Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _C_displist(self):  # compute method for self.displist
        ### WARNING: this doesn't recycle displists when instances are remade at same ipath (but it probably should),
        # and it never frees them. To recycle them, just change it to use transient_state.
        # When we start using more than one GL Context which share display lists, we'll have to revise this somehow.
        ### NOTE: usage tracking should turn up nothing -- we use nothing
        allocate a new display list name (a 32-bit int) in our GL context
        if self.displist_disabled(
        ):  # revised this cond (true more often), 070215
                "bug: why does .displist get requested in a disabled DisplayListChunk??"
            )  # (i never saw this)
            return 0

        )  # not sure when this compute method might get called, so make sure our GL context is current
        displist = self.glpane.glGenLists(
        )  # allocate the display list name [#k does this do makeCurrent??]
        # make sure it's a nonzero int or long
        assert type(displist) in (type(1), type(1L))
        assert displist, "error: allocated displist was zero"
        if self._debug_print_name:
            print "%s: allocated display list name %r" % (
                self._debug_print_name, displist)
        return displist
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def draw(self):
     guy = self.delegate
     print "guy = %r" % (guy, )
     ## attrs = self.args[1:]
     attrs = self.attrs
     if type(attrs) == type("kluge"):
         attrs = [attrs]
         printnim("need to unstub ArgList in DebugPrintAttrs")
         printfyi("seems like ArgList may have worked in DebugPrintAttrs")
     if 'ipath' not in attrs:
         attrs.append('ipath')  #070118; not sure it's good
     for name in attrs:
         print "guy.%s is" % name, getattr(guy, name, "<unassigned>")
     return self.drawkid(guy)  ## return guy.draw()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def draw(self):
     guy = self.delegate
     print "guy = %r" % (guy, )
     ## attrs = self.args[1:]
     attrs = self.attrs
     if type(attrs) == type("kluge"):
         attrs = [attrs]
         printnim("need to unstub ArgList in DebugPrintAttrs")
         printfyi("seems like ArgList may have worked in DebugPrintAttrs")
     if 'ipath' not in attrs:
         attrs.append('ipath')#070118; not sure it's good
     for name in attrs:
         print "guy.%s is" % name, getattr(guy,name,"<unassigned>")
     return self.drawkid( guy) ## return guy.draw()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _C_displist(self): # compute method for self.displist
     ### WARNING: this doesn't recycle displists when instances are remade at same ipath (but it probably should),
     # and it never frees them. To recycle them, just change it to use transient_state.
     # When we start using more than one GL Context which share display lists, we'll have to revise this somehow.
     ### NOTE: usage tracking should turn up nothing -- we use nothing
     "allocate a new display list name (a 32-bit int) in our GL context"
     if self.displist_disabled(): # revised this cond (true more often), 070215
         printfyi("bug: why does .displist get requested in a disabled DisplayListChunk??") # (i never saw this)
         return 0
     self.glpane.makeCurrent() # not sure when this compute method might get called, so make sure our GL context is current
     displist = self.glpane.glGenLists(1) # allocate the display list name [#k does this do makeCurrent??]
     # make sure it's a nonzero int or long
     assert type(displist) in (type(1), type(1L))
     assert displist, "error: allocated displist was zero"
     if self._debug_print_name:
         print "%s: allocated display list name %r" % (self._debug_print_name, displist)
     return displist
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Rect(Widget2D):  # finally working as of 061106
    Rect(width, height, color) renders as a filled x/y-aligned rectangle
    of the given dimensions and color, with the origin on bottomleft,
    and a layout box equal to its size (no margin).

    If color is not given, it will be gray [#e should be a default attrval from env].

    If height is not given, it will be a square (even if width is a formula and/or random).

    See also: RectFrame, ...
    # args
    width = Arg(Width, 5)  # changed 10 to 5 late on 061109
    # Note: Widget2D defines width & height, making this seem circular, but it's ok (see comment in RectFrame)
    height = Arg(Width, width)
    color = ArgOrOption(Color, gray)
    # formulas
    if 0:
        # use this to test whatever scheme we use to detect this error, once we put one in [disabled 061105 until other things work]
        bright = width  ######@@@@@ PROBLEM: in ns, width and bright will have same value, no ordering possible -- how can it tell
        # which one should be used to name the arg? It can't, so it'll need to detect this error and make you use _self. prefix.
        # (in theory, if it could scan source code, or turn on debugging during class imports, it could figure this out...
        #  or you could put the argname in Arg or have an _args decl... but I think just using _self.attr in these cases is simpler.)
        printnim("make sure it complains about bright and width here")
        btop = height
        if debug_flags.atom_debug:
                "not yet trying to trigger the error warning for 'bright = width'"
            )  # (since it's nim, even as of 061114 i think)
        bright = _self.width
        btop = _self.height
    # bbottom and bleft are not needed (same as the defaults in Widget2D), except that we use them in the formula for center;
    # it would be more correct to say bleft = _self.bleft, but less efficient I think (not much), and hasn't been tested (should be #e).
    bbottom = 0
    bleft = 0

    ##    center = V_expr( (bright - bleft) / 2.0, (btop - bbottom) / 2.0, 0.0) #070211 #e someday this could be deduced from lbox, generally
    ###e should move this def into Spacer, RectFrame, etc -- or arrange to deduce it from lbox on any Widget2D, somehow...
    #  [070227] hmm, can't it just be moved from here into Widget2D itself? Yes, that works!
    def draw(self):
            ORIGIN, DX * self.bright, DY * self.btop, self.fix_color(
                self.color))  #e move fix_color into draw_filled_rect?

Ejemplo n.º 6
def viewerfunc(x):
    printfyi("viewerfunc is being used but is a stub")
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 7
def viewerfunc(x):
    printfyi("viewerfunc is being used but is a stub")
    return x