def set_up_vim_addon_xmledit(): print_msg('\nenable *.html files for vim addon xmledit:') ftplugin_dir = '~/.janus/xmledit/ftplugin' if exists(ftplugin_dir): # enable html file support (cf. run(flo('cp -n {ftplugin_dir}/html.vim {ftplugin_dir}/html.vim.orig')) run(flo('ln -snf xml.vim {ftplugin_dir}/html.vim'))
def revealjs_template(): '''Create or update the template presentation demo using task `revealjs`. ''' from config import basedir, github_user, github_repo run(flo('rm -f {basedir}/index.html')) run(flo('rm -f {basedir}/')) run(flo('rm -f {basedir}/')) run(flo('rm -rf {basedir}/img/')) title = 'reveal.js template' subtitle = '[reveal.js][3] presentation written ' \ 'in [markdown][4] set up with [fabric][5] & [fabsetup][6]' description = '''\ This presentation shows how to create a reveal.js presentation which will be set up with the fabric task `setup.revealjs` of fabsetup. Also, you can use this presentation source as a reveal.js template: * Checkout this repo * Then set the title in the `index.html` and edit the ``.''' execute(revealjs, basedir, title, subtitle, description, github_user, github_repo) # ( was removed, but not the github remote repo) print_msg('\n## Re-add github repo infos into') basename = os.path.basename(basedir) _insert_repo_infos_into_readme(basedir, github_user=_lazy('github_user'), github_repo=_lazy('github_repo', default=basename)) print_msg('\n## Assure symbolic link not tracked by git exists\n') run(flo('ln -snf ../reveal.js {basedir}/reveal.js/reveal.js'))
def pencil2(): '''Install or update latest Pencil version 2, a GUI prototyping tool. Tip: For svg exports displayed proper in other programs (eg. inkscape, okular, reveal.js presentations) only use the 'Common Shapes' and 'Desktop - Sketchy GUI' elements. More info: github repo (forked version 2): ''' repo_name = 'pencil2' repo_dir = flo('~/repos/{repo_name}') print_msg('## fetch latest pencil\n') checkup_git_repo_legacy(url='', name=repo_name) print_msg('\n## build properties\n') update_or_append_line(flo('{repo_dir}/build/'), prefix='export MAX_VERSION=', new_line="export MAX_VERSION='100.*'") run(flo('cat {repo_dir}/build/')) run(flo('cd {repo_dir}/build && ./ linux'), msg='\n## build pencil\n') install_user_command_legacy('pencil2', pencil2_repodir=repo_dir) print_msg('\nNow You can start pencil version 2 with this command:\n\n' ' pencil2')
def tweak_css(repo_dir): '''Comment out some css settings.''' print_msg("* don't capitalize titles (no uppercase headings)") files = [ 'beige.css', 'black.css', 'blood.css', 'league.css', 'moon.css', 'night.css', 'serif.css', 'simple.css', 'sky.css', 'solarized.css', 'white.css', ] line = ' text-transform: uppercase;' for file_ in files: update_or_append_line(filename=flo('{repo_dir}/css/theme/{file_}'), prefix=line, new_line=flo('/*{line}*/')) print_msg('* images without border') data = [ {'file': 'beige.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #333;'}, {'file': 'black.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #fff;'}, {'file': 'blood.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #eee;'}, {'file': 'league.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #eee;'}, {'file': 'moon.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #93a1a1;'}, {'file': 'night.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #eee;'}, {'file': 'serif.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #000;'}, {'file': 'simple.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #000;'}, {'file': 'sky.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #333;'}, {'file': 'solarized.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #657b83;'}, {'file': 'white.css', 'line': ' border: 4px solid #222;'}, ] for item in data: file_ = item['file'] lines = [item['line'], ] lines.extend([' box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }', ' box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }']) for line in lines: update_or_append_line(filename=flo('{repo_dir}/css/theme/{file_}'), prefix=line, new_line=flo('/*{line}*/'))
