Ejemplo n.º 1
def ec2_up(db):
    log('ec2_up on ' + db)
    include_management_node = get_db(db)['has_management_node']

    dbs = [('DB', host_counts['DB']), ('YCSB', host_counts['YCSB'])]

    if include_management_node:
        dbs += [('DB_MAN', 1)]

    log('booting nodes for tags %s' % ", ".join([x[0] for x in dbs]))

    # Start eveything up first (as slow)
    for tag in dbs:
        start(tag[0], tag[1])

    # Configure
    for tag in dbs:
        configure_machine_and_reboot(tag[0], tag[1])


    # Check started
    print emphasis(
        "waiting for hosts to start after reboot - ctr-c if you don't want to wait"
    for tag in dbs:
        helper.wait_for_tagged_hosts_to_start(tag[0], tag[1])
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ycsb.py Proyecto: yife/ycsb
def clean_logs(force=False, db=None):
    """Removes all logs from /dev/shm"""
    home = '/dev/shm'
    if db:
        database = get_db(db)
        home = database['home']
    if force or confirm(red("Do you want to clear all logs from RAM?")):
        run('rm -rf %s/*' % home)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def clean_logs(force=False, db=None):
    """Removes all logs from /run/shm"""
    home = '/run/shm'
    if db:
        database = get_db(db)
        home = database['home']
    if force or confirm(red("Do you want to clear all logs from RAM?")):
        run('rm -rf %s/*' % home)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def call(self):
     database = get_db(self.db)
     the_time = self.time
     def inner():
         command = _at(prepare_startcmd(database), the_time)
         run(command, shell=True)
     with almost_nothing():
         tasks.execute(inner, hosts=self.hosts)
     print green("at %s submitted server start (%s)" % (self.time, self.hosts))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def call(self):
        database = get_db(self.db)
        the_time = self.time

        def inner():
            with cd(self.dir_name):
                command = _at(prepare_killcmd(database), the_time)

        with almost_nothing():
            tasks.execute(inner, hosts=self.hosts)
        print "at %s submitted server kill (%s)" % (self.time, self.hosts)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def initialize_servers(db):
    Prepares server hosts to run the failover test
    database = get_db(db)
    local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    def inner_initialize():
        for file in database['failover']['files']:
            put(os.path.join(local_dir, file), file, mode=0744)
        print green('host %s initialized ' % hosts.env.host)
    with almost_nothing():
        tasks.execute(inner_initialize, hosts=servers)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run_workload(db, workload, target=None):
    """Starts running of the workload"""
    timestamp = base_time()
    print green(timestamp, bold = True)
    database = get_db(db)
    load = get_workload(workload)
    with cd(database['home']):
        if target is not None:
            part = int(target) / len(env.roledefs['client'])
            run(_at(_ycsbruncmd(database, load, timestamp, part), timestamp))
            run(_at(_ycsbruncmd(database, load, timestamp), timestamp))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def call(self):
        database = get_db(self.db)
        the_time = self.time

        def inner():
            command = _at(prepare_startcmd(database), the_time)
            run(command, shell=True)

        with almost_nothing():
            tasks.execute(inner, hosts=self.hosts)
        print green("at %s submitted server start (%s)" %
                    (self.time, self.hosts))
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: ycsb.py Proyecto: yife/ycsb
def run_workload(db, workload, target=None):
    """Starts running of the workload"""
    timestamp = base_time()
    print green(timestamp, bold=True)
    database = get_db(db)
    load = get_workload(workload)
    with cd(database['home']):
        if target is not None:
            part = int(target) / len(env.roledefs['client'])
            run(_at(_ycsbruncmd(database, load, timestamp, part), timestamp))
            run(_at(_ycsbruncmd(database, load, timestamp), timestamp))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def load(db, target=None):
    """Starts loading of data to the database"""
    timestamp = base_time()
    print green(timestamp, bold = True)
    clientno = _client_no()
    database = get_db(db)
    with cd(database['home']):
        if target is not None:
            part = int(target) / len(env.roledefs['client'])
            run(_at(_ycsbloadcmd(database, clientno, timestamp, part), timestamp))
            run(_at(_ycsbloadcmd(database, clientno, timestamp), timestamp))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def initialize_servers(db):
    Prepares server hosts to run the failover test
    database = get_db(db)
    local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    def inner_initialize():
        for file in database['failover']['files']:
            put(os.path.join(local_dir, file), file, mode=0744)
        print green('host %s initialized ' % hosts.env.host)

