Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_post_sso(self):
        binding = BINDING_HTTP_POST
        response_binding = BINDING_HTTP_POST
        sid, http_args = self.client.prepare_for_authenticate(
            "urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:idp", relay_state="really",
            binding=binding, response_binding=response_binding)
        _dic = unpack_form(http_args["data"][3])

        req = self.server.parse_authn_request(_dic["SAMLRequest"], binding)
        resp_args = self.server.response_args(req.message, [response_binding])
        assert resp_args["binding"] == response_binding

        # Normally a response would now be sent back to the users web client
        # Here I fake what the client will do
        # create the form post

        http_args["data"] = urllib.urlencode(_dic)
        http_args["method"] = "POST"
        http_args["dummy"] = _dic["SAMLRequest"]
        http_args["headers"] = [('Content-type',

        response = self.client.send(**http_args)
        print response.text
        _dic = unpack_form(response.text[3], "SAMLResponse")
        resp = self.client.parse_authn_request_response(_dic["SAMLResponse"],
                                                        {sid: "/"})
        ac = resp.assertion.authn_statement[0].authn_context
        assert ac.authenticating_authority[0].text == \
        assert ac.authn_context_class_ref.text == INTERNETPROTOCOLPASSWORD
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_post_sso(self):
        binding = BINDING_HTTP_POST
        response_binding = BINDING_HTTP_POST
        sid, http_args = self.client.prepare_for_authenticate(
        _dic = unpack_form(http_args["data"][3])

        req = self.server.parse_authn_request(_dic["SAMLRequest"], binding)
        resp_args = self.server.response_args(req.message, [response_binding])
        assert resp_args["binding"] == response_binding

        # Normally a response would now be sent back to the users web client
        # Here I fake what the client will do
        # create the form post

        http_args["data"] = urllib.urlencode(_dic)
        http_args["method"] = "POST"
        http_args["dummy"] = _dic["SAMLRequest"]
        http_args["headers"] = [('Content-type',

        response = self.client.send(**http_args)
        print response.text
        _dic = unpack_form(response.text[3], "SAMLResponse")
        resp = self.client.parse_authn_request_response(
            _dic["SAMLResponse"], BINDING_HTTP_POST, {sid: "/"})
        ac = resp.assertion.authn_statement[0].authn_context
        assert ac.authenticating_authority[0].text == \
        assert ac.authn_context_class_ref.text == INTERNETPROTOCOLPASSWORD
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_post_sso(self):
        sid, http_args = self.client.prepare_for_authenticate(
            "urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:idp", relay_state="really",

        # Normally a response would now be sent back to the users web client
        # Here I fake what the client will do
        # create the form post

        _dic = unpack_form(http_args["data"][3])
        http_args["data"] = urllib.urlencode(_dic)
        http_args["method"] = "POST"
        http_args["dummy"] = _dic["SAMLRequest"]
        http_args["headers"] = [('Content-type',

        response = self.client.send(**http_args)
        print response.text
        _dic = unpack_form(response.text[3], "SAMLResponse")
        resp = self.client.parse_authn_request_response(_dic["SAMLResponse"],
                                                        {sid: "/"})
        ac = resp.assertion.authn_statement[0].authn_context
        assert ac.authenticating_authority[0].text == \
        assert ac.authn_context_class_ref.text == AUTHN_PASSWORD

# if __name__ == "__main__":
#     tc = TestClient()
#     tc.setup_class()
#     tc.test_response()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_logout_1(self):
        """ one IdP/AA logout from"""

        # information about the user from an IdP
        session_info = {
            "name_id": "123456",
            "issuer": "urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:idp",
            "not_on_or_after": in_a_while(minutes=15),
            "ava": {
                "givenName": "Anders",
                "surName": "Andersson",
                "mail": "*****@*****.**"
        entity_ids = self.client.users.issuers_of_info("123456")
        assert entity_ids == ["urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:idp"]
        resp = self.client.global_logout("123456", "Tired", in_a_while(minutes=5))
        print resp
        assert resp
        assert len(resp) == 1
        assert resp.keys() == entity_ids
        http_args = resp[entity_ids[0]]
        assert isinstance(http_args, dict)
        assert http_args["headers"] == [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
        info = unpack_form(http_args["data"][3])
        xml_str = base64.b64decode(info["SAMLRequest"])
        req = logout_request_from_string(xml_str)
        print req
        assert req.reason == "Tired"
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_post_sso(self):
        id, http_args = self.client.prepare_for_authenticate(

