def XXXX_deploy (): """ Deploy the packages in the deployment machines """ print(green("Installing packages at %s" % str(env.host_string))) if confirm(red('Install the packages at the %s?' % (env.host_string)), default = False): print(yellow("... stopping XXXX")) if _exists('/etc/init.d/XXXX'): sudo('service XXXX stop') sudo('rm -f /etc/init.d/XXXX') with cd(env.admin.prefix): print(yellow("... cleaning up old RPMs")) if not _exists('tmp'): run('mkdir tmp') run('rm -rf tmp/*') directory = os.path.join(env.admin.prefix, 'tmp') with cd(directory): print(yellow("... uploading RPMs")) for f in env.packages.rpms: put(os.path.join(directory, f), '.') print(yellow("... installing software")) sudo('yum install -R 2 -q -y --nogpgcheck *.rpm') print(red("... XXXX is STOPPED at %s!" % env.host_string))
def deploy(app_env): """Deploy it to server""" if not app_env: print "fab pack deploy:<ENV>" sys.exit(1) with open('.newrelic_key') as f: newrelic_key = if not newrelic_key: print "cannot find newrelic_key in .newrelic_key file" sys.exit(1) app_path = '/var/www/%s/%s' % (APP_NAME, app_env) out = run('ls -t %s | grep -v current | grep' % app_path) versions = [i.strip() for i in out.split("\n")] # figure out the release name and version dist = local('python --fullname', capture=True).strip() # upload the source tarball to the temporary folder on the server put('dist/%s.tar.gz' % dist, '%s/%s.tar.gz' % (app_path, dist)) with cd(app_path): run('tar xzf %s.tar.gz' % dist) with cd('%s/%s' % (app_path, dist)): run('%s/venv/bin/python install > /dev/null 2>&1' % app_path) run('rm -f %s/current' % app_path) run('ln -s %s/%s/daimaduan %s/current' % (app_path, dist, app_path)) run('cp %s/shared/config.cfg %s/current' % (app_path, app_path)) run('cp %s/shared/ %s/current' % (app_path, app_path)) # touching uwsgi ini file will reload this app sudo('touch /etc/uwsgi.d/daimaduan_%s.ini' % app_env) run('rm -f %s/%s.tar.gz' % (app_path, dist)) # after deploying, we need to test if deployment succeed is_deploy_succeed = True resp = urllib2.urlopen(TEST_WEBSITE[app_env]) if resp.code != 200: is_deploy_succeed = False if versions: print "Deploy failed, switch back to previous version" run('rm -f %s/current' % app_path) run('ln -s %s/%s/daimaduan %s/current' % (app_path, versions[0], app_path)) sudo('touch /etc/uwsgi.d/daimaduan_%s.ini' % app_env) sys.exit(1) # clean old versions if is_deploy_succeed: versions.insert(0, dist) else: versions.append(dist) if len(versions) > 4: versions = ["%s/%s" % (app_path, i) for i in versions] versions_to_delete = " ".join(versions[3:]) run('rm -rf %s' % versions_to_delete) # send deployments notification to newrelic version = local('python --version', capture=True).strip() local('curl -H "x-api-key:%s" -d "deployment[application_id]=%s" ' '-d "deployment[revision]=%s" -d "deployment[user]=David Xie" ' '' % (newrelic_key, NEWRELIC_APPLICATION_ID[app_env], version))
def update_project(project_name, env_type): """ Updates the source files, and then consecutively runs syncdb, migrate and collectstatic. The env_type argument shows the environment type development/production/etc.""" user_home_path = run('echo $HOME') project_path = os.path.join(user_home_path, project_name) activate_prefix = '. %s' % os.path.join(project_path, 'bin', 'activate') source_path = os.path.join(project_path, SOURCE_DIRECTORY_NAME) with cd(source_path): run('git pull origin master') with prefix(activate_prefix): run('pip install -r required_packages.txt') with cd(project_name): run('python syncdb') run('python migrate') run('python collectstatic --noinput') uwsgi_conf_name = '%s.%s.uwsgi' % (project_name, env_type) sudo('initctl reload-configuration') with settings(warn_only=True): result = sudo('initctl restart %s' % uwsgi_conf_name) if result.failed: result = sudo('initctl start %s' % uwsgi_conf_name) if result.failed: print 'Failed to restart/start job %s' % uwsgi_conf_name sudo('/etc/init.d/nginx restart')
def run(aws):"echo Downloading Automatic-Server-Setup ...") with"/var/www"):"sudo rm -fr Automatic-Server-Setup")"sudo git clone git://")"sudo mv Automatic-Server-Setup/startsandbox.php /var/www/html/")"sudo chown apache Automatic-Server-Setup/")"echo Copy robots.txt file to main server folder ...")"sudo cp /var/www/Automatic-Server-Setup/tools/robots.txt /var/www/html/")"echo Downloading PhotoAccounting ...") with"/var/www/html"):"sudo git clone git://")"sudo mv /var/www/Automatic-Server-Setup/tools/index.php /var/www/html/") 'sudo sed -i "1i host photo_accounting photo_editor trust" /var/lib/pgsql9/data/pg_hba.conf' )"sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql reload")"sudo -u root sudo -u postgres psql -c \"CREATE USER photo_editor WITH PASSWORD 'Htbp4SAaxm6K'\"")'sudo -u root sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE photo_accounting OWNER photo_editor"') "sudo -u root sudo -u postgres psql -d photo_accounting -U photo_editor -h localhost -f /var/www/html/PhotoAccounting/sql/photo_accounting.sql" )'sudo sed -i "1d" /var/lib/pgsql9/data/pg_hba.conf') 'sudo sed -i "1i host photo_accounting photo_editor md5" /var/lib/pgsql9/data/pg_hba.conf' )"sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql reload")
def setup_virtualenv(python=None): 'Create a virtualenv and install required packages on the remote server.' python_opt = '--python=' + python if python else '' with cd('%(remote_path)s/%(build_dir)s' % env): # TODO: we should be using an http proxy here (how?) # create the virtualenv under the build dir sudo('virtualenv --no-site-packages %s env' % (python_opt,), user=env.remote_acct) with cd('%(remote_path)s/%(build_dir)s' % env): # create the virtualenv under the build dir sudo('virtualenv --no-site-packages --prompt=\'[%s]\' %s env' \ % (env['build_dir'], python_opt), user=env.remote_acct) # activate the environment and install required packages with prefix('source env/bin/activate'): pip_cmd = 'pip install -r pip-install-req.txt' if env.remote_proxy: pip_cmd += ' --proxy=%(remote_proxy)s' % env sudo(pip_cmd, user=env.remote_acct) if files.exists('../pip-local-req.txt'): pip_cmd = 'pip install -r ../pip-local-req.txt' if env.remote_proxy: pip_cmd += ' --proxy=%(remote_proxy)s' % env sudo(pip_cmd, user=env.remote_acct)
