def __ext4Xtract(self, symlinks_file='symlinks.txt', fs_config_file='fs_config.txt'): import ext4, string, struct def scan_dir(root_inode, root_path=""): for entry_name, entry_inode_idx, entry_type in root_inode.open_dir( ): if entry_name in ['.', '..', 'lost+found' ] or entry_name.endswith(' (2)'): continue entry_inode = root_inode.volume.get_inode( entry_inode_idx, entry_type) entry_inode_path = root_path + '/' + entry_name mode = self.__getperm(entry_inode.mode_str) uid = entry_inode.inode.i_uid gid = entry_inode.inode.i_gid con = '?' cap = '' for i in list(entry_inode.xattrs()): if i[0] == 'security.selinux': con = i[1].decode('utf8')[:-1] elif i[0] == 'security.capability': cap = ' capabilities=' + str( hex(struct.unpack("<IIIII", i[1])[1])) if entry_inode.is_dir: dir_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path if not os.path.isdir(dir_target): os.makedirs(dir_target) if == 'posix': os.chmod(dir_target, int(mode, 8)) os.chown(dir_target, uid, gid) self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) scan_dir(entry_inode, entry_inode_path) elif entry_inode.is_file: try: raw = entry_inode.open_read().read() except Exception as e: self.__appendf(entry_inode_path, self.BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'unpack.log') self.__appendf(self.__logtb(e), self.BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'unpack.log') continue wdone = None if == 'nt': if entry_name.endswith('/'): entry_name = entry_name[:-1] file_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path.replace( '/', os.sep) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_target)) with open(file_target, 'wb') as out: out.write(raw) if == 'posix': file_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_target)) with open(file_target, 'wb') as out: out.write(raw) os.chmod(file_target, int(mode, 8)) os.chown(file_target, uid, gid) self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) elif entry_inode.is_symlink: try: link_target = entry_inode.open_read().read().decode( "utf8") target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path if os.path.islink(target): try: os.remove(target) except OSError: pass if os.path.isfile(target): try: os.remove(target) except OSError: pass if == 'posix': os.symlink(link_target, target) if == 'nt': with open(target.replace('/', os.sep), 'wb') as out: tmp = bytes.fromhex('213C73796D6C696E6B3EFFFE') for index in list(link_target): tmp = tmp + struct.pack( '>sx', index.encode('utf-8')) out.write(tmp + struct.pack('xx')) os.system('attrib +s "%s"' % target.replace('/', os.sep)) if not all(c in string.printable for c in link_target): raise LinkError # if entry_inode_path[1:] == entry_name or link_target[1:] == entry_name: # self.symlinks.append('%s %s' % (link_target, entry_inode_path[1:])) # else: if len(entry_inode_path.split('/')) <= 2: if entry_inode_path == '/vendor': self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, self.DIR + entry_inode_path)) else: self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, entry_inode_path[1:])) elif entry_inode_path.find('/' + self.DIR) == -1: self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, self.DIR + entry_inode_path)) else: self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, entry_inode_path[1:])) self.fsconfig.append('%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) except LinkError: try: link_target_block = int.from_bytes( entry_inode.open_read().read(), "little") link_target = link_target_block * root_inode.volume.block_size, entry_inode.inode.i_size).decode("utf8") if link_target and all(c in string.printable for c in link_target): self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, self.DIR + entry_inode_path)) else: self.__appendf( 'Failed symlink: ' + entry_inode_path, self.BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'unpack.log') except: self.__appendf( 'Failed symlink: ' + entry_inode_path, self.BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'unpack.log') self.context.append('/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) with open(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE, 'rb') as file: root = ext4.Volume(file).root dirlist = [] for file_name, inode_idx, file_type in root.open_dir(): dirlist.append(file_name) dirr = os.path.basename(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE).split('.')[0] setattr(self, 'DIR', dirr) if dirr == 'system': self.fsconfig = [dirr + ' 0 0 0755'] elif dirr == 'vendor': self.fsconfig = [dirr + ' 0 2000 0755'] self.context = ['/' + dirr + ' u:object_r:' + dirr + '_file:s0'] if not os.path.exists(self.EXTRACT_DIR): os.makedirs(self.EXTRACT_DIR) scan_dir(root) for item in self.symlinks: self.__appendf( 'symlink("' + item.split()[0] + '", "/' + item.split()[1] + '");', self.BASE_DIR + os.sep + symlinks_file) self.__appendf('\n'.join(self.fsconfig), self.BASE_DIR + os.sep + fs_config_file)
