Ejemplo n.º 1
def cloud_test(cloud=None, datastore=None, destroy_vm="True"):
    Run the cloud tests. This defaults to running on local vagrant
    machines, but can also be pointed to an arbitrary host (e.g. amazon) by
    passing "address:port" as arguments

    cloud: The ssh address string of the machine to run the cloud
        on. Formatted as "host:port". If not specified, defaults to
        the `cloud` vagrant box.

    datastore: The ssh address string of the machine to run the datastore on
        on. Formatted as "host:port". If not specified, defaults to the
        `datastore` vagrant box.
    destroy_vm = bool(strtobool(destroy_vm))

    # Setup the datastore: use the provided test machine if given, else default
    # to the vagrant machine
    if not datastore:
        datastore = vagrant_setup("datastore", destroy_vm)
        ansible_setup(datastore, "datastore", "datastore.dev.yml")

    # Setup the cloud: use the provided address if given, else default to the
    # vagrant machine
    if not cloud:
        cloud = vagrant_setup("cloud", destroy_vm)
        ansible_setup(cloud, "magma-cloud-dev", "cloud.dev.yml")
        env.host_string = cloud
        (env.user, _, _) = split_hoststring(cloud)

    with cd('~/magma/orc8r/cloud'):
        run('make cover')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def package(feg_host=None, vcs="hg", force=False):
    Create deploy package and push to S3. This defaults to running on local
    vagrant feg VM machines, but can also be pointed to an arbitrary host
    (e.g. amazon) by specifying a VM.

    feg_host: The ssh address string of the machine to run the package
        command. Formatted as "<user>@<host>:<port>". If not specified,
        defaults to the `feg` vagrant VM.

    vcs: version control system used, "hg" or "git".

    force: Bypass local commits or changes check if set to True.
    if not force and pkg.check_commit_changes():
        abort("Local changes or commits not allowed")

    if feg_host:
        env.host_string = feg_host
        (env.user, _, _) = split_hoststring(feg_host)

    target = "/tmp/magmadeploy_feg"
    run("rm -rf %s" % target)
    run("mkdir -p %s" % target)

    return _push_archive_to_s3(vcs, target)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _package_vagrant_zip(service, folder, cloud_host, commit_hash):
    if cloud_host != "":
        env.host_string = cloud_host
        (env.user, _, _) = split_hoststring(cloud_host)

    run("rm -rf %s" % folder)
    run("mkdir -p %s" % folder)

    with cd('magma/orc8r/cloud/deploy'):
        run('cp -pr aws/%s_appspec.yml %s/appspec.yml' % (service, folder))
        run('cp -pr aws/scripts %s/.' % folder)
        run("mkdir -p %s/ansible/roles" % folder)
        run('cp -pr %s.yml %s/ansible/main.yml' % (service, folder))
        run('cp -pr roles/aws_setup %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
        run('cp -pr roles/osquery %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
        run('cp -pr roles/service_registry %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)

        if service == "metrics":
            run('cp -pr roles/prometheus %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
            run('cp -pr roles/third_party/graphite %s/ansible/roles.' % folder)
            run('cp -pr roles/%s %s/ansible/roles/.' % (service, folder))

        if service == "controller":
            run('cp -pr /etc/magma %s/configs' % folder)
            run('cp -pr files/scripts/setup_swagger_ui %s/scripts/.' % folder)
            run('cp -pr files/static/apidocs %s/.' % folder)
        if service == "proxy":
            run('cp -pr /etc/magma %s/configs' % folder)
            run('cp -pr roles/disk_metrics %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
            run('cp -pr ../../../orc8r/tools/ansible/roles/pkgrepo '
                '%s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)

    # Build Go binaries and plugins
    if service == "metrics":
        run("make -C magma/orc8r/cloud/go/services/metricsd/prometheus/prometheus-cache build")

    run('cp -pr go/plugins %s' % folder)
    _copy_go_binaries(service, folder)

    pkg_name = "magma_%s_%s" % (service, commit_hash)
    with cd(folder):
        run('zip -r %s *' % (pkg_name))
    get('%s/%s.zip' % (folder, pkg_name), '%s/%s.zip' % (folder, pkg_name))
    run('rm -rf %s' % folder)
    return "%s.zip" % pkg_name
Ejemplo n.º 4
def package(service, cloud_host=None, vcs="hg", force=False):
    Create deploy package and push to S3. This defaults to running on local
    vagrant cloud VM machines, but can also be pointed to an arbitrary host
    (e.g. amazon) by specifying a VM.

    cloud_host: The ssh address string of the machine to run the package
        command. Formatted as "<user>@<host>:<port>". If not specified,
        defaults to the `cloud` vagrant VM.

