Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_two_splitters():
    Test how split_strings splits a string with two splitters

    string = "1:a,2:b"
    splitters = [',', ':']

    assert set(split_strings(string, splitters)) == set(['1', 'a', '2', 'b'])
def test_complex():
    Test how split_strings splits a complex string
    string = "a:1,b:2|3"
    splitters = [',',':','|']
    assert set(split_strings(string, splitters)) == set(['1','a','2','b','3'])
def test_two_splitters():
    Test how split_strings splits a string with two splitters
    string = "1:a,2:b"
    splitters = [',',':']
    assert set(split_strings(string, splitters)) == set(['1','a','2','b'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_complex():
    Test how split_strings splits a complex string

    string = "a:1,b:2|3"
    splitters = [',', ':', '|']

    assert set(split_strings(string,
                             splitters)) == set(['1', 'a', '2', 'b', '3'])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_entry(self, variant_line=None, variant_dict=None, raw_entry=None, 
 vcf_header=None, csq_format=None, dict_key=None, individual_id=None):
     """Return the splitted entry from variant information
             variant_line (str): A vcf formated variant line
             vcf_header (list): A list with the vcf header line
             csq_format (list): A list with the csq headers
             family_id (str): The family id that should be searched. If no id 
                              the first family found will be used
             entry (list): A list with the splitted entry
     if not raw_entry:
         raw_entry = self.get_raw_entry(
     entry = []
     if raw_entry:
         if self.field in ['CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'QUAL']:
             # We know these fields allways has one entry
             entry = [raw_entry]
         elif self.field in ['ID', 'FILTER']:
             # We know ID is allways splitted on ';'
             entry = raw_entry.split(';')
         elif self.field == 'ALT':
             # We know ALT is allways splitted on ','
             entry = raw_entry.split(',')
         elif self.field == 'FORMAT':
             entry = raw_entry.split(':')
         elif self.field == 'INFO':
             # We are going to treat csq fields separately
             if self.info_key == 'CSQ':
                 if not csq_format:
                     raise IOError("If CSQ the csq format must be provided")
                 if not self.csq_key:
                     raise IOError("If CSQ a csq key must be provided")
                 for i, head in enumerate(csq_format):
                     if head == self.csq_key:
                         # This is the csq entry we are looking for
                         csq_column = i
                 # CSQ entries are allways splitted on ','
                 for csq_entry in raw_entry.split(','):
                     entry += split_strings(csq_entry.split('|')[csq_column], self.separators)
                 if self.dict_entry:
                     separators = self.separators[2:]
                     separators = self.separators
                 entry = split_strings(raw_entry, separators)
         elif self.field == 'sample_id':
             if not self.separators:
                 entry = split_strings(raw_entry, '/')
                 #If variant calls are phased we need to split on '|'
                 if len(entry) == 1:
                     entry = split_strings(raw_entry, '|')
                 entry = split_strings(raw_entry, self.separators)
     return entry
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_simple_string():
    """Test how split_strings splits a simple string"""
    string = "1,2"
    splitters = [',']

    assert set(split_strings(string, splitters)) == set(['1', '2'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_simple_string_no_splitters():
    """Test how split_strings splits a simple string"""
    string = "1,2"
    splitters = []

    assert set(split_strings(string, splitters)) == set(['1,2'])
def test_simple_string_no_splitters():
    """Test how split_strings splits a simple string"""
    string = "1,2"
    splitters = []
    assert set(split_strings(string, splitters)) == set(['1,2'])
def test_simple_string():
    """Test how split_strings splits a simple string"""
    string = "1,2"
    splitters = [',']
    assert set(split_strings(string, splitters)) == set(['1','2'])