Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: io.py Proyecto: BeOleg/fabric
 def prompt(self):
     # Obtain cached password, if any
     password = get_password(*normalize(env.host_string))
     # Remove the prompt itself from the capture buffer. This is
     # backwards compatible with Fabric 0.9.x behavior; the user
     # will still see the prompt on their screen (no way to avoid
     # this) but at least it won't clutter up the captured text.
     del self.capture[-1 * len(env.sudo_prompt):]
     # If the password we just tried was bad, prompt the user again.
     if (not password) or self.reprompt:
         # Print the prompt and/or the "try again" notice if
         # output is being hidden. In other words, since we need
         # the user's input, they need to see why we're
         # prompting them.
         if not self.printing:
             if self.reprompt:
                 self._flush(env.again_prompt + '\n' + self.prefix)
         # Prompt for, and store, password. Give empty prompt so the
         # initial display "hides" just after the actually-displayed
         # prompt from the remote end.
         self.chan.input_enabled = False
         password = fabric.network.prompt_for_password(
             prompt=" ", no_colon=True, stream=self.stream
         self.chan.input_enabled = True
         # Update env.password, env.passwords if necessary
         user, host, port = normalize(env.host_string)
         set_password(user, host, port, password)
         # Reset reprompt flag
         self.reprompt = False
     # Send current password down the pipe
     self.chan.sendall(password + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def prompt(self):
        # Obtain cached password, if any
        password = get_password(*normalize(env.host_string))
        # Remove the prompt itself from the capture buffer. This is
        # backwards compatible with Fabric 0.9.x behavior; the user
        # will still see the prompt on their screen (no way to avoid
        # this) but at least it won't clutter up the captured text.

        # NOTE: Yes, the original RingBuffer from Fabric can do this more elegantly.
        #       This removes the last N elements from the list.
        _pop_count = min(len(self.capture), len(env.sudo_prompt))
        for i in range(0, _pop_count):

        # If the password we just tried was bad, prompt the user again.
        if (not password) or self.reprompt:
            # Print the prompt and/or the "try again" notice if
            # output is being hidden. In other words, since we need
            # the user's input, they need to see why we're
            # prompting them.
            if not self.printing:
                if self.reprompt:
                    self._flush(env.again_prompt + '\n' + self.prefix)
            # Prompt for, and store, password. Give empty prompt so the
            # initial display "hides" just after the actually-displayed
            # prompt from the remote end.
            self.chan.input_enabled = False
            password = fabric.network.prompt_for_password(
                prompt=" ", no_colon=True, stream=self.stream
            self.chan.input_enabled = True
            # Update env.password, env.passwords if necessary
            user, host, port = normalize(env.host_string)
            # TODO: in 2.x, make sure to only update sudo-specific password
            # config values, not login ones.
            set_password(user, host, port, password)
            # Reset reprompt flag
            self.reprompt = False
        # Send current password down the pipe
        self.chan.sendall(password + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def connect(user, host, port, cache, seek_gateway=True):
    Create and return a new SSHClient instance connected to given host.

    :param user: Username to connect as.

    :param host: Network hostname.

    :param port: SSH daemon port.

    :param cache:
        A ``HostConnectionCache`` instance used to cache/store gateway hosts
        when gatewaying is enabled.

    :param seek_gateway:
        Whether to try setting up a gateway socket for this connection. Used so
        the actual gateway connection can prevent recursion.
    from state import env, output

    # Initialization

    # Init client
    client = ssh.SSHClient()

    # Load system hosts file (e.g. /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts)
    known_hosts = env.get('system_known_hosts')
    if known_hosts:

    # Load known host keys (e.g. ~/.ssh/known_hosts) unless user says not to.
    if not env.disable_known_hosts:
    # Unless user specified not to, accept/add new, unknown host keys
    if not env.reject_unknown_hosts:

    # Connection attempt loop

    # Initialize loop variables
    connected = False
    password = get_password(user, host, port)
    tries = 0
    sock = None

    # Loop until successful connect (keep prompting for new password)
    while not connected:
        # Attempt connection
            tries += 1

            # (Re)connect gateway socket, if needed.
            # Nuke cached client object if not on initial try.
            if seek_gateway:
                sock = get_gateway(host, port, cache, replace=tries > 0)

            # Ready to connect
                allow_agent=not env.no_agent,
                look_for_keys=not env.no_keys,
            connected = True

            # set a keepalive if desired
            if env.keepalive:

            return client
        # BadHostKeyException corresponds to key mismatch, i.e. what on the
        # command line results in the big banner error about man-in-the-middle
        # attacks.
        except ssh.BadHostKeyException, e:
            raise NetworkError("Host key for %s did not match pre-existing key! Server's key was changed recently, or possible man-in-the-middle attack." % host, e)
        # Prompt for new password to try on auth failure
        except (
        ), e:
            msg = str(e)
            # If we get SSHExceptionError and the exception message indicates
            # SSH protocol banner read failures, assume it's caused by the
            # server load and try again.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException \
                and msg == 'Error reading SSH protocol banner':
                if _tried_enough(tries):
                    raise NetworkError(msg, e)

