Ejemplo n.º 1
def write_df_to_file(input_df):
    Writes the content of an input pandas data frame containing
    sequence data (in a column called 'seq') and expression level
    data (in a column called 'el') to an output file of specified

        input_df (pandas.DataFrame) -- the input data frame whose
        contents will be written to file.

        absolute_path (str) -- the absolute path of the the output
        file where the contents of the data frame are written.
    # Assertions
    assert isinstance(input_df, pd.DataFrame), ('Input data frame must be of'
                                                ' type pandas.DataFrame')
    # Functionality
    # Defining the path name of the output file.
    time_stamp = get_time_stamp()
    relative_path = 'example/processed_data/' + time_stamp + '_df_to_file.txt'

    absolute_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path)
    # Writing to file
                    columns=['seq', 'el'])

    return absolute_path
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pull_homogeneous_seqs(input_seqs, scaffold_type=None):
    Pulls all sequences of the modal length (i.e. 110 bp for pTpA-type
    sequences and 115 bp for Abf1TATA-type) from an input file and
    writes them into an output file.

        input_seqs (str) -- the absolute pathname of the input file
        containing all of the raw oligonucleotide sequences and
        their expression levels, tab separated.

        scaffold_type (str) -- the scaffold type (pTpA or Abf1TATA
        for which the modal length is known to be 110 and 115
        respectively) in which the expression levels for the
        sequences in the input file were measured. If None, the
        modal length is calculated manually. Default: None.

        absolute_path (str) -- the absolute pathname of the output
        file containing the sequences of modal length.
    # Assertions
    assert isinstance(input_seqs, str), ('Input file pathname must be a'
    assert os.path.isfile(input_seqs), 'Input file does not exist!'
    assert isinstance(scaffold_type, (str, type(None))), 'Scaffold type must\
    be passed as a string.'

    if isinstance(scaffold_type, str):
        assert scaffold_type == 'pTpA' or scaffold_type == 'Abf1TATA', 'Scaff\
        type must be specified as either pTpA or Abf1TATA, or else\
        unspecified (in which case it takes value of None).'

    # Functionality
    # Defining the path name of the output file.
    relative_path = 'example/'
    time_stamp = get_time_stamp()
    if scaffold_type is None:
        relative_path += ('other_scaffolds/' + time_stamp +
        relative_path += (scaffold_type + '_data/' + time_stamp + '_' +
                          scaffold_type + '_homogeneous_seqs.txt')
    absolute_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path)
    # Open the input and output files.
    infile = smart_open(input_seqs, 'r')
    output_seqs = smart_open(absolute_path, 'w')
    # Retrieve modal length for sequences in input file.
    if scaffold_type == 'pTpA':
        modal_length = 110
    elif scaffold_type == 'Abf1TATA':
        modal_length = 115
        _, _, modal_length = get_max_min_mode_length_of_seqs(input_seqs)
    # Find seqs in input file w/ modal length and write them to output file
    for line in infile:
        line = check_valid_line(line)
        if line == 'skip_line':
        seq, exp_level = separate_seq_and_el_data(line)
        if len(seq) == modal_length:
            output_seqs.write(seq + '\t' + str(exp_level) + '\n')
    # Close the input and output files.

    return absolute_path
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_predictions_for_input_file(input_seqs,
    Takes an input file of sequences and returns a DataFrame of
    the sequences and their predicted expression levels, based
    on the specified model (sorted in descending order of
    prediction expression level if specified 'sorted=True').

        input_seqs (str) -- the absolute path of the input file
        containing sequences to get predictions for. Must be one
        sequence per line and sequences must be of the same length
        as the sequences the model was trained on.

        model_to_use (str) -- the type of pre-existing model to

        sort_df (bool) -- whether or not to sort the resulting
        data frame in descending order based on expression level.

        write_to_file (bool) -- whether or not to write the results
        of the prediction to an output file.

