def test_mw_unres(): def unres_cmd(unresolved_arg): return unresolved_arg cmd = Command(unres_cmd) assert cmd.func is unres_cmd with pytest.raises( NameError, match= "unresolved middleware or handler arguments: .*unresolved_arg.*"):['unres_cmd']) def inner_mw(next_, arg): return next_() @face_middleware(provides='arg', flags=[Flag('--verbose', parse_as=True)]) def outer_mw(next_): return next_(arg=1) def ok_cmd(arg): return None cmd = Command(ok_cmd, middlewares=[outer_mw]) cmd.add_middleware(inner_mw) with pytest.raises( NameError, match= "unresolved middleware or handler arguments: .*arg.* check middleware order." ):['ok_cmd']) return
def main(argv=None): cmd = Command(name='pacetrack', func=None) # subcommands update_subcmd = Command(update, posargs={'min_count': 1, 'display': 'campaign_id', 'provides': 'campaign_ids'}) # update_subcmd.add('campaign_name') cmd.add(update_subcmd) cmd.add(update_all) cmd.add(render_all) cmd.add(list_campaigns) cmd.add(print_version, name='version') # cmd.add(prune) # mostly for testing cmd.add('--jsub', parse_as=True, doc='run commands through the WMF Labs job grid (for production use only)') cmd.add('--force', parse_as=True, doc='ignore configured fetch frequency and force updates') cmd.add('--dry-run', parse_as=True, doc='log actions without performing them (e.g., do not remove files)') # flags cmd.add('--debug', doc='increase logging level', parse_as=True, missing=DEBUG) # middlewares cmd.add(mw_cli_log) try: except Exception: # TODO: once face is stable, this can become part of the middleware if os.getenv('PACETRACK_ENABLE_DEBUG'): import pdb;pdb.post_mortem() raise
def test_next_reserved(): def bad_cmd(next_): return cmd = Command(bad_cmd) with pytest.raises(NameError):['bad_cmd'])
def test_help_subcmd(): hhandler = HelpHandler(flag=False, subcmd='help') cmd = Command(None, 'cmd', help=hhandler) try:['cmd', 'help']) except SystemExit as se: assert se.code == 0 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='requires a handler function or help handler'): Command(None, help=None)
def main(): cmd = Command(name='chert', func=None) cmd.add(init, posargs={'count': 1, 'name': 'target_dir'}) cmd.add(serve) cmd.add(render) cmd.add(publish) cmd.add(clean) cmd.add(version) # cmd.add('--target-dir', doc='path to generate new chert site') cmd.add(_cur_input_path_mw)
def main(): cmd = Command(cut_mp4) cmd.add('--input', missing=ERROR, doc='path to the input mp4 file') cmd.add('--output', missing=ERROR, doc='path to write the output mp4 file') cmd.add('--start', doc='starting timestamp in hh:mm:ss format') cmd.add('--end', doc='ending timestamp in hh:mm:ss format') cmd.add('--no-align-keyframes', parse_as=True, doc="don't align to the nearest keyframe, potentially" " creating an unclean cut with video artifacts")
def main(): cmd = Command(name='chert', func=None) cmd.add(init, posargs={'min_count': 1, 'max_count': 1, 'display': 'target_dir', 'provides': 'target_dir'}) cmd.add(serve) cmd.add(render) cmd.add(publish) cmd.add(clean) cmd.add(version) # cmd.add('--target-dir', doc='path to generate new chert site') cmd.add(_cur_input_path_mw)
def main(): cmd = Command(busy_loop, 'cmd', middlewares=[output_streams_mw]) sum_subcmd = Command(sum_func, 'sum') sum_subcmd.add( '--num', parse_as=ListParam(int), missing=(0, ), doc='a number to include in the sum, expects integers at the moment' ' because it is fun to change things later') sum_subcmd.add( '--grummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm', parse_as=int, multi=True, missing=0, doc='a bizarre creature, shrek-like, does nothing, but is here to' ' make the help longer and less helpful but still good for wraps.') cmd.add(sum_subcmd) cmd.add(verbose_mw) cmd.add(subtract, doc='', posargs=float) cmd.add(print_args, 'print', '', posargs=True) cmd.add('--loop-count', parse_as=int) return # execute
def main(): cmd = Command(cut_mp4) cmd.add('--input', missing=ERROR, doc='path to the input mp4 file') cmd.add('--output', missing=ERROR, doc='path to write the output mp4 file') cmd.add('--start', doc='starting timestamp in hh:mm:ss format') cmd.add('--end', doc='ending timestamp in hh:mm:ss format') cmd.add('--filter-audio', parse_as=True, doc='do high-pass/low-pass noise filtration of audio.' ' good for noisy meetup recordings.') cmd.add('--no-align-keyframes', parse_as=True, doc="don't align to the nearest keyframe, potentially" " creating an unclean cut with video artifacts")
def main(argv): posargs = PosArgSpec(str, max_count=2, display={'label': '[spec [target]]'}) cmd = Command(glom_cli, posargs=posargs, middlewares=[mw_get_target]) cmd.add('--target-file', str, missing=None, doc='path to target data source') cmd.add('--target-format', str, missing='json', doc='format of the source data (json or python)') cmd.add('--spec-file', str, missing=None, doc='path to glom spec definition') cmd.add('--spec-format', str, missing='python', doc='format of the glom spec definition (json, python, python-full)') cmd.add('--indent', int, missing=2, doc='number of spaces to indent the result, 0 to disable pretty-printing') cmd.add('--debug', parse_as=True, doc='interactively debug any errors that come up') cmd.add('--inspect', parse_as=True, doc='interactively explore the data') return or 0
