Ejemplo n.º 1
def _normal_list(docstrings=True):
    result = []
    task_names, modules = _task_names(state.commands)
    # Want separator between name, description to be straight col
    max_len = reduce(lambda a, b: max(a, len(b)), task_names, 0)
    max_len2 = reduce(lambda a, b: max(a, len(b)), modules, 0)
    sep = '  '
    trail = '...'
    max_width = _pty_size()[1] - 1 - len(trail)
    for i in range(0, len(task_names) - 1):
        output = None
        docstring = _print_docstring(docstrings, task_names[i])
        if docstring:
            lines = filter(None, docstring.splitlines())
            first_line = list(lines)[0].strip()
            # Truncate it if it's longer than N chars
            size = max_width - (max_len + max_len2 + len(sep) + len(trail))
            if len(first_line) > size:
                first_line = first_line[:size] + trail
            output = task_names[i].ljust(max_len) + sep + modules[i].ljust(
                max_len2) + sep + first_line
        # Or nothing (so just the name)
            output = task_names[i]
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
        # timeout is for interact thread
        self.channel = channel
        self.stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
        self.stderr = stderr or sys.stderr
        self.timeout = env.command_timeout if (timeout is None) else timeout

        self.last_line = None
        self.last_match = None


        rows, cols = _pty_size()
        channel.get_pty(width=cols, height=rows)

        if command:
            channel.sendall(command + "\n")

        # switch to file IO
        self.fd = self.channel.makefile('rwb')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _normal_list(docstrings=True):
    result = []
    task_names = _task_names(state.commands)
    # Want separator between name, description to be straight col
    max_len = reduce(lambda a, b: max(a, len(b)), task_names, 0)
    sep = '  '
    trail = '...'
    max_width = _pty_size()[1] - 1 - len(trail)
    for name in task_names:
        docstring = _print_docstring(docstrings, name)
        if docstring:
            lines = filter(None, docstring.splitlines())
            first_line = lines[0].strip()
            # Truncate it if it's longer than N chars
            size = max_width - (max_len + len(sep) + len(trail))
            if len(first_line) > size:
                first_line = first_line[:size] + trail
            output = name.ljust(max_len) + sep + first_line
        # Or nothing (so just the name)
            output = name
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _list_formatter(task_names, docstrings=True):
    # Want separator between name, description to be straight col
    result = []
    max_len = reduce(lambda a, b: max(a, len(b)), task_names, 0)
    sep = '  '
    trail = '...'
    max_width = _pty_size()[1] - 1 - len(trail)
    for name in task_names:
        output = None
        docstring = _print_docstring(docstrings, name)
        if docstring:
            lines = filter(None, docstring.splitlines())
            first_line = lines[0].strip()
            # Truncate it if it's longer than N chars
            size = max_width - (max_len + len(sep) + len(trail))
            if len(first_line) > size:
                first_line = first_line[:size] + trail
            output = name.ljust(max_len) + sep + first_line
        # Or nothing (so just the name)
            output = name
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, channel, command = None,
                 stdout=None, stderr=None, timeout=None):
        # timeout is for interact thread
        self.channel = channel
        self.stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
        self.stderr = stderr or sys.stderr
        self.timeout = env.command_timeout if (timeout is None) else timeout

        self.last_line = None
        self.last_match = None

        rows, cols = _pty_size()
        channel.get_pty(width=cols, height=rows)

        if command:
            channel.sendall(command + "\n")

        # switch to file IO
        self.fd = self.channel.makefile('rwb')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _execute(channel, command, pty=True, combine_stderr=None,
    invoke_shell=False, stdout=None, stderr=None, timeout=None):
    Execute ``command`` over ``channel``.

    ``pty`` controls whether a pseudo-terminal is created.

    ``combine_stderr`` controls whether we call ``channel.set_combine_stderr``.
    By default, the global setting for this behavior (:ref:`env.combine_stderr
    <combine-stderr>`) is consulted, but you may specify ``True`` or ``False``
    here to override it.

