Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_disk(auth_parms, prod_offer, disk_size, disk_name, vdc_uuid):
    """ Function to create disk """

    # get product offer uuid for the disk in question
    prod_offer_uuid = get_prod_offer_uuid(auth_parms, prod_offer)

    disk_job = rest_create_disk(auth_parms, vdc_uuid, prod_offer_uuid, disk_name, disk_size)

    disk_uuid = disk_job['itemUUID']
    print("New disk UUID=" + disk_uuid)

    # Check the job completes
    status = wait_for_job(auth_parms, disk_job['resourceUUID'], "SUCCESSFUL", 90)
    if (status != 0):
        raise Exception("Failed to add create disk (uuid=" + disk_uuid + ")")

    return disk_uuid
Ejemplo n.º 2
def MakeVM(customerUUID, customerUsername, customerPassword, publicKey, vmName, localRepoDir, isVerbose):
    ramAmount = DEFAULT_RAM_SIZE
    cpuCount = DEFAULT_CPU_COUNT
    print customerUUID 
    print customerUsername
    print customerPassword
    print publicKey
    print cpuCount
    print ramAmount
    print vmName
    print isVerbose
    # Authenticate to the FCO API, getting a token for furture use
    token = getToken(ENDPOINT, customerUsername, customerUUID, customerPassword)

    auth = dict(endpoint=ENDPOINT, token=token)

    print("Details for image_uuid " + IMAGE_UUID + ":\n");

    img_ret = list_image(auth, IMAGE_UUID)
    vdc_uuid_for_image = img_ret['vdcUUID']
    if (isVerbose):
        print("vdc_uuid_for_image is " + vdc_uuid_for_image)

    cluster_uuid_for_image = img_ret['clusterUUID']
    print("cluster_uuid_for_image is " + cluster_uuid_for_image)

    customer_vdc_uuid = get_first_vdc_in_cluster(auth, cluster_uuid_for_image)
    if (isVerbose):
        print("The VDC to use is: " + customer_vdc_uuid)

    # Setup VDC in this cluster if user doesn't have one
    if (customer_vdc_uuid == ''):
        vdc_uuid = create_vdc_in_cluster(auth, cluster_uuid_for_image)
        if (isVerbose):
            print("VDC we created is " + vdc_uuid)
        customer_vdc_uuid = vdc_uuid

    # Sanity check that we have a VDC to work with
    if (customer_vdc_uuid == ''):
        raise Exception("No VDC to create the server in !")

    current_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    if vmName == None:
        server_name = "VM " + current_time
        server_name = vmName

    # Get the Product Offer UUID of the Standard Server product
    product_offer = 'Standard Server'
    server_po_uuid = get_prod_offer_uuid(auth, product_offer)
    if (server_po_uuid == ""):
        raise Exception("No '" + product_offer + "' Product Offer found")

    # Base the boot disk on the PO of the same size storage disk as the Image must have been; that way
    # we can be reasonably sure it will exist.
    image_disk_po_name = str(img_ret['size']) + " GB Storage Disk"
    boot_disk_po_uuid = get_prod_offer_uuid(auth, image_disk_po_name)
    if (boot_disk_po_uuid == ""):
        raise Exception("No suitable disk product offer found  (expected a '" + image_disk_po_name + "' PO)")

    # Create the additional disk (if any). We'll attach it later.
    disk_name = "Disk " + current_time + " #2"
    extra_disk_uuid = create_disk(auth, 'Standard Disk', diskSize, disk_name, customer_vdc_uuid)

    server_data = build_server(auth_parms=auth, customer_uuid=customerUUID,
                               server_po_uuid=server_po_uuid, boot_disk_po_uuid=boot_disk_po_uuid,
                               ram_amount=ramAmount, cpu_count=cpuCount,

    if (isVerbose):
        print "Return from build_server() is:"
        print server_data
        print "==== End build_server() details ===="

    # If we created an extra disk, attach it now
    if (extra_disk_uuid != ""):
        attach_disk(auth_parms=auth, server_uuid=server_data[0], disk_uuid=extra_disk_uuid, index='2')

    server_data = start_server(auth_parms=auth, server_data=server_data)

    ret = dict(server_uuid=server_data[0],

    add_remote_git(server_data[3], localRepoDir)
    print ret