        # Normally a response would now be sent back to the users web client
        # Here I fake what the client will do
        # create the form post

        _dic = unpack_form(http_args["data"][3])
        http_args["data"] = urllib.urlencode(_dic)
        http_args["method"] = "POST"
        http_args["dummy"] = _dic["SAMLRequest"]
        http_args["headers"] = [('Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded')]

        response = self.client.send(**http_args)
        print response.text
        _dic = unpack_form(response.text[3], "SAMLResponse")
        resp = self.client.parse_authn_request_response(_dic["SAMLResponse"],
                                                        {id: "/"})
        ac = resp.assertion.authn_statement[0].authn_context
        assert ac.authenticating_authority[0].text == 'http://www.example.com/login'
        assert ac.authn_context_class_ref.text == AUTHN_PASSWORD

#    def test_logout_2(self):
#        """ one IdP/AA with BINDING_SOAP, can't actually send something"""
#        conf = config.SPConfig()
#        conf.load_file("server2_conf")
#        client = Saml2Client(conf)
#        # information about the user from an IdP
#        session_info = {
#            "name_id": "123456",
#            "issuer": "urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:idp",
#            "not_on_or_after": in_a_while(minutes=15),
#            "ava": {
#                "givenName": "Anders",
#                "surName": "Andersson",
#                "mail": "*****@*****.**"
#            }
#        }
#        client.users.add_information_about_person(session_info)
#        entity_ids = self.client.users.issuers_of_info("123456")
#        assert entity_ids == ["urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:idp"]
#        destinations = client.config.single_logout_services(entity_ids[0],
#                                                            BINDING_SOAP)
#        print destinations
#        assert destinations == ['http://*****:*****@example.com"
#            }
#        }
#        client.users.add_information_about_person(session_info_authn)
#        session_info_aa = {
#            "name_id": "123456",
#            "issuer": "urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:aa",
#            "not_on_or_after": in_a_while(minutes=15),
#            "ava": {
#                "eduPersonEntitlement": "Foobar",
#            }
#        }
#        client.users.add_information_about_person(session_info_aa)
#        entity_ids = client.users.issuers_of_info("123456")
#        assert _leq(entity_ids, ["urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:idp",
#                                "urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:aa"])
#        resp = client.global_logout("123456", "Tired", in_a_while(minutes=5))
#        print resp
#        assert resp
#        assert resp[0] # a session_id
#        assert resp[1] == '200 OK'
#        # HTTP POST
#        assert resp[2] == [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
#        assert resp[3][0] == '<head>'
#        assert resp[3][1] == '<title>SAML 2.0 POST</title>'
#        state_info = client.state[resp[0]]
#        print state_info
#        assert state_info["entity_id"] == entity_ids[0]
#        assert state_info["subject_id"] == "123456"
#        assert state_info["reason"] == "Tired"
#        assert state_info["operation"] == "SLO"
#        assert state_info["entity_ids"] == entity_ids
#        assert state_info["sign"] == True
#    def test_authz_decision_query(self):
#        conf = config.SPConfig()
#        conf.load_file("server3_conf")
#        client = Saml2Client(conf)
#        AVA = {'mail': u'*****@*****.