class GeneralProductFactory(ProductFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = GeneralProduct

    camera_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    camera_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    microphone_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    microphone_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    location_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    location_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)

    personal_data_collected = Faker('sentence')
    biometric_data_collected = Faker('sentence')
    social_data_collected = Faker('sentence')

    how_can_you_control_your_data = Faker('sentence')
    data_control_policy_is_bad = Faker('boolean')

    company_track_record = get_random_option(
        ['Great', 'Average', 'Needs Improvement', 'Bad'])
    track_record_is_bad = Faker('boolean')
    track_record_details = Faker('sentence')

    offline_capable = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    offline_use_description = Faker('sentence')

    def set_privacy_policy_link(self, create, extracted, **kwargs):

    uses_ai = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    ai_uses_personal_data = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    ai_is_transparent = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    ai_helptext = Faker('sentence')
Ejemplo n.º 2
class UserFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for default Django User model. Calls full_clean before saving to
    ensure that generated User instance is valid.
    class Meta:
        model = get_user_model()

    email = LazyFunction(faker.safe_email)
    first_name = LazyFunction(faker.first_name)
    last_name = LazyFunction(faker.last_name)
    password = PostGenerationMethodCall('set_password', 'password')

    def username(self):
        Create a username from faker's profile generator, but ensure that it's
        not in the database before using it. This is a pre-full_clean check.

        Uses a simple single uniqueness check, cached against a set of already
        tried names. 200 max tries is on the username generation, not the round
        trip to the database - although that could be changed if required.

            RuntimeError: If a unique username can not be found after 200
        unique_usernames = unique_username()
        non_uniques = set()
        for _ in range(max_retries):
            username = next(unique_usernames)
            username_unique = (username not in non_uniques
                               and get_user_model().objects.filter(
                                   username=username).count() == 0)
            if username_unique:
                return username
            non_uniques_str = ', '.join(
                ['"{}"'.format(name) for name in non_uniques])
            message = (
                'Unique username not found after 200 tries. Unique values tried: {}'
            raise RuntimeError(message)

    def z_full_clean(self, create, extracted, **kwargs):
        Assert that created User is "clean" in Django's opinion if build
        strategy is happening.

        NOTE: function name is prefixed with 'z_' so that it runs after the
        'password' post generation function.

            ValidationError: If there are any invalid fields in the final User
        if create:
Ejemplo n.º 3
class GeneralProductPageFactory(ProductPageFactory):

    class Meta:
        model = GeneralProductPage

    camera_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    camera_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    microphone_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    microphone_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    location_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    location_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    personal_data_collected = Faker('sentence')
    biometric_data_collected = Faker('sentence')
    social_data_collected = Faker('sentence')
    how_can_you_control_your_data = Faker('sentence')
    data_control_policy_is_bad = Faker('boolean')
    company_track_record = get_random_option(['Great', 'Average', 'Needs Improvement', 'Bad'])
    track_record_is_bad = Faker('boolean')
    track_record_details = Faker('sentence')
    offline_capable = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    offline_use_description = Faker('sentence')
    uses_ai = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    ai_uses_personal_data = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    ai_is_transparent = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    ai_helptext = Faker('sentence')
    email = Faker('email')
    live_chat = Faker('url')
    phone_number = Faker('phone_number')
    twitter = '@TwitterHandle'
Ejemplo n.º 4
class DnsRecordFactory(BaseFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = DnsRecord

    record = LazyFunction(random_record)
    sort = LazyFunction(random_sort)
    zone = SubFactory(ZoneFactory)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class CommentFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Comment

    author = SubFactory(UserFactory)
    post = SubFactory(PostFactory)
    text = LazyFunction(lambda: fake.text(randint(20, 1500)))
    created_at = LazyFunction(lambda: now() - delta(days=365))
Ejemplo n.º 6
class UserFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = AUTH_USER_MODEL

    email = LazyAttribute(lambda o: '{username}'.format(username=o.username))
    first_name = LazyFunction(fake.first_name)
    last_name = LazyFunction(fake.last_name)
    username = Sequence(lambda n: '{}{}'.format(fake.user_name(), n))
Ejemplo n.º 7
class SongFactory(MongoEngineFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Song

    artist = Sequence(lambda n: 'Good musician %d' % n)
    title = Sequence(lambda n: 'Good song %d' % n)
    difficulty = LazyFunction(lambda: round(random.uniform(1.0, 20.0), 2))
    level = LazyFunction(lambda: random.randint(1, 20))
    released =
    ratings = []
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ShopFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Shop

    user = SubFactory(UserFactory)

    name = LazyFunction(lambda: fake.text(randint(5, 20)))
    content = LazyFunction(lambda: fake.text(randint(20, 500)))
    created = LazyFunction(lambda: now() - delta(days=365))
    updated = LazyAttribute(lambda o: o.created + delta(days=randint(0, 365)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
class TodoFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Todo