def __ext4extractor(self): import ext4, string, struct #fs_config_file = self.FileName + '_statfile.txt' contexts = self.BASE_DIR + self.FileName + "_file_contexts" #08.05.18 fs_config_file = self.FileName + '_fs_config' def scan_dir(root_inode, root_path=""): for entry_name, entry_inode_idx, entry_type in root_inode.open_dir( ): if entry_name in ['.', '..', 'lost+found' ] or entry_name.endswith(' (2)'): continue entry_inode = root_inode.volume.get_inode( entry_inode_idx, entry_type) entry_inode_path = root_path + '/' + entry_name mode = self.__getperm(entry_inode.mode_str) uid = entry_inode.inode.i_uid gid = entry_inode.inode.i_gid con = '' cap = '' for i in list(entry_inode.xattrs()): if i[0] == 'security.selinux': con = i[1].decode('utf8')[:-1] elif i[0] == 'security.capability': cap = ' capabilities=' + str( hex(struct.unpack("<IIIII", i[1])[1])) if entry_inode.is_dir: dir_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path if not os.path.isdir(dir_target): os.makedirs(dir_target) if == 'posix': os.chmod(dir_target, int(mode, 8)) os.chown(dir_target, uid, gid) scan_dir(entry_inode, entry_inode_path) if cap == '' and con == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode)) else: if cap == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode)) if con != 'u:object_r:' + self.FileName + '_file:s0': #11.05.18 self.context.append( '/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) else: if con == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) if con != 'u:object_r:' + self.FileName + '_file:s0': #11.05.18 self.context.append( '/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) elif entry_inode.is_file: try: raw = entry_inode.open_read().read() except: continue wdone = None if == 'nt': if entry_name.endswith('/'): entry_name = entry_name[:-1] file_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path.replace( '/', os.sep) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_target)) with open(file_target, 'wb') as out: out.write(raw) if == 'posix': file_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_target)) with open(file_target, 'wb') as out: out.write(raw) os.chmod(file_target, int(mode, 8)) os.chown(file_target, uid, gid) if cap == '' and con == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode)) else: if cap == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode)) if con != 'u:object_r:' + self.FileName + '_file:s0': #11.05.18 self.context.append( '/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) else: if con == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) if con != 'u:object_r:' + self.FileName + '_file:s0': #11.05.18 self.context.append( '/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) elif entry_inode.is_symlink: try: link_target = entry_inode.open_read().read().decode( "utf8") target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path if cap == '' and con == '': self.fsconfig.append('%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) else: if cap == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) if con != 'u:object_r:' + self.FileName + '_file:s0': #11.05.18 self.context.append( '/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) else: if con == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) if con != 'u:object_r:' + self.FileName + '_file:s0': #11.05.18 self.context.append( '/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) if os.path.islink(target): try: os.remove(target) except: pass if os.path.isfile(target): try: os.remove(target) except: pass if == 'posix': os.symlink(link_target, target) if == 'nt': with open(target.replace('/', os.sep), 'wb') as out: tmp = bytes.fromhex('213C73796D6C696E6B3EFFFE') for index in list(link_target): tmp = tmp + struct.pack( '>sx', index.encode('utf-8')) out.write(tmp + struct.pack('xx')) os.system('attrib +s "%s"' % target.replace('/', os.sep)) if not all(c in string.printable for c in link_target): pass if entry_inode_path[1:] == entry_name or link_target[ 1:] == entry_name: self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, entry_inode_path[1:])) else: self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, self.DIR + entry_inode_path)) except: try: link_target_block = int.from_bytes( entry_inode.open_read().read(), "little") link_target = link_target_block * root_inode.volume.block_size, entry_inode.inode.i_size).decode("utf8") target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path if link_target and all(c in string.printable for c in link_target): if cap == '' and con == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) else: if cap == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) if con != 'u:object_r:' + self.FileName + '_file:s0': #11.05.18 self.context.append( '/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) else: if con == '': self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) if con != 'u:object_r:' + self.FileName + '_file:s0': #11.05.18 self.context.append( '/%s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, con)) if == 'posix': os.symlink(link_target, target) if == 'nt': with open(target.replace('/', os.sep), 'wb') as out: tmp = bytes.fromhex( '213C73796D6C696E6B3EFFFE') for index in list(link_target): tmp = tmp + struct.pack( '>sx', index.encode('utf-8')) out.write(tmp + struct.pack('xx')) os.system('attrib +s %s' % target.replace('/', os.sep)) else: pass except: pass f = open(self.EXTRACT_DIR + '_size.txt', 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(os.path.getsize(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE), self.EXTRACT_DIR + '_size.txt') f.close() with open(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE, 'rb') as file: root = ext4.Volume(file).root dirlist = [] for file_name, inode_idx, file_type in root.open_dir(): dirlist.append(file_name) dirr = self.__file_name( os.path.basename( self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE).split('.')[0]) #11.05.18 setattr(self, 'DIR', dirr) if dirr == 'system': self.fsconfig = [dirr + '/lost+found 0 0 0700'] #11.05.18 elif dirr == 'vendor': self.fsconfig = [dirr + '/lost+found 0 0 0700'] #11.05.18 self.context = [ '/' + dirr + '(/.*)? u:object_r:' + dirr + '_file:s0' ] #11.05.18 scan_dir(root) self.fsconfig.sort() self.__appendf('\n'.join(self.fsconfig), self.BASE_DIR + os.sep + fs_config_file) if self.context: #11.05.18 self.context.sort() #11.05.18 self.__appendf('\n'.join(self.context), contexts) #11.05.18