            # For whatever reason, empty password + no ssh key or agent
            # results in an SSHException instead of an
            # AuthenticationException. Since it's difficult to do
            # otherwise, we must assume empty password + SSHException ==
            # auth exception.
            # Conversely: if we get SSHException and there
            # *was* a password -- it is probably something non auth
            # related, and should be sent upwards. (This is not true if the
            # exception message does indicate key parse problems.)
            # This also holds true for rejected/unknown host keys: we have to
            # guess based on other heuristics.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException \
                and (password or msg.startswith('Unknown server')) \
                and not is_key_load_error(e):
                raise NetworkError(msg, e)

            # Otherwise, assume an auth exception, and prompt for new/better
            # password.

            # Paramiko doesn't handle prompting for locked private
            # keys (i.e.  keys with a passphrase and not loaded into an agent)
            # so we have to detect this and tweak our prompt slightly.
            # (Otherwise, however, the logic flow is the same, because
            # ssh's connect() method overrides the password argument to be
            # either the login password OR the private key passphrase. Meh.)
            # NOTE: This will come up if you normally use a
            # passphrase-protected private key with ssh-agent, and enter an
            # incorrect remote username, because ssh.connect:
            # * Tries the agent first, which will fail as you gave the wrong
            # username, so obviously any loaded keys aren't gonna work for a
            # nonexistent remote account;
            # * Then tries the on-disk key file, which is passphrased;
            # * Realizes there's no password to try unlocking that key with,
            # because you didn't enter a password, because you're using
            # ssh-agent;
            # * In this condition (trying a key file, password is None)
            # ssh raises PasswordRequiredException.
            text = None
            if e.__class__ is ssh.PasswordRequiredException \
                or is_key_load_error(e):
                # NOTE: we can't easily say WHICH key's passphrase is needed,
                # because ssh doesn't provide us with that info, and
                # env.key_filename may be a list of keys, so we can't know
                # which one raised the exception. Best not to try.
                prompt = "[%s] Passphrase for private key"
                text = prompt % env.host_string
            password = prompt_for_password(text)
            # Update env.password, env.passwords if empty
            set_password(user, host, port, password)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def output_loop(chan, which, capture):
    # Obtain stdout or stderr related values
    func = getattr(chan, which)
    if which == 'recv':
        prefix = "out"
        pipe = sys.stdout
        prefix = "err"
        pipe = sys.stderr
    printing = getattr(output, 'stdout' if (which == 'recv') else 'stderr')
    # Initialize loop variables
    reprompt = False
    initial_prefix_printed = False
    while True:
        # Handle actual read/write
        byte = func(1)
        if byte == '':
        # A None capture variable implies that we're in open_shell()
        if capture is None:
            # Just print directly -- no prefixes, no capturing, nada
            # And since we know we're using a pty in this mode, just go
            # straight to stdout.
            _flush(sys.stdout, byte)
        # Otherwise, we're in run/sudo and need to handle capturing and
        # prompts.
            _prefix = "[%s] %s: " % (env.host_string, prefix)
            # Print to user
            if printing:
                # Initial prefix
                if not initial_prefix_printed:
                    _flush(pipe, _prefix)
                    initial_prefix_printed = True
                # Byte itself
                _flush(pipe, byte)
                # Trailing prefix to start off next line
                if byte in ("\n", "\r"):
                    _flush(pipe, _prefix)
            # Store in capture buffer
            capture += byte
            # Handle prompts
            prompt = _endswith(capture, env.sudo_prompt)
            try_again = (_endswith(capture, env.again_prompt + '\n')
                or _endswith(capture, env.again_prompt + '\r\n'))
            if prompt:
                # Obtain cached password, if any
                password = get_password()
                # Remove the prompt itself from the capture buffer. This is
                # backwards compatible with Fabric 0.9.x behavior; the user
                # will still see the prompt on their screen (no way to avoid
                # this) but at least it won't clutter up the captured text.
                del capture[-1*len(env.sudo_prompt):]
                # If the password we just tried was bad, prompt the user again.
                if (not password) or reprompt:
                    # Print the prompt and/or the "try again" notice if
                    # output is being hidden. In other words, since we need
                    # the user's input, they need to see why we're
                    # prompting them.
                    if not printing:
                        _flush(pipe, _prefix)
                        if reprompt:
                            _flush(pipe, env.again_prompt + '\n' + _prefix)
                        _flush(pipe, env.sudo_prompt)
                    # Prompt for, and store, password. Give empty prompt so the
                    # initial display "hides" just after the actually-displayed
                    # prompt from the remote end.
                    password = fabric.network.prompt_for_password(
                        prompt=" ", no_colon=True, stream=pipe
                    # Update env.password, env.passwords if necessary
                    # Reset reprompt flag
                    reprompt = False
                # Send current password down the pipe
                chan.sendall(password + '\n')
            elif try_again:
                # Remove text from capture buffer
                capture = capture[:len(env.again_prompt)]
                # Set state so we re-prompt the user at the next prompt.
                reprompt = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def connect(user, host, port):
    Create and return a new SSHClient instance connected to given host.
    from state import env

    # Initialization

    # Init client
    client = ssh.SSHClient()

    # Load known host keys (e.g. ~/.ssh/known_hosts) unless user says not to.
    if not env.disable_known_hosts:
    # Unless user specified not to, accept/add new, unknown host keys
    if not env.reject_unknown_hosts:

    # Connection attempt loop

    # Initialize loop variables
    connected = False
    password = get_password()

    # Loop until successful connect (keep prompting for new password)
    while not connected:
        # Attempt connection
                allow_agent=not env.no_agent,
                look_for_keys=not env.no_keys
            connected = True
            return client
        # BadHostKeyException corresponds to key mismatch, i.e. what on the
        # command line results in the big banner error about man-in-the-middle
        # attacks.
        except ssh.BadHostKeyException:
            abort("Host key for %s did not match pre-existing key! Server's key was changed recently, or possible man-in-the-middle attack." % env.host)
        # Prompt for new password to try on auth failure
        except (
        ), e:
            # For whatever reason, empty password + no ssh key or agent results
            # in an SSHException instead of an AuthenticationException. Since
            # it's difficult to do otherwise, we must assume empty password +
            # SSHException == auth exception. Conversely: if we get
            # SSHException and there *was* a password -- it is probably
            # something non auth related, and should be sent upwards.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException and password:

            # Otherwise, assume an auth exception, and prompt for new/better
            # password.

            # Paramiko doesn't handle prompting for locked private keys (i.e.
            # keys with a passphrase and not loaded into an agent) so we have
            # to detect this and tweak our prompt slightly.  (Otherwise,
            # however, the logic flow is the same, because Paramiko's connect()
            # method overrides the password argument to be either the login
            # password OR the private key passphrase. Meh.)
            # NOTE: This will come up if you normally use a
            # passphrase-protected private key with ssh-agent, and enter an
            # incorrect remote username, because Paramiko:
            # * Tries the agent first, which will fail as you gave the wrong
            # username, so obviously any loaded keys aren't gonna work for a
            # nonexistent remote account;
            # * Then tries the on-disk key file, which is passphrased;
            # * Realizes there's no password to try unlocking that key with,
            # because you didn't enter a password, because you're using
            # ssh-agent;
            # * In this condition (trying a key file, password is None)
            # Paramiko raises PasswordRequiredException.
            text = None
            if e.__class__ is ssh.PasswordRequiredException:
                # NOTE: we can't easily say WHICH key's passphrase is needed,
                # because Paramiko doesn't provide us with that info, and
                # env.key_filename may be a list of keys, so we can't know
                # which one raised the exception. Best not to try.
                prompt = "[%s] Passphrase for private key"
                text = prompt % env.host_string
            password = prompt_for_password(text)
            # Update env.password, env.passwords if empty
        # Ctrl-D / Ctrl-C for exit
        except (EOFError, TypeError):
            # Print a newline (in case user was sitting at prompt)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def connect(user, host, port, cache, seek_gateway=True):
    Create and return a new SSHClient instance connected to given host.

    :param user: Username to connect as.

    :param host: Network hostname.

    :param port: SSH daemon port.

    :param cache:
        A ``HostConnectionCache`` instance used to cache/store gateway hosts
        when gatewaying is enabled.

    :param seek_gateway:
        Whether to try setting up a gateway socket for this connection. Used so
        the actual gateway connection can prevent recursion.
    from state import env, output

    # Initialization

    # Init client
    client = ssh.SSHClient()

    # Load system hosts file (e.g. /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts)
    known_hosts = env.get('system_known_hosts')
    if known_hosts:

    # Load known host keys (e.g. ~/.ssh/known_hosts) unless user says not to.
    if not env.disable_known_hosts:
    # Unless user specified not to, accept/add new, unknown host keys
    if not env.reject_unknown_hosts:

    # Connection attempt loop

    # Initialize loop variables
    connected = False
    password = get_password(user, host, port)
    tries = 0
    sock = None

    # Loop until successful connect (keep prompting for new password)
    while not connected:
        # Attempt connection
            tries += 1

            # (Re)connect gateway socket, if needed.
            # Nuke cached client object if not on initial try.
            if seek_gateway:
                sock = get_gateway(host, port, cache, replace=tries > 0)

            # Ready to connect
                allow_agent=not env.no_agent,
                look_for_keys=not env.no_keys,
            connected = True

            # set a keepalive if desired
            if env.keepalive:

            return client
        # BadHostKeyException corresponds to key mismatch, i.e. what on the
        # command line results in the big banner error about man-in-the-middle
        # attacks.
        except ssh.BadHostKeyException as e:
            raise NetworkError("Host key for %s did not match pre-existing key! Server's key was changed recently, or possible man-in-the-middle attack." % host, e)
        # Prompt for new password to try on auth failure
        except (ssh.AuthenticationException,
                ) as e:
            msg = str(e)
            # If we get SSHExceptionError and the exception message indicates
            # SSH protocol banner read failures, assume it's caused by the
            # server load and try again.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException \
                and msg == 'Error reading SSH protocol banner':
                if _tried_enough(tries):
                    raise NetworkError(msg, e)

            # For whatever reason, empty password + no ssh key or agent
            # results in an SSHException instead of an
            # AuthenticationException. Since it's difficult to do
            # otherwise, we must assume empty password + SSHException ==
            # auth exception.
            # Conversely: if we get SSHException and there
            # *was* a password -- it is probably something non auth
            # related, and should be sent upwards. (This is not true if the
            # exception message does indicate key parse problems.)
            # This also holds true for rejected/unknown host keys: we have to
            # guess based on other heuristics.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException \
                and (password or msg.startswith('Unknown server')) \
                and not is_key_load_error(e):
                raise NetworkError(msg, e)