def cluster_start(slave_type='c4.2xlarge', slaves=2): print green('========= Starting Spark cluster =========') HADOOP_HOME = '/opt/dev/hadoop-2.6.2' SPARK_HOME = '/opt/dev/spark-1.5.1-bin-hadoop2.6' print 'Starting master...' master_inst = 'i-54c44cd9' local('aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids={}'.format(master_inst)) sleep(60) if slaves > 0: run_slave_cmd = ('aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-6d2a8a1e --instance-type {} --count {} ' '--key-name sm_spark_cluster --security-group-ids sg-921b7ff6').format(slave_type, slaves) out = json.loads(local(run_slave_cmd, capture=True)) slave_hosts = [inst_out['PrivateDnsName'] for inst_out in out['Instances']] with cd(HADOOP_HOME): run('echo "localhost" > etc/hadoop/slaves') for host in slave_hosts: run('echo "{}" >> etc/hadoop/slaves'.format(host)) with cd(SPARK_HOME): run('echo "localhost" > conf/slaves') for host in slave_hosts: run('echo "{}" >> conf/slaves'.format(host)) with cd(HADOOP_HOME): run('sbin/') with cd(SPARK_HOME): run('sbin/') run('jps -l')
def deploy(user='******', git_hash=None): source = '' proc_name = 'api' path = '/var/www/data_api' workon_home = '/var/www/.virtualenvs/api/bin/' print "Starting deployment" with settings(warn_only=True): if run("test -d %s" % path).failed: run("git clone %s %s" % (source, path)) with cd(path): run("git config core.filemode false") with cd(path): run("git stash") if not git_hash: run("git pull %s master" % source) else: run("git fetch") run("git checkout %s" % git_hash) run('%spip install -r requirements.txt' % workon_home) run('%spython collectstatic --noinput' % workon_home) sudo("chown -R %s:%s ." % (user, user)) sudo("chmod -R ug+rwx .") sudo("supervisorctl restart %s" % proc_name)
def deploy(): timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(env.timestamp_format) version = local('git rev-parse HEAD', capture=True).stdout.strip() run('mkdir -p %s' % env.dest) with cd(env.dest): run('mkdir %s' % timestamp) with cd(timestamp): remote_archive = '/tmp/weddingplanner-%s-%s.tar.gz' % (timestamp, version) # TODO: use rsync in a '3-way' mode (--link-dest) to minimize files transfered # (do the same for the locally built virtualenv) put('build/deploy.tar.gz', remote_archive) # TODO: remove --no-same-owner when built with fakeroot run('tar xfz %s --no-same-owner' % remote_archive) with hide('stdout'): run('virtualenv env') # NOTE: Temporary solution: install through running pip remotely run('env/bin/pip install -r requirements/%s.txt' % env.requirements) # NOTE: take it from the settings... run('mkdir assets') # NOTE: can also be run locally run('env/bin/python manage collectstatic -v 0 -l --noinput -c') run('env/bin/python manage migrate') with settings(warn_only=True): result = run('supervisorctl status | grep "%s\s\+RUNNING"' % env.service_name) if not result.failed: run('supervisorctl stop %s' % env.service_name) run('ln -sfn %s current' % timestamp) run('supervisorctl start %s' % env.service_name)
def update_source_code(path=None, deploy=False): """ Update project's source dir from git repo""" # If no repo is present, clone from localhost path = env.SRC_PATH if path is None else path if not exists(path): # Make a new deployment key if not already there if not exists(env.DEPLOYMENT_KEY, use_sudo=True): create_deployment_key() if deploy: git_cmd = 'git clone [email protected]:codingindonesia/tolong.git {0}'.format(path) else: git_cmd = 'cd {0} && git pull'.format(path), use_sudo=True) sudo('chown -R www-data {0}'.format(env.PROJECT_PATH)) with cd(env.PROJECT_PATH): with settings(warn_only=True): result = sudo(git_cmd, user='******') if result.failed: abort("""Failed to clone git repository. Make sure that root is allowed to clone repository by running this on the server: sudo -u www-data git clone [email protected]:codingindonesia/tolong.git""".format(env.REPO_NAME)) # Get current git hash on the local machine git_hash = local('git rev-parse HEAD', capture=True) with cd(path): sudo('git fetch', user='******') sudo('git checkout {0}'.format(git_hash), user='******') if path == env.SRC_PATH: with cd(env.PROJECT_PATH): sudo('echo "{0}:{1}:{2}" >> revisions.log'.format(env.TIME, git_hash, env.user))
def rollback(): """ Rolls back currently deployed version to its predecessor """ with cd(env.basepath): run('mv current/rollback rollback') run('mv current undeployed') run('mv rollback current') version = run('readlink current') previous = run('readlink undeployed') puts(green('>>> Rolled back from %(previous)s to %(version)s' % { 'previous': previous, 'version': version })) run('rm -fr %s' % previous) run('rm undeployed') sudo('service nginx reload') with cd(env.nodejs): for n in [1, 2]: with settings(warn_only=True): sudo('stop nodejs N=%s' % n) run('mv instance%s/rollback rollback%s' % (n, n)) run('mv instance%s undeployed' % n) run('mv rollback%s instance%s' % (n, n)) version = run('readlink instance%s' % n) previous = run('readlink undeployed') puts(green('>>> Rolled back nodejs %(n)s from %(previous)s to %(version)s' % { 'n': n, 'previous': previous, 'version': version })) run('rm -fr %s' % previous) run('rm undeployed') sudo('start nodejs N=%s' % n)
def bootstrap(): with cd(env.path): print("\nStep 1: Install required PHP extensions/apps") if confirm('Continue installing requirements? Can skip if already installed.'):'sudo') print("\nStep 2: Database and basic Wordpress setup") with settings(warn_only=True):'rm wp-config.php'); + './ setup_wp-config') create_db() + './ install') + './ install_network') with settings(warn_only=True):'rm wp-config.php'); + './ setup_wp-config --finish') print("\nStep 3: Setup plugins") + './ setup_plugins') print("\nStep 4: Cleanup, create blogs") + './ set_root_blog_defaults') if confirm("Create child blogs?"): create_blogs() with cd(env.path): + './ setup_upload_dirs')
def put_dir_with_sudo(local_path, remote_path): # TODO: implement remote_path=None & return remote_path with lcd(local_path): source_basename = os.path.basename(local_path) print('Uploading {0} to {1}:{2}…'.format(local_path, env.host_string, remote_path), end='') sys.stdout.flush() save_file_name = '../{0}-copy-{1}.tar.gz'.format(source_basename, generate_random_name()) while os.path.exists(save_file_name): save_file_name = '../{0}-copy-{1}.tar.gz'.format( source_basename, generate_random_name()) with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'): local("tar -czf '{0}' . ".format(save_file_name)) remote_dirname, remote_basename = remote_path.rsplit(os.sep, 1) with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'): put(save_file_name, remote_dirname, use_sudo=True) local('rm -f "{0}"'.format(save_file_name)) with cd(remote_dirname): with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'): sudo('mkdir -p "{0}"'.format(remote_basename)) with cd(remote_basename): sudo('tar -xzf "{0}"'.format(save_file_name)) sudo('rm -f "{0}"'.format(save_file_name)) print(' done.')