        results_df (pandas.DataFrame) -- the resulting data frame
        containing input sequences and predicted expression levels.
    # Assertions
    assert isinstance(input_seqs, str)
    assert os.path.exists(input_seqs), 'Input file doesn not exist.'
    assert isinstance(model_to_use, str)
    assert model_to_use in MODELS_TO_USE
    assert isinstance(sort_df, bool)
    # Functionality
    results_df = pd.read_csv(input_seqs, names=['seq', 'el_prediction'])
    # Define and load model
    saved_model = get_saved_model_path(model_to_use)
    loaded_model = load_saved_model(saved_model)
    # Encode sequences, get predictions, insert values into data frame.
    for i in range(0, len(results_df)):
        seq = results_df['seq'][i]
        pred = get_prediction(loaded_model, seq)
        results_df['el_prediction'][i] = pred
    if sort_df:
        results_df = results_df.sort_values('el_prediction', ascending=False)
        results_df = results_df.reset_index()
    if write_to_file:
        out_path = ROOT_DIR + 'expressyeaself/models/prediction_results/'
        stamp = get_time_stamp()
        filename = stamp + '_' + model_to_use + '_prediction_results.txt'
        abs_path = out_path + filename
        if sort_df:
            columns = ['index', 'seq', 'el_prediction']
            columns = ['seq', 'el_prediction']
        print('Results can be found at: ' + abs_path)

    return results_df
Ejemplo n.º 4
def remove_flanks_from_all_seqs(input_seqs, scaffold_type='pTpA'):
    Removes all of the flanking sequences from an input file of
    sequences and their expression levels (tab separated).
    Example input file:
    shuffled.txt.gz from

        input_seqs (str) -- the absolute pathname of the file
        containing all of the input sequences and their expression
        levels (tab separated).

        scaffold_type (str) -- the scaffold type (pTpA or Abf1TATA)
        that the input sequences had their expression levels
        measured in.

        out_abs_path (str) -- the absolute path for the output file
        containing all of the sequences with their flanks removed,
        along with their expression levels (tab separated).
    # Assertions
    assert isinstance(input_seqs, str), 'Input file pathname must be \
    passed as a string.'

    assert os.path.exists(input_seqs), 'Input file does not exist.'
    assert isinstance(scaffold_type, str), 'Scaffold type must be passed \
    as a string.'

    assert scaffold_type == 'pTpA' or scaffold_type == 'Abf1TATA', 'Input \
    scaffold type must be either pTpA or Abf1TATA.'

    # Check that all of the flank sequences are the same in all
    # sequences in the input file.
    incorrect = organize.check_oligonucleotide_flanks(input_seqs,
    assert len(incorrect) == 0, 'Not all sequences in input file have same \
    flanking sequences. Error on line %s' % str(incorrect)
    # Functionality
    # Defining the pathname for the output file.
    time_stamp = get_time_stamp()  # Get unique time stamp for file naming
    relative_path = ('example/' + scaffold_type + '_data/' + time_stamp + '_' +
                     scaffold_type + '_seqs_flanks_removed.txt')
    absolute_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path)
    # Opening the input and output files.
    infile = smart_open(input_seqs, 'r')
    outfile = smart_open(absolute_path, 'w')
    # Remove flanks and write data to output file.
    for line in infile:
        line = check_valid_line(line)
        if line == 'skip_line':
        seq, exp_level = separate_seq_and_el_data(line)
        deflanked_seq = remove_flanks_from_seq(seq, scaffold_type)
        outfile.write(deflanked_seq + '\t' + str(exp_level) + '\n')
    # Close the input and output files.

    return absolute_path
Ejemplo n.º 5
def insert_all_seq_into_one_scaffold(input_seqs, scaffold_type='pTpA'):
    Takes an input file containing N sequences and inserts them into
    a single scaffold sequence, outputting the N unique promoter
    sequences to an output file along with their expression levels
    (tab separated).

        input_seqs (str) -- the absolute path for the input file
        containing all the oligonucleotide sequences to be inserted
        into the single scaffold sequence. All sequences must be of
        the same length as the scaffold variable region.

        scaffold_type (str) -- the scaffold type (pTpA or Abf1TATA)
        that the input sequences had their expression levels
        measured in. Default: 'pTpA'.

        absolute_path (str) -- the absolute path for the output file
        containing all of the complete promoter sequences (where each
        input sequence has been inserted into the scaffold sequence).
    # Assertions
    assert isinstance(input_seqs, str), 'TypeError: pathname for input file \
    must be a string.'

    assert isinstance(scaffold_type, str), 'Scaffold type must be passed as \
    a string.'

    assert scaffold_type == 'pTpA' or scaffold_type == 'Abf1TATA', 'Scaffold \
    type must either be passed as "pTpA" or "Abf1TATA".'

