Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_process_one_message():
    Test we can process one message.
    # Build our expected message
    message = {'module': 'log',
               'funcName': 'log_exception',
               'message': 'GET http://localhost:5000/folders/5/emails',
               'filename': 'log.py',
               'lineno': 214, 'args': [],
               'exc_text': 'Traceback (most recent call last):',
               'kind': 'app',
               'pathname': '/some/path.py',
               'source': 'eric-desktop'}

    message_params = {k: v for k, v in message.items()
                      # Intentionally ignoring Pylint's reservations about
                      # accessing private members here
                      # pylint: disable=W0212
                      if k in UniqueMessage._fields}
                      # pylint: enable=W0212
    expected_message = _package_unique_message(message_params)

    # Set up mocks for the queue and buffer.
    message_queue = Mock()
    message_queue.get.return_value = message
    message_buffer = Mock()

    _process_one_message(message_queue, message_buffer)

    # Make sure we sent this message to the buffer as expected.
def test_customization_msg_impl():
    Test that the user can customize the impl of UniqueMessage and the
    output formats.
    message_queue = Mock()
    message_buffer = Mock()
    message_params = dict(x=1, y=2, z=3, src='src')

    message_queue.get.return_value = message_params
    _process_one_message(message_queue, message_buffer)
    message_buffer.add.assert_called_once_with(CustomUniqueError(1, 2, 3),
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_process_one_fill_exc():
    Test we gracefully handle a message where the message file is split
    over multiple lines. This means the stack trace is also the message. In
    this case we only got message and not exc_text, make sure we fill exc
    text from message.
    We want to clip it so the message is only the first line of the
    # Build our expected message
    message = {'module': 'log',
               'funcName': 'log_exception',
               'message': '1\n2\n3\n',
               'filename': 'log.py',
               'lineno': 214, 'args': [],
               'kind': 'app',
               'pathname': '/some/path.py',
               'source': 'eric-desktop'}

    message_params = {k: v for k, v in message.items()
                      # Intentionally ignoring Pylint's reservations about
                      # accessing private members here
                      # pylint: disable=W0212
                      if k in UniqueMessage._fields}
                      # pylint: enable=W0212
    # Make sure we clip after the newline and fill exc_text
    message_params['message'] = '1'
    message_params['exc_text'] = '1\n2\n3\n'
    expected_message = _package_unique_message(message_params)

    # Set up mocks for the queue and buffer.
    message_queue = Mock()
    message_queue.get.return_value = message
    message_buffer = Mock()

    _process_one_message(message_queue, message_buffer)

    # Make sure we sent this message to the buffer as expected.