            # Otherwise, assume an auth exception, and prompt for new/better
            # password.

            # Paramiko doesn't handle prompting for locked private
            # keys (i.e.  keys with a passphrase and not loaded into an agent)
            # so we have to detect this and tweak our prompt slightly.
            # (Otherwise, however, the logic flow is the same, because
            # ssh's connect() method overrides the password argument to be
            # either the login password OR the private key passphrase. Meh.)
            # NOTE: This will come up if you normally use a
            # passphrase-protected private key with ssh-agent, and enter an
            # incorrect remote username, because ssh.connect:
            # * Tries the agent first, which will fail as you gave the wrong
            # username, so obviously any loaded keys aren't gonna work for a
            # nonexistent remote account;
            # * Then tries the on-disk key file, which is passphrased;
            # * Realizes there's no password to try unlocking that key with,
            # because you didn't enter a password, because you're using
            # ssh-agent;
            # * In this condition (trying a key file, password is None)
            # ssh raises PasswordRequiredException.
            text = None
            if e.__class__ is ssh.PasswordRequiredException \
                or is_key_load_error(e):
                # NOTE: we can't easily say WHICH key's passphrase is needed,
                # because ssh doesn't provide us with that info, and
                # env.key_filename may be a list of keys, so we can't know
                # which one raised the exception. Best not to try.
                prompt = "[%s] Passphrase for private key"
                text = prompt % env.host_string
            password = prompt_for_password(text)
            # Update env.password, env.passwords if empty
            set_password(user, host, port, password)
        # Ctrl-D / Ctrl-C for exit
        # TODO: this may no longer actually serve its original purpose and may
        # also hide TypeErrors from paramiko. Double check in v2.
        except (EOFError, TypeError):
            # Print a newline (in case user was sitting at prompt)
        # Handle DNS error / name lookup failure
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            raise NetworkError('Name lookup failed for %s' % host, e)
        # Handle timeouts and retries, including generic errors
        # NOTE: In 2.6, socket.error subclasses IOError
        except socket.error as e:
            not_timeout = type(e) is not socket.timeout
            giving_up = _tried_enough(tries)
            # Baseline error msg for when debug is off
            msg = "Timed out trying to connect to %s" % host
            # Expanded for debug on
            err = msg + " (attempt %s of %s)" % (tries, env.connection_attempts)
            if giving_up:
                err += ", giving up"
            err += ")"
            # Debuggin'
            if output.debug:
                sys.stderr.write(err + '\n')
            # Having said our piece, try again
            if not giving_up:
                # Sleep if it wasn't a timeout, so we still get timeout-like
                # behavior
                if not_timeout:
            # Override eror msg if we were retrying other errors
            if not_timeout:
                msg = "Low level socket error connecting to host %s on port %s: %s" % (
                    host, port, e[1]
            # Here, all attempts failed. Tweak error msg to show # tries.
            # TODO: find good humanization module, jeez
            s = "s" if env.connection_attempts > 1 else ""
            msg += " (tried %s time%s)" % (env.connection_attempts, s)
            raise NetworkError(msg, e)
        # Ensure that if we terminated without connecting and we were given an
        # explicit socket, close it out.
            if not connected and sock is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 7
def connect(user, host, port):
    Create and return a new SSHClient instance connected to given host.
    from state import env, output

    # Initialization

    # Init client
    client = ssh.SSHClient()

    # Load known host keys (e.g. ~/.ssh/known_hosts) unless user says not to.
    if not env.disable_known_hosts:
    # Unless user specified not to, accept/add new, unknown host keys
    if not env.reject_unknown_hosts:

    # Connection attempt loop

    # Initialize loop variables
    connected = False
    password = get_password()
    tries = 0

    # Loop until successful connect (keep prompting for new password)
    while not connected:
        # Attempt connection
            tries += 1
                           allow_agent=not env.no_agent,
                           look_for_keys=not env.no_keys)
            connected = True

            # set a keepalive if desired
            if env.keepalive:

            return client
        # BadHostKeyException corresponds to key mismatch, i.e. what on the
        # command line results in the big banner error about man-in-the-middle
        # attacks.
        except ssh.BadHostKeyException, e:
            raise NetworkError(
                "Host key for %s did not match pre-existing key! Server's key was changed recently, or possible man-in-the-middle attack."
                % host, e)
        # Prompt for new password to try on auth failure
        except (ssh.AuthenticationException, ssh.PasswordRequiredException,
                ssh.SSHException), e:
            # For whatever reason, empty password + no ssh key or agent results
            # in an SSHException instead of an AuthenticationException. Since
            # it's difficult to do otherwise, we must assume empty password +
            # SSHException == auth exception. Conversely: if we get
            # SSHException and there *was* a password -- it is probably
            # something non auth related, and should be sent upwards.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException and password:
                raise NetworkError(str(e), e)

