Ejemplo n.º 1
def regression_warp(beta, time, q, y, alpha):
    calculates optimal warping for function linear regression

    :param beta: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points
    :param q: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param y: numpy ndarray of shape (1,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param alpha: numpy scalar

    :rtype: numpy array
    :return gamma_new: warping function

    gam_M = uf.optimum_reparam(beta, time, q)
    qM = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, q, gam_M)
    y_M = trapz(qM * beta, time)

    gam_m = uf.optimum_reparam(-1 * beta, time, q)
    qm = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, q, gam_m)
    y_m = trapz(qm * beta, time)

    if y > alpha + y_M:
        gamma_new = gam_M
    elif y < alpha + y_m:
        gamma_new = gam_m
        gamma_new = uf.zero_crossing(y - alpha, q, beta, time, y_M, y_m, gam_M,

    return gamma_new
Ejemplo n.º 2
def regression_warp(beta, time, q, y, alpha):
    calculates optimal warping for function linear regression

    :param beta: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points
    :param q: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param y: numpy ndarray of shape (1,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param alpha: numpy scalar

    :rtype: numpy array
    :return gamma_new: warping function

    gam_M = uf.optimum_reparam(beta, time, q)
    qM = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, q, gam_M)
    y_M = trapz(qM * beta, time)

    gam_m = uf.optimum_reparam(-1 * beta, time, q)
    qm = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, q, gam_m)
    y_m = trapz(qm * beta, time)

    if y > alpha + y_M:
        gamma_new = gam_M
    elif y < alpha + y_m:
        gamma_new = gam_m
        gamma_new = uf.zero_crossing(y - alpha, q, beta, time, y_M, y_m,
                                     gam_M, gam_m)

    return gamma_new
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _elastic_alignment_array(template_data, q_data,
                             eval_points, penalty, grid_dim):
    r"""Wrapper between the cython interface and python.

    Selects the corresponding routine depending on the dimensions of the

        template_data (numpy.ndarray): Array with the srsf of the template.
        q_data (numpy.ndarray): Array with the srsf of the curves
                                to be aligned.
        eval_points (numpy.ndarray): Discretisation points of the functions.
        penalty (float): Penalisation term.
        grid_dim (int): Dimension of the grid used in the alignment algorithm.

        (numpy.ndarray): Array with the same shape than q_data with the srsf of
        the functions aligned to the template(s).

    return optimum_reparam(np.ascontiguousarray(template_data.T),
                           lam=penalty, grid_dim=grid_dim).T
Ejemplo n.º 4
def map_driver(q1, f, bet, t, dt):
    q2 = uf.f_to_srsf(f, t)
    gam = uf.optimum_reparam(q1, t, q2)
    fn = uf.warp_f_gamma(t, f, gam)
    tmp = bet * fn
    y = tmp.sum() * dt

    return y
Ejemplo n.º 5
def logistic_warp(beta, time, q, y):
    calculates optimal warping for function logistic regression

    :param beta: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points
    :param q: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param y: numpy ndarray of shape (1,N) responses

    :rtype: numpy array
    :return gamma: warping function

    if y == 1:
        gamma = uf.optimum_reparam(beta, time, q)
    elif y == -1:
        gamma = uf.optimum_reparam(-1*beta, time, q)
    return gamma
Ejemplo n.º 6
def logistic_warp(beta, time, q, y):
    calculates optimal warping for function logistic regression

    :param beta: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points
    :param q: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param y: numpy ndarray of shape (1,N) responses

    :rtype: numpy array
    :return gamma: warping function

    if y == 1:
        gamma = uf.optimum_reparam(beta, time, q)
    elif y == -1:
        gamma = uf.optimum_reparam(-1 * beta, time, q)
    return gamma
Ejemplo n.º 7
def MapC_to_y(n, c, B, t, f, parallel):

    dt = np.diff(t)
    dt = dt.mean()

    y = np.zeros(n)

    if parallel:
        bet = np.dot(B, c)
        q1 = uf.f_to_srsf(bet, t)
        y = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(map_driver)(q1, f[:, k], bet, t, dt)
                                for k in range(n))
        for k in range(0, n):
            bet = np.dot(B, c)
            q1 = uf.f_to_srsf(bet, t)
            q2 = uf.f_to_srsf(f[:, k], t)
            gam = uf.optimum_reparam(q1, t, q2)
            fn = uf.warp_f_gamma(t, f[:, k], gam)
            tmp = bet * fn
            y[k] = tmp.sum() * dt

    return (y)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def align_fPCA(f, time, num_comp=3, showplot=True, smoothdata=False, cores=-1):
    aligns a collection of functions while extracting principal components.
    The functions are aligned to the principal components

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param num_comp: number of fPCA components
    :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T)
    :param smooth_data: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F)
    :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all))
    :type sparam: double
    :type smooth_data: bool
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
                functions with M samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return q0: original srvf - similar structure to fn
    :return mqn: srvf mean or median - vector of length M
    :return gam: warping functions - similar structure to fn
    :return q_pca: srsf principal directions
    :return f_pca: functional principal directions
    :return latent: latent values
    :return coef: coefficients
    :return U: eigenvectors
    :return orig_var: Original Variance of Functions
    :return amp_var: Amplitude Variance
    :return phase_var: Phase Variance

    lam = 0.0
    MaxItr = 50
    coef = np.arange(-2., 3.)
    Nstd = coef.shape[0]
    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]
    if M > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif N > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = False

    eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
    f0 = f

    if showplot:
        plot.f_plot(time, f, title="Original Data")

    # Compute SRSF function from data
    f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, f, smoothdata)
    q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps)

    mnq = q.mean(axis=1)
    a = mnq.repeat(N)
    d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
    d = (q - d1)**2
    dqq = np.sqrt(d.sum(axis=0))
    min_ind = dqq.argmin()

    print("Aligning %d functions in SRVF space to %d fPCA components..." %
          (N, num_comp))
    itr = 0
    mq = np.zeros((M, MaxItr + 1))
    mq[:, itr] = q[:, min_ind]
    fi = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1))
    fi[:, :, 0] = f
    qi = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1))
    qi[:, :, 0] = q
    gam = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1))
    cost = np.zeros(MaxItr + 1)

    while itr < MaxItr:
        print("updating step: r=%d" % (itr + 1))
        if itr == MaxItr:
            print("maximal number of iterations is reached")

        # PCA Step
        a = mq[:, itr].repeat(N)
        d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
        qhat_cent = qi[:, :, itr] - d1
        K = np.cov(qi[:, :, itr])
        U, s, V = svd(K)

        alpha_i = np.zeros((num_comp, N))
        for ii in range(0, num_comp):
            for jj in range(0, N):
                alpha_i[ii, jj] = trapz(qhat_cent[:, jj] * U[:, ii], time)