def powerline_for_bash(bindings_dir): bash_snippet = '~/.bashrc_powerline_bash' install_file_legacy(path=bash_snippet, bindings_dir=bindings_dir) prefix = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; ') enabler = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; then source {bash_snippet}; fi') uncomment_or_update_or_append_line(filename='~/.bashrc', prefix=prefix, new_line=enabler, comment='#')
def lms(): '''Install and start a Logitech Media Server (lms). More infos: * * * * XSqueeze on Kodi: * * ''' # cf. cmds = '''\ url="" latest_lms=$(wget -q -O - "$url") mkdir -p ~/.logitech_media_server_sources cd ~/.logitech_media_server_sources wget $latest_lms lms_deb=${latest_lms##*/} sudo dpkg -i $lms_deb ''' run(cmds) run('sudo usermod -aG audio squeezeboxserver') with warn_only(): run('sudo addgroup lms') run('sudo usermod -aG lms squeezeboxserver') username = env.user run(flo('sudo usermod -aG audio {username}')) print('\n Set correct folder permissions manually, eg:') print(' > ' + cyan(flo('chown -R {username}.lms <path/to/your/media>'))) hostname = print(flo('\n lms frontend available at http://{hostname}:9000'))
def server_customizations(): '''Customize the server (user, authorized_keys, ...).''' username = env.user env.user = '******' # create user all_users = run('cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd').split() if username not in all_users: host = run(flo('adduser {username}')) # add user to the sudo group, cf. #run('sudo adduser {username} sudo'.format(**locals())) # append('/etc/sudoers', flo('{username} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'), use_sudo=True) # set up password-less login local(flo('ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ {username}@{host}')) env.user = username # Disable service apache2 httpd, cf. sudo('update-rc.d apache2 disable') else: print(magenta(flo(' nothing to do, user {username} already exists'))) env.user = username
def symbolic_links(repo_dir): print_msg('Create symbolic links in order to be able to start presi ' 'with npm (from the subdir reveal.js as starting point)') repo_name = os.path.basename(repo_dir) run(flo('ln -snf ../{repo_name} {repo_dir}/{repo_name}')) run(flo('ln -snf ../img {repo_dir}/img')) run(flo('ln -snf ../index.html {repo_dir}/index.html')) run(flo('ln -snf ../ {repo_dir}/'))
def server_prepare_root_bin_dir(): '''Install custom commands for user root at '/root/bin/'.''' commands = ['run_backup'] for command in commands: install_file_legacy(flo('/root/bin/{command}'), sudo=True) sudo(flo('chmod 755 /root/bin/{command}')) if command == 'run_backup': sudo('ln -snf /root/bin/run_backup /etc/cron.daily/run_backup')
def set_up_powerline_daemon(scripts_dir): bash_snippet = '~/.bashrc_powerline_daemon' install_file_legacy(path=bash_snippet, scripts_dir=scripts_dir) prefix = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; ') enabler = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; then source {bash_snippet}; fi') update_or_append_line(filename='~/.bashrc', prefix=prefix, new_line=enabler)
def setup_npm(revealjs_dir): if query_yes_no('\nSet up npm for serving presentation?', default='no'): run(flo('cd {revealjs_dir} && ' 'npm install')) print_msg( flo('\nServe presentation locally ' '(monitors source files for changes):\n\n' ' cd {revealjs_dir} && npm start\n\n' 'View presentation in a browser:\n\n' ' http://localhost:8000'))
def init_git_repo(basedir): basedir_abs = os.path.expanduser(basedir) if os.path.isdir(flo('{basedir_abs}/.git')): print('git repo already initialized (skip)') else: fabric.operations.local(flo('cd {basedir} && git init')) fabric.operations.local(flo('cd {basedir} && git add .')) fabric.operations.local( flo('cd {basedir} && git commit -am "Initial commit"'))