            # Otherwise, assume an auth exception, and prompt for new/better
            # password.

            # The 'ssh' library doesn't handle prompting for locked private
            # keys (i.e.  keys with a passphrase and not loaded into an agent)
            # so we have to detect this and tweak our prompt slightly.
            # (Otherwise, however, the logic flow is the same, because
            # ssh's connect() method overrides the password argument to be
            # either the login password OR the private key passphrase. Meh.)
            # NOTE: This will come up if you normally use a
            # passphrase-protected private key with ssh-agent, and enter an
            # incorrect remote username, because ssh.connect:
            # * Tries the agent first, which will fail as you gave the wrong
            # username, so obviously any loaded keys aren't gonna work for a
            # nonexistent remote account;
            # * Then tries the on-disk key file, which is passphrased;
            # * Realizes there's no password to try unlocking that key with,
            # because you didn't enter a password, because you're using
            # ssh-agent;
            # * In this condition (trying a key file, password is None)
            # ssh raises PasswordRequiredException.
            text = None
            if e.__class__ is ssh.PasswordRequiredException:
                # NOTE: we can't easily say WHICH key's passphrase is needed,
                # because ssh doesn't provide us with that info, and
                # env.key_filename may be a list of keys, so we can't know
                # which one raised the exception. Best not to try.
                prompt = "[%s] Passphrase for private key"
                text = prompt % env.host_string
            password = prompt_for_password(text)
            # Update env.password, env.passwords if empty
Ejemplo n.º 8
def connect(user, host, port, cache, seek_gateway=True):
    Create and return a new SSHClient instance connected to given host.

    :param user: Username to connect as.

    :param host: Network hostname.

    :param port: SSH daemon port.

    :param cache:
        A ``HostConnectionCache`` instance used to cache/store gateway hosts
        when gatewaying is enabled.

    :param seek_gateway:
        Whether to try setting up a gateway socket for this connection. Used so
        the actual gateway connection can prevent recursion.
    from fabric.state import env, output

    # Initialization

    # Init client
    client = ssh.SSHClient()

    # Load system hosts file (e.g. /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts)
    known_hosts = env.get('system_known_hosts')
    if known_hosts:

    # Load known host keys (e.g. ~/.ssh/known_hosts) unless user says not to.
    if not env.disable_known_hosts:
    # Unless user specified not to, accept/add new, unknown host keys
    if not env.reject_unknown_hosts:

    # Connection attempt loop

    # Initialize loop variables
    connected = False
    password = get_password(user, host, port)
    tries = 0
    sock = None

    # Loop until successful connect (keep prompting for new password)
    while not connected:
        # Attempt connection
            tries += 1

            # (Re)connect gateway socket, if needed.
            # Nuke cached client object if not on initial try.
            if seek_gateway:
                sock = get_gateway(host, port, cache, replace=tries > 0)

            # Ready to connect
                allow_agent=not env.no_agent,
                look_for_keys=not env.no_keys,
            connected = True

            # set a keepalive if desired
            if env.keepalive:

            return client
        # BadHostKeyException corresponds to key mismatch, i.e. what on the
        # command line results in the big banner error about man-in-the-middle
        # attacks.
        except ssh.BadHostKeyException as e:
            raise NetworkError("Host key for %s did not match pre-existing key! Server's key was changed recently, or possible man-in-the-middle attack." % host, e)
        # Prompt for new password to try on auth failure
        except (
        ) as e:
            msg = str(e)
            # If we get SSHExceptionError and the exception message indicates
            # SSH protocol banner read failures, assume it's caused by the
            # server load and try again.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException \
                and msg == 'Error reading SSH protocol banner':
                if _tried_enough(tries):
                    raise NetworkError(msg, e)

            # For whatever reason, empty password + no ssh key or agent
            # results in an SSHException instead of an
            # AuthenticationException. Since it's difficult to do
            # otherwise, we must assume empty password + SSHException ==
            # auth exception.
            # Conversely: if we get SSHException and there
            # *was* a password -- it is probably something non auth
            # related, and should be sent upwards. (This is not true if the
            # exception message does indicate key parse problems.)
            # This also holds true for rejected/unknown host keys: we have to
            # guess based on other heuristics.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException \
                and (password or msg.startswith('Unknown server')) \
                and not is_key_load_error(e):
                raise NetworkError(msg, e)