        U1 = U[:, 0:num_comp]
        tmp = U1.dot(alpha_i)
        qhat = d1 + tmp

        # Matching Step
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(
                                                 n], time, qi[:, n,
                                                              itr], "DP", lam)
                for n in range(N))
            gam_t = np.array(out)
            gam[:, :, itr] = gam_t.transpose()
            gam[:, :, itr] = uf.optimum_reparam(qhat, time, qi[:, :, itr],
                                                "DP", lam)

        for k in range(0, N):
            time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam[:, k, itr] + time[0]
            fi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, fi[:, k, itr])
            qi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.f_to_srsf(fi[:, k, itr + 1], time)

        qtemp = qi[:, :, itr + 1]
        mq[:, itr + 1] = qtemp.mean(axis=1)

        cost_temp = np.zeros(N)

        for ii in range(0, N):
            cost_temp[ii] = norm(qtemp[:, ii] - qhat[:, ii])**2

        cost[itr + 1] = cost_temp.mean()

        if abs(cost[itr + 1] - cost[itr]) < 1e-06:

        itr += 1

    if itr >= MaxItr:
        itrf = MaxItr
        itrf = itr + 1
    cost = cost[1:(itrf + 1)]

    # Aligned data & stats
    fn = fi[:, :, itrf]
    qn = qi[:, :, itrf]
    q0 = qi[:, :, 0]
    mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1)
    std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1)
    mqn = mq[:, itrf]
    gamf = gam[:, :, 0]
    for k in range(1, itr):
        gam_k = gam[:, :, k]
        for l in range(0, N):
            time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam_k[:, l] + time[0]
            gamf[:, l] = np.interp(time0, time, gamf[:, l])

    # Center Mean
    gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gamf)
    gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
    time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0]
    mqn = np.interp(time0, time, mqn) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
    for k in range(0, N):
        qn[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, qn[:, k]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
        fn[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, fn[:, k])
        gamf[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, gamf[:, k])

    mean_fn = fn.mean(axis=1)
    std_fn = fn.std(axis=1)

    # Get Final PCA
    mididx = int(np.round(time.shape[0] / 2))
    m_new = np.sign(fn[mididx, :]) * np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[mididx, :]))
    mqn2 = np.append(mqn, m_new.mean())
    qn2 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))
    K = np.cov(qn2)

    U, s, V = svd(K)
    stdS = np.sqrt(s)

    # compute the PCA in the q domain
    q_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(M + 1, Nstd, num_comp), dtype=float)
    for k in range(0, num_comp):
        for l in range(0, Nstd):
            q_pca[:, l, k] = mqn2 + coef[l] * stdS[k] * U[:, k]

    # compute the correspondence in the f domain
    f_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(M, Nstd, num_comp), dtype=float)
    for k in range(0, num_comp):
        for l in range(0, Nstd):
            q_pca_tmp = q_pca[0:M, l, k] * np.abs(q_pca[0:M, l, k])
            q_pca_tmp2 = np.sign(q_pca[M, l, k]) * (q_pca[M, l, k]**2)
            f_pca[:, l, k] = uf.cumtrapzmid(time, q_pca_tmp, q_pca_tmp2,
                                            np.floor(time.shape[0] / 2),

    N2 = qn.shape[1]
    c = np.zeros((N2, num_comp))
    for k in range(0, num_comp):
        for l in range(0, N2):
            c[l, k] = sum((np.append(qn[:, l], m_new[l]) - mqn2) * U[:, k])

    if showplot:
        CBcdict = {
            'Bl': (0, 0, 0),
            'Or': (.9, .6, 0),
            'SB': (.35, .7, .9),
            'bG': (0, .6, .5),
            'Ye': (.95, .9, .25),
            'Bu': (0, .45, .7),
            'Ve': (.8, .4, 0),
            'rP': (.8, .6, .7),
        cl = sorted(CBcdict.keys())

        # Align Plots
        fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1),
                              title="Warping Functions")

        plot.f_plot(time, fn, title="Warped Data")

        tmp = np.array([mean_f0, mean_f0 + std_f0, mean_f0 - std_f0])
        tmp = tmp.transpose()
        plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title=r"Original Data: Mean $\pm$ STD")

        tmp = np.array([mean_fn, mean_fn + std_fn, mean_fn - std_fn])
        tmp = tmp.transpose()
        plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title=r"Warped Data: Mean $\pm$ STD")

        # PCA Plots
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, num_comp)
        for k in range(0, num_comp):
            axt = ax[0, k]
            for l in range(0, Nstd):
                axt.plot(time, q_pca[0:M, l, k], color=CBcdict[cl[l]])

            axt.set_title('q domain: PD %d' % (k + 1))
            axt = ax[1, k]
            for l in range(0, Nstd):
                axt.plot(time, f_pca[:, l, k], color=CBcdict[cl[l]])

            axt.set_title('f domain: PD %d' % (k + 1))

        cumm_coef = 100 * np.cumsum(s) / sum(s)
        idx = np.arange(0, M + 1) + 1
        plot.f_plot(idx, cumm_coef, "Coefficient Cumulative Percentage")

    mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1)
    std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1)
    mean_fn = fn.mean(axis=1)
    std_fn = fn.std(axis=1)
    tmp = np.zeros(M)
    tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(mqn * np.abs(mqn), time)
    fmean = np.mean(f0[1, :]) + tmp

    fgam = np.zeros((M, N))
    for k in range(0, N):
        time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamf[:, k] + time[0]
        fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, fmean)

    var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1)
    orig_var = trapz(std_f0**2, time)
    amp_var = trapz(std_fn**2, time)
    phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, time)

    K = np.cov(fn)

    U, s, V = svd(K)

    align_fPCAresults = collections.namedtuple('align_fPCA', [
        'fn', 'qn', 'q0', 'mqn', 'gam', 'q_pca', 'f_pca', 'latent', 'coef',
        'U', 'orig_var', 'amp_var', 'phase_var', 'cost'

    out = align_fPCAresults(fn, qn, q0, mqn, gamf, q_pca, f_pca, s, c, U,
                            orig_var, amp_var, phase_var, cost)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def srsf_align(self,
        This function aligns a collection of functions using the elastic
        square-root slope (srsf) framework.