    assignee = factory.SubFactory('todoapp.tests.factories.PersonFactory')
    id = LazyAttribute(lambda o: randint(0, 10000))
    title = LazyAttribute(lambda o: faker.text(max_nb_chars=255))
    description = LazyAttribute(lambda o: faker.text(max_nb_chars=1024))
    due_date = LazyFunction(
    done = LazyFunction(faker.boolean)
Ejemplo n.º 10
class CarpoolFactory(BaseFactory):
    """Carpool factory."""
    leave_time = LazyFunction(
    return_time = LazyFunction(lambda: + timedelta(hours=2))
    destination = SubFactory(DestinationFactory)
    driver = SubFactory(PersonFactory)
    max_riders = 4

    class Meta:
        """Factory configuration."""
        model = Carpool
Ejemplo n.º 11
class DnsRequestFactory(BaseFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = DnsRequest

    name = Faker("domain_name")
    source_address = LazyFunction(fake.ipv4_private)
    source_port = LazyFunction(random_port)
    type = "A"
    protocol = "udp"
    dns_server = SubFactory(DnsServerFactory)
    zone = SubFactory(ZoneFactory)
Ejemplo n.º 12
class ClientFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    name = Faker("company")
    client_id = LazyFunction(lambda: hex_string(64))
    client_secret = LazyFunction(lambda: hex_string(64))

    scopes = ["openid", "profile", "email", "address"]
    scope = LazyAttribute(lambda o: " ".join(o.scopes))

    class Meta:
        model = Client
        exclude = ["scopes"]
Ejemplo n.º 13
class NZQAStandardFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    """Factory for generating NZQA standards."""

    name = Faker('sentence')
    abbreviation = LazyFunction(lambda: 'AS{}'.format(random.randint(10000, 99999)))
    level = LazyFunction(lambda: random.randint(1, 3))

    class Meta:
        """Metadata for class."""

        model = NZQAStandard
Ejemplo n.º 14
class POETFormSubmissionFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    """Factory for generating POET form submissions."""

    resource = LazyFunction(lambda: random.choice(Resource.objects.all()))
    progress_outcome = LazyFunction(get_progress_outcome)
    feedback = Faker('sentence')

    class Meta:
        """Metadata for class."""

        model = Submission
Ejemplo n.º 15
class PackageFactory(Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = Package

    package_type = Package.TYPE_BOX
    width = LazyFunction(lambda: random.randint(11, 30))
    height = LazyFunction(lambda: random.randint(2, 30))
    length = LazyFunction(lambda: random.randint(18, 30))
    weight = LazyFunction(lambda: random.randint(1, 100) * 100)
    service = LazyFunction(lambda: random.choice(_services))
    sequence = Sequence(lambda n: (n, n + 1))
Ejemplo n.º 16
class DnsRequestFactory(BaseFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = DnsRequest

    name = Faker("domain_name")
    zone_id = None
    source_address = LazyFunction(fake.ipv4_private)
    source_port = LazyFunction(random_port)
    type = "A"
    protocol = "udp"
    dns_server_name = LazyFunction(uuid.uuid4)
Ejemplo n.º 17
class QuestionnaireFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    graph = SubFactory(QuestionGraphFactory)

    flow = Questionnaire.EXTRA_PROPERTIES

    name = LazyFunction(fake.sentence)
    description = LazyFunction(fake.paragraph)
    is_active = True

    class Meta:
        model = Questionnaire
Ejemplo n.º 18
class VerificationCodeFactory(alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory):
    class Meta(object):
        model = VerificationCode
        sqlalchemy_session = db.session  # the SQLAlchemy session object

    email = "*****@*****.**"
    phone = "5551231212"
    code = "98765"
    expires_at = LazyFunction(get_future_expiry)
    created_at = LazyFunction(utcnow)
    updated_at = LazyFunction(utcnow)
Ejemplo n.º 19
class RouteFactory(SQLAlchemyModelFactory):
    class Meta(metaclass=MetaWithSession):
        model = Route

    id = LazyFunction(lambda: str(uuid4()))
    created_at = LazyFunction(lambda:
    protocol = 'http'
    source_endpoint = '*'
    destination_override_endpoint = '*'
    host_endpoint = r'httpbin\.org'
    port = 443
    tags = {'source': 'vgs-satellite'}
Ejemplo n.º 20
class EpisodeFactory(DjangoModelFactory):

    guid = LazyFunction(lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)
    podcast = SubFactory(PodcastFactory)
    title = Faker("text")
    description = Faker("text")
    media_url = Faker("url")
    media_type = "audio/mpeg"
    pub_date = LazyFunction(

    class Meta:
        model = Episode
Ejemplo n.º 21
class PostFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Post

    author = SubFactory(UserFactory)
    title = LazyFunction(lambda: fake.text(randint(5, 20)))
    picture = ImageField(color=choice(['blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'orange']),
                         height=randint(250, 1000),
                         width=randint(250, 1000),
    text = LazyFunction(lambda: fake.text(randint(200, 3000)))
    created_at = LazyFunction(lambda: now() - delta(days=365))
Ejemplo n.º 22
class HttpRequestFactory(BaseFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = HttpRequest

