Ejemplo n.º 1
def random_3d_path(steps: int = 100,
                   max_step_size: float = 1.0,
                   max_heading: float = math.pi / 2.0,
                   max_pitch: float = math.pi / 8.0,
                   retarget: int = 20) -> Iterable[Vector]:
    Returns a random 3D path as iterable of :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vector` objects.

        steps: count of vertices to generate
        max_step_size: max step size
        max_heading: limit heading angle change per step to ± max_heading/2, rotation about the z-axis in radians
        max_pitch: limit pitch angle change per step to ± max_pitch/2, rotation about the x-axis in radians
        retarget: specifies steps before changing global walking target

    max_ = max_step_size * steps

    def next_global_target():
        return Vector((rnd(max_), rnd(max_), rnd(max_)))

    walker = Vector()
    target = next_global_target()
    for i in range(steps):
        if i % retarget == 0:
            target = target + next_global_target()
        angle = (target - walker).angle
        length = max_step_size * random.random()
        heading_angle = angle + rnd_perlin(max_heading, walker)
        next_step = Vector.from_angle(heading_angle, length)
        pitch_angle = rnd_perlin(max_pitch, walker)
        walker += Matrix44.x_rotate(pitch_angle).transform(next_step)
        yield walker
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_x_rotation(self, msp):
     mline = msp.add_mline([(0, 5), (10, 5)])
     m = Matrix44.x_rotate(math.pi / 2)
     assert mline.start_location().isclose((0, 0, 5))
     assert mline.dxf.extrusion == (0, -1, 0)
     assert mline.dxf.scale_factor == 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_transformation(self) -> Matrix44:
     """Returns the transformation matrix to transform the source entity
     located with the minimum extension corner of its bounding box in
     (0, 0, 0) to the final location including the required rotation.
     x, y, z = self.position
     rt = self.rotation_type
     if rt == RotationType.WHD:  # width, height, depth
         return Matrix44.translate(x, y, z)
     if rt == RotationType.HWD:  # height, width, depth
         return Matrix44.z_rotate(PI_2) @ Matrix44.translate(
             x + self.height, y, z)
     if rt == RotationType.HDW:  # height, depth, width
         return Matrix44.xyz_rotate(PI_2, 0, PI_2) @ Matrix44.translate(
             x + self.height, y + self.depth, z)
     if rt == RotationType.DHW:  # depth, height, width
         return Matrix44.y_rotate(-PI_2) @ Matrix44.translate(
             x + self.depth, y, z)
     if rt == RotationType.DWH:  # depth, width, height
         return Matrix44.xyz_rotate(0, PI_2, PI_2) @ Matrix44.translate(
             x, y, z)
     if rt == RotationType.WDH:  # width, depth, height
         return Matrix44.x_rotate(PI_2) @ Matrix44.translate(
             x, y + self.depth, z)
     raise TypeError(rt)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def rotate_x(self, angle: float) -> "DXFGraphic":
        """Rotate entity inplace about x-axis, returns `self`
        (floating interface).

            angle: rotation angle in radians

        return self.transform(Matrix44.x_rotate(angle))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def rotate_x(self, angle: float):
        """ Rotate mesh around x-axis about `angle` inplace.

            angle: rotation angle in radians

        self.vertices = list(
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_to_polylines2d_with_ocs(self, path1):
     m = Matrix44.x_rotate(math.pi / 4)
     path = path1.transform(m)
     extrusion = m.transform((0, 0, 1))
     polylines = list(to_polylines2d(path, extrusion=extrusion))
     p0 = polylines[0]
     assert p0.dxf.elevation.isclose((0, 0, 1))
     assert p0.dxf.extrusion.isclose(extrusion)
     assert p0[0].dxf.location.isclose((0, 0, 1))
     assert p0[-1].dxf.location.isclose((4, 0, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_to_lwpolylines_with_ocs(self, path1):
     m = Matrix44.x_rotate(math.pi / 4)
     path = path1.transform(m)
     extrusion = m.transform((0, 0, 1))
     polylines = list(to_lwpolylines(path, extrusion=extrusion))
     p0 = polylines[0]
     assert p0.dxf.elevation == pytest.approx(1)
     assert p0.dxf.extrusion.isclose(extrusion)
     assert p0[0] == (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
     assert p0[-1] == (4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_to_hatches_with_ocs(self, path1):
     m = Matrix44.x_rotate(math.pi / 4)
     path = path1.transform(m)
     extrusion = m.transform((0, 0, 1))
     hatches = list(to_hatches(path, extrusion=extrusion))
     h0 = hatches[0]
     assert h0.dxf.elevation == (0, 0, 1)
     assert h0.dxf.extrusion.isclose(extrusion)
     polypath0 = h0.paths[0]
     assert polypath0.vertices[0] == (0, 0, 0)  # x, y, bulge
     assert polypath0.vertices[-1] == (0, 0, 0), "should be closed automatically"
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_to_lwpolylines_with_ocs(self, path1):
     m = Matrix44.x_rotate(math.pi / 4)
     path = path1.transform(m)
     extrusion = m.transform((0, 0, 1))
     polylines = list(to_lwpolylines(path, extrusion=extrusion))
     p0 = polylines[0]
     assert p0.dxf.elevation == pytest.approx(1)
     assert p0.dxf.extrusion.isclose(extrusion)
     assert (all(
         math.isclose(a, b, abs_tol=1e-12)
         for a, b in zip(p0[0], (0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) is True)
     assert (all(
         math.isclose(a, b, abs_tol=1e-12)
         for a, b in zip(p0[-1], (4, 0, 0, 0, 0))) is True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_to_poly_path_hatches_with_ocs(self, path1):
     m = Matrix44.x_rotate(math.pi / 4)
     path = path1.transform(m)
     extrusion = m.transform((0, 0, 1))
     hatches = list(to_hatches(path, edge_path=False, extrusion=extrusion))
     h0 = hatches[0]
     assert h0.dxf.elevation.isclose((0, 0, 1))
     assert h0.dxf.extrusion.isclose(extrusion)
     polypath0 = h0.paths[0]
     assert (all(abs(a) < 1e-12
                 for a in polypath0.vertices[0]) is True  # ~(0, 0, 0)
             )  # x, y, bulge
     assert (all(abs(a) < 1e-12
                 for a in polypath0.vertices[-1]) is True  # ~(0, 0, 0)
             ), "should be closed automatically"
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def matrix(self):
     return Matrix44.chain(
         Matrix44.translate(2, 3, 4),