    # Functionality
    time_stamp = get_time_stamp()  # get time stamp for unique file naming
    relative_path = ('example/' + scaffold_type + '_data/' + time_stamp + '_' +
                     scaffold_type + '_seqs_inserted_into_scaffold.txt')
    absolute_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path)
    # Open input and output files
    infile = smart_open(input_seqs, 'r')
    outfile = smart_open(absolute_path, 'w')
    # Retrieve the scaffold sequence
    scaff_directory = 'example/' + scaffold_type + '_data/'
    scaff_rel_path = scaff_directory + scaffold_type + '_scaffold.txt'
    scaff_abs_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, scaff_rel_path)
    scaff_file = smart_open(scaff_abs_path, 'r')
    scaffold = scaff_file.readline().replace('\n', '')
    # Insert sequences into scaffold and write data to output file
    for line in infile:
        line = check_valid_line(line)
        if line == 'skip_line':
        seq, exp_level = separate_seq_and_el_data(line)
        complete_seq = insert_seq_into_scaffold(seq, scaffold)
        outfile.write(complete_seq + '\t' + str(exp_level) + '\n')
    # Close the input, output, and scaffold files.

    return absolute_path
Ejemplo n.º 6
def process_raw_data(input_seqs,
    A wrapper function that:
    Takes raw data as retrieved from Carl de Boer's publication
    at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE104878,
    and processes the sequences according to the custom arguments,
    pads them to same length, and writes them to an output file
    along with their expression levels (tab separated). The end of
    the file contains comments specifying the number of sequences
    in the file and the lengths of the padded sequences.

        input_seqs (str) -- the absolute pathname of the file that
        contains all of the input sequences and their expression
        levels (tab separated).

        scaffold_type (str) -- the scaffold type (pTpA or Abf1TATA)
        that the input sequences had their expression levels
        measured in.

        percentile (float) -- the proportion of the raw input data
        to extract from the sequences with the highest and lowest
        expression levels. i.e if 'percentile=0.1' then the top
        10 % of sequences with highest expression levels, and the
        bottom 10 % of sequences with lowest expression levels will
        be extracted from the raw input data. The resulting data
        file will contain ~ 20 % of the data as the raw input data.

        binarize_els (bool) -- if (and only if) a 'percentile'
        value is passed, this argument determines whether the
        expression level values (Els) will be binarized or not. If
        True (defualt), sequences with ELs in the top percentile
        will have their ELs binarized to 1, and sequences with ELs
        in the bottom percentile will have their ELs binarized
        to 0.

        homogeneous (bool) -- if True, only sequences of modal
        length will be processed. If False, all sequences will be
        processed regardless of length. Default: False.

        deflank (bool) -- if True, removes the constant flanking
        regions of the input sequences. Default: True.

        insert_into_scaffold (bool) -- if True inserts the input
        sequences into the appropriate scaffold. If False, the
        sequences are encoded as they are. Default: True.

        extra_padding (int) -- the number of 'P' characters greater
        than the maximum sequence length to pad each sequence to.
        Default: 0.

        pad_front (bool) -- whether to pad out the front (left hand
        side) or end (right hand side) of the sequences. If True,
        pads the front. Default: False (will pad the end).

        report_loss (bool) -- if True, reports the number of lines
        of data lost at each step in the process. Default: False.

        report_times (bool) -- if True, reports the time each step
        in the cleaning process takes. Default: False.

        remove_files (bool) -- if True, will remove intermediate
        files created in the process of processing raw data.
        Default: False (i.e. intermediary files will be kept).