    with almost_nothing():
        tasks.execute(inner_initialize, hosts=servers)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: ycsb.py Proyecto: yife/ycsb
def status(db):
    """ Shows status of the currently running YCSBs """
    with almost_nothing():
        database = get_db(db)
        dir_name = database['home']
        with cd(database['home']):
            # we need to provide the info for the latest modified
            # file, therefore we need to check the times
            # recursively list all err files and modification times
            lines = run('find . -name "*.err" -printf "%p %T@\n"').split(

            def extract(line):
                (f, t) = line.split(' ')
                (d, f) = os.path.split(f)
                return (d, f, float(t))

            def order(t):
                return -t[2]

            if lines and not (len(lines) == 1 and not lines[0]):
                files = sorted(map(extract, lines), key=order)
                (d, f, t) = files[0]
                dir_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(database['home'], d))
        with cd(dir_name):
            ls_out = run('ls --format=single-column --sort=t *.lock')
            msg = green('free') if 'cannot access' in ls_out else red('locked')
            print blue('Lock:', bold=True), msg
            print blue('Scheduled:', bold=True)
            # print run('tail -n 2 /var/spool/cron/atjobs/*')
            print sudo('atq')
            print blue('Running:', bold=True)
            print run('ps -f -C java')
            # print run('ps aux | grep python')
            # sort the output of ls by date, the first entry should be the *.err needed
            ls_out = run('ls --format=single-column --sort=t *.err')
            if 'cannot access' in ls_out:
                logfile = '<no any *.err files>'
                tail = ''
                ls = ls_out.split("\r\n")
                logfile = ls[0]
                tail = run('tail %s' % logfile)
            print blue('Dir:', bold=True), green(dir_name, bold=True)
            print blue('Log:', bold=True), green(logfile, bold=True)
            print tail
            # print blue('List:', bold = True)
            # ls_out = run('ls --format=single-column --sort=t')
            # print ls_out
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: ycsb.py Proyecto: yife/ycsb
def load(db, target=None):
    """Starts loading of data to the database"""
    timestamp = base_time()
    print green(timestamp, bold=True)
    clientno = _client_no()
    database = get_db(db)
    with cd(database['home']):
        if target is not None:
            part = int(target) / len(env.roledefs['client'])
                _at(_ycsbloadcmd(database, clientno, timestamp, part),
            run(_at(_ycsbloadcmd(database, clientno, timestamp), timestamp))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def db_up(db, force=False):
    force = bool(force)
    log('db_up: '+db)

    actions = get_db(db)['actions']

    if force or not amazon_helper.stage_complete("DB","db-install"):
        log('Installing %s' % db)
    else :
        print 'Skipping install of '+db

    log('Starting %s' % db)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def submit_workload(the_hosts, dir_name, db, workload, the_time, target = None):
    Schedules the workload.
    Note: we cannot use ycsb.workload, because it is decorated
    database = get_db(db)
    load = get_workload(workload)
    def inner_submit_workload():
        with cd(dir_name):
            param = int(target) / len(the_hosts) if target is not None else None
            # command = prepare_ycsbruncmd(database, load, the_time, param)
            command = _at(prepare_ycsbruncmd(the_hosts, dir_name, database, load, the_time, param), the_time)

