Ejemplo n.º 1
def fb2youtrack(target_url, target_login, target_password, source_url,
                source_login, source_password, project_names, max_issue_id):
    #encoding = 'utf-8'
    source = FBClient(source_url, source_login, source_password)
    target = Connection(target_url, target_login, target_password)
    accessible_projects = source.list_project_names()
    for p_name in project_names:
        if not (p_name in accessible_projects.keys()):
            print 'Unknown project names. Exiting...'

#    for p_name in accessible_projects :
#        if (p_name.encode('utf-8') in project_names_str) :
#            project_names_str.remove(p_name.encode('utf-8'))
#            project_names.append(p_name)
#    if (len(project_names_str) != 0) :
#        print 'Unknown project names!'

    print('Creating custom fields')
    #    for field_name in ['Category', 'Priority', 'Status']:
    #        field_name = get_yt_name_from_fb__field_name(field_name)
    #        create_custom_field(target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[field_name], field_name, False)

    fb_category_bundle_name = u'FB Categories'
    fb_priorities_bundle_name = u'FB Priorities'
    fb_statuses_bundle_name = u'FB Statuses'

    common_fields = {
        u'category': fb_category_bundle_name,
        u'priority': fb_priorities_bundle_name,
        u'status': fb_statuses_bundle_name

    field_name = u'category'
        target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(field_name)],
        common_fields[field_name], source.list_categories(),
        lambda bundle, value: bundle.createElement(
            to_yt_field_value(field_name, value)))
    field_name = u'priority'
        target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(field_name)],
        [elem[0] + '-' + elem[1] for elem in source.list_priorities()],
        lambda bundle, value: bundle.createElement(
            to_yt_field_value(field_name, value)))

    field_name = u'status'
    statuses = [(to_yt_field_value(field_name, value), resolved)
                for (value, resolved) in source.list_statuses()]
        target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(field_name)],
        common_fields[field_name], statuses,
        lambda bundle, value: to_yt_status(bundle, value))

    simple_fields = [
        u'original_title', u'version', u'computer', u'due', u'estimate'

    for name in simple_fields:
        name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(name)
        create_custom_field(target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[name], name, False)

    print 'Importing users'
    for name in ['Normal', 'Deleted', 'Community', 'Virtual']:
        group = Group()
        group.name = name
            print 'Group with name [ %s ] successfully created' % name
            print "Can't create group with name [ %s ] (maybe because it already exists)" % name

    users_to_import = []
    max = 100
    for user in source.get_users():
        yt_user = _to_yt_user(user)
        print 'Importing user [ %s ]' % yt_user.login
        if len(users_to_import) >= max:
            _do_import_users(target, users_to_import)
            users_to_import = []
    _do_import_users(target, users_to_import)
    print 'Importing users finished'

    # to handle linked issues
        target.createIssueLinkTypeDetailed('parent-child', 'child of',
                                           'parent of', True)
    except YouTrackException:
        print "Can't create issue link type [ parent-child ] (maybe because it already exists)"
    links_to_import = []

    for project_name in project_names:
        value_sets = dict([])

        project_id = accessible_projects[project_name]
        print 'Importing project [ %s ]' % project_name
        target.createProjectDetailed(project_id, project_name.encode('utf-8'),
                                     'no description', 'root')

        print 'Creating custom fields in project [ %s ]' % project_name

        for cf_name in common_fields:
            bundle_name = common_fields[cf_name]
            cf_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(cf_name)
            target.deleteProjectCustomField(project_id, cf_name)
            target.createProjectCustomFieldDetailed(project_id, cf_name,
                                                    'No ' + cf_name.lower(),
                                                    {'bundle': bundle_name})