        create_sample_of_size (int) -- if a number is passed, a
        sample of this size will be taken by pseudo-random from
        the file containing processed data, and written to a
        separate file.

        processed_data (str) -- the absolute path for the file
        containing processed sequences along with their expression
    # Assertions
    assert isinstance(input_seqs, str), ('Input file path name must be '
                                         'passed as a string.')
    assert os.path.exists(input_seqs), 'Input file does not exist.'
    assert isinstance(scaffold_type, str), ('Scaffold type must be passed as '
                                            'a string if specified.')
    assert scaffold_type == 'pTpA' or scaffold_type == 'Abf1TATA', 'Scaffold \
    type must be specified as either "pTpA" or "Abf1TATA".'

    assert isinstance(percentile, (float, type(None))), ('The "percentile" '
                                                         'argument must be '
                                                         'passed as a float.')
    if percentile is not None:
        assert percentile < 0.5, '"percentile" must be less that 0.5'
    assert isinstance(homogeneous, bool), ('The homogeneous argument must be '
                                           'passed as a bool.')
    assert isinstance(deflank, bool), ('The deflank argument must be passed '
                                       'as a bool.')
    assert isinstance(insert_into_scaffold, bool), ('insert_into_scaffold '
                                                    'argument must be passed '
                                                    'as a bool.')
    assert isinstance(extra_padding, int), ('The number of extra vectors to '
                                            'pad each sequence by should be '
                                            'passed as an integer.')
    assert extra_padding >= 0, ('extra_padding must be passed as a non-'
                                'negative integer.')
    assert isinstance(pad_front, bool), ('The pad_front argument must be '
                                         'passed as a bool.')
    assert isinstance(report_loss, bool), ('The report_loss argument must be '
                                           'passed as a bool.')
    assert isinstance(report_times, bool), ('The report_times argument must '
                                            'be passed as a bool.')
    assert isinstance(remove_files, bool), ('The remove_files argument must '
                                            'be passed as a bool.')
    if create_sample_of_size is not None:
        assert isinstance(create_sample_of_size, int), ('Sample size must be '
                                                        'passed as an int')
    # Functionality
    print('Starting processing of raw data...')
    raw_data = input_seqs
    # Define final output file path
    time_stamp = get_time_stamp()
    relative_path = 'example/processed_data/' + time_stamp
    processed_data = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path)
    # Create log file to write reports to
    if report_loss or report_times:
        report = smart_open(processed_data + '_process_report' + '.txt', 'w')
    # Initialize custom operations if specified (i.e loss + timing reports)
    if report_loss:
        loss_report = {}
        loss_report['Raw Data'] = get_seq_count(input_seqs)
    if report_times:
        t_init = t.time()
        t0 = t_init
    if remove_files:
        created_files = []  # keep track of the intermediate files created.
    # Pull out the top and bottom percentiles of data
    if percentile is not None:
        print('Pulling out the top and bottom percentiles...')
        df = organize.sort_by_exp_level(input_seqs)
        df = organize.discard_mid_data(df, percentile=percentile)
        processed_data += '_percentiles'
        if binarize_els:
            print('Binarizing expression levels...')
            df = organize.binarize_data(df)
            processed_data += '_els_binarized'
        input_seqs = organize.write_df_to_file(df)
        if report_loss:
            loss_report['Percentile Seqs'] = get_seq_count(input_seqs)
        if report_times:
            t1 = t.time()
            text = '\tFile created in %s s' % (t1 - t0)
            report.write('Top & bottom percentiles pulled...\n' + text + '\n')
            t0 = t1
        if remove_files:
    # Create new file of only homogeneous (same length) seqs
    if homogeneous:
        print('Pulling homogeneous sequences from input file...')
        input_seqs = organize.pull_homogeneous_seqs(input_seqs, scaffold_type)
        processed_data += '_homogeneous'
        if report_loss:
            loss_report['Homogeneous Seqs'] = get_seq_count(input_seqs)
        if report_times:
            t1 = t.time()
            text = '\tFile created in %s s' % (t1 - t0)
            report.write('Homogeneous sequences pulled...\n' + text + '\n')
            t0 = t1
        if remove_files:
    # Remove all of the flanking regions from the input sequences
    if deflank:
        print('Removing flank regions from sequences...')
        input_seqs = build.remove_flanks_from_all_seqs(input_seqs,
        processed_data += '_deflanked'
        if report_loss:
            loss_report['Deflanked Seqs'] = get_seq_count(input_seqs)
        if report_times:
            t1 = t.time()
            text = '\tFile created in %s s' % (t1 - t0)
            report.write('Sequences deflanked...\n' + text + '\n')
            t0 = t1
        if remove_files:
    processed_data += '_sequences'
    # Insert sequences into appropriate scaffold
    if insert_into_scaffold:
        print('Inserting sequences into %s scaffold...' % (scaffold_type))
        input_seqs = build.insert_all_seq_into_one_scaffold(
            input_seqs, scaffold_type)
        processed_data += '_inserted_into_%s_scaffold' % (scaffold_type)
        if report_loss:
            loss_report['Scaffold-Inserted Seqs'] = get_seq_count(input_seqs)
        if report_times:
            t1 = t.time()
            text = '\tFile created in %s s' % (t1 - t0)
            report.write('Seqs inserted into ' + scaffold_type +
            report.write(text + '\n')
            t0 = t1
        if remove_files:
    # Pad sequences
    if homogeneous and extra_padding == 0:
        print('Padding sequences...')
        input_seqs = build.pad_sequences(input_seqs,
    if not homogeneous:  # then they will have been padded
        processed_data += '_padded_at'
        if pad_front:
            processed_data += '_front'
            processed_data += '_back'
    if extra_padding != 0:
        processed_data += '_%s_extra' % (extra_padding)
    if report_loss:
        loss_report['Padded Seqs'] = get_seq_count(input_seqs)
    if report_times:
        t1 = t.time()
        text = '\tFile created in %s s' % (t1 - t0)
        report.write('Padded sequences...\n')
        report.write(text + '\n')
        t0 = t1
    # Remove intermediate files created in the process
    if remove_files:
    # Rename the final output file to reflect how data has been cleaned.
    processed_data += '_with_exp_levels.txt'
    # Report end of process and print final output file locations.
    if input_seqs != raw_data:  # i.e. if data has been processed in some way
        os.rename(input_seqs, processed_data)
        # Report end of process and print absolute path of processed data.
        text = ('\nRaw data successfully processed.\nLocation: %s\n' %
        if report_loss or report_times:
    else:  # If no processing was performed.
        text = '\nNo processing performed.\n'
        text += 'Change processing specifications and try again.'
        report.write(text + '\n')
        text = 'Raw data remains unchanged.'
        report.write(text + '\n')
        text = 'Location : %s' % (raw_data)
        if report_loss or report_times:
            report.write(text + '\n')
    # Write the number of seqs and length of seqs to the start of file
    # Report loss
    if report_loss:
        report.write('\nLine counts at each step of the process:\n')
        for category in loss_report.keys():
            curr_count = loss_report[category]
            if category == 'Raw Data':
                report.write('\t%s : %s\n' % (category, curr_count))
                prev_count = curr_count
                report.write('\t%s : %s (%s lines lost since last step)\n' %
                             (category, curr_count, (prev_count - curr_count)))
                prev_count = curr_count
    # Remove intermediate files
    if remove_files:
        print('\nRemoving intermediate files...')
        print('Files successfully removed.')
    print('Process complete.')
    # Report total time taken
    if report_times:
        t_final = t.time()
        text = '\nTotal processing time : %s s' % (t_final - t_init)
        print('Please find the process report in the same directory as the'
              ' output file for reports of data losses and timings.')
    if report_times or report_loss:
    # Create sample data
    if create_sample_of_size is not None:
        size = create_sample_of_size
        print('\n\nCreating sample of size %s ...' % str(size))
        sample_seqs = organize.create_sample_data(processed_data, size)
        print('\nSample data successfully created.')
        print('\nLocation: %s \n' % (sample_seqs))

    return processed_data