**',
#               'eduPersonTargetedID': '95e9ae91dbe62d35198fbbd5e1fb0976',
#               'displayName': u'Roland Hedberg',
#               'uid': 'http://roland.hedberg.myopenid.com/'}
#        sp_entity_id = "sp_entity_id"
#        in_response_to = "1234"
#        consumer_url = "http://example.com/consumer"
#        name_id = saml.NameID(saml.NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT, text="name_id")
#        policy = Policy()
#        ava = Assertion(AVA)
#        assertion = ava.construct(sp_entity_id, in_response_to,
#                                    consumer_url, name_id,
#                                    conf.attribute_converters,
#                                    policy, issuer=client._issuer())
#        adq = client.create_authz_decision_query_using_assertion("entity_id",
#                                                         assertion,
#                                                        "read",
#                                                        "http://example.com/text")
#        assert adq
#        print adq
#        assert adq.keyswv() != []
#        assert adq.destination == "entity_id"
#        assert adq.resource == "http://example.com/text"
#        assert adq.action[0].text == "read"
#    def test_request_to_discovery_service(self):
#        disc_url = "http://example.com/saml2/idp/disc"
#        url = discovery_service_request_url("urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:sp",
#                                            disc_url)
#        print url
#        assert url == "http://example.com/saml2/idp/disc?entityID=urn%3Amace%3Aexample.com%3Asaml%3Aroland%3Asp"
#        url = discovery_service_request_url(
#                            self.client.config.entityid,
#                            disc_url,
#                            return_url= "http://example.org/saml2/sp/ds")
#        print url
#        assert url == "http://example.com/saml2/idp/disc?entityID=urn%3Amace%3Aexample.com%3Asaml%3Aroland%3Asp&return=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.org%2Fsaml2%2Fsp%2Fds"
#    def test_get_idp_from_discovery_service(self):
#        pdir = {"entityID": "http://example.org/saml2/idp/sso"}
#        params = urllib.urlencode(pdir)
#        redirect_url = "http://example.com/saml2/sp/disc?%s" % params
#        entity_id = discovery_service_response(url=redirect_url)
#        assert entity_id == "http://example.org/saml2/idp/sso"
#        pdir = {"idpID": "http://example.org/saml2/idp/sso"}
#        params = urllib.urlencode(pdir)
#        redirect_url = "http://example.com/saml2/sp/disc?%s" % params
#        entity_id = discovery_service_response(url=redirect_url,
#                                               returnIDParam="idpID")
#        assert entity_id == "http://example.org/saml2/idp/sso"
#        self.server.close_shelve_db()
#    def test_unsolicited_response(self):
#        """
#        """
#        self.server = Server("idp_conf")
#        conf = config.SPConfig()
#        conf.load_file("server_conf")
#        self.client = Saml2Client(conf)
#        for subject in self.client.users.subjects():
#            self.client.users.remove_person(subject)
#        IDP = "urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:idp"
#        ava = { "givenName": ["Derek"], "surName": ["Jeter"],
#                "mail": ["*****@*****.**"], "title": ["The man"]}
#        resp_str = "%s" % self.server.create_authn_response(
#                                identity=ava,
#                                in_response_to="id1",
#                                destination="http://lingon.catalogix.se:8087/",
#                                sp_entity_id="urn:mace:example.com:saml:roland:sp",
#                                name_id_policy=samlp.NameIDPolicy(
#                                        format=saml.NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT),
#                                userid="*****@*****.**")
#        resp_str = base64.encodestring(resp_str)
#        self.client.allow_unsolicited = True
#        authn_response = self.client.authn_request_response(
#                                                {"SAMLResponse":resp_str}, ())
#        assert authn_response is not None
#        assert authn_response.issuer() == IDP
#        assert authn_response.response.assertion[0].issuer.text == IDP
#        session_info = authn_response.session_info()
#        print session_info
#        assert session_info["ava"] == {'mail': ['*****@*****.**'],
#                                       'givenName': ['Derek'],
#                                       'surName': ['Jeter']}
#        assert session_info["issuer"] == IDP
#        assert session_info["came_from"] == ""
#        response = samlp.response_from_string(authn_response.xmlstr)
#        assert response.destination == "http://lingon.catalogix.se:8087/"
#        # One person in the cache
#        assert len(self.client.users.subjects()) ==  1
#        self.server.close_shelve_db()