Ejemplo n.º 1
class TestSearch(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_PQ4_accuracy(self):
        ds = datasets.SyntheticDataset(32, 2000, 5000, 1000)

        index_gt = faiss.IndexFlatL2(32)
        Dref, Iref = index_gt.search(ds.get_queries(), 10)

        index = faiss.index_factory(32, 'PQ16x4fs')
        Da, Ia = index.search(ds.get_queries(), 10)

        nq = Iref.shape[0]
        recall_at_1 = (Iref[:, 0] == Ia[:, 0]).sum() / nq
        assert recall_at_1 > 0.6
        # print(f'recall@1 = {recall_at_1:.3f}')

    # This is an experiment to see if we can catch performance
    # regressions. It runs 2 codes, one should be faster than the
    # other by a factor ~10 in opt mode. We check for a factor 5.
    # hopefully the jitter in executtion time will not produce
    # too many spurious test failures. Unoptimized timings are
    # not exploitable, hence the flag test on that as well.
    @unittest.skipUnless(('AVX2' in faiss.get_compile_options()
                          or 'NEON' in faiss.get_compile_options())
                         and "OPTIMIZE" in faiss.get_compile_options(),
                         "only test while building with avx2 or neon")
    def test_PQ4_speed(self):
        ds = datasets.SyntheticDataset(32, 2000, 5000, 1000)
        xt = ds.get_train()
        xb = ds.get_database()
        xq = ds.get_queries()

        index = faiss.index_factory(32, 'PQ16x4')

        t0 = time.time()
        D1, I1 = index.search(xq, 10)
        t1 = time.time()
        pq_t = t1 - t0
        print('PQ16x4 search time:', pq_t)

        index2 = faiss.index_factory(32, 'PQ16x4fs')

        t0 = time.time()
        D2, I2 = index2.search(xq, 10)
        t1 = time.time()
        pqfs_t = t1 - t0
        print('PQ16x4fs search time:', pqfs_t)
        self.assertLess(pqfs_t * 5, pq_t)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_compile_options(self):
     options = faiss.get_compile_options()
     options = options.split(' ')
     for option in options:
         assert option in ['AVX2', 'NEON', 'GENERIC', 'OPTIMIZE']