Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, options, address=None, address_iq=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.context = O()
        self.options = O(options)

        self.options.setifnone('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
        self.options.setifnone('skip_ping', False)

        if self.options.device:
            self.device = ConfigInterface().get_device(options.device)
            self.address = self.device.address
            self.device = None
            self.address = address
            self.options.setifnone('username', DEFAULT_ROOT_USERNAME)
            self.options.setifnone('password', DEFAULT_ROOT_PASSWORD)
            self.options.setifnone('admin_username', DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME)
            self.options.setifnone('admin_password', DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD)

        if self.options.device_biq:
            self.device_biq = ConfigInterface().get_device(options.device_biq)
            self.address_biq = self.device_biq.address
            self.device_biq = None
            self.address_biq = address_iq
            self.options.setifnone('username_iq', DEFAULT_ROOT_USERNAME)
            self.options.setifnone('password_iq', DEFAULT_ROOT_PASSWORD)

        super(ScaleCheck, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        configifc = ConfigInterface()
        config = configifc.open()

        if not config.paths:
            LOG.info('Test runner sanity skipped.')

        assert config.paths.build, 'CM Build path is not set in the config'
        assert config.paths.logs, 'Logs path is not set in the config'

        sample = os.path.join(config.paths.build, 'bigip')
        if not os.path.exists(sample):
            raise StageError("%s does not exist" % sample)

        sample = config.paths.get('logs')
        sample = os.path.expanduser(sample)
        sample = os.path.expandvars(sample)
        if not os.access(sample, os.W_OK):
            raise StageError("Logs dir: %s is not writable" % sample)

        stats = os.statvfs(sample)
        if not (stats.f_bsize * stats.f_bavail) / 1024**2 > 100:
            raise StageError("Logs dir: %s has not enough space left" % sample)

        LOG.info('Test runner sanity check passed!')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, options, address=None):
        self.options = Options(options)

        self.address = ConfigInterface().get_device_address(options.device) \
                       if self.options.device else address

        if self.options.alias is None:
            self.options.alias = []

        super(WebCert, self).__init__()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, options, address=None):
        self.options = Options(options)

        if self.options.device:
            self.address = ConfigInterface().get_device_address(options.device)
            self.address = address

        LOG.info('Doing: %s', self.address)
        super(KeySwap, self).__init__()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, options, address=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.context = O()
        self.options = O(options)

        self.options.setifnone('node_count', DEFAULT_NODES)
        self.options.setifnone('pool_count', DEFAULT_POOLS)
        self.options.setifnone('pool_members', DEFAULT_MEMBERS)
        self.options.setifnone('vip_count', DEFAULT_VIPS)
        self.options.setifnone('node_start', DEFAULT_NODE_START)
        self.options.setifnone('partitions', DEFAULT_PARTITIONS)
        self.options.setifnone('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

        if self.options.device:
            self.device = ConfigInterface().get_device(options.device)
            self.address = self.device.address
            self.device = None
            self.address = address
            self.options.setifnone('username', DEFAULT_ROOT_USERNAME)
            self.options.setifnone('password', DEFAULT_ROOT_PASSWORD)

        # can.* shortcuts to check for certain features based on the version
        self.can = O()

        def can_tmsh(v):
            return (v.product.is_bigip and v >= 'bigip 11.0.0' or
                    v.product.is_em and v >= 'em 2.0.0' or
        self.can.tmsh = can_tmsh

        def can_provision(v):
            return (v.product.is_bigip and v >= 'bigip 10.0.1' or
                    v.product.is_em and v >= 'em 2.0.0' or
        self.can.provision = can_provision

        def can_lvm(sshifc):
            return not sshifc('/usr/lib/install/lvmtest').status
        self.can.lvm = can_lvm

        self.has = O()

        def has_asm(s):
            return bool(SCMD.tmsh.get_provision(ifc=s).asm)
        self.has.asm = has_asm

        def has_lvm(s):
            return not s('/usr/lib/install/lvmtest').status
        self.has.lvm = has_lvm