        :param method: (string) warp calculate Karcher Mean or Median (options = "mean" or "median") (default="mean")
        :param omethod: optimization method (DP, DP2) (default = DP)
        :param smoothdata: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F)
        :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F)
        :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0)
        :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all))
        :type lam: double
        :type smoothdata: bool

        >>> import tables
        >>> fun=tables.open_file("../Data/simu_data.h5")
        >>> f = fun.root.f[:]
        >>> f = f.transpose()
        >>> time = fun.root.time[:]
        >>> obj = fs.fdawarp(f,time)
        >>> obj.srsf_align()

        M = self.f.shape[0]
        N = self.f.shape[1]
        self.lam = lam

        if M > 500:
            parallel = True
        elif N > 100:
            parallel = True

        eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
        f0 = self.f
        self.method = omethod

        methods = ["mean", "median"]
        self.type = method

        # 0 mean, 1-median
        method = [i for i, x in enumerate(methods) if x == method]
        if len(method) == 0:
            method = 0
            method = method[0]

        # Compute SRSF function from data
        f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(self.time, self.f, smoothdata)
        q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps)

        mnq = q.mean(axis=1)
        a = mnq.repeat(N)
        d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
        d = (q - d1)**2
        dqq = np.sqrt(d.sum(axis=0))
        min_ind = dqq.argmin()
        mq = q[:, min_ind]
        mf = f[:, min_ind]

        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(
                mq, self.time, q[:, n], omethod, lam, mf[0], f[0, n])
                                         for n in range(N))
            gam = np.array(out)
            gam = gam.transpose()
            gam = np.zeros((M, N))
            for k in range(0, N):
                gam[:, k] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, self.time, q[:, k], omethod,
                                               lam, mf[0], f[0, k])

        gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam)
        mf = np.interp((self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamI + self.time[0],
                       self.time, mf)
        mq = uf.f_to_srsf(mf, self.time)

        # Compute Karcher Mean
        if method == 0:
            print("Compute Karcher Mean of %d function in SRSF space..." % N)
        if method == 1:
            print("Compute Karcher Median of %d function in SRSF space..." % N)

        MaxItr = 20
        ds = np.repeat(0.0, MaxItr + 2)
        ds[0] = np.inf
        qun = np.repeat(0.0, MaxItr + 1)
        tmp = np.zeros((M, MaxItr + 2))
        tmp[:, 0] = mq
        mq = tmp
        tmp = np.zeros((M, MaxItr + 2))
        tmp[:, 0] = mf
        mf = tmp
        tmp = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 2))
        tmp[:, :, 0] = self.f
        f = tmp
        tmp = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 2))
        tmp[:, :, 0] = q
        q = tmp

        for r in range(0, MaxItr):
            print("updating step: r=%d" % (r + 1))
            if r == (MaxItr - 1):
                print("maximal number of iterations is reached")

            # Matching Step
            if parallel:
                out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(
                    mq[:, r], self.time, q[:, n,
                                           0], omethod, lam, mf[0, r], f[0, n,
                                             for n in range(N))
                gam = np.array(out)
                gam = gam.transpose()
                for k in range(0, N):
                    gam[:, k] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq[:, r], self.time,
                                                   q[:, k, 0], omethod, lam,
                                                   mf[0, r], f[0, k, 0])

            gam_dev = np.zeros((M, N))
            vtil = np.zeros((M, N))
            dtil = np.zeros(N)
            for k in range(0, N):
                f[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp(
                    (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gam[:, k] + self.time[0],
                    self.time, f[:, k, 0])
                q[:, k, r + 1] = uf.f_to_srsf(f[:, k, r + 1], self.time)
                gam_dev[:, k] = np.gradient(gam[:, k], 1 / float(M - 1))
                v = q[:, k, r + 1] - mq[:, r]
                d = np.sqrt(trapz(v * v, self.time))
                vtil[:, k] = v / d
                dtil[k] = 1.0 / d

            mqt = mq[:, r]
            a = mqt.repeat(N)
            d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
            d = (q[:, :, r + 1] - d1)**2
            if method == 0:
                d1 = sum(trapz(d, self.time, axis=0))
                d2 = sum(trapz((1 - np.sqrt(gam_dev))**2, self.time, axis=0))
                ds_tmp = d1 + lam * d2
                ds[r + 1] = ds_tmp

                # Minimization Step
                # compute the mean of the matched function
                qtemp = q[:, :, r + 1]
                ftemp = f[:, :, r + 1]
                mq[:, r + 1] = qtemp.mean(axis=1)
                mf[:, r + 1] = ftemp.mean(axis=1)

                qun[r] = norm(mq[:, r + 1] - mq[:, r]) / norm(mq[:, r])

            if method == 1:
                d1 = np.sqrt(sum(trapz(d, self.time, axis=0)))
                d2 = sum(trapz((1 - np.sqrt(gam_dev))**2, self.time, axis=0))
                ds_tmp = d1 + lam * d2
                ds[r + 1] = ds_tmp

                # Minimization Step
                # compute the mean of the matched function
                stp = .3
                vbar = vtil.sum(axis=1) * (1 / dtil.sum())
                qtemp = q[:, :, r + 1]
                ftemp = f[:, :, r + 1]
                mq[:, r + 1] = mq[:, r] + stp * vbar
                tmp = np.zeros(M)
                tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(mq[:, r + 1] * np.abs(mq[:, r + 1]),
                mf[:, r + 1] = np.median(f0[1, :]) + tmp

                qun[r] = norm(mq[:, r + 1] - mq[:, r]) / norm(mq[:, r])

            if qun[r] < 1e-2 or r >= MaxItr:

        # Last Step with centering of gam
        r += 1
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(
                mq[:, r], self.time, q[:, n,
                                       0], omethod, lam, mf[0, r], f[0, n, 0])
                                         for n in range(N))
            gam = np.array(out)
            gam = gam.transpose()
            for k in range(0, N):
                gam[:, k] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq[:, r], self.time, q[:, k, 0],
                                               omethod, lam, mf[0, r], f[0, k,

        gam_dev = np.zeros((M, N))
        for k in range(0, N):
            gam_dev[:, k] = np.gradient(gam[:, k], 1 / float(M - 1))

        gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam)
        gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
        time0 = (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamI + self.time[0]
           r + 1] = np.interp(time0, self.time, mq[:, r]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)

        for k in range(0, N):
            q[:, k, r +
              1] = np.interp(time0, self.time, q[:, k, r]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
            f[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, self.time, f[:, k, r])
            gam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, self.time, gam[:, k])

        # Aligned data & stats
        self.fn = f[:, :, r + 1]
        self.qn = q[:, :, r + 1]
        self.q0 = q[:, :, 0]
        mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1)
        std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1)
        mean_fn = self.fn.mean(axis=1)
        std_fn = self.fn.std(axis=1)
        self.gam = gam
        self.mqn = mq[:, r + 1]
        tmp = np.zeros(M)
        tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(self.mqn * np.abs(self.mqn), self.time)
        self.fmean = np.mean(f0[1, :]) + tmp

        fgam = np.zeros((M, N))
        for k in range(0, N):
            time0 = (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gam[:, k] + self.time[0]
            fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, self.time, self.fmean)

        var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1)
        self.orig_var = trapz(std_f0**2, self.time)
        self.amp_var = trapz(std_fn**2, self.time)
        self.phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, self.time)

Ejemplo n.º 10
    def multiple_align_functions(self,
        This function aligns a collection of functions using the elastic square-root
        slope (srsf) framework.