    name = Faker("domain_name")
    path = "/some/fake/path"
    source_address = LazyFunction(fake.ipv4_private)
    source_port = LazyFunction(random_port)
    type = "GET"
    protocol = "http"
    http_server = SubFactory(HttpServerFactory)
    zone = SubFactory(ZoneFactory)
    raw_request = "some fake data"
Ejemplo n.º 23
class UserFactory(Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL
        strategy = CREATE_STRATEGY

    first_name = LazyFunction(fake.first_name)
    last_name = LazyFunction(fake.last_name)
    email = LazyFunction(
    username = LazyAttribute(lambda o:
    password = PostGeneration(
        lambda obj, *args, **kwargs: obj.set_password(DEFAULT_PASSWORD))
    profile = RelatedFactory(ProfileFactory, "user")
    active_email = RelatedFactory(EmailAddressFactory, "user", email=email)
Ejemplo n.º 24
class ApiTokenFactory(BaseFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = ApiToken

    scopes = "profile dns-request zone:list zone:read"
    # TODO: better randomness
    is_active = True
    expires_at = LazyFunction(random_expires_at)
    dns_server_name = LazyFunction(uuid.uuid4)

    def token(self):
        return bearer_token(str(self.dns_server_name), str(self.scopes))
Ejemplo n.º 25
class PermissionFactory(BaseFactory):
    """Permission factory."""

    user = LazyFunction(UserFactory)
    collection = LazyFunction(CollectionFactory)

    modified_by = LazyFunction(UserFactory)
    created_by = LazyFunction(UserFactory)

    class Meta:
        """Factory configuration."""

        model = Permission
Ejemplo n.º 26
class ClientFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    name = Faker('company')
    client_id = LazyFunction(lambda: hex_string(64))
    client_secret = LazyFunction(lambda: hex_string(64))

    scopes = ['openid', 'profile', 'email', 'address']
    scope = LazyAttribute(lambda o: ' '.join(o.scopes))

    class Meta:
        model = Client
        exclude = [
Ejemplo n.º 27
class GrantFactory(BaseFactory):
    """Grant factory."""

    user = LazyFunction(UserFactory)
    client = LazyFunction(ClientFactory)
    code = Sequence(lambda _: 'grantCode{0}'.format(_))

    redirect_uri = ''
    scopes = 'read write'

    class Meta:
        """Factory configuration."""

        model = Grant
Ejemplo n.º 28
class SignalFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Signal

    signal_id = FuzzyAttribute(uuid.uuid4)
    text = LazyFunction(fake.paragraph)
    text_extra = LazyFunction(fake.paragraph)

    # Creating (reverse FK) related objects after this `Signal` is created.
    location = RelatedFactory(
        'signals.apps.signals.factories.location.LocationFactory', '_signal')
    status = RelatedFactory(
        'signals.apps.signals.factories.status.StatusFactory', '_signal')
    category_assignment = RelatedFactory(
    reporter = RelatedFactory(
        'signals.apps.signals.factories.reporter.ReporterFactory', '_signal')
    priority = RelatedFactory(
        'signals.apps.signals.factories.priority.PriorityFactory', '_signal')

    incident_date_start = FuzzyDateTime( - timedelta(days=100),
    incident_date_end = LazyAttribute(
        lambda o: _incident_date_end(o.incident_date_start))
    extra_properties = {}

    # SIG-884
    parent = None

    def set_one_to_one_relations(self, create, extracted, **kwargs):
        """Set o2o relations on given `Signal` object."""
        self.location = self.locations.last()
        self.status = self.statuses.last()
        self.category_assignment = self.category_assignments.last()
        self.reporter = self.reporters.last()
        self.priority = self.priorities.last()

    def set_default_type(self, create, extracted, **kwargs):
        This will add the default Type to the signal for a factory created signal
        if create:
            from . import TypeFactory
                _signal=self)  # By default the type is set to "SIG (SIGNAL)"
Ejemplo n.º 29
class UserFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for user
    class Meta:
        model = User

    first_name = LazyFunction(faker.first_name)
    last_name = LazyFunction(faker.last_name)
    username = LazyAttribute(
        lambda o: slugify(o.first_name) + "." + slugify(o.last_name))
    email = LazyAttribute(lambda o: o.username + "")
    password = PostGenerationMethodCall('set_password', 'password')
    is_staff = False
    is_superuser = False
Ejemplo n.º 30
class SoftwareProductPageFactory(ProductPageFactory):

    class Meta:
        model = SoftwareProductPage

    price = 0

    handles_recordings_how = Faker('sentence')
    recording_alert = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value)
    recording_alert_helptext = Faker('sentence')
    medical_privacy_compliant = LazyFunction(get_extended_boolean_value)
    medical_privacy_compliant_helptext = Faker('sentence')
    host_controls = Faker('sentence')
    easy_to_learn_and_use = LazyFunction(get_extended_boolean_value)
    easy_to_learn_and_use_helptext = Faker('sentence')