def inner_initialize_1(): run('mkdir %s ' % dir_name) series_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) local_benchmark_script = os.path.join(series_dir, benchmark_script) if LOCAL: with cd(dir_name): run('rm -rf ./*') put(local_benchmark_script, benchmark_script, mode=0744) # run('sed -i "s/\/opt\/ycsb\/bin\/ycsb \$\*/python \$\*/g" %s' % benchmark_script) else: # if not LOCAL with cd(dir_name): put(local_benchmark_script, benchmark_script, mode=0744) # continue init # clear all the tasks that submitted so far with cd(dir_name): tasks = run('atq').split('\r\n') tid = [] for task in tasks: m = search('^(\d+)\t', task) if m: tid.append( if tid: run('atrm %s' % ' '.join(tid)) print green('host %s initialized ' %
def _checkout_or_update_git(vcs_root_dir, revision=None): # if the .git directory exists, do an update, otherwise do # a clone if files.exists(path.join(vcs_root_dir, ".git")): with cd(vcs_root_dir): sudo_or_run('git remote rm origin') sudo_or_run('git remote add origin %s' % env.repository) # fetch now, merge later (if on branch) sudo_or_run('git fetch origin') if revision is None: revision = env.revision with cd(vcs_root_dir): stash_result = sudo_or_run('git stash') sudo_or_run('git checkout %s' % revision) # check if revision is a branch, and do a merge if it is with settings(warn_only=True): rev_is_branch = sudo_or_run('git branch -r | grep %s' % revision) # use old fabric style here to support Ubuntu 10.04 if not rev_is_branch.failed: sudo_or_run('git merge origin/%s' % revision) # if we did a stash, now undo it if not stash_result.startswith("No local changes"): sudo_or_run('git stash pop') else: with cd(env.server_project_home): default_branch = env.default_branch.get(env.environment, 'master') sudo_or_run('git clone -b %s %s %s' % (default_branch, env.repository, vcs_root_dir)) if files.exists(path.join(vcs_root_dir, ".gitmodules")): with cd(vcs_root_dir): sudo_or_run('git submodule update --init')
def _install_requirements(self): # needed for private repos, local keys get forwarded env.forward_agent = True env.user = config['USER'] env.remote_home = "/home/" + config['USER'] virtualenv_dir = '%s/.virtualenvs/%s' % (env.remote_home, env.project_name) info("DJANGO: install python modules in virtualenv %s" % virtualenv_dir) # from requirements.txt with prefix('. %s/bin/activate' % virtualenv_dir): with cd("%s/code/%s" % (env.remote_home, env.project_name)): cmd = "pip install " \ "--download-cache=/var/cache/pip " \ "-r requirements.txt" debug("PIP: " + cmd) out = self.execute(run, cmd) for host, value in out.iteritems(): debug(value, host=host) # from class variable if hasattr(self.__class__, "python_packages"): for package in self.__class__.python_packages.split(" "): with prefix('. %s/.virtualenvs/%s/bin/activate' % (env.remote_home, env.project_name)): with cd("%s/code/%s" % (env.remote_home, env.project_name)): out = self.execute(run, "pip install --download-cache=/var/cache/pip %s" % (package)) for host, value in out.iteritems(): debug(value, host=host)
def deploy(name): """ Pull the latest code from remote """ project_root, env = _app_paths(name) with cd(project_root): run('git pull', pty=False) environ = supervisor._get_environment(name) with cd(project_root), prefix('source %s/bin/activate' % env), hide('running'), shell_env(**environ): install_requirements(name) # initialize the database _info("./ syncdb ... \n") run('python syncdb') # run south migrations _info("./ migrate ... \n") run('python migrate', quiet=True) # collect static files _info("./ collectstatic --noinput ... \n") run('python collectstatic --noinput') supervisor.restart(name)
def _deb_install_extras(): with cd('/srv'): if not exists('gnupg'): sudo('mkdir gnupg') if not exists('aptcache'): sudo('mkdir aptcache ; chown autobuild-ceph:autobuild-ceph aptcache') sudo('chown autobuild-ceph:autobuild-ceph gnupg ; chmod 700 gnupg') with cd('gnupg'): if not exists('pubring.gpg'): # put doesn't honor cd() for some reason put('gnupg/pubring.gpg') put('gnupg/secring.gpg') sudo("mv /home/ubuntu/*.gpg ./") sudo('chown autobuild-ceph:autobuild-ceph pubring.gpg secring.gpg') sudo('chmod 600 pubring.gpg secring.gpg') if not exists('ceph-build'): sudo('git clone') with cd('ceph-build'): sudo('git pull') if not exists('debian-base'): sudo('mkdir debian-base') with cd('debian-base'): for dist in ['squeeze','oneiric']: if not exists('%s.tgz' % (dist)): sudo('wget -q' % (dist)) sudo('grep -q autobuild-ceph /etc/sudoers || echo "autobuild-ceph ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers')
def sf_server_restore(): """Restore seafile from latest backup in /backup/""" docker_vars = _sf_server_docker_vars() sf_stop() fabtools.require.files.directories(['/backup/data', '/backup/databases']) # restore library data run('rsync -az /backup/data/seafile/* /seafile/') # fix permissions / executable flags with cd('/seafile/seafile-server-%(seafile_version)s' % docker_vars): run('chmod +x *.sh') with cd('seafile/bin'): run('chmod +x *') # add latest link run('ln -s /seafile/seafile-server%(seafile_version)s /seafile/seafile-server-latest' % docker_vars) # restore databases with cd('/seafile'): _make_old_copy(['ccnet/PeerMgr/usermgr.db', 'ccnet/GroupMgr/groupmgr.db', 'seafile-data/seafile.db', 'seahub.db']) run('sqlite3 ccnet/PeerMgr/usermgr.db < %s' % _latest_file('/backup/databases/usermgr.db.bak*')) run('sqlite3 ccnet/GroupMgr/groupmgr.db < %s' % _latest_file('/backup/databases/groupmgr.db.bak*')) run('sqlite3 seafile-data/seafile.db < %s' % _latest_file('/backup/databases/seafile.db.bak*')) run('sqlite3 seahub.db < %s ' % _latest_file('/backup/databases/seahub.db.bak*')) sf_start()
def build_openresty(version='',configure_cmd=default_configure_cmd): make_cmd = 'make -j4' install_cmd = 'make all install DESTDIR=$PWD/buildoutput' source_file = 'openresty-%s.tar.gz' % (version,) source_url = '' #'' ensure_local_dir('build-temp') with lcd('./build-temp'): if not local_file_exists(source_file): local('wget -O %s %s/%s' % (source_file,source_url,source_file)) local('wget -O lua-resty-http.tar.gz') local('wget -O stream-lua-nginx-module.tar.gz') #console.confirm('Do you want to continue?', default=True) ensure_remote_dir('build-temp') put(source_file,'build-temp') put('lua-resty-http.tar.gz', 'build-temp') put('stream-lua-nginx-module.tar.gz', 'build-temp') with cd('build-temp'): run('tar xzf %s' % (source_file,)) run('tar xzf lua-resty-http.tar.gz') run('tar xzf stream-lua-nginx-module.tar.gz') with cd('openresty-%s' % (version,)): # add lua-resty-http run('mv ../lua-resty-http-* bundle/lua-resty-http-0.07') run("sed -i 's/for my $key (qw(/for my $key (qw(http /g' configure") # add external modules run('mv ../stream-lua-nginx-module-master bundle/') configure_cmd+=' --with-stream --with-stream_ssl_module --add-module=bundle/stream-lua-nginx-module-master' run('ls -la bundle/') # build run('%s && %s && %s' % (configure_cmd,make_cmd,install_cmd))