    with almost_nothing():
        tasks.execute(inner_submit_workload, hosts=the_hosts)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def status(db):
    """ Shows status of the currently running YCSBs """
    with almost_nothing():
        database = get_db(db)
        dir_name = database['home']
        with cd(database['home']):
            # we need to provide the info for the latest modified
            # file, therefore we need to check the times
            # recursively list all err files and modification times
            lines = run('find . -name "*.err" -printf "%p %T@\n"').split('\r\n')
            def extract(line):
                (f, t) = line.split(' ')
                (d, f) = os.path.split(f)
                return (d, f, float(t))
            def order(t):
                return -t[2]
            if lines and not (len(lines) == 1 and not lines[0]):
                files = sorted(map(extract, lines), key = order)
                (d, f, t) = files[0]
                dir_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(database['home'], d))
        with cd(dir_name):
            ls_out = run('ls --format=single-column --sort=t *.lock')
            msg = green('free') if 'cannot access' in ls_out else red('locked')
            print blue('Lock:', bold = True), msg
            print blue('Scheduled:', bold = True)
            # print run('tail -n 2 /var/spool/cron/atjobs/*')
            print sudo('atq')
            print blue('Running:', bold = True)
            print run('ps -f -C java')
            # print run('ps aux | grep python')
            # sort the output of ls by date, the first entry should be the *.err needed
            ls_out = run('ls --format=single-column --sort=t *.err')
            if 'cannot access' in ls_out:
                logfile = '<no any *.err files>'
                tail = ''
                ls = ls_out.split("\r\n")
                logfile = ls[0]
                tail = run('tail %s' % logfile)
            print blue('Dir:', bold = True), green(dir_name, bold = True)
            print blue('Log:', bold = True), green(logfile, bold = True)
            print tail
            # print blue('List:', bold = True)
            # ls_out = run('ls --format=single-column --sort=t')
            # print ls_out
Ejemplo n.º 17
def submit_workload(the_hosts, dir_name, db, workload, the_time, target=None):
    Schedules the workload.
    Note: we cannot use ycsb.workload, because it is decorated
    database = get_db(db)
    load = get_workload(workload)

    def inner_submit_workload():
        with cd(dir_name):
            param = int(target) / len(
                the_hosts) if target is not None else None
            # command = prepare_ycsbruncmd(database, load, the_time, param)
            command = _at(
                prepare_ycsbruncmd(the_hosts, dir_name, database, load,
                                   the_time, param), the_time)

    with almost_nothing():
        tasks.execute(inner_submit_workload, hosts=the_hosts)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test():
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_log(db, regex='.*', do=False):
    """ Download *.err and *.out logs satisfying the regex to be transferred
    OR transfer all logs in the batch dir