        Usage:  obj.multiple_align_functions(mu)
        obj.multiple_align_functions(lambda, ...)
        :param mu: vector of function to align to
        :param omethod: optimization method (DP, DP2) (default = DP)
        :param smoothdata: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F)
        :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F)
        :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0)
        :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all))
        :type lam: double
        :type smoothdata: bool


        M = self.f.shape[0]
        N = self.f.shape[1]
        self.lam = lam

        if M > 500:
            parallel = True
        elif N > 100:
            parallel = True

        eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
        self.method = omethod
        self.type = "multiple"

        # Compute SRSF function from data
        f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(self.time, self.f, smoothdata)
        q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps)

        mq = uf.f_to_srsf(mu, self.time)

        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(
                mq, self.time, q[:, n], omethod, lam, mu[0], f[0, n])
                                         for n in range(N))
            gam = np.array(out)
            gam = gam.transpose()
            gam = np.zeros((M, N))
            for k in range(0, N):
                gam[:, k] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, self.time, q[:, k], omethod,
                                               lam, mu[0], f[0, k])

        self.gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam)

        fn = np.zeros((M, N))
        qn = np.zeros((M, N))
        for k in range(0, N):
            fn[:, k] = np.interp(
                (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gam[:, k] + self.time[0],
                self.time, f[:, k])
            qn[:, k] = uf.f_to_srsf(f[:, k], self.time)

        # Aligned data & stats
        self.fn = fn
        self.qn = qn
        self.q0 = q
        mean_f0 = f.mean(axis=1)
        std_f0 = f.std(axis=1)
        mean_fn = self.fn.mean(axis=1)
        std_fn = self.fn.std(axis=1)
        self.gam = gam
        self.mqn = mq
        self.fmean = mu

        fgam = np.zeros((M, N))
        for k in range(0, N):
            time0 = (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gam[:, k] + self.time[0]
            fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, self.time, self.fmean)

        var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1)
        self.orig_var = trapz(std_f0**2, self.time)
        self.amp_var = trapz(std_fn**2, self.time)
        self.phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, self.time)

Ejemplo n.º 11
    def predict(self, newdata=None):
        This function performs prediction on regression model on new data if available or current stored data in object
        Usage:  obj.predict()

        :param newdata: dict containing new data for prediction (needs the keys below, if None predicts on training data)
        :type newdata: dict
        :param f: (M,N) matrix of functions
        :param time: vector of time points
        :param y: truth if available
        :param smooth: smooth data if needed
        :param sparam: number of times to run filter

        omethod = self.warp_data.method
        lam = self.warp_data.lam
        m = self.n_classes
        M = self.time.shape[0]

        if newdata != None:
            f = newdata['f']
            time = newdata['time']
            y = newdata['y']
            sparam = newdata['sparam']
            if newdata['smooth']:
                f = fs.smooth_data(f, sparam)

            q1 = fs.f_to_srsf(f, time)
            n = q1.shape[1]
            self.y_pred = np.zeros((n, m))
            mq = self.warp_data.mqn
            fn = np.zeros((M, n))
            qn = np.zeros((M, n))
            gam = np.zeros((M, n))
            for ii in range(0, n):
                gam[:, ii] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, time, q1[:, ii], omethod)
                fn[:, ii] = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f[:, ii], gam[:, ii])
                qn[:, ii] = uf.f_to_srsf(fn[:, ii], time)

            m_new = np.sign(fn[self.pca.id, :]) * np.sqrt(
                np.abs(fn[self.pca.id, :]))
            qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))
            U = self.pca.U
            no = U.shape[1]

            if self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdajpca':
                C = self.pca.C
                TT = self.time.shape[0]
                mu_g = self.pca.mu_g
                mu_psi = self.pca.mu_psi
                vec = np.zeros((M, n))
                psi = np.zeros((TT, n))
                binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time))
                for i in range(0, n):
                    psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize))
                    vec[:, i] = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i])

                g = np.vstack((qn1, C * vec))
                a = np.zeros((n, no))
                for i in range(0, n):
                    for j in range(0, no):
                        tmp = (g[:, i] - mu_g)
                        a[i, j] = dot(tmp.T, U[:, j])

            elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdavpca':
                a = np.zeros((n, no))
                for i in range(0, n):
                    for j in range(0, no):
                        tmp = (qn1[:, i] - self.pca.mqn)
                        a[i, j] = dot(tmp.T, U[:, j])

            elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdahpca':
                a = np.zeros((n, no))
                mu_psi = self.pca.psi_mu
                vec = np.zeros((M, n))
                TT = self.time.shape[0]
                psi = np.zeros((TT, n))
                binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time))
                for i in range(0, n):
                    psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize))
                    vec[:, i] = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i])

                vm = self.pca.vec.mean(axis=1)

                for i in range(0, n):
                    for j in range(0, no):
                        a[i, j] = np.sum(dot(vec[:, i] - vm, U[:, j]))
                raise Exception('Invalid fPCA Method')

            for ii in range(0, n):
                for jj in range(0, m):
                    self.y_pred[ii, jj] = self.alpha[jj] + np.sum(
                        a[ii, :] * self.b[:, jj])

            if y == None:
                self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m)))
                self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m))
                self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1)
                self.PC = np.nan
                self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m)))
                self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m))
                self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1)
                self.PC = np.zeros(m)
                cls_set = np.arange(0, m)
                for ii in range(0, m):
                    cls_sub = np.setdiff1d(cls_set, ii)
                    TP = np.sum(y[self.y_labels == ii] == ii)
                    FP = np.sum(y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] == ii)
                    TN = np.sum(y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] ==
                                self.y_labels[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)])
                    FN = np.sum(np.in1d(y[self.y_labels == ii], cls_sub))
                    self.PC[ii] = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN)

                self.PCo = np.sum(y == self.y_labels) / self.y_labels.shape[0]
            n = self.pca.coef.shape[1]
            self.y_pred = np.zeros((n, m))
            for ii in range(0, n):
                for jj in range(0, m):
                    self.y_pred[ii, jj] = self.alpha[jj] + np.sum(
                        self.pca.coef[ii, :] * self.b[:, jj])

            self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m)))
            self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m))
            self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1)
            self.PC = np.zeros(m)
            cls_set = np.arange(0, m)
            for ii in range(0, m):
                cls_sub = np.setdiff1d(cls_set, ii)
                TP = np.sum(self.y[self.y_labels == ii] == ii)
                FP = np.sum(self.y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] == ii)
                TN = np.sum(self.y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] ==
                            self.y_labels[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)])
                FN = np.sum(np.in1d(y[self.y_labels == ii], cls_sub))
                self.PC[ii] = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN)

            self.PCo = np.sum(y == self.y_labels) / self.y_labels.shape[0]