def download(inst_dir): url_script = '' url_config = '' url_example = '' \ 'recipes/ocsp-response.der?raw=true' run(flo('mkdir -p {inst_dir}')) run(flo('cd {inst_dir} && wget --backups=1 {url_script}')) run(flo('cd {inst_dir} && wget -O dumpasn1.cfg {url_config}')) run(flo('cd {inst_dir} && wget -O example.der {url_example}'))
def export_repo(parent_dir, repo_url, repo_name=None): if repo_name: repo_dir = flo('{parent_dir}/{repo_name}') if exists(repo_dir): run(flo('rm -rf {repo_dir}'), msg='delete existing repo dir') repo_name = checkup_git_repo_legacy(repo_url, name=repo_name, base_dir=parent_dir) run(flo('cd {parent_dir}/{repo_name} && rm -rf .git/'), msg='delete .git dir (the hole presentation becomes a git repository)')
def setup_npm(revealjs_dir): if query_yes_no('\nSet up npm for serving presentation?', default='no'): run(flo('cd {revealjs_dir} && ' 'npm install')) print_msg(flo('\nServe presentation locally ' '(monitors source files for changes):\n\n' ' cd {revealjs_dir} && npm start\n\n' 'View presentation in a browser:\n\n' ' http://localhost:8000'))
def restore_tracenv_from_backup_tarball(site_dir, bin_dir): # FIXME stop trac if it is running already filename_tarball = query_input('tarball path?') run(flo('mkdir -p {site_dir}/tmp')) run(flo('tar xf {filename_tarball} --directory={site_dir}/tmp')) # save tracenv if it exists run(flo('mv {site_dir}/tracenv {site_dir}/tracenv.before_$(date +%F).bak' ' || true')) run(flo('mv {site_dir}/tmp/tracenv_hotcopy {site_dir}/tracenv')) run(flo('rmdir {site_dir}/tmp'))
def init_git_repo(basedir): basedir_abs = os.path.expanduser(basedir) if os.path.isdir(flo('{basedir_abs}/.git')): print_msg('git repo already initialized (skip)') else: if not exists('{basedir_abs}/.gitignore'): install_file_legacy(path=flo('{basedir_abs}/.gitignore'), from_path='~/repos/my_presi/.gitignore') run(flo('cd {basedir} && git init')) run(flo('cd {basedir} && git add .')) run(flo('cd {basedir} && git commit -am "Initial commit"'))
def care_for_build_dir(): build_dir = run('readlink -f ~/ct', capture=True) build_dir_yellow = yellow(build_dir) question_f = flo("delete file '{build_dir_yellow}'?") question_d = flo("delete build dir '{build_dir_yellow}'?") if os.path.isfile(build_dir) and query_yes_no(question_f, default='yes'): run(flo('rm -rf {build_dir}')) elif os.path.exists(build_dir) and query_yes_no(question_d, default='yes'): run(flo('rm -rf {build_dir}')) run(flo('mkdir -p {build_dir}')) return build_dir
def enable_nvm(): '''add to ~/.bashrc: Export of $NVM env variable and load nvm command.''' bash_snippet = '~/.bashrc_nvm' install_file_legacy(path=bash_snippet) prefix = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; ') enabler = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; then source {bash_snippet}; fi') if == 'localhost': uncomment_or_update_or_append_line(filename='~/.bashrc', prefix=prefix, new_line=enabler) else: print(cyan('\nappend to ~/.bashrc:\n\n ') + enabler)
def selfoss_password(sitename): password = query_input('selfoss password:'******'curl -d password="******" -d form_submit="send" ' '--insecure https://{sitename}/password 2>/dev/null | ' 'grep "Generated Password"'), capture=True) match ='value="([^"]+)"', res) pw_hash = print(flo('{pw_hash}')) update_or_append_line(flo('~/sites/{sitename}/selfoss/config.ini'), prefix='password='******'password={pw_hash}'))
def install_selfoss(sitename, site_dir, username): save_settings_and_data(site_dir) run(flo("sudo rsync -a --delete --force --exclude='.git' ~/repos/selfoss " ' {site_dir}'), msg='\n### install files') restored = restore_settings_and_data(site_dir) install_spout_fulltextrssGoogleBot(sitename) print_msg('\n### set write permissions for group www-data') for dirname in ['data/cache', 'data/favicons', 'data/logs', 'data/thumbnails', 'data/sqlite', 'public']: run(flo('sudo chown --recursive www-data.www-data ' '{site_dir}/selfoss/{dirname}')) return restored