    ``invoke_shell`` controls whether we use ``exec_command`` or
    ``invoke_shell`` (plus a handful of other things, such as always forcing a

    Returns a three-tuple of (``stdout``, ``stderr``, ``status``), where
    ``stdout``/``stderr`` are captured output strings and ``status`` is the
    program's return code, if applicable.
    # stdout/stderr redirection
    stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
    stderr = stderr or sys.stderr

    # Timeout setting control
    timeout = env.command_timeout if (timeout is None) else timeout

    # What to do with CTRl-C?
    remote_interrupt = env.remote_interrupt

    with char_buffered(sys.stdin):
        # Combine stdout and stderr to get around oddball mixing issues
        if combine_stderr is None:
            combine_stderr = env.combine_stderr

        # Assume pty use, and allow overriding of this either via kwarg or env
        # var.  (invoke_shell always wants a pty no matter what.)
        using_pty = True
        if not invoke_shell and (not pty or not env.always_use_pty):
            using_pty = False
        # Request pty with size params (default to 80x24, obtain real
        # parameters if on POSIX platform)
        if using_pty:
            rows, cols = _pty_size()
            channel.get_pty(width=cols, height=rows)

        # Use SSH agent forwarding from 'ssh' if enabled by user
        config_agent = ssh_config().get('forwardagent', 'no').lower() == 'yes'
        forward = None
        if env.forward_agent or config_agent:
            forward = ssh.agent.AgentRequestHandler(channel)

        # Kick off remote command
        if invoke_shell:
            if command:
                channel.sendall(command + "\n")

        # Init stdout, stderr capturing. Must use lists instead of strings as
        # strings are immutable and we're using these as pass-by-reference
        stdout_buf, stderr_buf = [], []
        if invoke_shell:
            stdout_buf = stderr_buf = None

        workers = (
            ThreadHandler('out', output_loop, channel, "recv",
                capture=stdout_buf, stream=stdout, timeout=timeout),
            ThreadHandler('err', output_loop, channel, "recv_stderr",
                capture=stderr_buf, stream=stderr, timeout=timeout),
            ThreadHandler('in', input_loop, channel, using_pty)

        if remote_interrupt is None:
            remote_interrupt = invoke_shell
        if remote_interrupt and not using_pty:
            remote_interrupt = False

        while True:
            if channel.exit_status_ready():
                # Check for thread exceptions here so we can raise ASAP
                # (without chance of getting blocked by, or hidden by an
                # exception within, recv_exit_status())
                for worker in workers:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                if not remote_interrupt:

        # Obtain exit code of remote program now that we're done.
        status = channel.recv_exit_status()

        # Wait for threads to exit so we aren't left with stale threads
        for worker in workers:

        # Close channel
        # Close any agent forward proxies
        if forward is not None:

        # Update stdout/stderr with captured values if applicable
        if not invoke_shell:
            stdout_buf = ''.join(stdout_buf).strip()
            stderr_buf = ''.join(stderr_buf).strip()

        # Tie off "loose" output by printing a newline. Helps to ensure any
        # following print()s aren't on the same line as a trailing line prefix
        # or similar. However, don't add an extra newline if we've already
        # ended up with one, as that adds a entire blank line instead.
        if output.running \
            and (output.stdout and stdout_buf and not stdout_buf.endswith("\n")) \
            or (output.stderr and stderr_buf and not stderr_buf.endswith("\n")):

        return stdout_buf, stderr_buf, status
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _execute(channel, command, pty=True, combine_stderr=None,
    invoke_shell=False, stdout=None, stderr=None, timeout=None):
    Execute ``command`` over ``channel``.

    ``pty`` controls whether a pseudo-terminal is created.

    ``combine_stderr`` controls whether we call ``channel.set_combine_stderr``.
    By default, the global setting for this behavior (:ref:`env.combine_stderr
    <combine-stderr>`) is consulted, but you may specify ``True`` or ``False``
    here to override it.

    ``invoke_shell`` controls whether we use ``exec_command`` or
    ``invoke_shell`` (plus a handful of other things, such as always forcing a

    Returns a three-tuple of (``stdout``, ``stderr``, ``status``), where
    ``stdout``/``stderr`` are captured output strings and ``status`` is the
    program's return code, if applicable.
    # stdout/stderr redirection
    stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
    stderr = stderr or sys.stderr

    # Timeout setting control
    timeout = env.command_timeout if (timeout is None) else timeout

    # What to do with CTRl-C?
    remote_interrupt = env.remote_interrupt

    with char_buffered(sys.stdin):
        # Combine stdout and stderr to get around oddball mixing issues
        if combine_stderr is None:
            combine_stderr = env.combine_stderr