            # Otherwise, assume an auth exception, and prompt for new/better
            # password.

            # Paramiko doesn't handle prompting for locked private
            # keys (i.e.  keys with a passphrase and not loaded into an agent)
            # so we have to detect this and tweak our prompt slightly.
            # (Otherwise, however, the logic flow is the same, because
            # ssh's connect() method overrides the password argument to be
            # either the login password OR the private key passphrase. Meh.)
            # NOTE: This will come up if you normally use a
            # passphrase-protected private key with ssh-agent, and enter an
            # incorrect remote username, because ssh.connect:
            # * Tries the agent first, which will fail as you gave the wrong
            # username, so obviously any loaded keys aren't gonna work for a
            # nonexistent remote account;
            # * Then tries the on-disk key file, which is passphrased;
            # * Realizes there's no password to try unlocking that key with,
            # because you didn't enter a password, because you're using
            # ssh-agent;
            # * In this condition (trying a key file, password is None)
            # ssh raises PasswordRequiredException.
            text = None
            if e.__class__ is ssh.PasswordRequiredException \
                or is_key_load_error(e):
                # NOTE: we can't easily say WHICH key's passphrase is needed,
                # because ssh doesn't provide us with that info, and
                # env.key_filename may be a list of keys, so we can't know
                # which one raised the exception. Best not to try.
                prompt = "[%s] Passphrase for private key"
                text = prompt % env.host_string
            password = prompt_for_password(text)
            # Update env.password, env.passwords if empty
            set_password(user, host, port, password)
        # Ctrl-D / Ctrl-C for exit
        # TODO: this may no longer actually serve its original purpose and may
        # also hide TypeErrors from paramiko. Double check in v2.
        except (EOFError, TypeError):
            # Print a newline (in case user was sitting at prompt)
        # Handle DNS error / name lookup failure
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            raise NetworkError('Name lookup failed for %s' % host, e)
        # Handle timeouts and retries, including generic errors
        # NOTE: In 2.6, socket.error subclasses IOError
        except socket.error as e:
            not_timeout = type(e) is not socket.timeout
            giving_up = _tried_enough(tries)
            # Baseline error msg for when debug is off
            msg = "Timed out trying to connect to %s" % host
            # Expanded for debug on
            err = msg + " (attempt %s of %s)" % (tries, env.connection_attempts)
            if giving_up:
                err += ", giving up"
            err += ")"
            # Debuggin'
            if output.debug:
                sys.stderr.write(err + '\n')
            # Having said our piece, try again
            if not giving_up:
                # Sleep if it wasn't a timeout, so we still get timeout-like
                # behavior
                if not_timeout:
            # Override eror msg if we were retrying other errors
            if not_timeout:
                msg = "Low level socket error connecting to host %s on port %s: %s" % (
                    host, port, e.args[1]
            # Here, all attempts failed. Tweak error msg to show # tries.
            # TODO: find good humanization module, jeez
            s = "s" if env.connection_attempts > 1 else ""
            msg += " (tried %s time%s)" % (env.connection_attempts, s)
            raise NetworkError(msg, e)
        # Ensure that if we terminated without connecting and we were given an
        # explicit socket, close it out.
            if not connected and sock is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 9
def output_loop(chan, which, capture):
    # Internal capture-buffer-like buffer, used solely for state keeping.
    # Unlike 'capture', nothing is ever purged from this.
    _buffer = []
    # Obtain stdout or stderr related values
    func = getattr(chan, which)
    if which == 'recv':
        prefix = "out"
        pipe = sys.stdout
        prefix = "err"
        pipe = sys.stderr
    _prefix = "[%s] %s: " % (env.host_string, prefix)
    printing = getattr(output, 'stdout' if (which == 'recv') else 'stderr')
    # Initialize loop variables
    reprompt = False
    initial_prefix_printed = False
    line = []
    linewise = (env.linewise or env.parallel)
    while True:
        # Handle actual read/write
        byte = func(1)
        # Empty byte == EOS
        if byte == '':
            # If linewise, ensure we flush any leftovers in the buffer.
            if linewise and line:
                _flush(pipe, _prefix)
                _flush(pipe, "".join(line))
        # A None capture variable implies that we're in open_shell()
        if capture is None:
            # Just print directly -- no prefixes, no capturing, nada
            # And since we know we're using a pty in this mode, just go
            # straight to stdout.
            _flush(sys.stdout, byte)
        # Otherwise, we're in run/sudo and need to handle capturing and
        # prompts.
            # Allow prefix to be turned off.
            if not env.output_prefix:
                _prefix = ""
            # Print to user
            if printing:
                if linewise:
                    # Print prefix + line after newline is seen
                    if _was_newline(_buffer, byte):
                        _flush(pipe, _prefix)
                        _flush(pipe, "".join(line))
                        line = []
                    # Add to line buffer
                    line += byte
                    # Prefix, if necessary
                    if (not initial_prefix_printed
                            or _was_newline(_buffer, byte)):
                        _flush(pipe, _prefix)
                        initial_prefix_printed = True
                    # Byte itself
                    _flush(pipe, byte)
            # Store in capture buffer
            capture += byte
            # Store in internal buffer
            _buffer += byte
            # Handle prompts
            prompt = _endswith(capture, env.sudo_prompt)
            try_again = (_endswith(capture, env.again_prompt + '\n')
                         or _endswith(capture, env.again_prompt + '\r\n'))
            if prompt:
                # Obtain cached password, if any