def install(srcdir, inst_base, version, instdir): run(flo('rm -rf {instdir}'), msg='remove files from previous installations (if any)') run(flo('cd {srcdir} && make install'), msg='install/copy files') run(flo('cd {inst_base} && ln -snf {version} active'), msg='activate installed openssl') print_msg('link openssl commands') run(flo('cd ~/bin && ln -snf {inst_base}/active/bin/openssl openssl')) run(flo('cd ~/bin && ln -snf {inst_base}/active/bin/c_rehash c_rehash'))
def compile(srcdir, instdir, confdir): instdir = expanduser(instdir) confdir = expanduser(confdir) run( flo('cd {srcdir} && ./config ' 'no-shared ' # only create static libraries (no shared libs) 'no-dso ' # no support for loading dynamic shared objects '--prefix={instdir} ' '--openssldir={confdir}')) run(flo('cd {srcdir} && make clean')) run(flo('cd {srcdir} && make'))
def create_files( # '/home/theno/.fabsetup-addon-repos/fabsetup-theno-termdown' addon_dir, username, # 'theno' addonname, # 'termdown' taskname, # 'termdown' author, author_email, headline='', description='', touched_files=''): filenames = [ '.gitignore', '', '', 'LICENSE', '', '', 'requirements.txt', '', 'fabsetup_USER_TASK/', 'fabsetup_USER_TASK/', 'fabsetup_USER_TASK/', ] for filename in filenames: install_file_legacy( path=flo('~/.fabsetup-addon-repos/fabsetup-USER-ADDON/{filename}'), username=username, addonname=addonname, taskname=taskname, headline=headline, description=description, touched_files=touched_files, author=author, author_email=author_email, USER=username, ADDON=addonname, TASK=taskname, ) # avoid substitution of USERNAME in path install_file_legacy( path='~/.fabsetup-addon-repos/fabsetup-{USER}-{ADDON}/' 'fabsetup_{USER}_{TASK}/files/home/USERNAME/bin/' 'termdown.template'.format(USER=username, ADDON=addonname, TASK=taskname), from_path='~/.fabsetup-addon-repos/fabsetup-USER-ADDON/' 'fabsetup_USER_TASK/files/home/USERNAME/bin/' 'termdown.template') print('') fabric.operations.local(flo('tree {addon_dir}'))
def install_plugin_toc_progress(plugin_dir): export_repo(plugin_dir, '', repo_name='toc-progress_all') run(flo('mv {plugin_dir}/toc-progress_all/plugin/toc-progress ' '{plugin_dir}/toc-progress')) run(flo('rm -rf {plugin_dir}/toc-progress_all')) print_msg('correct css path (because reveal.js is placed in a subdir)') update_or_append_line(flo('{plugin_dir}/toc-progress/toc-progress.js'), prefix='\tlink.href="plugin/' 'toc-progress/toc-progress.css"', new_line='\tlink.href="reveal.js/plugin/' 'toc-progress/toc-progress.css"')
def install_plugin_title_footer(plugin_dir): export_repo(plugin_dir, '', repo_name='title-footer_all') run(flo('mv {plugin_dir}/title-footer_all/plugin/title-footer ' '{plugin_dir}/title-footer')) run(flo('rm -rf {plugin_dir}/title-footer_all')) print_msg('correct css path (because reveal.js is placed in a subdir)') update_or_append_line(flo('{plugin_dir}/title-footer/title-footer.js'), prefix='\tlink.href="plugin/' 'title-footer/title-footer.css";', new_line='\tlink.href="reveal.js/plugin/' 'title-footer/title-footer.css";')
def install_plugin_toc_progress(plugin_dir): export_repo(plugin_dir, '', repo_name='toc-progress_all') run( flo('mv {plugin_dir}/toc-progress_all/plugin/toc-progress ' '{plugin_dir}/toc-progress')) run(flo('rm -rf {plugin_dir}/toc-progress_all')) print_msg('correct css path (because reveal.js is placed in a subdir)') update_or_append_line(flo('{plugin_dir}/toc-progress/toc-progress.js'), prefix='\tlink.href="plugin/' 'toc-progress/toc-progress.css"', new_line='\tlink.href="reveal.js/plugin/' 'toc-progress/toc-progress.css"')