Ejemplo n.º 12
def align_fPCA(f, time, num_comp=3, showplot=True, smoothdata=False):
    aligns a collection of functions while extracting principal components.
    The functions are aligned to the principal components

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param num_comp: number of fPCA components
    :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T)
    :param smooth_data: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F)
    :param sparam: Number of times to run box filter (default = 25)
    :type sparam: double
    :type smooth_data: bool
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
                functions with M samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return q0: original srvf - similar structure to fn
    :return mqn: srvf mean or median - vector of length M
    :return gam: warping functions - similar structure to fn
    :return q_pca: srsf principal directions
    :return f_pca: functional principal directions
    :return latent: latent values
    :return coef: coefficients
    :return U: eigenvectors
    :return orig_var: Original Variance of Functions
    :return amp_var: Amplitude Variance
    :return phase_var: Phase Variance

    lam = 0.0
    MaxItr = 50
    coef = np.arange(-2., 3.)
    Nstd = coef.shape[0]
    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]
    if M > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif N > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = False

    eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
    f0 = f

    if showplot:
        plot.f_plot(time, f, title="Original Data")

    # Compute SRSF function from data
    f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, f, smoothdata)
    q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps)

    print ("Initializing...")
    mnq = q.mean(axis=1)
    a = mnq.repeat(N)
    d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
    d = (q - d1) ** 2
    dqq = np.sqrt(d.sum(axis=0))
    min_ind = dqq.argmin()

    print("Aligning %d functions in SRVF space to %d fPCA components..."
          % (N, num_comp))
    itr = 0
    mq = np.zeros((M, MaxItr + 1))
    mq[:, itr] = q[:, min_ind]
    fi = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1))
    fi[:, :, 0] = f
    qi = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1))
    qi[:, :, 0] = q
    gam = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1))
    cost = np.zeros(MaxItr + 1)

    while itr < MaxItr:
        print("updating step: r=%d" % (itr + 1))
        if itr == MaxItr:
            print("maximal number of iterations is reached")

        # PCA Step
        a = mq[:, itr].repeat(N)
        d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
        qhat_cent = qi[:, :, itr] - d1
        K = np.cov(qi[:, :, itr])
        U, s, V = svd(K)

        alpha_i = np.zeros((num_comp, N))
        for ii in range(0, num_comp):
            for jj in range(0, N):
                alpha_i[ii, jj] = trapz(qhat_cent[:, jj] * U[:, ii], time)

        U1 = U[:, 0:num_comp]
        tmp = U1.dot(alpha_i)
        qhat = d1 + tmp

        # Matching Step
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
                delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(qhat[:, n], time, qi[:, n, itr],
                                            lam) for n in range(N))
            gam_t = np.array(out)
            gam[:, :, itr] = gam_t.transpose()
            gam[:, :, itr] = uf.optimum_reparam(qhat, time, qi[:, :, itr], lam)

        for k in range(0, N):
            time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam[:, k, itr] + time[0]
            fi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, fi[:, k, itr])
            qi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.f_to_srsf(fi[:, k, itr + 1], time)

        qtemp = qi[:, :, itr + 1]
        mq[:, itr + 1] = qtemp.mean(axis=1)

        cost_temp = np.zeros(N)

        for ii in range(0, N):
            cost_temp[ii] = norm(qtemp[:, ii] - qhat[:, ii]) ** 2

        cost[itr + 1] = cost_temp.mean()

        if abs(cost[itr + 1] - cost[itr]) < 1e-06:

        itr += 1

    if itr >= MaxItr:
        itrf = MaxItr
        itrf = itr+1
    cost = cost[1:(itrf+1)]

    # Aligned data & stats
    fn = fi[:, :, itrf]
    qn = qi[:, :, itrf]
    q0 = qi[:, :, 0]
    mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1)
    std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1)
    mqn = mq[:, itrf]
    gamf = gam[:, :, 0]
    for k in range(1, itr):
        gam_k = gam[:, :, k]
        for l in range(0, N):
            time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam_k[:, l] + time[0]
            gamf[:, l] = np.interp(time0, time, gamf[:, l])

    # Center Mean
    gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gamf)
    gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
    time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0]
    mqn = np.interp(time0, time, mqn) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
    for k in range(0, N):
        qn[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, qn[:, k]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
        fn[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, fn[:, k])
        gamf[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, gamf[:, k])

    mean_fn = fn.mean(axis=1)
    std_fn = fn.std(axis=1)

    # Get Final PCA
    mididx = np.round(time.shape[0] / 2)
    m_new = np.sign(fn[mididx, :]) * np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[mididx, :]))
    mqn2 = np.append(mqn, m_new.mean())
    qn2 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))
    K = np.cov(qn2)

    U, s, V = svd(K)
    stdS = np.sqrt(s)

    # compute the PCA in the q domain
    q_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(M + 1, Nstd, num_comp), dtype=float)
    for k in range(0, num_comp):
        for l in range(0, Nstd):
            q_pca[:, l, k] = mqn2 + coef[l] * stdS[k] * U[:, k]

    # compute the correspondence in the f domain
    f_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(M, Nstd, num_comp), dtype=float)
    for k in range(0, num_comp):
        for l in range(0, Nstd):
            q_pca_tmp = q_pca[0:M, l, k] * np.abs(q_pca[0:M, l, k])
            q_pca_tmp2 = np.sign(q_pca[M, l, k]) * (q_pca[M, l, k] ** 2)
            f_pca[:, l, k] = uf.cumtrapzmid(time, q_pca_tmp, q_pca_tmp2)

    N2 = qn.shape[1]
    c = np.zeros((N2, num_comp))
    for k in range(0, num_comp):
        for l in range(0, N2):
            c[l, k] = sum((np.append(qn[:, l], m_new[l]) - mqn2) * U[:, k])

    if showplot:
        CBcdict = {
            'Bl': (0, 0, 0),
            'Or': (.9, .6, 0),
            'SB': (.35, .7, .9),
            'bG': (0, .6, .5),
            'Ye': (.95, .9, .25),
            'Bu': (0, .45, .7),
            'Ve': (.8, .4, 0),
            'rP': (.8, .6, .7),
        cl = sorted(CBcdict.keys())

