Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_wildcard_excl_fixed_host(self):
        A list of namespaces is selected through wildcards
        with a fixed hostname
        sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
        for host in self.mockhosts:
            sel.select(host[0], host[1])
        namespace = self.mockhosts[3][0][:]
        namespace[-1] = "*"
        print namespace
        hst = "host3"
        sel.exclude(namespace, hst)

        count = len(self.mockhosts)
        for host in self.mockhosts:
            print host
            if len(host[0]) == 0:
            elif host[0][0] == namespace[0] and host[1] == hst:
                print host[0], host[1]
                count -= 1
        result = sel.flatten()
        print result
        print len(result), count
        assert len(result) == count, \
        "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_explicit_multiple_exclude(self):
        A list of hosts is explicitly excluded
        sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
        for host in self.mockhosts:
            sel.select(host[0], host[1])
        for host in self.mockhosts:
            sel.exclude(host[0], host[1])

        result = sel.flatten()
        assert len(result) == 0, \
        "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_duplicate_host_removal(self):
     Some Hosts are selected through multiple patterns thus can be double
     self.mockroot.add(self.mockhosts[13][0], self.mockhosts[17][1])
     # one entry is multiplied the result size must stay the same
     sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
     for host in self.mockhosts:
         sel.select(host[0], host[1])
     result = sel.flatten()
     print len(result), len(self.mockhosts)
     assert len(result) == len(self.mockhosts), \
     "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_explicit_single_select(self):
     A lsingle host is explicitly selected
     sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
     namespace = self.mockhosts[12][0]
     host = self.mockhosts[12][1]
     sel.select(namespace, host)
     result = sel.flatten()
     print len(result)
     assert len(result) == 1, \
     "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
     print result[0], host
     assert result[0] == host, "The Host is wrong"
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_explicit_multiple_select(self):
     A list of hosts is explicitly selected
     sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
     for host in self.mockhosts:
         sel.select(host[0], host[1])
     result = sel.flatten()
     print len(result), len(self.mockhosts)
     assert len(result) == len(self.mockhosts), \
     "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
     for host in self.mockhosts:
         print host[1], result
         assert host[1] in result, "A host is mising from the result"
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_wildcard_select_all(self):
        A list of namespaces is selected through wildcards
        sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
        namespace = ["*"]
        print namespace
        host = "*"
        sel.select(namespace, host)

        count = len(self.mockhosts)
        result = sel.flatten()
        print result
        print len(result), count
        assert len(result) == count, \
        "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_wildcard_select_hosts(self):
     A list of hosts is selected through wildcards
     sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
     namespace = self.mockhosts[3][0]
     host = "*"
     sel.select(namespace, host)
     count = 0
     for host in self.mockhosts:
         if cmp(host[0], namespace) == 0:
             count += 1
     result = sel.flatten()
     print len(result), count
     assert len(result) == count, \
     "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_explicit_single_exclude(self):
     A list of hosts is explicitly excluded
     sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
     for host in self.mockhosts:
         sel.select(host[0], host[1])
     namespace = self.mockhosts[3][0]
     host = self.mockhosts[3][1]
     sel.exclude(namespace, host)
     result = sel.flatten()
     print len(self.mockhosts)
     print len(result), (len(self.mockhosts) - 1)
     assert len(result) == (len(self.mockhosts) - 1), \
     "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
     print host, result
     assert host not in result, "The excluded host was found in the result"
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_no_namespace_single(self):
        A single Host with no namespoace is selected
        sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
        namespace = []
        host = "host22"
        sel.select(namespace, host)
        count = 0
        for hst in self.mockhosts:
            if len(hst[0]) == 0 and hst[1] == host:
                count += 1

        print count
        result = sel.flatten()
        print result
        print len(result), count
        assert len(result) == count, \
        "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_no_namespace_all(self):
        All hosts without Namespace are selected
        sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
        namespace = []
        host = "*"
        sel.select(namespace, host)
        count = 0
        for hst in self.mockhosts:
            if len(hst[0]) == 0:
                count += 1

        print count
        result = sel.flatten()
        print result
        print len(result), count
        assert len(result) == count, \
        "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_wildcard_select_namespace(self):
        A list of namespaces is selected through wildcards
        sel = hostslist.HostSelection(self.mockroot)
        namespace = self.mockhosts[3][0][:]
        namespace[-1] = "*"
        print namespace
        host = "*"
        sel.select(namespace, host)

        count = 0
        for host in self.mockhosts:
            if len(host[0]) == 0:
            elif host[0][0] == namespace[0] and host[0][1] == namespace[1]:
                print host[0], host[1]
                count += 1
        print count
        result = sel.flatten()
        print result
        print len(result), count
        assert len(result) == count, \
        "The returned host differs in size from the expected"
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main(fabfile_locations=None):
    Main command-line execution loop.
        # Parse command line options
        parser, options, arguments = parse_options()