    database = get_db(db)
    with almost_nothing():
        cn = _client_no() + 1
        with cd(database['home']):
            (f0, is_dir) = determine_file(regex)
            print blue('Filename at c%s: ' % cn, bold = True), green(f0, bold = True)
        # now do the processing, if enabled
        #If do is presented, then do is str. bool(str) = True if str is not empty
        #May be we should process str as bool?
        if do:
            with cd(database['home']):
                if is_dir:
                    tempdir_local = '%s/c%s' % (tempfile.gettempdir(), cn)
                    dir_local = './%s-c%s' % (f0, cn)
                    bz2_remote = '%s-c%s-dir.bz2' % (f0, cn)
                    bz2_full_local = '%s/%s-dir.bz2' % (tempdir_local, f0)
                    # packing
                    print blue('c%s packing ...' % cn)
                    #run('tar -jcvf %s %s' % (bz2_remote, f0))
                    #To ignore huge err files.
                    run('tar -jcvf %s %s/*.out' % (bz2_remote, f0))
                    # download them
                    print blue('c%s transferring to %s...' % (cn, tempdir_local))
                    get(bz2_remote, bz2_full_local)
                    # the files are here, remove remote bz2
                    run('rm -f %s' % bz2_remote)
                    # unpacking to temp dir
                    print blue('c%s unpacking ...' % cn)
                    local('tar -xvf %s -C %s' % (bz2_full_local, tempdir_local))
                    print blue('c%s moving to current dir ...' % cn)
                    # remove the old version of the dir
                    # TODO maybe use versioning?
                    local('rm -rf %s' % dir_local)
                    local('mkdir -p %s' % dir_local)
                    local('mv %s/%s/* %s' % (tempdir_local, f0, dir_local))
                    # additional step - rename all the files
                    # *.err and *.out in the folder
                    rename_cmd = 'for i in ./%s/*.*; do  ' \
                                 ' ext="${i##*.}"      ; ' \
                                 ' fil="${i%%.*}-c%s"  ; ' \
                                 ' mv "$i" "$fil.$ext" ; ' \
                                 'done' % (dir_local, cn)
                    local('rm -rf %s' % tempdir_local)
                    tempdir_local = '%s/c%s' % (tempfile.gettempdir(), cn)
                    bz2err_remote = '%s-c%s-err.bz2' % (f0, cn)
                    bz2out_remote = '%s-c%s-out.bz2' % (f0, cn)
                    bz2err_full_local = '%s/%s-err.bz2' % (tempdir_local, f0)
                    bz2out_full_local = '%s/%s-out.bz2' % (tempdir_local, f0)
                    # packing
                    print blue('c%s packing ...' % cn)
                    run('tar -jcvf %s %s.err' % (bz2err_remote, f0))
                    run('tar -jcvf %s %s.out' % (bz2out_remote, f0))
                    # download them
                    print blue('c%s transferring to %s...' % (cn, tempdir_local))
                    get(bz2err_remote, bz2err_full_local)
                    get(bz2out_remote, bz2out_full_local)
                    # the files are here, remove remote bz2
                    run('rm -f %s' % bz2err_remote)
                    run('rm -f %s' % bz2out_remote)
                    # unpacking to temp dir
                    print blue('c%s unpacking ...' % cn)
                    local('tar -xvf %s -C %s' % (bz2err_full_local, tempdir_local))
                    local('tar -xvf %s -C %s' % (bz2out_full_local, tempdir_local))
                    # unpacked ok, remove local bz2
                    #local('rm -f %s' % bz2err_full_local)
                    #local('rm -f %s' % bz2out_full_local)
                    print blue('c%s moving to current dir ...' % cn)
                    local('mv %s/%s.err ./%s-c%s.err' % (tempdir_local, f0, f0, cn))
                    local('mv %s/%s.out ./%s-c%s.out' % (tempdir_local, f0, f0, cn))
                    local('rm -rf %s' % tempdir_local)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def initialize(the_hosts, db):
    Prepares hosts to run the series
    database = get_db(db)
    db_home = database['home']
    pf = compile('^%s' % database['name'])
    pn = compile('(\d+)/$')
    nos = [0]

    def inner_initialize_0():
        #    sudo('yum -y install at')
        #    sudo('service atd start')
        #    sudo('sudo yum install -y java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel')
        #    with cd('/opt'):
        #        put('../distribution/target/ycsb-0.1.4.tar.gz', '/run/shm/ycsb.tar.gz')
        #        sudo('rm -r ycsb-0.1.4')
        #        sudo('tar xzvf /run/shm/ycsb.tar.gz')
        #        sudo('ln -s /opt/ycsb-0.1.4 /opt/ycsb')
        #        print 'ycsb deployed'
        sudo('mkdir -p %s ; chmod 1777 %s' % (db_home, db_home))
        with cd(db_home):
            ls = run("ls --format=single-column --sort=t -d -- */")
            # the most recent file satisfying pattern
            if ls:
                ls = ls.split('\r\n')
                file_names = [f for f in ls if pf.search(f)]
                for file_name in file_names:
                    mn = pn.search(file_name)
                    if mn:
                        nos.append(int(mn.group(1)) + 1)
        # find the maximum number for all of the hosts

    with almost_nothing():
        tasks.execute(inner_initialize_0, hosts=the_hosts)
        # now form the dir name
    dir_name = os.path.join(database['home'],
                            '%s_%02d' % (database['name'], max(nos)))

    def inner_initialize_1():
        run('mkdir %s ' % dir_name)
        series_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        local_benchmark_script = os.path.join(series_dir, benchmark_script)
        if LOCAL:
            with cd(dir_name):
                run('rm -rf ./*')
                put(local_benchmark_script, benchmark_script, mode=0744)
            #                run('sed -i "s/\/opt\/ycsb\/bin\/ycsb \$\*/python nbody.py \$\*/g" %s' % benchmark_script)
            # if not LOCAL
            with cd(dir_name):
                put(local_benchmark_script, benchmark_script, mode=0744)

