Ejemplo n.º 1
    def load(self, preprocessor_file, json_file, weights_file, custom_objects=None):
        """load ner application

            preprocessor_file: path to load preprocessor
            json_file: path to load model architecture
            weights_file: path to load model weights
            custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or
                            functions to be considered during deserialization. Must provided when
                            using custom layer.

        self.preprocessor = NERPreprocessor.load(preprocessor_file)
        logging.info('Load preprocessor from {}'.format(preprocessor_file))

        custom_objects = custom_objects or {}
        with open(json_file, 'r') as reader:
            self.model = model_from_json(reader.read(), custom_objects=custom_objects)
        logging.info('Load model architecture from {}'.format(json_file))

        logging.info('Load model weight from {}'.format(weights_file))

        self.trainer = NERTrainer(self.model, self.preprocessor)
        self.predictor = NERPredictor(self.model, self.preprocessor)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def load(self,
             preprocessor_file: str,
             json_file: str,
             weights_file: str,
             custom_objects: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None:
        """Load ner application from disk.

        There are 3 things in total that we need to load: 1) preprocessor, which stores the
        vocabulary and embedding matrix built during pre-processing and helps us prepare feature
        input for ner model; 2) model architecture, which describes the framework of our ner model;
        3) model weights, which stores the value of ner model's parameters.

            preprocessor_file: path to load preprocessor
            json_file: path to load model architecture
            weights_file: path to load model weights
            custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or
                            functions to be considered during deserialization. We will
                            automatically add all the custom layers of this project to
                            custom_objects. So you can ignore this argument in most cases unlesss
                            you use your own custom layer.

        self.preprocessor = NERPreprocessor.load(preprocessor_file)
        logging.info('Load preprocessor from {}'.format(preprocessor_file))

        custom_objects = custom_objects or {}
        with open(json_file, 'r') as reader:
            self.model = tf.keras.models.model_from_json(
                reader.read(), custom_objects=custom_objects)
        logging.info('Load model architecture from {}'.format(json_file))

        logging.info('Load model weight from {}'.format(weights_file))

        self.trainer = NERTrainer(self.model, self.preprocessor)
        self.predictor = NERPredictor(self.model, self.preprocessor)