        for cf_name in simple_fields:
            cf_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(cf_name)
                    project_id, cf_name, 'No ' + cf_name.lower())
            except YouTrackException:
                print "Can't create custom field with name [%s]" % cf_name
        cf_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name('fix_for')
        milestones = source.get_milestones(project_id)
        value_sets["fix_for"] = []
        for milestone in milestones:
            milestone.name = to_yt_field_value('fix_for', milestone.name)
            target, cf_name, project_id, milestones,
            lambda bundle, value: _to_yt_version(bundle, value))

        cf_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name('area')
        areas = source.get_areas(project_id)
        value_sets["area"] = []
        for area in areas:
            area.name = to_yt_field_value('area', area.name)
            target, cf_name, project_id, areas,
            lambda bundle, value: _to_yt_subsystem(bundle, value))

        print 'Importing issues for project [ %s ]' % project_name
        start = 0
        issues_to_import = []
        # create dictionary with child : parent pairs
        while start <= max_issue_id:
            fb_issues = source.get_issues(project_name, start, 30)
            for issue in fb_issues:
                    target, get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name('area'), project_id,
                    lambda bundle, value: bundle.createElement(value))
                issues_to_import.append(_to_yt_issue(issue, value_sets))
                                project_name.encode('utf-8') + " assignees",
            for issue in fb_issues:
                full_issue_id = '%s-%s' % (project_id, issue.ix_bug)
                for attach in issue.attachments:
                        full_issue_id, attach)
                for tag in issue.tags:
                    target.executeCommand(full_issue_id, 'tag ' + tag)
                if issue.bug_parent is not None:
                    parent_issue_id = '%s-%s' % (source.get_issue_project_id(
                        issue.bug_parent), issue.bug_parent)
                    link = Link()
                    link.typeName = 'parent-child'
                    link.source = full_issue_id
                    link.target = parent_issue_id
            issues_to_import = []
            start += 30
        print 'Importing issues for project [ %s ] finished' % project_name

    print 'Importing issue links'
    print target.importLinks(links_to_import)
    print 'Importing issue links finished'
def fb2youtrack(target_url, target_login, target_password, source_url, source_login, source_password, project_names, max_issue_id) :
    #encoding = 'utf-8'
    source = FBClient(source_url, source_login, source_password)
    target = Connection(target_url, target_login, target_password)
    accessible_projects = source.list_project_names()
    for p_name in project_names :
        if not(p_name in  accessible_projects.keys()) :
            print 'Unknown project names. Exiting...'

#    for p_name in accessible_projects :
#        if (p_name.encode('utf-8') in project_names_str) :
#            project_names_str.remove(p_name.encode('utf-8'))
#            project_names.append(p_name)
#    if (len(project_names_str) != 0) :
#        print 'Unknown project names!'

    print('Creating custom fields')
#    for field_name in ['Category', 'Priority', 'Status']:
#        field_name = get_yt_name_from_fb__field_name(field_name)
#        create_custom_field(target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[field_name], field_name, False)

    fb_category_bundle_name = u'FB Categories'
    fb_priorities_bundle_name = u'FB Priorities'
    fb_statuses_bundle_name = u'FB Statuses'

    common_fields = {
        u'category'  :   fb_category_bundle_name,
        u'priority'  :   fb_priorities_bundle_name,
        u'status'    :   fb_statuses_bundle_name

    field_name = u'category'
                              lambda bundle, value : bundle.createElement(to_yt_field_value(field_name, value)))
    field_name = u'priority'
    create_bundle_with_values(target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(field_name)],
                              [elem[0] + '-' + elem[1] for elem in source.list_priorities()],
                              lambda bundle, value : bundle.createElement(to_yt_field_value(field_name, value)))

    field_name = u'status'
    statuses = [(to_yt_field_value(field_name, value), resolved) for (value, resolved) in source.list_statuses()]
    create_bundle_with_values(target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(field_name)],
                              statuses, lambda bundle, value : to_yt_status(bundle, value))

    simple_fields = [u'original_title', u'version', u'computer', u'due', u'estimate']