                password = get_password()
                # Remove the prompt itself from the capture buffer. This is
                # backwards compatible with Fabric 0.9.x behavior; the user
                # will still see the prompt on their screen (no way to avoid
                # this) but at least it won't clutter up the captured text.
                del capture[-1 * len(env.sudo_prompt):]
                # If the password we just tried was bad, prompt the user again.
                if (not password) or reprompt:
                    # Print the prompt and/or the "try again" notice if
                    # output is being hidden. In other words, since we need
                    # the user's input, they need to see why we're
                    # prompting them.
                    if not printing:
                        _flush(pipe, _prefix)
                        if reprompt:
                            _flush(pipe, env.again_prompt + '\n' + _prefix)
                        _flush(pipe, env.sudo_prompt)
                    # Prompt for, and store, password. Give empty prompt so the
                    # initial display "hides" just after the actually-displayed
                    # prompt from the remote end.
                    chan.input_enabled = False
                    password = fabric.network.prompt_for_password(
                        prompt=" ", no_colon=True, stream=pipe)
                    chan.input_enabled = True
                    # Update env.password, env.passwords if necessary
                    # Reset reprompt flag
                    reprompt = False
                # Send current password down the pipe
                chan.sendall(password + '\n')
            elif try_again:
                # Remove text from capture buffer
                capture = capture[:len(env.again_prompt)]
                # Set state so we re-prompt the user at the next prompt.
                reprompt = True
Ejemplo n.º 10
def output_loop(chan, attr, stream, capture):
    Loop, reading from <chan>.<attr>(), writing to <stream> and buffering to <capture>.
    # Internal capture-buffer-like buffer, used solely for state keeping.
    # Unlike 'capture', nothing is ever purged from this.
    _buffer = []
    # Obtain stdout or stderr related values
    func = getattr(chan, attr)
    _prefix = "[%s] %s: " % (
        "out" if attr == 'recv' else "err"
    printing = getattr(output, 'stdout' if (attr == 'recv') else 'stderr')
    # Initialize loop variables
    reprompt = False
    initial_prefix_printed = False
    line = []
    linewise = (env.linewise or env.parallel)
    while True:
        # Handle actual read/write
        byte = func(1)
        # Empty byte == EOS
        if byte == '':
            # If linewise, ensure we flush any leftovers in the buffer.
            if linewise and line:
                _flush(stream, _prefix)
                _flush(stream, "".join(line))
        # A None capture variable implies that we're in open_shell()
        if capture is None:
            # Just print directly -- no prefixes, no capturing, nada
            # And since we know we're using a pty in this mode, just go
            # straight to stdout.
            _flush(sys.stdout, byte)
        # Otherwise, we're in run/sudo and need to handle capturing and
        # prompts.
            # Allow prefix to be turned off.
            if not env.output_prefix:
                _prefix = ""
            # Print to user
            if printing:
                if linewise:
                    # Print prefix + line after newline is seen
                    if _was_newline(_buffer, byte):
                        _flush(stream, _prefix)
                        _flush(stream, "".join(line))
                        line = []
                    # Add to line buffer
                    line += byte
                    # Prefix, if necessary
                    if (
                        not initial_prefix_printed
                        or _was_newline(_buffer, byte)
                        _flush(stream, _prefix)
                        initial_prefix_printed = True
                    # Byte itself
                    _flush(stream, byte)
            # Store in capture buffer
            capture += byte
            # Store in internal buffer
            _buffer += byte
            # Handle prompts
            prompt = _endswith(capture, env.sudo_prompt)
            try_again = (_endswith(capture, env.again_prompt + '\n')
                or _endswith(capture, env.again_prompt + '\r\n'))
            if prompt:
                # Obtain cached password, if any
                password = get_password()
                # Remove the prompt itself from the capture buffer. This is
                # backwards compatible with Fabric 0.9.x behavior; the user
                # will still see the prompt on their screen (no way to avoid
                # this) but at least it won't clutter up the captured text.
                del capture[-1 * len(env.sudo_prompt):]
                # If the password we just tried was bad, prompt the user again.
                if (not password) or reprompt:
                    # Print the prompt and/or the "try again" notice if
                    # output is being hidden. In other words, since we need
                    # the user's input, they need to see why we're
                    # prompting them.
                    if not printing:
                        _flush(stream, _prefix)
                        if reprompt:
                            _flush(stream, env.again_prompt + '\n' + _prefix)
                        _flush(stream, env.sudo_prompt)
                    # Prompt for, and store, password. Give empty prompt so the
                    # initial display "hides" just after the actually-displayed
                    # prompt from the remote end.
                    chan.input_enabled = False
                    password = fabric.network.prompt_for_password(
                        prompt=" ", no_colon=True, stream=stream
                    chan.input_enabled = True
                    # Update env.password, env.passwords if necessary
                    # Reset reprompt flag
                    reprompt = False
                # Send current password down the pipe
                chan.sendall(password + '\n')
            elif try_again:
                # Remove text from capture buffer
                capture = capture[:len(env.again_prompt)]
                # Set state so we re-prompt the user at the next prompt.
                reprompt = True
Ejemplo n.º 11
def connect(user, host, port):
    Create and return a new SSHClient instance connected to given host.
    from state import env, output

