < 3000]
            elif domain.lower() == 'time':
                a = 2 * np.pi * 3000

                fref = np.array([1e5])
                s = 2j * np.pi * fref
                Href = s / (s + a)
                lim_ref = eu_limit(fref, quantity, kind) * np.sqrt(2)
                k = np.asscalar(1.0 / (lim_ref * np.abs(Href)))

                num = np.array([k, 0])
                den = np.array([1, a])

        elif kind.lower() == 'loc':

            if domain.lower() == 'freq':
                # get sign
                isgn = np.sign(f)
                f = np.abs(f)
                # Initialize output
                weight_fun = np.zeros(f.shape)
                phase = np.zeros(f.shape)

                weight_fun[(f >= 1)
                           & (f < 3000)] = f[(f >= 1)
                                             & (f < 3000)] / (np.sqrt(2) * 0.9)
                weight_fun[(f >= 3000) & (f <= 10e6)] = 1 / (np.sqrt(2) * 3e-4)

                phase[f < 3000] = 90 * isgn[f < 3000]

            elif domain.lower() == 'time':
                a = 2 * np.pi * 3000

                fref = np.array([1e5])
                s = 2j * np.pi * fref
                Href = s / (s + a)
                lim_ref = eu_limit(fref, quantity, kind) * np.sqrt(2)
                k = np.asscalar(1.0 / (lim_ref * np.abs(Href)))

                num = np.array([k, 0])
                den = np.array([1, a])

    elif quantity.upper() == 'E':

        if kind.lower() == 'sensory':

            if domain.lower() == 'freq':
                # get sign
                isgn = np.sign(f)
                f = np.abs(f)
                # Initialize output
                weight_fun = np.zeros(f.shape)
                phase = np.zeros(f.shape)

                weight_fun[(f >= 1) & (f < 10)] = f[(f >= 1) & (f < 10)] / 0.7
                weight_fun[(f >= 10) & (f < 25)] = 1 / 0.07
                weight_fun[(f >= 25)
                           & (f < 400)] = 1 / (0.0028 *
                                               f[(f >= 25) & (f < 400)])
                weight_fun[(f >= 400) & (f < 3e3)] = 1 / 1.1
                weight_fun[(f >= 3e3)
                           & (f <= 10e6)] = 1 / (3.8e-4 *
                                                 f[(f >= 3e3) & (f < 10e6)])

                phase[(f >= 1) & (f < 10)] = 90 * isgn[(f >= 1) & (f < 10)]
                phase[(f >= 10) & (f < 25)] = 0
                phase[(f >= 25)
                      & (f < 400)] = -90 * isgn[(f >= 25) & (f < 400)]
                phase[(f >= 400) & (f < 3000)] = 0
                phase[(f >= 3000)
                      & (f < 10e6)] = -90 * isgn[(f >= 3000) & (f < 10e6)]

            if domain.lower() == 'time':
                a = 2 * np.pi * 10
                b = 2 * np.pi * 25
                c = 2 * np.pi * 400
                d = 2 * np.pi * 3000

                fref = np.array([30e3])
                s = 2j * np.pi * fref
                Href = (s * (s + c)) / ((s + a) * (s + b) * (s + d))
                lim_ref = eu_limit(fref, quantity, kind)
                k = np.asscalar(1.0 / (lim_ref * np.abs(Href)))

                num = [k, k * c, 0]
                den = [1, (a + b + d), (a * b + a * d + b * d), a * b * d]

        elif kind.lower() == 'health':

            if domain.lower() == 'freq':
                # get sign
                isgn = np.sign(f)
                f = np.abs(f)
                # Initialize output
                weight_fun = np.zeros(f.shape)
                phase = np.zeros(f.shape)

                weight_fun[(f >= 1) & (f < 3e3)] = 1 / 1.1
                weight_fun[(f >= 3e3)
                           & (f <= 10e6)] = 1 / (3.8e-4 *
                                                 f[(f >= 3e3) & (f < 10e6)])

                phase[(f >= 1) & (f < 3000)] = 0
                phase[(f >= 3000)
                      & (f < 10e6)] = -90 * isgn[(f >= 3000) & (f < 10e6)]

            elif domain.lower() == 'time':

                a = 2 * np.pi * 3000

                fref = np.array([1])
                s = 2j * np.pi * fref
                Href = 1 / (s + a)
                lim_ref = eu_limit(fref, quantity, kind)
                k = np.asscalar(1.0 / (lim_ref * np.abs(Href)))

                num = [k]
                den = [1, a]

    # Assign outputs
    if domain == 'time':
        return num, den
    elif domain == 'freq':
        return weight_fun, phase
Ejemplo n.º 2
# load modules
from exposure.icnirp import icnirp_filter
from scipy.signal import bode
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# all possible parameters
year = '2010'
receptor = 'occupational'
quantity = 'B'

# frequency
domain = 'freq'
f = np.logspace(0, 6, 1000)
H_f, theta_f = icnirp_filter(year, receptor, quantity, domain, f)

# time
domain = 'time'
num, den = icnirp_filter(year, receptor, quantity, domain)
omega, Hdb, theta_t = bode((num, den), 2 * np.pi * f)
H_t = 10**(Hdb / 20)

# plot
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title("{} - {} (ICNIRP {})".format(receptor, quantity, year), fontsize=12)
plt.loglog(f, H_f)
plt.loglog(f, H_t)
plt.ylabel('magnitude', fontsize=14)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
year = '2010'
receptor = 'occupational'
quantity = 'B'
Glim = icnirp_limit(fr, year, receptor, quantity)
B = np.zeros((t.size, 1))
B[id1:id2, 0] = np.sqrt(2) * Glim * np.sin(2 * np.pi * fr * t[id1:id2])

# Evaluate spectrum
f, BFT = fft_analysis(t, B)

# Frequency summation rule
Blim = icnirp_limit(np.abs(f), year, receptor, quantity) * np.sqrt(2)
IS, ISv = sum_rule(np.abs(BFT), Blim)

# WP in frequency domain
WF, phi = icnirp_filter(year, receptor, quantity, 'freq', f)
IWf, WPf = wpm_freq(WF, phi, f, BFT, makeplot='n')

# WP in time domain
num, den = icnirp_filter(year, receptor, quantity, 'time')
IW, WP = wpm_time(num, den, t, B, makeplot='n')

print("Frequency summation rule: {:.2f}".format(IS))
print("Weighted peak method (freq): {:.2f}".format(IWf))
print("Weighted peak method (time): {:.2f}".format(IW))

# final plot
hsig = plt.figure(facecolor='w')
plt.plot(t, B, 'b', linewidth=2, label='signal')
plt.xlabel('time (s)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('signal', fontsize=14)