        # continue init
        # clear all the tasks that submitted so far
        with cd(dir_name):
            tasks = run('atq').split('\r\n')
            tid = []
            for task in tasks:
                m = search('^(\d+)\t', task)
                if m:
            if tid:
                run('atrm %s' % ' '.join(tid))
            print green('host %s initialized ' % hosts.env.host)

    with almost_nothing():
        tasks.execute(inner_initialize_1, hosts=the_hosts)

    return dir_name
Ejemplo n.º 21
def db_status(db):
    """Shows the status of the DB"""
    database = get_db(db)
    with settings(hide('stdout'), hosts=database['status']['hosts']):
        print run(database['status']['command'])
Ejemplo n.º 22
def db_down(db):
    log('db_down: '+db)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def initialize(the_hosts, db):
    Prepares hosts to run the series
    database = get_db(db)
    db_home = database['home']
    pf = compile('^%s' % database['name'])
    pn = compile('(\d+)/$')
    nos = [0]

    def inner_initialize_0():
    #    sudo('yum -y install at')
    #    sudo('service atd start')
    #    sudo('sudo yum install -y java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel')
    #    with cd('/opt'):
    #        put('../distribution/target/ycsb-0.1.4.tar.gz', '/run/shm/ycsb.tar.gz')
    #        sudo('rm -r ycsb-0.1.4')
    #        sudo('tar xzvf /run/shm/ycsb.tar.gz')
    #        sudo('ln -s /opt/ycsb-0.1.4 /opt/ycsb')
    #        print 'ycsb deployed'
        sudo('mkdir -p %s ; chmod 1777 %s' % (db_home, db_home))
        with cd(db_home):
            ls = run("ls --format=single-column --sort=t -d -- */")
            # the most recent file satisfying pattern
            if ls:
                ls = ls.split('\r\n')
                file_names = [f for f in ls if pf.search(f)]
                for file_name in file_names:
                    mn = pn.search(file_name)
                    if mn:
                        nos.append(int(mn.group(1)) + 1)
        # find the maximum number for all of the hosts
    with almost_nothing():
        tasks.execute(inner_initialize_0, hosts=the_hosts)
        # now form the dir name
    dir_name = os.path.join(database['home'], '%s_%02d' % (database['name'], max(nos)))
    def inner_initialize_1():
        run('mkdir %s ' % dir_name)
        series_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        local_benchmark_script = os.path.join(series_dir, benchmark_script)
        if LOCAL:
            with cd(dir_name):
                run('rm -rf ./*')
                put(local_benchmark_script, benchmark_script, mode=0744)
            #                run('sed -i "s/\/opt\/ycsb\/bin\/ycsb \$\*/python nbody.py \$\*/g" %s' % benchmark_script)
            # if not LOCAL
            with cd(dir_name):
                put(local_benchmark_script, benchmark_script, mode=0744)

        # continue init
        # clear all the tasks that submitted so far
        with cd(dir_name):
            tasks = run('atq').split('\r\n')
            tid = []
            for task in tasks:
                m = search('^(\d+)\t', task)
                if m:
            if tid:
                run('atrm %s' % ' '.join(tid))
            print green('host %s initialized ' % hosts.env.host)

    with almost_nothing():
        tasks.execute(inner_initialize_1, hosts=the_hosts)

    return dir_name
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: ycsb.py Proyecto: yife/ycsb
def get_log(db, regex='.*', do=False):
    """ Download *.err and *.out logs satisfying the regex to be transferred
    OR transfer all logs in the batch dir