def __ext4extractor(self): import ext4, string, struct fs_config_file = self.FileName + '_fs_config' fuking_symbols = '\\^$.|?*+(){}[]' contexts = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + "_file_contexts" #08.05.18 def scan_dir(root_inode, root_path=""): for entry_name, entry_inode_idx, entry_type in root_inode.open_dir( ): if entry_name in ['.', '..'] or entry_name.endswith(' (2)'): continue entry_inode = root_inode.volume.get_inode( entry_inode_idx, entry_type) entry_inode_path = root_path + '/' + entry_name mode = self.__getperm(entry_inode.mode_str) uid = entry_inode.inode.i_uid gid = entry_inode.inode.i_gid con = '' cap = '' for i in list(entry_inode.xattrs()): if i[0] == 'security.selinux': con = i[1].decode('utf8')[:-1] elif i[0] == 'security.capability': raw_cap = struct.unpack("<5I", i[1]) if raw_cap[1] > 65535: cap = '' + str( hex( int('%04x%04x' % (raw_cap[3], raw_cap[1]), 16))) else: cap = '' + str( hex( int( '%04x%04x%04x' % (raw_cap[3], raw_cap[2], raw_cap[1]), 16))) cap = ' capabilities={cap}'.format(cap=cap) if entry_inode.is_dir: dir_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path.replace( ' ', '_') if not os.path.isdir(dir_target): os.makedirs(dir_target) if == 'posix': os.chmod(dir_target, int(mode, 8)) os.chown(dir_target, uid, gid) scan_dir(entry_inode, entry_inode_path) if cap == '' and con == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append('%s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode)) else: if cap == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append('%s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode)) for fuk_symb in fuking_symbols: tmppath = tmppath.replace( fuk_symb, '\\' + fuk_symb) self.context.append('/%s %s' % (tmppath, con)) else: if con == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode + cap)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) else: tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode + cap)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) for fuk_symb in fuking_symbols: tmppath = tmppath.replace( fuk_symb, '\\' + fuk_symb) self.context.append('/%s %s' % (tmppath, con)) elif entry_inode.is_file: try: raw = entry_inode.open_read().read() except: continue wdone = None if == 'nt': if entry_name.endswith('/'): entry_name = entry_name[:-1] file_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path.replace( '/', os.sep).replace(' ', '_') if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_target)) with open(file_target, 'wb') as out: out.write(raw) if == 'posix': file_target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path.replace( ' ', '_') if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_target)) with open(file_target, 'wb') as out: out.write(raw) os.chmod(file_target, int(mode, 8)) os.chown(file_target, uid, gid) if cap == '' and con == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append('%s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode)) else: if cap == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append('%s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode)) for fuk_symb in fuking_symbols: tmppath = tmppath.replace( fuk_symb, '\\' + fuk_symb) self.context.append('/%s %s' % (tmppath, con)) else: if con == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode + cap)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) else: tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode + cap)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap)) for fuk_symb in fuking_symbols: tmppath = tmppath.replace( fuk_symb, '\\' + fuk_symb) self.context.append('/%s %s' % (tmppath, con)) elif entry_inode.is_symlink: try: link_target = entry_inode.open_read().read().decode( "utf8") target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path.replace( ' ', '_') if cap == '' and con == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) else: if cap == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf(tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) for fuk_symb in fuking_symbols: tmppath = tmppath = tmppath.replace( fuk_symb, '\\' + fuk_symb) self.context.append('/%s %s' % (tmppath, con)) else: if con == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) else: tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) for fuk_symb in fuking_symbols: tmppath = tmppath.replace( fuk_symb, '\\' + fuk_symb) self.context.append('/%s %s' % (tmppath, con)) if os.path.islink(target): try: os.remove(target) except: pass if os.path.isfile(target): try: os.remove(target) except: pass if == 'posix': os.symlink(link_target, target) if == 'nt': with open(target.replace('/', os.sep), 'wb') as out: tmp = bytes.fromhex('213C73796D6C696E6B3EFFFE') for index in list(link_target): tmp = tmp + struct.pack( '>sx', index.encode('utf-8')) out.write(tmp + struct.pack('xx')) os.system('attrib +s "%s"' % target.replace('/', os.sep)) if not all(c in string.printable for c in link_target): pass if entry_inode_path[1:] == entry_name or link_target[ 1:] == entry_name: self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, entry_inode_path[1:])) else: self.symlinks.append( '%s %s' % (link_target, self.DIR + entry_inode_path)) except: try: link_target_block = int.from_bytes( entry_inode.open_read().read(), "little") link_target = link_target_block * root_inode.volume.block_size, entry_inode.inode.i_size).decode("utf8") target = self.EXTRACT_DIR + entry_inode_path.replace( ' ', '_') if link_target and all(c in string.printable for c in link_target): if cap == '' and con == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find(' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) else: if cap == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find( ' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile(spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace(' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode, link_target)) for fuk_symb in fuking_symbols: tmppath = tmppath.replace( fuk_symb, '\\' + fuk_symb) self.context.append('/%s %s' % (tmppath, con)) else: if con == '': tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find( ' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile( spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace( ' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) else: tmppath = self.DIR + entry_inode_path if (tmppath).find( ' ', 1, len(tmppath)) > 0: spaces_file = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + self.FileName + '_space.txt' if not os.path.isfile( spaces_file): f = open(spaces_file, 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) f.close else: self.__appendf( tmppath, spaces_file) tmppath = tmppath.replace( ' ', '_') self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (tmppath, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) else: self.fsconfig.append( '%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.DIR + entry_inode_path, uid, gid, mode + cap, link_target)) for fuk_symb in fuking_symbols: tmppath = tmppath.replace( fuk_symb, '\\' + fuk_symb) self.context.append('/%s %s' % (tmppath, con)) if == 'posix': os.symlink(link_target, target) if == 'nt': with open(target.replace('/', os.sep), 'wb') as out: tmp = bytes.fromhex( '213C73796D6C696E6B3EFFFE') for index in list(link_target): tmp = tmp + struct.pack( '>sx', index.encode('utf-8')) out.write(tmp + struct.pack('xx')) os.system('attrib +s %s' % target.replace('/', os.sep)) else: pass except: pass dir_my = self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep if not os.path.isdir(dir_my): os.mkdir(dir_my) # f = open(dir_my + self.FileName + '', 'tw', encoding='utf-8') # self.__appendf('make_ext4fs -T -1 -S ./file_contexts -C ./fs_config -l ' +str(os.path.getsize(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE))+ ' -a /'+self.FileName+' "$outdir"/'+self.FileName+'.new.img '+self.FileName+'', dir_my + self.FileName + '') # f.close() # f = open(dir_my + self.FileName + '', 'tw', encoding='utf-8') # self.__appendf('make_ext4fs -s -T -1 -S ./file_contexts -C ./fs_config -l ' +str(os.path.getsize(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE))+ ' -a /'+self.FileName+' "$outdir"/'+self.FileName+'.new.img '+self.FileName+'', dir_my + self.FileName + '') # f.close() f = open(dir_my + self.FileName + '_size.txt', 'tw', encoding='utf-8') self.__appendf(os.path.getsize(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE), dir_my + self.FileName + '_size.txt') f.close() # f = open(dir_my + self.FileName + '_name.txt', 'tw', encoding='utf-8') # self.__appendf(os.path.basename(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE).replace(".img", ""), dir_my + self.FileName + '_name.txt') # f.close() with open(self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE, 'rb') as file: root = ext4.Volume(file).root dirlist = [] for file_name, inode_idx, file_type in root.open_dir(): dirlist.append(file_name) dirr = self.__file_name( os.path.basename( self.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE).split('.')[0]) #11.05.18 setattr(self, 'DIR', dirr) scan_dir(root) for c in self.fsconfig: if dirr == 'vendor': self.fsconfig.insert(0, '/' + ' 0 2000 0755') self.fsconfig.insert(1, dirr + ' 0 2000 0755') break else: self.fsconfig.insert(0, '/' + ' 0 0 0755') self.fsconfig.insert(1, dirr + ' 0 0 0755') break self.__appendf( '\n'.join(self.fsconfig), self.BASE_MYDIR + 'config' + os.sep + fs_config_file) if self.context: #11.05.18 self.context.sort() #11.05.18 for c in self.context: if'lost..found', c): self.context.insert(0, '/' + ' ' + c.split(" ")[1]) self.context.insert( 1, '/' + dirr + '(/.*)? ' + c.split(" ")[1]) self.context.insert(2, '/' + dirr + ' ' + c.split(" ")[1]) break for c in self.context: if'/system/system/build..prop ', c): self.context.insert( 2, '/' + dirr + '/' + dirr + '(/.*)? ' + c.split(" ")[1]) break self.__appendf('\n'.join(self.context), contexts) #11.05.18