def bootstrap_python(extra_args=""): version = api.env['python-version'] versionParsed = '.'.join(version.split('.')[:3]) d = dict(version=versionParsed) prefix = api.env["python-path"] if not prefix: raise "No path for python set" save_path = api.env.path # the pwd may not yet exist api.env.path = "/" with cd('/'): runescalatable('mkdir -p %s' % prefix)"([-O %s])"%prefix) with asbuildoutuser(): with cd('/tmp'): get_url(''%d)'tar -xzf Python-%(version)s.tgz'%d) with cd('Python-%(version)s'%d): #"sed 's/#readline/readline/' Modules/Setup.dist > TMPFILE && mv TMPFILE Modules/Setup.dist") #"sed 's/#_socket/_socket/' Modules/Setup.dist > TMPFILE && mv TMPFILE Modules/Setup.dist")'./configure --prefix=%(prefix)s --enable-unicode=ucs4 --with-threads --with-readline --with-dbm --with-zlib --with-ssl --with-bz2 %(extra_args)s' % locals())'make') runescalatable('make altinstall')"rm -rf /tmp/Python-%(version)s"%d) api.env["system-python-use-not"] = True api.env.path = save_path
def install_cairo(): """ installs latest version of pixman and cairo backend """ # graphite is not satisfied with versions available through "yum install" if exists('/usr/local/lib/'): return sudo('yum -y -q install pkgconfig valgrind-devel libpng-devel freetype-devel fontconfig-devel') with cd('/tmp'): # install pixman sudo('rm -rf pixman*') run('wget') run('tar xfz pixman-0.20.2.tar.gz') with cd('pixman-0.20.2'): with prefix('export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig'): run('./configure') sudo('make install') # install cairo sudo('rm -rf cairo*') run('wget') run('tar xfz cairo-1.10.2.tar.gz') with cd('cairo-1.10.2'): with prefix('export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig'): run('./configure --enable-xlib=no --disable-gobject') sudo('make install')
def deploy_project(project_name, env_type, repo): """ Deploys project to remote server, requires project name, environment type(development/production) and the repository of the project """ import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() # with cd(env.DEV_VIRTUALENV_PATH): # create_virtual_env(project_name) #make project dir project_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(env.DEV_PROJECT_DIR, project_name)) run('mkdir -p {}'.format(project_path)) with cd(project_path): # run('mkdir %s' % SOURCE_DIRECTORY_NAME) run('git clone %s .' % repo) with cd(SOURCE_DIRECTORY_NAME): source_path = run('pwd') nginx_uwsgi_conf_name = '%s.production.nginx.uwsgi' % project_name uwsgi_conf_name = '%s.production.uwsgi' % project_name with settings(warn_only=True): sudo('ln -s %s.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/' % os.path.join(source_path, nginx_uwsgi_conf_name)) sudo('ln -s %s.conf /etc/init/' % os.path.join(source_path, uwsgi_conf_name)) local_settings_path = os.path.join(source_path, project_name, project_name, 'settings', '') if generate_local_config(project_name, local_settings_path): update_project(project_name, env_type)
def install_packages_in(env, directory, patterns, remote_upload_dir="/tmp/"): """ Install all the packages in the `directory` that match `pattern` in a remote machine. """ SUBDIR = "inst" matches = set() for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for pattern in patterns: for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern): full_filename = os.path.join(root, filename) matches.add(full_filename) break if len(matches) == 0: print(red("no packages to install in %s" % directory)) return print(green("... the following packages will be installed")) print(green("...... %s" % ", ".join(matches))) with cd(remote_upload_dir): print(yellow("... cleaning up old packages")) if exists(SUBDIR): run("rm -rf {subdir}".format(subdir=SUBDIR)) run("mkdir {subdir}".format(subdir=SUBDIR)) with cd(os.path.join(remote_upload_dir, SUBDIR)): print(yellow("... uploading packages")) for f in matches: put(f, ".") print(yellow("... installing software")) sudo("dpkg --install *.deb")
def deploy_base(): """ Deploys the code and installs the base libraries for all server types """ # update apt-cache library with hide('stdout', 'stderr'): sudo('apt-get update') # ubuntu goodies sudo("apt-get install --assume-yes build-essential python-pip python-dev python-mysqldb git-core sqlite3 python-mysqldb fabric python-lxml") # Make top-level folder if it doesn't exist sudo('mkdir -p /srv') with cd('/srv'): # Clone git repo if it doesn't exist if not exists('directedstudies'): sudo('git clone %s directedstudies' % github_repo) with cd('/srv/directedstudies/'): sudo('git pull') # Install newer pip version since Ubuntu ships with broken one sudo('pip install --upgrade pip') # Install python libs sudo('pip install -r requirements.txt') sudo('python develop') update_config_file()
def bundlestrap(): """ Bootstrap the uploaded project package on the remote server. """ ## Install bare server requirements if silentrun('which pip').failed: ops.sudo('easy_install pip') if silentrun('which virtualenv').failed: ops.sudo('pip install virtualenv') if silentrun('which fab').failed: ops.sudo('apt-get install python-dev') ops.sudo('pip intall Fabric') deployment_dir = '~/%s/%s' % (settings.deployment_dir, env.role)'mkdir -p ' + deployment_dir) # temporarily disable .pydistutils.cfg, see pydistutils = files.exists('.pydistutils.cfg') if pydistutils:"mv ~/.pydistutils.cfg ~/.pydistutils.cfg.disabled") with'rm -rf %s' % prj.build_name)'tar xmzf ~/builds/%s.tar.gz' % prj.build_name)'tar xmzf project.tar.gz')'virtualenv %s/.ve --python=%s --system-site-packages' % ( prj.build_name, settings.py_version ) + ' --distribute' if settings.use_distribute else '')'%s/.ve/bin/pip install -I' % prj.build_name)'rm -rf %s/.ve/build' % prj.build_name)'rm -f project.tar.gz') with"%s/%s" % (deployment_dir, prj.build_name)):'.ve/bin/python develop') if pydistutils:"mv ~/.pydistutils.cfg.disabled ~/.pydistutils.cfg")