        # Align Plots
        fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1), gamf,
                              title="Warping Functions")

        plot.f_plot(time, fn, title="Warped Data")

        tmp = np.array([mean_f0, mean_f0 + std_f0, mean_f0 - std_f0])
        tmp = tmp.transpose()
        plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title="Original Data: Mean $\pm$ STD")

        tmp = np.array([mean_fn, mean_fn + std_fn, mean_fn - std_fn])
        tmp = tmp.transpose()
        plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title="Warped Data: Mean $\pm$ STD")

        # PCA Plots
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, num_comp)
        for k in range(0, num_comp):
            axt = ax[0, k]
            for l in range(0, Nstd):
                axt.plot(time, q_pca[0:M, l, k], color=CBcdict[cl[l]])

            axt.set_title('q domain: PD %d' % (k + 1))
            axt = ax[1, k]
            for l in range(0, Nstd):
                axt.plot(time, f_pca[:, l, k], color=CBcdict[cl[l]])

            axt.set_title('f domain: PD %d' % (k + 1))

        cumm_coef = 100 * np.cumsum(s) / sum(s)
        idx = np.arange(0, M + 1) + 1
        plot.f_plot(idx, cumm_coef, "Coefficient Cumulative Percentage")

    mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1)
    std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1)
    mean_fn = fn.mean(axis=1)
    std_fn = fn.std(axis=1)
    tmp = np.zeros(M)
    tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(mqn * np.abs(mqn), time)
    fmean = np.mean(f0[1, :]) + tmp

    fgam = np.zeros((M, N))
    for k in range(0, N):
        time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamf[:, k] + time[0]
        fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, fmean)

    var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1)
    orig_var = trapz(std_f0 ** 2, time)
    amp_var = trapz(std_fn ** 2, time)
    phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, time)

    K = np.cov(fn)

    U, s, V = svd(K)

    align_fPCAresults = collections.namedtuple('align_fPCA', ['fn', 'qn',
                                               'q0', 'mqn', 'gam', 'q_pca',
                                               'f_pca', 'latent', 'coef',
                                               'U', 'orig_var', 'amp_var',
                                               'phase_var', 'cost'])

    out = align_fPCAresults(fn, qn, q0, mqn, gamf, q_pca, f_pca, s, c,
                            U, orig_var, amp_var, phase_var, cost)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 13
def srsf_align(f, time, method="mean", showplot=True, smoothdata=False,
    This function aligns a collection of functions using the elastic
    square-root slope (srsf) framework.

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param method: (string) warp calculate Karcher Mean or Median
    (options = "mean" or "median") (default="mean")
    :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T)
    :param smoothdata: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F)
    :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0)
    :type lam: double
    :type smoothdata: bool
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
    functions with M samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return q0: original srvf - similar structure to fn
    :return fmean: function mean or median - vector of length M
    :return mqn: srvf mean or median - vector of length M
    :return gam: warping functions - similar structure to fn
    :return orig_var: Original Variance of Functions
    :return amp_var: Amplitude Variance
    :return phase_var: Phase Variance

    >>> import tables
    >>> fun=tables.open_file("../Data/simu_data.h5")
    >>> f = fun.root.f[:]
    >>> f = f.transpose()
    >>> time = fun.root.time[:]
    >>> out = srsf_align(f,time)

    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]

    if M > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif N > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = False

    eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
    f0 = f

    methods = ["mean", "median"]
    # 0 mean, 1-median
    method = [i for i, x in enumerate(methods) if x == method]
    if len(method) == 0:
        method = 0
        method = method[0]

    if showplot:
        plot.f_plot(time, f, title="f Original Data")

    # Compute SRSF function from data
    f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, f, smoothdata)
    q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps)

    mnq = q.mean(axis=1)
    a = mnq.repeat(N)
    d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
    d = (q - d1) ** 2
    dqq = np.sqrt(d.sum(axis=0))
    min_ind = dqq.argmin()
    mq = q[:, min_ind]
    mf = f[:, min_ind]

    if parallel:
        out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq, time,
                                  q[:, n], lam) for n in range(N))
        gam = np.array(out)
        gam = gam.transpose()
        gam = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, time, q, lam)

    gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam)
    mf = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time, mf)
    mq = uf.f_to_srsf(mf, time)

    # Compute Karcher Mean
    if method == 0:
        print("Compute Karcher Mean of %d function in SRSF space..." % N)
    if method == 1:
        print("Compute Karcher Median of %d function in SRSF space..." % N)

    MaxItr = 20
    ds = np.repeat(0.0, MaxItr + 2)
    ds[0] = np.inf
    qun = np.repeat(0.0, MaxItr + 1)
    tmp = np.zeros((M, MaxItr + 2))
    tmp[:, 0] = mq
    mq = tmp
    tmp = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 2))
    tmp[:, :, 0] = f
    f = tmp
    tmp = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 2))
    tmp[:, :, 0] = q
    q = tmp

    for r in range(0, MaxItr):
        print("updating step: r=%d" % (r + 1))
        if r == (MaxItr - 1):
            print("maximal number of iterations is reached")

        # Matching Step
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq[:, r],
                                      time, q[:, n, 0], lam) for n in range(N))
            gam = np.array(out)
            gam = gam.transpose()
            gam = uf.optimum_reparam(mq[:, r], time, q[:, :, 0], lam)

        gam_dev = np.zeros((M, N))
        for k in range(0, N):
            f[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gam[:, k]
                                       + time[0], time, f[:, k, 0])
            q[:, k, r + 1] = uf.f_to_srsf(f[:, k, r + 1], time)
            gam_dev[:, k] = np.gradient(gam[:, k], 1 / float(M - 1))

        mqt = mq[:, r]
        a = mqt.repeat(N)
        d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
        d = (q[:, :, r + 1] - d1) ** 2
        if method == 0:
            d1 = sum(trapz(d, time, axis=0))
            d2 = sum(trapz((1 - np.sqrt(gam_dev)) ** 2, time, axis=0))
            ds_tmp = d1 + lam * d2
            ds[r + 1] = ds_tmp

            # Minimization Step
            # compute the mean of the matched function
            qtemp = q[:, :, r + 1]
            mq[:, r + 1] = qtemp.mean(axis=1)

            qun[r] = norm(mq[:, r + 1] - mq[:, r]) / norm(mq[:, r])

        if method == 1:
            d1 = np.sqrt(sum(trapz(d, time, axis=0)))
            d2 = sum(trapz((1 - np.sqrt(gam_dev)) ** 2, time, axis=0))
            ds_tmp = d1 + lam * d2
            ds[r + 1] = ds_tmp