def main(argv): posargs = PosArgSpec(str, max_count=2, display={'label': '[spec [target]]'}) cmd = Command(glom_cli, posargs=posargs, middlewares=[mw_get_target]) cmd.add('--target-file', str, missing=None, doc='path to target data source') cmd.add('--target-format', str, missing='json', doc='format of the source data (json or python)') cmd.add('--spec-file', str, missing=None, doc='path to glom spec definition') cmd.add( '--spec-format', str, missing='python', doc='format of the glom spec definition (json, python, python-full)') cmd.add( '--indent', int, missing=2, doc= 'number of spaces to indent the result, 0 to disable pretty-printing') cmd.add('--debug', parse_as=True, doc='interactively debug any errors that come up') cmd.add('--inspect', parse_as=True, doc='interactively explore the data') return or 0
def main(argv=None): """\ automation and analytics for curated lists of awesome software. Normal analysis workflow: * apatite pull-repos (can take 3-4 hours, 25GB on the full APA, use --targets to limit) * apatite collect-metrics * apatite export-metrics * apatite analyze # TODO """ cmd = Command(name='apatite', func=None, doc=main.__doc__) # func=None means output help # add flags cmd.add('--file', missing='projects.yaml', doc='path to the project listing YAML file') cmd.add( '--confirm', parse_as=True, doc='show diff and prompt for confirmation before modifying the file') cmd.add( '--non-interactive', parse_as=True, doc= 'disable falling back to interactive authentication, useful for automation' ) cmd.add('--targets', parse_as=ListParam(str), missing=[], doc='specific target projects') cmd.add('--metrics', parse_as=ListParam(str), missing=[], doc='specific metrics to collect') cmd.add('--dry-run', parse_as=True, doc='do not save results') two_weeks_ago = _date_param('-2w') cmd.add( '--earliest', parse_as=_date_param, missing=two_weeks_ago, doc=( 'minimum datetime value to accept (isodate or negative timedelta).' ' defaults to two weeks ago (-2w)')) cmd.add('--no-progress', parse_as=True) # add middlewares, outermost first ("first added, first called") cmd.add(mw_exit_handler) cmd.add(mw_ensure_project_listing) cmd.add(mw_ensure_work_dir) # add subcommands cmd.add(render) cmd.add(normalize) cmd.add(pull_repos) cmd.add(collect_metrics) cmd.add(show_recent_metrics) cmd.add(export_metrics) cmd.add(show_exportable_metrics) cmd.add(set_repo_added_dates) cmd.add(console) cmd.add(print_version, name='version') cmd.prepare( ) # an optional check on all subcommands, not just the one being executed try: # exit behavior is handled by mw_exit_handler except Exception: if os.getenv('APATITE_DEBUG'): import pdb pdb.post_mortem() raise return
def main(): """ The main entrypoint, setting up a face application, with middleware, common flags, and subcommands. """ cmd = Command(name='montage-admin', func=None, doc="CLI tools for administrating Montage.") # middleware cmd.add(_admin_dao_mw) cmd.add(_rdb_session_mw) cmd.add('--username', missing=ERROR) cmd.add('--debug', parse_as=True, doc='get extra output, enable debug console before db commit') cmd.add('--force', parse_as=True, doc='skip some confirmations, use with caution') cmd.add('--campaign-id', parse_as=int, missing=ERROR) cmd.add('--round-id', parse_as=int, missing=ERROR) cmd.add('--csv-path', missing=ERROR) cmd.add('--url', missing=ERROR) cmd.add( add_organizer ) # , posargs={'count': 1, 'name': 'username'}) # TODO: figure out if we want posarg/flag overriding ser_cmd = Command(name='series', func=None, doc='tools for administrating Montage series') ser_cmd.add(add_series, name='add') cmd.add(ser_cmd) cmp_cmd = Command(name='campaign', func=None, doc='tools for administrating Montage campaigns') cmp_cmd.add(list_campaigns, name='list') cmp_cmd.add(create_campaign, name='create') cmp_cmd.add(add_coordinator, name='add-coordinator') cmp_cmd.add(cancel_campaign, name='cancel') cmp_cmd.add(backfill_series) cmd.add(cmp_cmd) rnd_cmd = Command(name='round', func=None, doc='tools for administrating Montage rounds') rnd_cmd.add(create_round, name='create') rnd_cmd.add(import_gist, name='import-gist') rnd_cmd.add(activate_round, name='activate') rnd_cmd.add(pause_round, name='pause') rnd_cmd.add(advance_round, name='advance') rnd_cmd.add(edit_round_quorum, name='edit-quorum') rnd_cmd.add(check_round_dupes, name='check-dupes') rnd_cmd.add(apply_round_ratings, name='apply-ratings') rnd_cmd.add(retask_duplicate_ratings, name='retask-dupes') rnd_cmd.add(shuffle_round_assignments, name='shuffle-tasks') rnd_cmd.add(cancel_round, name='cancel') cmd.add(rnd_cmd) cmd.add(rdb_console) cmd.prepare() return