    database = get_db(db)
    with almost_nothing():
        cn = _client_no() + 1
        with cd(database['home']):
            (f0, is_dir) = determine_file(regex)
            print blue('Filename at c%s: ' % cn, bold=True), green(f0,
        # now do the processing, if enabled
        #If do is presented, then do is str. bool(str) = True if str is not empty
        #May be we should process str as bool?
        if do:
            with cd(database['home']):
                if is_dir:
                    tempdir_local = '%s/c%s' % (tempfile.gettempdir(), cn)
                    dir_local = './%s-c%s' % (f0, cn)
                    bz2_remote = '%s-c%s-dir.bz2' % (f0, cn)
                    bz2_full_local = '%s/%s-dir.bz2' % (tempdir_local, f0)
                    # packing
                    print blue('c%s packing ...' % cn)
                    #run('tar -jcvf %s %s' % (bz2_remote, f0))
                    #To ignore huge err files.
                    run('tar -jcvf %s %s/*.out' % (bz2_remote, f0))
                    # download them
                    print blue('c%s transferring to %s...' %
                               (cn, tempdir_local))
                    get(bz2_remote, bz2_full_local)
                    # the files are here, remove remote bz2
                    run('rm -f %s' % bz2_remote)
                    # unpacking to temp dir
                    print blue('c%s unpacking ...' % cn)
                    local('tar -xvf %s -C %s' %
                          (bz2_full_local, tempdir_local))
                    print blue('c%s moving to current dir ...' % cn)
                    # remove the old version of the dir
                    # TODO maybe use versioning?
                    local('rm -rf %s' % dir_local)
                    local('mkdir -p %s' % dir_local)
                    local('mv %s/%s/* %s' % (tempdir_local, f0, dir_local))
                    # additional step - rename all the files
                    # *.err and *.out in the folder
                    rename_cmd = 'for i in ./%s/*.*; do  ' \
                                 ' ext="${i##*.}"      ; ' \
                                 ' fil="${i%%.*}-c%s"  ; ' \
                                 ' mv "$i" "$fil.$ext" ; ' \
                                 'done' % (dir_local, cn)
                    local('rm -rf %s' % tempdir_local)
                    tempdir_local = '%s/c%s' % (tempfile.gettempdir(), cn)
                    bz2err_remote = '%s-c%s-err.bz2' % (f0, cn)
                    bz2out_remote = '%s-c%s-out.bz2' % (f0, cn)
                    bz2err_full_local = '%s/%s-err.bz2' % (tempdir_local, f0)
                    bz2out_full_local = '%s/%s-out.bz2' % (tempdir_local, f0)
                    # packing
                    print blue('c%s packing ...' % cn)
                    run('tar -jcvf %s %s.err' % (bz2err_remote, f0))
                    run('tar -jcvf %s %s.out' % (bz2out_remote, f0))
                    # download them
                    print blue('c%s transferring to %s...' %
                               (cn, tempdir_local))
                    get(bz2err_remote, bz2err_full_local)
                    get(bz2out_remote, bz2out_full_local)
                    # the files are here, remove remote bz2
                    run('rm -f %s' % bz2err_remote)
                    run('rm -f %s' % bz2out_remote)
                    # unpacking to temp dir
                    print blue('c%s unpacking ...' % cn)
                    local('tar -xvf %s -C %s' %
                          (bz2err_full_local, tempdir_local))
                    local('tar -xvf %s -C %s' %
                          (bz2out_full_local, tempdir_local))
                    # unpacked ok, remove local bz2
                    #local('rm -f %s' % bz2err_full_local)
                    #local('rm -f %s' % bz2out_full_local)
                    print blue('c%s moving to current dir ...' % cn)
                    local('mv %s/%s.err ./%s-c%s.err' %
                          (tempdir_local, f0, f0, cn))
                    local('mv %s/%s.out ./%s-c%s.out' %
                          (tempdir_local, f0, f0, cn))
                    local('rm -rf %s' % tempdir_local)