            # Minimization Step
            # compute the mean of the matched function
            dist_iinv = ds[r + 1] ** (-1)
            qtemp = q[:, :, r + 1] / ds[r + 1]
            mq[:, r + 1] = qtemp.sum(axis=1) * dist_iinv

            qun[r] = norm(mq[:, r + 1] - mq[:, r]) / norm(mq[:, r])

        if qun[r] < 1e-2 or r >= MaxItr:

    # Last Step with centering of gam
    r += 1
    if parallel:
        out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq[:, r], time, q[:, n, 0], lam) for n in range(N))
        gam = np.array(out)
        gam = gam.transpose()
        gam = uf.optimum_reparam(mq[:, r], time, q[:, :, 0], lam)

    gam_dev = np.zeros((M, N))
    for k in range(0, N):
        gam_dev[:, k] = np.gradient(gam[:, k], 1 / float(M - 1))

    gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam)
    gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
    time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0]
    mq[:, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, mq[:, r]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)

    for k in range(0, N):
        q[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, q[:, k, r]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
        f[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, f[:, k, r])
        gam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, gam[:, k])

    # Aligned data & stats
    fn = f[:, :, r + 1]
    qn = q[:, :, r + 1]
    q0 = q[:, :, 0]
    mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1)
    std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1)
    mean_fn = fn.mean(axis=1)
    std_fn = fn.std(axis=1)
    mqn = mq[:, r + 1]
    tmp = np.zeros((1, M))
    tmp = tmp.flatten()
    tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(mqn * np.abs(mqn), time)
    fmean = np.mean(f0[1, :]) + tmp

    fgam = np.zeros((M, N))
    for k in range(0, N):
        time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam[:, k] + time[0]
        fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, fmean)

    var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1)
    orig_var = trapz(std_f0 ** 2, time)
    amp_var = trapz(std_fn ** 2, time)
    phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, time)

    if showplot:
        fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1), gam,
                              title="Warping Functions")

        plot.f_plot(time, fn, title="Warped Data")

        tmp = np.array([mean_f0, mean_f0 + std_f0, mean_f0 - std_f0])
        tmp = tmp.transpose()
        plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title="Original Data: Mean $\pm$ STD")

        tmp = np.array([mean_fn, mean_fn + std_fn, mean_fn - std_fn])
        tmp = tmp.transpose()
        plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title="Warped Data: Mean $\pm$ STD")

        plot.f_plot(time, fmean, title="$f_{mean}$")

    align_results = collections.namedtuple('align', ['fn', 'qn', 'q0', 'fmean',
                                                     'mqn', 'gam', 'orig_var',
                                                     'amp_var', 'phase_var'])

    out = align_results(fn, qn, q0, fmean, mqn, gam, orig_var, amp_var,
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 14
def srsf_align(f, time, method="mean", showplot=True, smoothdata=False,
    This function aligns a collection of functions using the elastic
    square-root slope (srsf) framework.

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param method: (string) warp calculate Karcher Mean or Median
    (options = "mean" or "median") (default="mean")
    :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T)
    :param smoothdata: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F)
    :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0)
    :type lam: double
    :type smoothdata: bool
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
    functions with M samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return q0: original srvf - similar structure to fn
    :return fmean: function mean or median - vector of length M
    :return mqn: srvf mean or median - vector of length M
    :return gam: warping functions - similar structure to fn
    :return orig_var: Original Variance of Functions
    :return amp_var: Amplitude Variance
    :return phase_var: Phase Variance

    >>> import tables
    >>> fun=tables.open_file("../Data/simu_data.h5")
    >>> f = fun.root.f[:]
    >>> f = f.transpose()
    >>> time = fun.root.time[:]
    >>> out = srsf_align(f,time)

    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]

    if M > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif N > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = False

    eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
    f0 = f

    methods = ["mean", "median"]
    # 0 mean, 1-median
    method = [i for i, x in enumerate(methods) if x == method]
    if len(method) == 0:
        method = 0
        method = method[0]

    if showplot:
        plot.f_plot(time, f, title="f Original Data")

    # Compute SRSF function from data
    f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, f, smoothdata)
    q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps)

    mnq = q.mean(axis=1)
    a = mnq.repeat(N)
    d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
    d = (q - d1) ** 2
    dqq = np.sqrt(d.sum(axis=0))
    min_ind = dqq.argmin()
    mq = q[:, min_ind]
    mf = f[:, min_ind]

    if parallel:
        out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq, time,
                                  q[:, n], lam) for n in range(N))
        gam = np.array(out)
        gam = gam.transpose()
        gam = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, time, q, lam)

    gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam)
    mf = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time, mf)
    mq = uf.f_to_srsf(mf, time)

    # Compute Karcher Mean
    if method == 0:
        print("Compute Karcher Mean of %d function in SRSF space..." % N)
    if method == 1:
        print("Compute Karcher Median of %d function in SRSF space..." % N)

    MaxItr = 20
    ds = np.repeat(0.0, MaxItr + 2)
    ds[0] = np.inf
    qun = np.repeat(0.0, MaxItr + 1)
    tmp = np.zeros((M, MaxItr + 2))
    tmp[:, 0] = mq
    mq = tmp
    tmp = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 2))
    tmp[:, :, 0] = f
    f = tmp
    tmp = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 2))
    tmp[:, :, 0] = q
    q = tmp

    for r in range(0, MaxItr):
        print("updating step: r=%d" % (r + 1))
        if r == (MaxItr - 1):
            print("maximal number of iterations is reached")

        # Matching Step
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq[:, r],
                                      time, q[:, n, 0], lam) for n in range(N))
            gam = np.array(out)
            gam = gam.transpose()
            gam = uf.optimum_reparam(mq[:, r], time, q[:, :, 0], lam)

        gam_dev = np.zeros((M, N))
        for k in range(0, N):
            f[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gam[:, k]
                                       + time[0], time, f[:, k, 0])
            q[:, k, r + 1] = uf.f_to_srsf(f[:, k, r + 1], time)
            gam_dev[:, k] = np.gradient(gam[:, k], 1 / float(M - 1))

        mqt = mq[:, r]
        a = mqt.repeat(N)
        d1 = a.reshape(M, N)
        d = (q[:, :, r + 1] - d1) ** 2
        if method == 0:
            d1 = sum(trapz(d, time, axis=0))
            d2 = sum(trapz((1 - np.sqrt(gam_dev)) ** 2, time, axis=0))
            ds_tmp = d1 + lam * d2
            ds[r + 1] = ds_tmp