def deploy(): #backup() _pack() if not dir_exists(REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH): sudo('virtualenv --no-site-packages /opt/drbenv') with cd('/opt/drbenv'): run('mkdir -Rf ' + PROJECT_NAME) run('mkdir -Rf tmp') put('', REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH + '/' + PROJECT_NAME) with cd(REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH + '/' +PROJECT_NAME): sudo('unzip') sudo('rm') sudo('mkdir -Rf /var/www/'+ PROJECT_NAME +'/static') sudo('mkdir -Rf /var/www/'+ PROJECT_NAME +'/media') _install_deps() _migrate() _install_gunicorn() _gunicorn() _supa_gunicorn() _rmTemp() _collectstatic() restart()
def notebook_gis_install(): # install basemap with settings(warn_only=True): basemap = run('/home/%s/notebookenv/bin/pip freeze |grep basemap' % env.user) if not basemap: if not exists('/usr/lib/'): sudo('ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/') with cd('/tmp/'): run('wget') run('tar -xzf basemap-1.0.6.tar.gz') with cd('basemap-1.0.6'): run('/home/%s/notebookenv/bin/python install' % env.user) run('rm -fR basemap-1.0.6') # install shapefile library with settings(warn_only=True): shapefile = run('/home/%s/notebookenv/bin/pip freeze |grep shapefile' % env.user) if not shapefile: with cd('/tmp/'): run('git clone') with cd('pyshp'): run('/home/%s/notebookenv/bin/python install' % env.user) run('rm -fR pyshp')
def install_infrastructure_server(publichost, admin_privkey_path, website_pubkey, leastauth_repo_gitdir, leastauth_commit_hash, secret_config_repo_gitdir, secret_config_commit_hash, stdout, stderr): """ This is the code that sets up the infrastructure server. This is intended to be idempotent. Known sources of non-idempotence: - setup_git_deploy """ set_host_and_key(publichost, admin_privkey_path) print >>stdout, "Updating server..." run_unattended_upgrade(api, UNATTENDED_UPGRADE_REBOOT_SECONDS) postfixdebconfstring="""# General type of mail configuration: # Choices: No configuration, Internet Site, Internet with smarthost, Satellite system, Local only postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select No configuration""" print >>stdout, "Installing dependencies..." package_list = TAHOE_LAFS_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES + EXTRA_INFRASTRUCTURE_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES apt_install_dependencies(stdout, package_list) # From: sudo('pip install --index-url --upgrade stripe') write(postfixdebconfstring, '/home/ubuntu/postfixdebconfs.txt') sudo('debconf-set-selections /home/ubuntu/postfixdebconfs.txt') sudo_apt_get('install -y postfix') run('wget') run('tar zxf pelican-3.2.2.tar.gz') with cd('pelican-3.2.2'): sudo('python install') create_account('website', website_pubkey, stdout, stderr) sudo_apt_get('install -y authbind') sudo('touch /etc/authbind/byport/{443,80}') sudo('chown website:root /etc/authbind/byport/{443,80}') sudo('chmod -f 744 /etc/authbind/byport/{443,80}') # patch twisted to send intermediate certs, cf. sudo("sed --in-place=bak 's/[.]use_certificate_file[(]/.use_certificate_chain_file(/g' $(python -c 'import twisted, os; print os.path.dirname(twisted.__file__)')/internet/") set_host_and_key(publichost, admin_privkey_path, 'website') git_ssh_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(leastauth_repo_gitdir), '') setup_git_deploy(publichost, admin_privkey_path, git_ssh_path, '/home/website/', leastauth_repo_gitdir, leastauth_commit_hash) setup_git_deploy(publichost, admin_privkey_path, git_ssh_path, '/home/website/secret_config', secret_config_repo_gitdir, secret_config_commit_hash) with cd('/home/website/'): if not files.exists('signup_logs'): run('mkdir signup_logs') if not files.exists('secrets'): run('mkdir secrets') with cd('/home/website/secret_config'): run('chmod -f 400 *pem') run_flapp_web_servers() set_up_crontab(INFRASTRUCTURE_CRONTAB, '/home/website/ctab')
def install_package_in(env, deb, remote_upload_dir="/tmp/"): """ Install all the packages in the `directory` that match `pattern` in a remote machine. """ SUBDIR = "inst" if os.path.exists(deb): print(red("%s packages not found")) return print(green("... the following packages will be installed")) print(green("...... %s" % deb)) with cd(remote_upload_dir): print(yellow("... cleaning up old packages")) if exists(SUBDIR): run("rm -rf {subdir}".format(subdir=SUBDIR)) run("mkdir {subdir}".format(subdir=SUBDIR)) with cd(os.path.join(remote_upload_dir, SUBDIR)): print(yellow("... uploading packages")) put(deb, ".") print(yellow("... installing software")) sudo("dpkg --install *.deb")
def update_refinery(): """Perform full update of a Refinery Platform instance""" puts("Updating Refinery") with cd(env.refinery_project_dir): # if in Vagrant update current branch, otherwise checkout custom branch if env.project_user != 'vagrant': run("git checkout {branch}".format(**env)) # avoid explaining automatic merge commits with both new and old git # versions running on different VMs # with shell_env(GIT_MERGE_AUTOEDIT='no'): run("git pull".format(**env)) with cd(env.refinery_ui_dir): run("npm prune --progress false") run("npm update --progress false") run("rm -rf bower_components") run("bower update --config.interactive=false") run("grunt make") with prefix("workon {refinery_virtualenv_name}".format(**env)): run("pip install -r {refinery_project_dir}/requirements.txt" .format(**env)) run("find . -name '*.pyc' -delete") run("{refinery_app_dir}/ migrate --noinput --fake-initial" .format(**env)) run("{refinery_app_dir}/ collectstatic --clear --noinput" .format(**env)) run("supervisorctl reload") with cd(env.refinery_project_dir): run("touch {refinery_app_dir}/config/wsgi_*.py".format(**env))
def mark_last_release_unsuccessful(): # Removes last line from RELEASE_RECORD file with cd(env.root): sudo("sed -i '$d' {}".format(RELEASE_RECORD))
def deploy(self, service, script=None, n=10, gpus=1, token=None, pyargs=None): _service = service gpus = int(gpus) n = int(n) pyargs = '' if pyargs is None else ' {}'.format(pyargs) if len(free_gpu_slots()) == 0: puts('No free gpus on {}'.format(env.host_string)) return self.initialize() with cd(self.host_docker_dir): run('docker-compose build --no-cache --build-arg ssh_prv_key="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)" --build-arg ssh_pub_key="$(cat ~/.ssh/" {}' .format(service)) bare_run_str = 'docker-compose run -d' free_gpus = sorted(free_gpu_slots()) gpu_i = 0 container_i = 0 gpu_groups = [] while gpu_i < len(free_gpus): service = _service gpu_j = gpu_i + gpus gpu_ids = free_gpus[gpu_i:gpu_j] if len(gpu_ids) < gpus or container_i >= n: break name = env.user + '_' + service + '_{script}_gpu_' + '_'.join( gpu_ids) args = ' -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={}'.format( ','.join(gpu_ids)) gpu_run_str = bare_run_str + args if script is None: name = name.format(script='notebook') args = '-p 444{}:8888'.format(gpu_ids[0]) if token is not None: service += ' --NotebookApp.token={}'.format(token) else: name = name.format(script=script) args = ' -v {}:/scripts'.format(join( self.host_scripts_dir)) args += ' --entrypoint "python3 /scripts/{}.py{}"'.format( script, pyargs) run('(docker ps -a | grep {name}) && docker rm {name}'.format( name=name), warn_only=True) run('{} {} --name {} {}'.format(gpu_run_str, args, name, service)) gpu_i = gpu_j container_i += 1 gpu_groups.append(','.join(gpu_ids)) self.finalize() puts('started service {} on {} on GPUs {}'.format( env.host_string, service, ' '.join(gpu_groups)))