        # Assume pty use, and allow overriding of this either via kwarg or env
        # var.  (invoke_shell always wants a pty no matter what.)
        using_pty = True
        if not invoke_shell and (not pty or not env.always_use_pty):
            using_pty = False
        # Request pty with size params (default to 80x24, obtain real
        # parameters if on POSIX platform)
        if using_pty:
            rows, cols = _pty_size()
            channel.get_pty(width=cols, height=rows)

        # Use SSH agent forwarding from 'ssh' if enabled by user
        config_agent = ssh_config().get('forwardagent', 'no').lower() == 'yes'
        forward = None
        if env.forward_agent or config_agent:
            forward = ssh.agent.AgentRequestHandler(channel)

        # Kick off remote command
        if invoke_shell:
            if command:
                channel.sendall(command + "\n")

        # Init stdout, stderr capturing. Must use lists instead of strings as
        # strings are immutable and we're using these as pass-by-reference
        stdout_buf, stderr_buf = [], []
        if invoke_shell:
            stdout_buf = stderr_buf = None

        workers = (
            ThreadHandler('out', output_loop, channel, "recv",
                capture=stdout_buf, stream=stdout, timeout=timeout),
            ThreadHandler('err', output_loop, channel, "recv_stderr",
                capture=stderr_buf, stream=stderr, timeout=timeout),
            ThreadHandler('in', input_loop, channel, using_pty)

        if remote_interrupt is None:
            remote_interrupt = invoke_shell
        if remote_interrupt and not using_pty:
            remote_interrupt = False

        while True:
            if channel.exit_status_ready():
                # Check for thread exceptions here so we can raise ASAP
                # (without chance of getting blocked by, or hidden by an
                # exception within, recv_exit_status())
                for worker in workers:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                if not remote_interrupt:

        # Obtain exit code of remote program now that we're done.
        status = channel.recv_exit_status()

        # Wait for threads to exit so we aren't left with stale threads
        for worker in workers:

        # Close channel
        # Close any agent forward proxies
        if forward is not None:

        # Update stdout/stderr with captured values if applicable
        if not invoke_shell:
            stdout_buf = ''.join(stdout_buf).strip()
            stderr_buf = ''.join(stderr_buf).strip()

        # Tie off "loose" output by printing a newline. Helps to ensure any
        # following print()s aren't on the same line as a trailing line prefix
        # or similar. However, don't add an extra newline if we've already
        # ended up with one, as that adds a entire blank line instead.
        if output.running \
            and (output.stdout and stdout_buf and not stdout_buf.endswith("\n")) \
            or (output.stderr and stderr_buf and not stderr_buf.endswith("\n")):

        return stdout_buf, stderr_buf, status
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _execute(channel, command, pty=True, combine_stderr=None,
    Execute ``command`` over ``channel``.

    ``pty`` controls whether a pseudo-terminal is created.

    ``combine_stderr`` controls whether we call ``channel.set_combine_stderr``.
    By default, the global setting for this behavior (:ref:`env.combine_stderr
    <combine-stderr>`) is consulted, but you may specify ``True`` or ``False``
    here to override it.

    ``invoke_shell`` controls whether we use ``exec_command`` or
    ``invoke_shell`` (plus a handful of other things, such as always forcing a

    Returns a three-tuple of (``stdout``, ``stderr``, ``status``), where
    ``stdout``/``stderr`` are captured output strings and ``status`` is the
    program's return code, if applicable.
    with char_buffered(sys.stdin):
        # Combine stdout and stderr to get around oddball mixing issues
        if combine_stderr is None:
            combine_stderr = env.combine_stderr

        # Assume pty use, and allow overriding of this either via kwarg or env
        # var.  (invoke_shell always wants a pty no matter what.)
        using_pty = True
        if not invoke_shell and (not pty or not env.always_use_pty):
            using_pty = False
        # Request pty with size params (default to 80x24, obtain real
        # parameters if on POSIX platform)
        if using_pty:
            rows, cols = _pty_size()
            channel.get_pty(width=cols, height=rows)

        # Use SSH agent forwarding from 'ssh', unless user has turned it off.
        if not env.no_agent_forward:
            forward = ssh.agent.AgentClientProxy(channel)

        # Kick off remote command
        if invoke_shell:
            if command:
                channel.sendall(command + "\n")