def openssl(version='master', ignore_test_fail=False): ''' Install or update OpenSSL from source (statically linked, no shared libs). Args: version (str): Git tag or branch to install from. Default: 'master' ignore_test_fail: Continue with installation if `make test` fails. Default: False Example: > fab setup.openssl:version=OpenSSL_1_1_0-stable Created files and dirs: > tree ~/repos └── openssl <--- checked out git repository with openssl source > tree ~/bin │ ├── c_rehash -> openssl-inst/active/bin/c_rehash \__ command links ├── openssl -> openssl-inst/active/bin/openssl / │ └── openssl-inst ├── active -> OpenSSL_1_1_0-stable <--- here 1.1.0 is "active" ├── master <--- installed via: │ ├── bin `fab setup.openssl` │ ├── include │ ├── lib │ ├── openssldir <--- openssl configs and default cert/key store │ └── share └── OpenSSL_1_1_0-stable <---. ├── bin installed via: -´ ├── include `fab setup.openssl:version=OpenSSL_1_1_0-stable` ├── lib ├── openssldir <--- openssl configs and default cert/key store └── share ''' src_base = '~/repos' srcdir = flo('{src_base}/openssl') inst_base = '~/bin/openssl-inst' instdir = flo('{inst_base}/{version}') # dir for openssl config files, and default certificate and key store confdir = flo('{instdir}/openssldir') download(src_base, version, srcdir) compile(srcdir, instdir, confdir) test(srcdir, ignore_test_fail) install(srcdir, inst_base, version, instdir)
def git_ssh_or_die(username, key_dir='~/.ssh'): ''' Check if a ssh-key is created and imported in github. Else, exit with return value 1 (die). ''' key_dir_expanded = os.path.expanduser(key_dir) # ssh pub key dictionary pub_keys = [] # check if ~/.ssh exists, if not die if not os.path.isdir(key_dir_expanded): print(red(flo('Could not open folder `{key_dir}`. If you do not have ' 'a public ssh key, create one and place it in ' '`~/.ssh/`. Name your public key ' '`.pub` at the end and run this command again'))) sys.exit(0) # loop through files in ~/.ssh and search for ssh public keys for name in os.listdir(key_dir_expanded): filename = os.path.join(key_dir_expanded, name) if"\.pub$", filename): # filename ends with .pub try: with open(filename, 'r') as fh: for line in fh.readlines(): # ssh public key if *.pub is not empty pub_keys.append(line.split()[1]) except (IOError, OSError): print(red(flo( 'Could not read {filename}. Still moving on ...'))) if len(pub_keys) < 1: print(red('You do not have a ssh public key. ' 'Please create one first and import it into your github ' 'account. Then restart this command.')) sys.exit(2) # get github pub keys from user github_pub_keys = os.popen(flo( 'curl -s{username}.keys')).read() if github_pub_keys: for line in github_pub_keys.splitlines(): line = line.split() pub_keys.append(line[1]) # check if matching keys are found if len(pub_keys) == len(set(pub_keys)): print(red('Could not find your public key at github. ' 'Please import your public key into github ' 'and rerun this command.')) sys.exit(3)
def build_ct(build_dir, branch=None): base_dir = '~/repos' abs_path = run(flo('readlink -f {base_dir}'), capture=True) vars_str = ' '.join([ flo('PATH="{abs_path}/depot_tools:$PATH"'), # add depot_tools to PATH 'CXX=clang++', 'CC=clang', ]) url = '' if branch: url = flo('{url}@{branch}') cmds = [ (flo("\n### create gclient config file '{build_dir}/.gclient'\n"), flo('gclient config --name="certificate-transparency" {url}')), ('\n### retrieve and build dependencies\n', 'gclient sync'), ('\n### build CT software & self-test\n', 'make -C certificate-transparency check'), ] for msg, cmd in cmds: print_msg(msg) cmd_yellow = yellow(cmd) if query_yes_no(question=flo("run cmd '{cmd_yellow}' ?")): run(flo('cd {build_dir} && {vars_str} {cmd}')) print_msg('\n### installed ct commands\n') run( flo('tree -L 2 {build_dir}/certificate-transparency/cpp/ ' '-I "*test|*.cc|*.h|*.in|*.a|*.o|*.log|*|*.trs|stamp-h1|' 'tsan_suppressions" --prune'))
def install_plugin_title_footer(plugin_dir): export_repo(plugin_dir, '', repo_name='title-footer_all') run( flo('mv {plugin_dir}/title-footer_all/plugin/title-footer ' '{plugin_dir}/title-footer')) run(flo('rm -rf {plugin_dir}/title-footer_all')) print_msg('correct css path (because reveal.js is placed in a subdir)') update_or_append_line(flo('{plugin_dir}/title-footer/title-footer.js'), prefix='\tlink.href="plugin/' 'title-footer/title-footer.css";', new_line='\tlink.href="reveal.js/plugin/' 'title-footer/title-footer.css";')