def remove_duds(): role = env.roles[0] releasedir = get_releasedir(role) with cd(releasedir): run('rm -rf duds/*') broadcast('duds/ directory emptied!')
def _add_private_file(self): run('rm -f /home/ubuntu/private.json') put('~/private_active_data_etl.json', '/home/ubuntu/private.json') with cd("/home/ubuntu"): run("chmod o-r private.json")
def restart_celery(): update_celery = prompt("Did you make any changes to the {{ cookiecutter.project_name }} celery tasks? (y/N)", default='n') if update_celery == 'y': with cd(env.django_settings.supervisor_path): cmd = "sudo supervisorctl restart {}".format(" ".join(env.celery)) run(cmd)
def install_swampdragon(*args, **kwargs): """ Install swampdragon with an example app (todo) """ home = run('echo $HOME') projectname = kwargs.get('project') sd_host = kwargs.get('sd_host') sd_port = kwargs.get('sd_port') redis_port = kwargs.get('redis_port') appname = 'todo' errors = [] if not projectname: error = 'Enter the project name' projectname = prompt(error) if not projectname: errors.append(error) if not sd_host: error = 'Enter the domain name of the website' sd_host = prompt(error) if not sd_host: errors.append(error) errors.append( 'Enter the host name which has been used in the django installer name.' ) if not sd_port: error = 'Enter a remote port for the swampdragon websocket server' sd_port = prompt(error) if not sd_port: errors.append(error) if not redis_port: error = 'Enter a local port for the redis server' redis_port = prompt(error) if not redis_port: errors.append(error) projectdir = os.path.join(home, projectname) if not exists(projectdir): errors.append('The Django project ~/%s must already exits.' % projectname) errors.append( 'Swampdragon will be installed into the directory ~/%s.' % projectname) init_file = os.path.join(home, 'init', projectname) if not exists(init_file): errors.append('The gunicorn init file ~/init/%s must exits.' % projectname) if errors: errors.append( 'Usage: fab -H localhost install_swampdragon:project=$PROJECT_NAME,sd_host=$SD_HOST,sd_port=$SD_PORT,redis_port=$REDIS_PORT' ) for error in errors: print(error) return 1 # Install redis. # The redis port is necessary for swampdragon, there is no possibility to connect via unix socket. install_redis(port=redis_port) # Find already existing virtualenv daemon = get_daemon(init_file) if not daemon: venv_path = prompt( 'Enter the path to virtualenv (Default: ~/%s/venv/)' % projectname) if not venv_path: venv_path = os.path.join(projectdir, 'venv') if not venv_path.endswith('/'): venv_path += '/' print('Replace DAEMON variable in init script') sed(init_file, 'DAEMON=.*', 'DAEMON=%sbin/gunicorn' % venv_path) elif daemon and not daemon.startswith('/usr/bin/'): venv_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(daemon)) print( 'Found an existing virtualenv for the project %s in the directory %s' % (projectname, venv_path)) else: print('Replace DAEMON variable in init script') sed(init_file, 'DAEMON=/usr/bin/', 'DAEMON=$HOME/%s/venv/bin/' % projectname) venv_path = os.path.join(projectdir, 'venv') # Replace $HOME and ~, because it doesn't work with supervisord venv_path = venv_path.replace('$HOME', home).replace('~', home) vpython = os.path.join(venv_path, 'bin', 'python') vpip = os.path.join(venv_path, 'bin', 'pip') with cd(os.path.join(projectdir)): if not exists(os.path.join(venv_path, 'bin', 'python')): run('virtualenv %s' % venv_path) for packet in [ 'mysqlclient', 'swampdragon', 'gunicorn==18.0', 'gevent==1.1rc5' ]: if not run(vpip + ' show ' + packet.split('==')[0]): with hide('output'): run(vpip + ' install ' + packet) if not run(vpip + ' show swampdragon'): with hide('output'): run(vpip + ' install mysqlclient swampdragon gunicorn==18.0 gevent==1.1rc5' ) if not exists(os.path.join(projectdir, 'todo.tar.gz')): run('wget -O ~/%s/todo.tar.gz' % projectname) if not exists(os.path.join(projectdir, 'todo')): run('tar xzf %s/todo.tar.gz' % projectdir) sd_settings_file = os.path.join(projectdir, appname, '') sed(sd_settings_file, 'X_REDIS_PORT', redis_port) sed(sd_settings_file, 'X_SD_HOST', sd_host) sed(sd_settings_file, 'X_SD_PORT', sd_port) settings_file = os.path.join(projectdir, projectname, '') append( settings_file, 'INSTALLED_APPS = list(INSTALLED_APPS) + [\'swampdragon\', \'todo\']' ) append(settings_file, 'from todo.swampdragon_settings import *') urls_file = os.path.join(projectdir, projectname, '') append(urls_file, 'from django.views.generic import TemplateView') append( urls_file, 'urlpatterns += [url(r\'^todo/$\', TemplateView.as_view(template_name=\'index.html\'), name=\'home\')]' ) run(vpython + ' migrate') run(vpython + ' collectstatic --noinput') try: run(init_file + ' restart') except SystemExit: run(init_file + ' start') # Setup supervisord setup_supervisord() runsd_config_file = os.path.join(home, 'supervisor', 'programs', projectname) if not exists(runsd_config_file): configs = [ '[program:%s-sd]' % projectname, 'directory=%s' % projectdir, 'environment=DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=%s.settings' % projectname, 'command=%s runsd' % vpython, 'stdout_logfile=%s/sd.log' % projectdir, 'stderr_logfile=%s/sd.err' % projectdir, 'autostart=true', 'autorestart=true', 'stopsignal=INT', ] for config in configs: append(runsd_config_file, config) run('~/init/supervisord reload')
def cd(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cd(*args, **kwargs)
def perform_system_checks(current=False): path = env.code_current if current else env.code_root venv = env.virtualenv_current if current else env.virtualenv_root with cd(path): sudo('%s/bin/python check --deploy' % venv)
def update_fuzzymap_binary(): with cd('~/fuzzylog/delos-apps/examples/hashmap'): run('git pull') run('make clean') run('make')
def start_pillows(current=False): code_root = env.code_current if current else env.code_root with cd(code_root): sudo('scripts/supervisor-group-ctl start pillowtop')