    for name in simple_fields:
        name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(name)
        create_custom_field(target, fbugz.CF_TYPES[name], name, False)

    print 'Importing users'
    for name in ['Normal', 'Deleted', 'Community', 'Virtual'] :
        group = Group()
        group.name = name
        try :
            print 'Group with name [ %s ] successfully created' % name
            print "Can't create group with name [ %s ] (maybe because it already exists)" % name

    users_to_import = []
    max = 100
    for user in source.get_users() :
        yt_user = _to_yt_user(user)
        print 'Importing user [ %s ]' % yt_user.login
        if len(users_to_import) >= max:
            _do_import_users(target, users_to_import)
            users_to_import = []
    _do_import_users(target, users_to_import)
    print 'Importing users finished'

    # to handle linked issues
    try :
        target.createIssueLinkTypeDetailed('parent-child', 'child of', 'parent of', True)
    except YouTrackException:
        print "Can't create issue link type [ parent-child ] (maybe because it already exists)"
    links_to_import = []

    for project_name in project_names :
        value_sets = dict([])

        project_id = accessible_projects[project_name]
        print 'Importing project [ %s ]' % project_name
        target.createProjectDetailed(project_id, project_name.encode('utf-8'), 'no description', 'root')

        print 'Creating custom fields in project [ %s ]' % project_name

        for cf_name in common_fields:
            bundle_name = common_fields[cf_name]
            cf_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(cf_name)
            target.deleteProjectCustomField(project_id, cf_name)
            target.createProjectCustomFieldDetailed(project_id, cf_name, 'No ' + cf_name.lower(),
                    {'bundle' : bundle_name})

        for cf_name in simple_fields:
            cf_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(cf_name)
                target.createProjectCustomFieldDetailed(project_id, cf_name, 'No ' + cf_name.lower())
            except YouTrackException:
                print "Can't create custom field with name [%s]" % cf_name
        cf_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name('fix_for')
        milestones = source.get_milestones(project_id)
        value_sets["fix_for"] = []
        for milestone in milestones:
            milestone.name = to_yt_field_value('fix_for', milestone.name)
        add_values_to_field(target, cf_name, project_id, milestones,
                            lambda bundle, value: _to_yt_version(bundle, value))

        cf_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name('area')
        areas = source.get_areas(project_id)
        value_sets["area"] = []
        for area in areas:
            area.name = to_yt_field_value('area', area.name)
        add_values_to_field(target, cf_name, project_id, areas,
                            lambda bundle, value: _to_yt_subsystem(bundle, value))

        print 'Importing issues for project [ %s ]' % project_name
        start = 0
        issues_to_import = []
        # create dictionary with child : parent pairs
        while start <= max_issue_id:
            fb_issues = source.get_issues(project_name, start, 30)
            for issue in fb_issues :
                add_values_to_field(target, get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name('area'), project_id,
                    [issue.field_values['area']], lambda bundle, value: bundle.createElement(value))
                issues_to_import.append(_to_yt_issue(issue, value_sets))
            target.importIssues(project_id, project_name.encode('utf-8') + " assignees", issues_to_import)
            for issue in fb_issues :
                full_issue_id = '%s-%s' % (project_id, issue.ix_bug)
                for attach in issue.attachments :
                    target.createAttachmentFromAttachment(full_issue_id, attach)
                for tag in issue.tags :
                    target.executeCommand(full_issue_id, 'tag ' + tag)
                if issue.bug_parent is not None:
                    parent_issue_id = '%s-%s' % (source.get_issue_project_id(issue.bug_parent), issue.bug_parent)
                    link = Link()
                    link.typeName = 'parent-child'
                    link.source = full_issue_id
                    link.target = parent_issue_id
            issues_to_import = []
            start += 30
        print 'Importing issues for project [ %s ] finished' % project_name

    print 'Importing issue links'
    print target.importLinks(links_to_import)
    print 'Importing issue links finished'