def install_special_glyphs(): ''' More infos: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME: ''' from_dir = '~/repos/powerline/font' run('mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts') run(flo('cp {from_dir}/PowerlineSymbols.otf ~/.local/share/fonts')) to_dir = '~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/' run(flo('mkdir -p {to_dir}')) run(flo('cp {from_dir}/10-powerline-symbols.conf {to_dir}'))
def compile(inst_dir): installed = flo('{inst_dir}/dumpasn1.c.1') latest = flo('{inst_dir}/dumpasn1.c') if isfile(expanduser(installed)): # wget has downloaded the latest version and moved the existing # (installed) version to dumpasn1.c.1 if filecmp.cmp(expanduser(latest), expanduser(installed)): print_msg('no new version of dumpasn1.c (skip)') else: print_msg('new version of dumpasn1.c -> compile it') _compile(inst_dir) run(flo('rm {installed}')) else: print_msg('compile dumpasn1.c') _compile(inst_dir)
def add_tasks_r(addon_module, package_module, package_name): '''Recursively iterate through 'package_module' and add every fabric task to the 'addon_module' keeping the task hierarchy. Args: addon_module(types.ModuleType) package_module(types.ModuleType) package_name(str): Required, to avoid redundant addition of tasks Return: None ''' module_dict = package_module.__dict__ for attr_name, attr_val in module_dict.items(): if isinstance(attr_val, fabric.tasks.WrappedCallableTask): addon_module.__dict__[attr_name] = attr_val elif attr_name != package_name \ and isinstance(attr_val, types.ModuleType) \ and attr_val.__name__.startswith('fabsetup_') \ and attr_name.split('.')[-1] != package_name: submodule_name = flo('{addon_module.__name__}.{attr_name}') submodule = get_or_create_module_r(submodule_name) package_module = attr_val add_tasks_r(submodule, package_module, package_name) addon_module.__dict__[attr_name] = submodule
def checkout_latest_release_of_selfoss(): if not exists('~/repos/selfoss/.git'): checkup_git_repo_legacy('') else: run('cd ~/repos/selfoss && git fetch') # TODO since selfoss-2.17 Composer is required which needs to be set up # on ubuntu 14.04: # * # * # latest_tag = 'git describe --abbrev=0 --tags --match "[0-9.]*" origin' # run(flo('cd ~/repos/selfoss && git checkout $({latest_tag})')) latest_working_tag = '2.16' run(flo('cd ~/repos/selfoss && git checkout {latest_working_tag}')) run(flo('cd ~/repos/selfoss && git status')) # show latest version
def powerline_shell(): '''Install and set up powerline-shell prompt. More infos: * * * ''' assert == 'localhost', 'This task cannot run on a remote host' # set up fonts for powerline checkup_git_repo_legacy('', name='powerline-fonts') run('cd ~/repos/powerline-fonts && ./') # run('fc-cache -vf ~/.local/share/fonts') prefix = 'URxvt*font: ' from config import fontlist line = prefix + fontlist update_or_append_line(filename='~/.Xresources', prefix=prefix, new_line=line) if env.host_string == 'localhost': run('xrdb ~/.Xresources') # set up powerline-shell checkup_git_repo_legacy('') # checkup_git_repo_legacy('') install_file_legacy(path='~/repos/powerline-shell/') run('cd ~/repos/powerline-shell && ./') question = 'Use normal question mark (u003F) for untracked files instead '\ 'of fancy "black question mark ornament" (u2753, which may not work)?' if query_yes_no(question, default='yes'): filename = '~/repos/powerline-shell/' update_or_append_line(filename, keep_backup=False, prefix=" 'untracked': u'\u2753',", new_line=" 'untracked': u'\u003F',") run(flo('chmod u+x {filename}')) bash_snippet = '~/.bashrc_powerline_shell' install_file_legacy(path=bash_snippet) prefix = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; ') enabler = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; then source {bash_snippet}; fi') uncomment_or_update_or_append_line(filename='~/.bashrc', prefix=prefix, new_line=enabler)