cmd += ' -w %s' % maxthreads if up: cmd += ' -up %s' % up if down: cmd += ' -dwn %s' % down run(cmd) def clean_fuzzymap(): with cd('~/fuzzylog/delos-apps/examples/hashmap'): run('rm *.txt') def atomicmap_proc(log_addr, exp_range, exp_duration, client_id, workload, async, window_size, replication): with cd('~/fuzzylog/delos-apps/examples/hashmap'): args = 'build/atomicmap ' args += '--log_addr=' + str(log_addr) + ' ' args += '--expt_range=' + str(exp_range) + ' ' args += '--expt_duration=' + str(exp_duration) + ' ' args += '--client_id=' + str(client_id) + ' ' args += '--workload=' + str(workload) + ' ' if async == "True": args += '--async ' args += '--window_size=' + str(window_size) if replication == "True": args += ' --replication' run(args) def capmap_proc(log_addr, exp_range, exp_duration, num_clients, client_id,
def clean_fuzzymap(): with cd('~/fuzzylog/delos-apps/examples/hashmap'): run('rm *.txt')
def build(): with cd(env.control_dir): sudo('docker-compose build pipecontrol')
def start(): with cd(env.control_dir): sudo('docker-compose up -d pipecontrol')
def set_in_progress_flag(use_current_release=False): venv = env.virtualenv_root if not use_current_release else env.virtualenv_current with cd(env.code_root if not use_current_release else env.code_current): sudo('{}/bin/python deploy_in_progress'.format(venv))
def down(): with cd(env.control_dir): sudo('docker-compose down')
def create_kafka_topics(): """Create kafka topics if needed. This is pretty fast.""" with cd(env.code_root): sudo('%(virtualenv_root)s/bin/python create_kafka_topics' % env)
def flip_es_aliases(): """Flip elasticsearch aliases to the latest version""" with cd(env.code_root): sudo( '%(virtualenv_root)s/bin/python ptop_es_manage --flip_all_aliases' % env)
def copy_email_templates(): with cd(env.SRC_PATH): sudo("%s copy_email_templates" % env.PYTHON_BIN)
def sync_db(): with cd(env.project_dir): run("./%s/bin/manage-pcp-sync" % PROJECT_DIR)
def compress_static(): """ Runs django_compressor's compress command""" with cd(env.SRC_PATH): sudo('{0} compress --force'.format(env.MANAGE_BIN), user='******')
def install_front_end_requirements(): with cd(env.SRC_PATH): sudo('bower install --allow-root')
def upload(): with cd(PROJECT_DIR): put("{}.tar.gz".format(PROJECT_NAME), ".")
def extract(): with cd(PROJECT_DIR): run("sudo tar xf {}.tar.gz".format(PROJECT_NAME))
def _get_submodule_list(): if files.exists(env.code_current): with cd(env.code_current): return sudo("git submodule | awk '{ print $2 }'").split() else: return []
def start_celery_tasks(current=False): code_root = env.code_current if current else env.code_root with cd(code_root): sudo('scripts/supervisor-group-ctl start celery')
def single_install(with_db): """ Perform the tasks to install the whole BOINC server on a single machine """ if with_db: # Activate the DB sudo('mysql_install_db') sudo('chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/*') run('''echo "service { 'mysqld': ensure => running, enable => true }" | sudo puppet apply''' ) sudo('service mysqld start') # Wait for it to start up time.sleep(5) if with_db: # Setup the database for recording WU's run('mysql --user=root < /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src/database/create_database.sql' ) # Make the BOINC project with cd('/home/ec2-user/boinc/tools'): run('./make_project -v --no_query --url_base http://{0} --db_user root {1}' .format(env.hosts[0], env.project_name)) run('''echo 'databaseUserid = "root" databasePassword = "" databaseHostname = "localhost" databaseName = "magphys" boincDatabaseName = "{0}"' >> /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src/config/database.settings''' .format(env.project_name)) else: # Setup the database for recording WU's run('mysql --user={0} --host={1} --password={2} < /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src/database/create_database.sql' .format(env.db_username, env.db_host_name, env.db_password)) # Make the BOINC project with cd('/home/ec2-user/boinc/tools'): run('./make_project -v --no_query --drop_db_first --url_base http://{0} --db_user {1} --db_host={2} --db_passwd={3} {4}' .format(env.hosts[0], env.db_username, env.db_host_name, env.db_password, env.project_name)) run('''echo 'databaseUserid = "{0}" databasePassword = "******" databaseHostname = "{2}" databaseName = "magphys" boincDatabaseName = "{3}"' >> /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src/config/database.settings''' .format(env.db_username, env.db_password, env.db_host_name, env.project_name)) # Setup Docmosis files run('''echo 'docmosis_key = "{0}" docmosis_render_url = "" docmosis_template = "Report.doc"' >> /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src/config/docmosis.settings''' .format(env.docmosis_key)) # Setup Work Generation files run('''echo 'min_pixels_per_file = "15" row_height = "6" threshold = "1000" high_water_mark = "400" report_deadline = "7" project_name = "{0}" tmp = "/tmp" boinc_project_root = "/home/ec2-user/projects/{0}"' >> /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src/config/work_generation.settings''' .format(env.project_name)) # Copy the config files run('cp /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/config/boinc_files/db_dump_spec.xml /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/db_dump_spec.xml' .format(env.project_name)) run('cp /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/config/boinc_files/html/user/* /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html/user/' .format(env.project_name)) run('cp /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/config/boinc_files/hr_info.txt /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/hr_info.txt' .format(env.project_name)) run('mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html/stats_archive'.format( env.project_name)) run('mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html/stats_tmp'.format( env.project_name)) comment('/home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html/ops/create_forums.php'.format( env.project_name), '^die', char='// ') run('mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html/user/logos'.format( env.project_name)) run('cp /home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/logos/* /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html/user/logos/' .format(env.project_name)) # Build the validator with cd('/home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src/magphys_validator'): run('make') # setup_website with cd('/home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/machine-setup/boinc'): run('fab --set