def write(c,book):
	sheet = book.add_sheet("PlanTotalsExpanded")		#new sheet 

	freezePanes(sheet, 1)
	columnWidth(sheet, 10)

	courseNameStr = 'Course Name'
	termNameStr = 'Term'
	enrollmentsNameStr = 'Enrollments'

	columns = {courseNameStr : 0,
				termNameStr : 1,
				enrollmentsNameStr : 2}		#hardcoded columns

	for columnName in columns:				#write hardcoded columns 
		sheet.write(0, columns[columnName], columnName)

	hardColumns = len(columns)

	c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM courses;")
	courseList = c.fetchall()

	planList = data.grabFullPlanList(c)

	for plan in planList:		#writing all column headings for each plan
		columns[plan] = planList.index(plan) + hardColumns
		sheet.write(0, columns[plan], plan)

	count = 1
	for course in courseList:		#iterate through all the courses

		course = course[0]

		courseName = data.grabCourseName(c, course)		#write down the courses in the first row

		term = data.grabCourseTerm(c, course)
		sheet.write(count, columns[termNameStr], term)

		totEnrollments = data.grabEnrollmentNumber(c,course)
		sheet.write(count,columns[enrollmentsNameStr], totEnrollments)

		for plan in planList:		#interate through all the plans

			studCount = data.grabStudentPlanEnroll(c, plan[0], course)	#gotta unpack that plan
			sheet.write(count, columns[plan], studCount)

		count = count + 1

	return True
def write(c,book):

	sheet = book.add_sheet("WeightedProgramTotals")

	freezePanes(sheet, 1)

	columnWidth(sheet, 10)

	c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM courses;")
	courseList = c.fetchall()

	planList = data.grabFullPlanList(c)

def write(c, book):
	cutoff = 10		#cutoff range for number of plan enrollments

	planBreakdown = book.add_sheet("Plans Breakdown")
	columnWidth(planBreakdown, 10)

	c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM courses;")
	courseList = c.fetchall()

	courseNameStr = 'Course Name'
	termNameStr = 'Term'
	enrollmentsNameStr = 'Enrollments'

	planList = data.grabFullPlanList(c)

	columns = {courseNameStr : 0,
				termNameStr : 1,
				enrollmentsNameStr : 2}

	hardCodedColumns = len(columns)

	sigPlanList = []		#filter out plans with very little enrollments in DBMS courses (eg ENG or COMM plans)
	for plan in planList:
		'''Iterates through each plan. With a particular plan, iterate through all the courses.
			If the number of people in that plan cannot exceed 10 people for any of the courses, 
			they will not be included in this sheet.
			The second for loop FILTERS
		studCount = []		
		addToList = False		

		for course in courseList:		

			course = course[0]
			studCount.append(data.grabStudentPlanEnroll(c, plan[0], course))

		for count in studCount:
			if count > cutoff:	
				addToList = True

		if addToList:		#only add to the new list if there are enough enrollments

	for columnName in columns:
		planBreakdown.write(0, columns[columnName], columnName)

	for plan in sigPlanList:		#only write the relevant plans into each column
		columns[plan] = sigPlanList.index(plan) + hardCodedColumns
		planBreakdown.write(0, columns[plan], plan)

	count = 1
	for course in courseList:
		'''This for loop WRITES
		course = course[0]

		courseName = data.grabCourseName(c, course)

		term = data.grabCourseTerm(c, course)
		planBreakdown.write(count, columns[termNameStr], term)

		enrollments = data.grabEnrollmentNumber(c, course)
		planBreakdown.write(count, columns[enrollmentsNameStr],enrollments)

		for plan in sigPlanList:
			studCount = data.grabStudentPlanEnroll(c, plan[0], course)	#gotta unpack that plan
			planBreakdown.write(count, columns[plan], studCount)

		count = count + 1

	planBreakdown.set_horz_split_pos(1)		#Freeze panes for the first row
	return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def runApp():

	conn = data.connectDB()
	c = conn.cursor()

	sheetName = "DBMS Enrollment Data.xls"		#name of the excel spreadsheet

	tuitionGrantSheetName = "Course Tuition and Grant Revenue Totals"
	programTotalsSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on Program"
	programPercentTotalsSheetName = "Course Percentage Breakdown based on Faculty"
	planTotalsSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on All Plans"
	sigPlanTotalsSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on Plans (with >10 enrollments)"
	yearTotalsSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on Year"
	planBreakdownSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on Selected Plans"
	programYearSheetName = "Program Breakdown Based on Year"
	programInfoSheetName = "Program Info"

	sheetsOrderedDict = OrderedDict([
									(tuitionGrantSheetName, 0),
									(programTotalsSheetName, 1),
									(planTotalsSheetName, 2),
									(sigPlanTotalsSheetName, 3),
									(yearTotalsSheetName, 4),
									(planBreakdownSheetName, 5),
									(programYearSheetName, 6),
									(programInfoSheetName, 7),

	cdLocation = os.getcwd()
	excelLocation = cdLocation + "\\" + sheetName

	except WindowsError:

	'''	Asks user for information that needs to be shown

	selectedSheets = UI.sheetsOptionsCheckBox.runScrollingApp(sheetsOrderedDict)		#UI module asks for sheets
	while not checkError(selectedSheets):
		selectedSheets = UI.sheetsOptionsCheckBox.runScrollingApp(sheetsOrderedDict)
	selectedSheetsKey = []			#used to store the keys of the selected sheets

	for name in selectedSheets:


	''' Sheets that will be written to the outputted workbook

	book = xlwt.Workbook()

	if sheetsOrderedDict[tuitionGrantSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[programTotalsSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:	


	if sheetsOrderedDict[planTotalsSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[sigPlanTotalsSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[yearTotalsSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[planBreakdownSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:
		#Make list of plans with only the plan code e.g. "BCHM"
		rawPlanList = data.grabFullPlanList(c)

		checkPlanList = []
		for plan in rawPlanList:
			plan = plan[0]			#unpack the tuple
			breakPoint = plan.index('-')	#find the first occurence of "-" that separates BCHM-M-BSH
			plan = plan[0:breakPoint]		#splice the string to get just BCHM
				temp = checkPlanList.index(plan)		#check if the course code BCHM exists in the list

			except ValueError:
				checkPlanList.append(plan)			#if not, it is added to the list

		selectedPlans = UI.planOptionsCheckBox.runScrollingApp(checkPlanList)
		while not checkError(selectedPlans):			#ensure plans are chosen to be output
			selectedPlans = UI.planOptionsCheckBox.runScrollingApp(checkPlanList)

		for plan in selectedPlans:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[programYearSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[programInfoSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	'''Save the file into a specific location. This uses the tkfiledialog module
		to select the save location.
		The default save name is "DBMS Enrollment Data " and the timestamp date.
		A location must be chosen for save location.

	timeStam = dateTimeOutput.pythonTime()		#only the date of the timestamp will be printed


	filename = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension = '.xls', initialfile = 'DBMS Enrollment Data ' + timeStam[:10])

	while filename == '':		#a location must be saved
		#UI.errorMessageBox.runApp("File was not saved. Please enter valid name.")
		filename = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension = '.xls', initialfile = 'DBMS Enrollment Data ' + timeStam[:10])

	except IndexError:		#exists if no sheets are printed (empty file)
	except IOError:
		UI.errorMessageBox.runApp("Error: Please close all Excel workbooks.")