            # Minimization Step
            # compute the mean of the matched function
            qtemp = q[:, :, r + 1]
            mq[:, r + 1] = qtemp.mean(axis=1)

            qun[r] = norm(mq[:, r + 1] - mq[:, r]) / norm(mq[:, r])

        if method == 1:
            d1 = np.sqrt(sum(trapz(d, time, axis=0)))
            d2 = sum(trapz((1 - np.sqrt(gam_dev)) ** 2, time, axis=0))
            ds_tmp = d1 + lam * d2
            ds[r + 1] = ds_tmp

            # Minimization Step
            # compute the mean of the matched function
            dist_iinv = ds[r + 1] ** (-1)
            qtemp = q[:, :, r + 1] / ds[r + 1]
            mq[:, r + 1] = qtemp.sum(axis=1) * dist_iinv

            qun[r] = norm(mq[:, r + 1] - mq[:, r]) / norm(mq[:, r])

        if qun[r] < 1e-2 or r >= MaxItr:

    # Last Step with centering of gam
    r += 1
    if parallel:
        out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq[:, r], time, q[:, n, 0], lam) for n in range(N))
        gam = np.array(out)
        gam = gam.transpose()
        gam = uf.optimum_reparam(mq[:, r], time, q[:, :, 0], lam)

    gam_dev = np.zeros((M, N))
    for k in range(0, N):
        gam_dev[:, k] = np.gradient(gam[:, k], 1 / float(M - 1))

    gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam)
    gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
    time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0]
    mq[:, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, mq[:, r]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)

    for k in range(0, N):
        q[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, q[:, k, r]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
        f[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, f[:, k, r])
        gam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, gam[:, k])

    # Aligned data & stats
    fn = f[:, :, r + 1]
    qn = q[:, :, r + 1]
    q0 = q[:, :, 0]
    mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1)
    std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1)
    mean_fn = fn.mean(axis=1)
    std_fn = fn.std(axis=1)
    mqn = mq[:, r + 1]
    tmp = np.zeros((1, M))
    tmp = tmp.flatten()
    tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(mqn * np.abs(mqn), time)
    fmean = np.mean(f0[1, :]) + tmp

    fgam = np.zeros((M, N))
    for k in range(0, N):
        time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam[:, k] + time[0]
        fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, fmean)

    var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1)
    orig_var = trapz(std_f0 ** 2, time)
    amp_var = trapz(std_fn ** 2, time)
    phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, time)

    if showplot:
        fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1), gam,
                              title="Warping Functions")

        plot.f_plot(time, fn, title="Warped Data")

        tmp = np.array([mean_f0, mean_f0 + std_f0, mean_f0 - std_f0])
        tmp = tmp.transpose()
        plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title="Original Data: Mean $\pm$ STD")

        tmp = np.array([mean_fn, mean_fn + std_fn, mean_fn - std_fn])
        tmp = tmp.transpose()
        plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title="Warped Data: Mean $\pm$ STD")

        plot.f_plot(time, fmean, title="$f_{mean}$")

    align_results = collections.namedtuple('align', ['fn', 'qn', 'q0', 'fmean',
                                                     'mqn', 'gam', 'orig_var',
                                                     'amp_var', 'phase_var'])

    out = align_results(fn, qn, q0, fmean, mqn, gam, orig_var, amp_var,
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def predict(self, newdata=None):
        This function performs prediction on regression model on new data if available or current stored data in object
        Usage:  obj.predict()

        :param newdata: dict containing new data for prediction (needs the keys below, if None predicts on training data)
        :type newdata: dict
        :param f: (M,N) matrix of functions
        :param time: vector of time points
        :param y: truth if available
        :param smooth: smooth data if needed
        :param sparam: number of times to run filter

        omethod = self.warp_data.method
        lam = self.warp_data.lam
        M = self.time.shape[0]

        if newdata != None:
            f = newdata['f']
            time = newdata['time']
            y = newdata['y']
            if newdata['smooth']:
                sparam = newdata['sparam']
                f = fs.smooth_data(f,sparam)
            q1 = fs.f_to_srsf(f,time)
            n = q1.shape[1]
            self.y_pred = np.zeros(n)
            mq = self.warp_data.mqn
            fn = np.zeros((M,n))
            qn = np.zeros((M,n))
            gam = np.zeros((M,n))
            for ii in range(0,n):
                gam[:,ii] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq,time,q1[:,ii],omethod,lam)
                fn[:,ii] = uf.warp_f_gamma(time,f[:,ii],gam[:,ii])
                qn[:,ii] = uf.f_to_srsf(fn[:,ii],time)
            U = self.pca.U
            no = U.shape[1]

            if self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdajpca':
                m_new = np.sign(fn[self.pca.id,:])*np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[self.pca.id,:]))
                qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))
                C = self.pca.C
                TT = self.time.shape[0]
                mu_g = self.pca.mu_g
                mu_psi = self.pca.mu_psi
                vec = np.zeros((M,n))
                psi = np.zeros((TT,n))
                binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time))
                for i in range(0,n):
                    psi[:,i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:,i],binsize))
                    out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:,i])
                    vec[:,i] = out
                g = np.vstack((qn1, C*vec))
                a = np.zeros((n,no))
                for i in range(0,n):
                    for j in range(0,no):
                        tmp = (g[:,i]-mu_g)
                        a[i,j] = np.dot(tmp.T, U[:,j])

            elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdavpca':
                m_new = np.sign(fn[self.pca.id,:])*np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[self.pca.id,:]))
                qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))
                a = np.zeros((n,no))
                for i in range(0,n):
                    for j in range(0,no):
                        tmp = (qn1[:,i]-self.pca.mqn)
                        a[i,j] = np.dot(tmp.T, U[:,j])

            elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdahpca':
                a = np.zeros((n,no))
                mu_psi = self.pca.psi_mu
                vec = np.zeros((M,n))
                TT = self.time.shape[0]
                psi = np.zeros((TT,n))
                binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time))
                for i in range(0,n):
                    psi[:,i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:,i],binsize))
                    out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:,i])
                    vec[:,i] = out
                vm = self.pca.vec.mean(axis=1)

                for i in range(0,n):
                    for j in range(0,no):
                        a[i,j] = np.sum(np.dot(vec[:,i]-vm,U[:,j]))
                raise Exception('Invalid fPCA Method')

            for ii in range(0,n):
                self.y_pred[ii] = self.alpha + np.dot(a[ii,:],self.b)
            if y is None:
                self.SSE = np.nan
                self.SSE = np.sum((y-self.y_pred)**2)
            n = self.pca.coef.shape[0]
            self.y_pred = np.zeros(n)
            for ii in range(0,n):
                self.y_pred[ii] = self.alpha + np.dot(self.pca.coef[ii,:],self.b)
            self.SSE = np.sum((self.y-self.y_pred)**2)