project_name={0} edit_files'.format(env.project_name)) sudo('fab --set project_name={0} setup_website'.format( env.project_name)) # This is needed because the files that Apache serve are inside the user's home directory. run('chmod 711 /home/ec2-user') run('chmod -R oug+r /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}'.format(env.project_name)) run('chmod -R oug+x /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html'.format( env.project_name)) run('chmod ug+w /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/log_*'.format( env.project_name)) run('chmod ug+wx /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/upload'.format( env.project_name)) # Setup the forums with cd('/home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html/ops'.format(env.project_name)): run('php create_forums.php') # Copy files into place with cd('/home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/machine-setup/boinc'): run('fab --set project_name={0},gmail_account={1} setup_postfix'. format(env.project_name, env.gmail_account)) run('fab --set project_name={0} create_first_version'.format( env.project_name)) run('fab --set project_name={0} start_daemons'.format( env.project_name)) # Setup the crontab job to keep things ticking run('echo "PYTHONPATH=/home/ec2-user/boinc/py:/home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src" >> /tmp/crontab.txt' ) run('echo "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * cd /home/ec2-user/projects/{0} ; /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/bin/start --cron" >> /tmp/crontab.txt' .format(env.project_name)) run('crontab /tmp/crontab.txt') # Setup the ops area password with cd('/home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/html/ops'.format(env.project_name)): run('htpasswd -bc .htpasswd {0} {1}'.format(env.ops_username, env.ops_password)) # Setup the logrotation sudo('''echo "/home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/log_*/*.log /home/ec2-user/projects/{0}/log_*/*.out {{ notifempty daily compress rotate 10 dateext copytruncate }}" > /etc/logrotate.d/boinc'''.format(env.project_name)) # Setup the ssh key run('ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /home/ec2-user/.ssh/id_rsa') run('cat /home/ec2-user/.ssh/ >> /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys' )
def record_successful_release(): with cd(env.root): files.append(RELEASE_RECORD, str(env.code_root), use_sudo=True)
def kill_stale_celery_workers(delay=0): with cd(env.code_current): sudo('echo "{}/bin/python ' 'kill_stale_celery_workers" ' '| at now + {} minutes'.format(env.virtualenv_current, delay))
def base_install(host0): """ Perform the basic install """ if host0: # Clone our code if env.branch == '': run('git clone git://') else: run('git clone -b {0} git://'. format(env.branch)) # Puppet and git should be installed by the python with cd('/home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/machine-setup'): sudo('puppet apply boinc-magphys.pp') # Setup postfix sudo('service sendmail stop') sudo('service postfix stop') sudo('chkconfig sendmail off') sudo('chkconfig sendmail --del') sudo('chkconfig postfix --add') sudo('chkconfig postfix on') sudo('service postfix start') sudo('''echo "relayhost = []:587 smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/cacert.pem smtp_use_tls = yes # smtp_generic_maps smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic default_destination_concurrency_limit = 1" >> /etc/postfix/''') sudo( 'echo "[]:587 {0}{1}" > /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd' .format(env.gmail_account, env.gmail_password)) sudo('chmod 400 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd') sudo('postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd') # Setup the python run('wget' ) sudo('sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg') run('rm setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg') sudo('rm -f /usr/bin/easy_install') sudo('easy_install-2.7 pip') sudo('rm -f /usr/bin/pip') sudo('pip-2.7 install sqlalchemy') sudo('pip-2.7 install Numpy') sudo('pip-2.7 install pyfits') sudo('pip-2.7 install pil') sudo('pip-2.7 install fabric') sudo('pip-2.7 install configobj') sudo('pip-2.7 install MySQL-python') sudo('pip-2.7 install boto') # Plotting and reporting sudo('pip-2.7 install matplotlib') sudo('pip-2.7 install astropy') for user in env.list_of_users: sudo('useradd {0}'.format(user)) sudo('mkdir /home/{0}/.ssh'.format(user)) sudo('chmod 700 /home/{0}/.ssh'.format(user)) sudo('chown {0}:{0} /home/{0}/.ssh'.format(user)) sudo('mv /home/ec2-user/{0}.pub /home/{0}/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format( user)) sudo('chmod 700 /home/{0}/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(user)) sudo('chown {0}:{0} /home/{0}/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(user)) # Add them to the sudoers sudo( '''su -l root -c 'echo "{0} ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers' ''' .format(user)) # Create the .boto file if host0: file_name = get_aws_keyfile() with open(file_name, 'rb') as csv_file: reader = csv.reader(csv_file) # Skip the header row = run('''echo "[Credentials] aws_access_key_id = {0} aws_secret_access_key = {1}" >> /home/ec2-user/.boto'''.format(row[1], row[2])) # Setup the S3 environment with cd('/home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/machine-setup/boinc'): run('fab --set project_name={0} create_s3'.format( env.project_name)) # Setup BOINC # Grab the latest trunk from GIT run('git clone git:// boinc') with cd('/home/ec2-user/boinc'): run('./_autosetup') run('./configure --disable-client --disable-manager') run('make') # Setup the pythonpath append('/home/ec2-user/.bash_profile', [ '', 'PYTHONPATH=/home/ec2-user/boinc/py:/home/ec2-user/boinc-magphys/server/src', 'export PYTHONPATH' ]) # Setup the HDF5 with cd('/usr/local/src'): sudo( 'wget' ) sudo('tar -xvzf szip-2.1.tar.gz') sudo( 'wget' ) sudo('tar -xvzf hdf5-1.8.11.tar.gz') sudo('rm *.gz') with cd('/usr/local/src/szip-2.1'): sudo('./configure --prefix=/usr/local/szip') sudo('make') sudo('make install') with cd('/usr/local/src/hdf5-1.8.11'): sudo( './configure --prefix=/usr/local/hdf5 --with-szlib=/usr/local/szip --enable-production' ) sudo('make') sudo('make install') sudo('''echo "/usr/local/hdf5/lib /usr/local/szip/lib" >> /etc/''') sudo('ldconfig') # Now install the H5py with cd('/tmp'): run('wget') run('tar -xvzf h5py-2.1.0.tar.gz') with cd('/tmp/h5py-2.1.0'): sudo('python2.7 build --hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5') sudo('python2.7 install')