        super(ConfigPlacer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def set_defaults(self):
        if self.options.device:
            device = ConfigInterface().get_device(self.options.device)
            self.address = device.get_address()
            self.options.admin_username = device.get_admin_creds().username
            self.options.admin_password = device.get_admin_creds().password
            self.options.root_username = device.get_root_creds().username
            self.options.root_password = device.get_root_creds().password
            self.options.ssl_port = device.ports.get('https', 443)
            self.options.ssh_port = device.ports.get('ssh', 22)

        self.options.setdefault('admin_username', ADMIN_USERNAME)
        self.options.setdefault('admin_password', ADMIN_PASSWORD)
        self.options.setdefault('root_username', ROOT_USERNAME)
        self.options.setdefault('root_password', ROOT_PASSWORD)
        self.options.setdefault('build_path', cm.ROOT_PATH)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def process_stages(stages, section, context, stop_on_error=True):
    if not stages:
        LOG.debug('No stages found.')

    # Replicate the "_enabled" flag.

    # Build the stage map with *ALL* defined stage classes in this file.
    stages_map = {}
    for value in list(globals().values()):
        if inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value,
                                                 Stage) and value != Stage:
            stages_map[value.name] = value

    # Focus only on our stages section
    for key in section.split('.'):
        stages = stages.get(key, Options())

    # Sort stages by priority attribute and stage name.
    stages = sorted(iter(stages.items()),
                    key=lambda x: (isinstance(x[1], dict) and x[1].get(
                        PRIORITY_KEY, DEFAULT_PRIORITY), x[0]))

    config = ConfigInterface().config
    # Group stages of the same type. The we spin up one thread per stage in a
    # group and wait for threads within a group to finish.
    sg_dict = {}
    sg_list = []
    for name, specs in stages:
        if not specs or name.startswith('_'):
        assert TYPE_KEY in specs, "%s stage is invalid. No type specified." % name

        specs = Options(specs)
        key = specs.get(GROUP_KEY, "{0}-{1}".format(name, specs[TYPE_KEY]))

        group = sg_dict.get(key)
        if not group:
            sg_dict[key] = []
        sg_dict[key].append((name, specs))

    LOG.debug("sg_list: %s", sg_list)
    for stages in sg_list:
        q = Queue()
        pool = []
        for stage in stages:
            description, specs = stage
            if not specs or not to_bool(specs.get(ENABLE_KEY)):

            LOG.info("Processing stage: %s", description)
            # items() reverts <Options> to a simple <dict>
            specs = Options(specs)
            if not stages_map.get(specs[TYPE_KEY]):
                LOG.warning("Stage '%s' (%s) not defined.", description,

            stage_class = stages_map[specs[TYPE_KEY]]
            parameters = specs.get(PARAMETERS_KEY) or Options()
            parameters._context = context

            devices = expand_devices(specs)
            if devices is None:
            elif devices == []:
                LOG.error("Stage %s requires devices but found none" %
                if not devices:
                    LOG.warning('No devices found for stage %s', description)

                if specs.get('shuffle', False):

                for device in devices:
                    stage = stage_class(device, parameters)
                    name = '%s :: %s' % (
                        description, device.alias) if device else description
                    t = MacroThread(stage, q, name=name)
                    if not stage_class.parallelizable or not specs.get(
                            'parallelizable', True):

                    # Cap the number parallel threads
                    if len(pool) >= specs.get('threads', MAX_THREADS):
                        list(map(lambda x: x.join(), pool))
                        pool[:] = []

        LOG.debug('Waiting for threads...')
        for t in pool:

        if not q.empty():
            stages = []
            while not q.empty():
                ret = q.get(block=False)
                thread, exc_info = ret.popitem()
                stages.append((thread, exc_info))
                LOG.error('Exception while "%s"', thread.getName())
                for line in traceback.format_exception(*exc_info):

            if stop_on_error:
                raise StageError(stages)