        # Handle regular args vs -- args
        arguments = parser.largs
        remainder_arguments = parser.rargs

        # Allow setting of arbitrary env keys.
        # This comes *before* the "specific" env_options so that those may
        # override these ones. Specific should override generic, if somebody
        # was silly enough to specify the same key in both places.
        # E.g. "fab --set shell=foo --shell=bar" should have env.shell set to
        # 'bar', not 'foo'.
        for pair in _escape_split(',', options.env_settings):
            pair = _escape_split('=', pair)
            # "--set x" => set env.x to True
            # "--set x=" => set env.x to ""
            key = pair[0]
            value = True
            if len(pair) == 2:
                value = pair[1]
            state.env[key] = value

        # Update env with any overridden option values
        # NOTE: This needs to remain the first thing that occurs
        # post-parsing, since so many things hinge on the values in env.
        for option in env_options:
            state.env[option.dest] = getattr(options, option.dest)

        # Read Hosts from file
        if "hosts_filename" in state.env and isinstance(
                state.env["hosts_filename"], basestring):
            f = open(state.env["hosts_filename"])
            selection = hostslist.select_hosts_from_file(f)
            selection = hostslist.HostSelection()

        # Handle --hosts, --roles, --exclude-hosts (comma separated string =>
        # list)
        for key in ['hosts', 'roles', 'exclude_hosts']:
            if key in state.env and isinstance(state.env[key], basestring):
                state.env[key] = state.env[key].split(',')

        # Inject Hosts read from file
        for host in state.env["hosts"]:
        for host in state.env["exclude_hosts"]:
            selection.parse_cmd("!" + host)
        del state.env["exclude_hosts"]
        state.env["hosts"] = selection.flatten()
        print "Selected Hosts:", state.env["hosts"]

        # Feed the env.tasks : tasks that are asked to be executed.
        state.env['tasks'] = arguments

        # Handle output control level show/hide
        update_output_levels(show=options.show, hide=options.hide)

        # Handle version number option
        if options.show_version:
            print("Fabric %s" % state.env.version)
            print("Paramiko %s" % ssh.__version__)

        # Load settings from user settings file, into shared env dict.

        # Find local fabfile path or abort
        fabfile = find_fabfile(fabfile_locations)
        if not fabfile and not remainder_arguments:
            abort("""Couldn't find any fabfiles!

Remember that -f can be used to specify fabfile path, and use -h for help.""")

        # Store absolute path to fabfile in case anyone needs it
        state.env.real_fabfile = fabfile

        # Load fabfile (which calls its module-level code, including
        # tweaks to env values) and put its commands in the shared commands
        # dict
        default = None
        if fabfile:
            docstring, callables, default = load_fabfile(fabfile)

        # Handle case where we were called bare, i.e. just "fab", and print
        # a help message.
        actions = (options.list_commands, options.shortlist, options.display,
                   arguments, remainder_arguments, default)
        if not any(actions):

        # Abort if no commands found
        if not state.commands and not remainder_arguments:
            abort("Fabfile didn't contain any commands!")

        # Now that we're settled on a fabfile, inform user.
        if state.output.debug:
            if fabfile:
                print("Using fabfile '%s'" % fabfile)
                print("No fabfile loaded -- remainder command only")

        # Shortlist is now just an alias for the "short" list format;
        # it overrides use of --list-format if somebody were to specify both
        if options.shortlist:
            options.list_format = 'short'
            options.list_commands = True

        # List available commands
        if options.list_commands:
            show_commands(docstring, options.list_format)

        # Handle show (command-specific help) option
        if options.display:

        # If user didn't specify any commands to run, show help
        if not (arguments or remainder_arguments or default):
            sys.exit(0)  # Or should it exit with error (1)?

        # Parse arguments into commands to run (plus args/kwargs/hosts)
        commands_to_run = parse_arguments(arguments)

        # Parse remainders into a faux "command" to execute
        remainder_command = parse_remainder(remainder_arguments)

        # Figure out if any specified task names are invalid
        unknown_commands = []
        for tup in commands_to_run:
            if crawl(tup[0], state.commands) is None:

        # Abort if any unknown commands were specified
        if unknown_commands:
            warn("Command(s) not found:\n%s" \
                % indent(unknown_commands))
            show_commands(None, options.list_format, 1)

        # Generate remainder command and insert into commands, commands_to_run
        if remainder_command:
            r = '<remainder>'
            state.commands[r] = lambda: api.run(remainder_command)
            commands_to_run.append((r, [], {}, [], [], []))

        # Ditto for a default, if found
        if not commands_to_run and default:
            commands_to_run.append((default.name, [], {}, [], [], []))

        # Initial password prompt, if requested
        if options.initial_password_prompt:
            prompt = "Initial value for env.password: "******", ".join(x[0] for x in commands_to_run)
            print("Commands to run: %s" % names)

        # At this point all commands must exist, so execute them in order.
        for name, args, kwargs, arg_hosts, arg_roles, arg_exclude_hosts in commands_to_run:
        # If we got here, no errors occurred, so print a final note.
        if state.output.status:
    except SystemExit:
        # a number of internal functions might raise this one.
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        if state.output.status:
        # we might leave stale threads if we don't explicitly exit()