def nginx_site_config(username, sitename, hostname): # filename = 'trac_site_config.template' # TODO DEBUG filename = 'trac_site_config_gunicorn.template' # filename = 'trac_site_config_gunicorn2.template' # filename = 'trac_site_config_wsgi.template' fabfile_data_dir = FABFILE_DATA_DIR path = flo('{fabfile_data_dir}/files/etc/nginx/sites-available/{filename}') # dn_cn = query_input('Common Name (CN) of the Distinguished Named (DN) ' # 'of the webserver certificate?', # default=flo('haw2icalendar.{hostname}')) # dn_cn = flo('{hostname}') dn_cn = dn_cn_of_certificate_with_san(sitename) from_str = filled_out_template(path, username=username, sitename=sitename, hostname=hostname, dn_cn=dn_cn) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=filename) as tmp_file: with open(, 'w') as fp: fp.write(from_str) put(, flo('/tmp/{filename}')) to = flo('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{sitename}') run(flo('sudo mv /tmp/{filename} {to}')) run(flo('sudo chown root.root {to}')) run(flo('sudo chmod 644 {to}')) run(flo(' '.join([ 'sudo ln -snf ../sites-available/{sitename}', '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{sitename}', ])))
def enable_php5_socket_file(): filename = '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf' print_msg('comment out "listen ="') comment_out_line(filename, comment=';', line='listen =') line = 'listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.sock' print_msg(flo('\nuncomment "{line}"')) uncomment_or_update_or_append_line(filename, prefix=line, new_line=line, comment=';') run('sudo service php5-fpm restart', msg='\nrestart php5-fpm daemon')
def _insert_repo_infos_into_readme(basedir, github_user, github_repo): print_msg('\nadd github user and repo name into') filename = flo('{basedir}/') # FIXME: workaround: line starts with space "trick" for link # correct solution would be: create util function update_line() # which will not append if prefix not # found in file update_or_append_line(filename, #prefix='', prefix=' https://', new_line=flo(' https://{github_user}' '{github_repo}')) update_or_append_line(filename, #prefix='' # '', prefix='', new_line=flo('{github_user}/' '{github_repo}/blob/master/'))
def pyenv(): '''Install or update the pyenv python environment. Checkout or update the pyenv repo at ~/.pyenv and enable the pyenv. Pyenv wird also als Github-Repo "installiert" unter ~/.pyenv More info: * * Tutorial: * ''' install_packages([ 'make', 'build-essential', 'libssl-dev', 'zlib1g-dev', 'libbz2-dev', 'libreadline-dev', 'libsqlite3-dev', 'wget', 'curl', 'llvm', 'libncurses5-dev', 'libncursesw5-dev', ]) if exists('~/.pyenv'): run('cd ~/.pyenv && git pull') run('~/.pyenv/bin/pyenv update') else: run('curl -L' 'master/bin/pyenv-installer | bash') # add pyenv to $PATH and set up pyenv init bash_snippet = '~/.bashrc_pyenv' install_file_legacy(path=bash_snippet) prefix = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; ') enabler = flo('if [ -f {bash_snippet} ]; then source {bash_snippet}; fi') if == 'localhost': # FIXME: next function currently only works for localhost uncomment_or_update_or_append_line(filename='~/.bashrc', prefix=prefix, new_line=enabler) else: print(cyan('\nappend to ~/.bashrc:\n\n ') + enabler)
def samba(): '''Install smb server samba and create a share (common read-write-access). More infos: * ''' username = env.user install_packages(['samba']) run(flo('sudo smbpasswd -a {username}')) path = '$HOME/shared' sharename = 'shared' comment = '"smb share; everyone has full access (read/write)"' acl = flo('Everyone:F,{username}:F guest_ok=y') with warn_only(): run(flo('mkdir {path}')) run(flo('sudo net usershare add {sharename} {path} {comment} {acl}')) run(flo('sudo net usershare info {sharename}'))