    vcs: version control system used, "hg" or "git".

    force: Bypass local commits or changes check if set to True.
    # Check that we have no local changes or commits at this point
    if not force and pkg.check_commit_changes():
        abort("Local changes or commits not allowed")


    if cloud_host:
        env.host_string = cloud_host
        (env.user, _, _) = split_hoststring(cloud_host)

    # Use same temp folder name for local and VM operations
    folder = "/tmp/magmadeploy_%s" % service
    local("rm -rf %s" % folder)
    local("mkdir -p %s" % folder)
    run("rm -rf %s" % folder)
    run("mkdir -p %s" % folder)

    with cd('magma/orc8r/cloud/deploy'):
        run('cp -pr aws/%s_appspec.yml %s/appspec.yml' % (service, folder))
        run('cp -pr aws/scripts %s/.' % folder)
        run("mkdir -p %s/ansible/roles" % folder)
        run('cp -pr %s.yml %s/ansible/main.yml' % (service, folder))
        run('cp -pr roles/%s %s/ansible/roles/.' % (service, folder))
        run('cp -pr roles/aws_setup %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
        run('cp -pr roles/osquery %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
        run('cp -pr roles/service_registry %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)

        if service == "controller":
            run('cp -pr /etc/magma %s/configs' % folder)
            run('cp -pr files/scripts/setup_swagger_ui %s/scripts/.' % folder)
            run('cp -pr files/static/apidocs %s/.' % folder)
        if service == "proxy":
            run('cp -pr /etc/magma %s/configs' % folder)
            run('cp -pr roles/disk_metrics %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
            run('cp -pr ../../../orc8r/tools/ansible/roles/pkgrepo '
                '%s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
        if service == 'prometheus':
            run('cp -pr roles/prometheus %s/ansible/roles/.' % folder)
            run('mkdir -p %s/bin' % folder)  # To make CodeDeploy happy

    # Build Go binaries and plugins
    run('cp -pr go/plugins %s' % folder)
    _copy_go_binaries(service, folder)

    # Zip and push to s3
    pkg_name = "magma_%s_%s" % (service, pkg.get_commit_hash(vcs))
    _push_archive_to_s3(service, folder, pkg_name)
    run('rm -rf %s' % folder)
    local('rm -rf %s' % folder)
    return "%s.zip" % pkg_name
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_test_logs(gateway_host=None, test_host=None, trf_host=None):
    Downloads the relevant magma logs from the given gateway and test machines.
    Places the logs in /tmp/build_logs.zip

    gateway_host: The ssh address string of the gateway machine formatted as
        "host:port". If not specified, defaults to the `magma` vagrant box.

    test_host: The ssh address string of the test machine formatted as
        "host:port". If not specified, defaults to the `magma_test` vagrant

    trf_host: The ssh address string of the machine to run the TrafficServer
        on. Formatted as "host:port". If not specified, defaults to the
        `magma_trfserver` vagrant box.

    # Grab the build logs from the machines and bring them to the host
    local('rm -rf /tmp/build_logs')
    local('mkdir /tmp/build_logs')
    local('mkdir /tmp/build_logs/dev')
    local('mkdir /tmp/build_logs/test')
    local('mkdir /tmp/build_logs/trfserver')
    dev_files = ['/var/log/mme.log', '/var/log/syslog']
    test_files = ['/var/log/syslog', '/tmp/fw/']
    trf_files = ['/home/admin/nohup.out']

    # Set up to enter the gateway host
    env.host_string = gateway_host
    if not gateway_host:
        gateway_host = env.hosts[0]
    (env.user, _, _) = split_hoststring(gateway_host)

    # Don't fail if the logs don't exists
    for p in dev_files:
        with settings(warn_only=True):

    # Set up to enter the trfserver host
    env.host_string = trf_host
    if not trf_host:
        trf_host = env.hosts[0]
    (env.user, _, _) = split_hoststring(trf_host)

    # Don't fail if the logs don't exists
    for p in trf_files:
        with settings(warn_only=True):

    # Set up to enter the test host
    env.host_string = test_host
    if not test_host:
        test_host = env.hosts[0]
    (env.user, _, _) = split_hoststring(test_host)

    # Fix the permissions on the fw directory -- it has permissions 000
    # otherwise
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('sudo chmod 755 /tmp/fw')

    # Don't fail if the logs don't exists
    for p in test_files:
        with settings(warn_only=True):

    local('rm -rf /tmp/build_logs.zip')
    local('zip -r /tmp/build_logs.zip /tmp/build_logs')
    local('rm -rf /tmp/build_logs')