        # Init stdout, stderr capturing. Must use lists instead of strings as
        # strings are immutable and we're using these as pass-by-reference
        stdout, stderr = [], []
        if invoke_shell:
            stdout = stderr = None

        workers = (
            ThreadHandler('out', output_loop, channel, "recv", stdout),
            ThreadHandler('err', output_loop, channel, "recv_stderr", stderr),
            ThreadHandler('in', input_loop, channel, using_pty)

        while True:
            if channel.exit_status_ready():
                for worker in workers:
                    e = worker.exception
                    if e:
                        raise e[0], e[1], e[2]

        # Obtain exit code of remote program now that we're done.
        status = channel.recv_exit_status()

        # Wait for threads to exit so we aren't left with stale threads
        for worker in workers:

        # Close channel

        # Update stdout/stderr with captured values if applicable
        if not invoke_shell:
            stdout = ''.join(stdout).strip()
            stderr = ''.join(stderr).strip()

        # Tie off "loose" output by printing a newline. Helps to ensure any
        # following print()s aren't on the same line as a trailing line prefix
        # or similar. However, don't add an extra newline if we've already
        # ended up with one, as that adds a entire blank line instead.
        if output.running \
            and (output.stdout and stdout and not stdout.endswith("\n")) \
            or (output.stderr and stderr and not stderr.endswith("\n")):

        return stdout, stderr, status
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _execute(channel,
    Execute ``command`` over ``channel``.

    ``pty`` controls whether a pseudo-terminal is created.

    ``combine_stderr`` controls whether we call ``channel.set_combine_stderr``.
    By default, the global setting for this behavior (:ref:`env.combine_stderr
    <combine-stderr>`) is consulted, but you may specify ``True`` or ``False``
    here to override it.

    ``invoke_shell`` controls whether we use ``exec_command`` or
    ``invoke_shell`` (plus a handful of other things, such as always forcing a

    Returns a three-tuple of (``stdout``, ``stderr``, ``status``), where
    ``stdout``/``stderr`` are captured output strings and ``status`` is the
    program's return code, if applicable.
    with char_buffered(sys.stdin):
        # Combine stdout and stderr to get around oddball mixing issues
        if combine_stderr is None:
            combine_stderr = env.combine_stderr

        # Assume pty use, and allow overriding of this either via kwarg or env
        # var.  (invoke_shell always wants a pty no matter what.)
        using_pty = True
        if not invoke_shell and (not pty or not env.always_use_pty):
            using_pty = False
        # Request pty with size params (default to 80x24, obtain real
        # parameters if on POSIX platform)
        if using_pty:
            rows, cols = _pty_size()
            channel.get_pty(width=cols, height=rows)

        # Use SSH agent forwarding from 'ssh', unless user has turned it off.
        if not env.no_agent_forward:
            forward = ssh.agent.AgentClientProxy(channel)

        # Kick off remote command
        if invoke_shell:
            if command:
                channel.sendall(command + "\n")

        # Init stdout, stderr capturing. Must use lists instead of strings as
        # strings are immutable and we're using these as pass-by-reference
        stdout, stderr = [], []
        if invoke_shell:
            stdout = stderr = None

        workers = (ThreadHandler('out', output_loop, channel, "recv", stdout),
                   ThreadHandler('err', output_loop, channel, "recv_stderr",
                   ThreadHandler('in', input_loop, channel, using_pty))

        while True:
            if channel.exit_status_ready():
                for worker in workers:
                    e = worker.exception
                    if e:
                        raise e[0], e[1], e[2]

        # Obtain exit code of remote program now that we're done.
        status = channel.recv_exit_status()

        # Wait for threads to exit so we aren't left with stale threads
        for worker in workers:

        # Close channel

        # Update stdout/stderr with captured values if applicable
        if not invoke_shell:
            stdout = ''.join(stdout).strip()
            stderr = ''.join(stderr).strip()

        # Tie off "loose" output by printing a newline. Helps to ensure any
        # following print()s aren't on the same line as a trailing line prefix
        # or similar. However, don't add an extra newline if we've already
        # ended up with one, as that adds a entire blank line instead.
        if output.running \
            and (output.stdout and stdout and not stdout.endswith("\n")) \
            or (output.stderr and stderr and not stderr.endswith("\n")):

        return stdout, stderr, status