    # Initialization

    # Init client
    client = ssh.SSHClient()

    # Load known host keys (e.g. ~/.ssh/known_hosts) unless user says not to.
    if not env.disable_known_hosts:
    # Unless user specified not to, accept/add new, unknown host keys
    if not env.reject_unknown_hosts:

    # Connection attempt loop

    # Initialize loop variables
    connected = False
    password = get_password()
    tries = 0

    proxy_command = None
    if env.use_ssh_config:
        host = env._ssh_config.lookup(env.host_string)
        proxy_command = host.get('proxycommand')
        user = host.get('user')

    # Loop until successful connect (keep prompting for new password)
    while not connected:
        # Attempt connection
            tries += 1
                allow_agent=not env.no_agent,
                look_for_keys=not env.no_keys,
            connected = True

            # set a keepalive if desired
            if env.keepalive:

            return client
        # BadHostKeyException corresponds to key mismatch, i.e. what on the
        # command line results in the big banner error about man-in-the-middle
        # attacks.
        except ssh.BadHostKeyException, e:
            raise NetworkError("Host key for %s did not match pre-existing key! Server's key was changed recently, or possible man-in-the-middle attack." % host, e)
        # Prompt for new password to try on auth failure
        except (
        ), e:
            msg = str(e)
            # For whatever reason, empty password + no ssh key or agent
            # results in an SSHException instead of an
            # AuthenticationException. Since it's difficult to do
            # otherwise, we must assume empty password + SSHException ==
            # auth exception. Conversely: if we get SSHException and there
            # *was* a password -- it is probably something non auth
            # related, and should be sent upwards.
            # This also holds true for rejected/unknown host keys: we have to
            # guess based on other heuristics.
            if e.__class__ is ssh.SSHException \
                and (password or msg.startswith('Unknown server')):
                raise NetworkError(msg, e)

            # Otherwise, assume an auth exception, and prompt for new/better
            # password.

            # The 'ssh' library doesn't handle prompting for locked private
            # keys (i.e.  keys with a passphrase and not loaded into an agent)
            # so we have to detect this and tweak our prompt slightly.
            # (Otherwise, however, the logic flow is the same, because
            # ssh's connect() method overrides the password argument to be
            # either the login password OR the private key passphrase. Meh.)
            # NOTE: This will come up if you normally use a
            # passphrase-protected private key with ssh-agent, and enter an
            # incorrect remote username, because ssh.connect:
            # * Tries the agent first, which will fail as you gave the wrong
            # username, so obviously any loaded keys aren't gonna work for a
            # nonexistent remote account;
            # * Then tries the on-disk key file, which is passphrased;
            # * Realizes there's no password to try unlocking that key with,
            # because you didn't enter a password, because you're using
            # ssh-agent;
            # * In this condition (trying a key file, password is None)
            # ssh raises PasswordRequiredException.
            text = None
            if e.__class__ is ssh.PasswordRequiredException:
                # NOTE: we can't easily say WHICH key's passphrase is needed,
                # because ssh doesn't provide us with that info, and
                # env.key_filename may be a list of keys, so we can't know
                # which one raised the exception. Best not to try.
                prompt = "[%s] Passphrase for private key"
                text = prompt % env.host_string
            password = prompt_for_password(text)
            # Update env.password, env.passwords if empty
Ejemplo n.º 12
def output_loop(chan, which, capture):
    # Obtain stdout or stderr related values
    func = getattr(chan, which)
    if which == 'recv':
        prefix = "out"
        pipe = sys.stdout
        prefix = "err"
        pipe = sys.stderr
    host_prefix = "[%s]" % env.host_string
    if env.colors:
        host_prefix = env.color_settings['host_prefix'](host_prefix)
    printing = getattr(output, 'stdout' if (which == 'recv') else 'stderr')
    # Initialize loop variables
    reprompt = False
    initial_prefix_printed = False
    while True:
        # Handle actual read/write
        byte = func(1)
        if byte == '':
        # A None capture variable implies that we're in open_shell()
        if capture is None:
            # Just print directly -- no prefixes, no capturing, nada
            # And since we know we're using a pty in this mode, just go
            # straight to stdout.
            _flush(sys.stdout, byte)
        # Otherwise, we're in run/sudo and need to handle capturing and
        # prompts.
            _prefix = "%s %s: " % (host_prefix, prefix)
            # Print to user
            if printing:
                # Initial prefix
                if not initial_prefix_printed:
                    _flush(pipe, _prefix)
                    initial_prefix_printed = True
                # Byte itself
                _flush(pipe, byte)
                # Trailing prefix to start off next line
                if byte in ("\n", "\r"):
                    _flush(pipe, _prefix)
            # Store in capture buffer
            capture += byte
            # Handle prompts
            prompt = _endswith(capture, env.sudo_prompt)
            try_again = (_endswith(capture, env.again_prompt + '\n')
                         or _endswith(capture, env.again_prompt + '\r\n'))
            if prompt:
                # Obtain cached password, if any
                password = get_password()
                # Remove the prompt itself from the capture buffer. This is
                # backwards compatible with Fabric 0.9.x behavior; the user
                # will still see the prompt on their screen (no way to avoid
                # this) but at least it won't clutter up the captured text.
                del capture[-1 * len(env.sudo_prompt):]
                # If the password we just tried was bad, prompt the user again.
                if (not password) or reprompt:
                    # Print the prompt and/or the "try again" notice if
                    # output is being hidden. In other words, since we need
                    # the user's input, they need to see why we're
                    # prompting them.
                    if not printing:
                        _flush(pipe, _prefix)
                        if reprompt:
                            _flush(pipe, env.again_prompt + '\n' + _prefix)
                        _flush(pipe, env.sudo_prompt)
                    # Prompt for, and store, password. Give empty prompt so the
                    # initial display "hides" just after the actually-displayed
                    # prompt from the remote end.
                    password = prompt_for_password(prompt=" ",
                    # Update env.password, env.passwords if necessary
                    # Reset reprompt flag
                    reprompt = False
                # Send current password down the pipe
                chan.sendall(password + '\n')
            elif try_again:
                # Remove text from capture buffer
                capture = capture[:len(env.again_prompt)]
                # Set state so we re-prompt the user at the next prompt.
                reprompt = True