Ejemplo n.º 1
    def execute(self, conf=None, caller=None, apMon=None, logger=None):
        """This method is invoked by fdtcp (locally)."""
        # fileNameToStoreRemoteUserName - file into which AuthClient
        # stores name of the Grid user at the remote party, this
        # information is then forwarded later to
        # fdtd which doens't have to do the user mapping lookup again
        fileName = "/tmp/" + self.id + "--" + getRandomString('a', 'z', 5)
        if os.path.exists(fileName):
            raise FDTCopyException("File %s exists." % fileName)

        self._setUp(conf, fileName)
        executor = Executor(self.id,
        # here the Java AuthClient stores the Grid user name into the file
        output = executor.execute()

            remoteGridUser = open(fileName, 'r').read()
        except Exception, ex:
            m = ("Problem handling file %s (reading remote Grid user "
                 "name), reason: %s" % (fileName, ex))
            raise FDTCopyException(m)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def perform(self, action):
     result = self.call(action)
     if result.status == 0:
         self.logger.info("Success, response: %s" % result)
         return result
         m = ("Error occurred on host %s id: %s, reason: %s\n"
              "remote log:\n%s\n" %
              (result.host, result.id, result.msg, result.log))
         raise FDTCopyException(m)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, uri, logger):
     self.logger = logger
     self.uri = uri
     self.logger.debug("%s creating PYRO proxy for URI: '%s'" %
                       (self.__class__.__name__, self.uri))
         self.proxy = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(self.uri)
     except (AttributeError, URIError), ex:
         m = ("Incorrect URI '%s', could not create PYRO proxy for "
              "FDTD service." % self.uri)
         raise FDTCopyException(m)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _processCopyJobFile(self, conf, apMon, logger):
        Process copyjobfile - list of pairs urlSrc urlDest
        (resp. FROM_PFN TO_PFN).

        fileName = conf.get("copyjobfile")
            lines = open(fileName, 'r').readlines()
        except IOError, ex:
            raise FDTCopyException("Can't read '%s', reason: %s" %
                                   (fileName, ex))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _setTransfer(self, urlSrc, urlDest, apMon, conf, logger):
        Initialise instance of Transfer class and set up properties.
        URL form:
        Aggregates the same source, destination hosts into group transfer.
        Same source, destination value is defined by

        pattern = re.compile("fdt://(?P<host>.*):"

        if not pattern.match(urlSrc):
            raise FDTCopyException("Wrong format of '%s'" % urlSrc)
        if not pattern.match(urlDest):
            raise FDTCopyException("Wrong format of '%s'" % urlDest)

        m = pattern.search(urlSrc)
        hostSrc, portSrc, fileSrc = (m.group("host"), m.group("port"),
        m = pattern.search(urlDest)
        hostDest, portDest, fileDest = (m.group("host"), m.group("port"),

        # check if such transfer exists, if so, aggregate, if not, create it
        key = "%s:%s-%s:%s" % (hostSrc, portSrc, hostDest, portDest)
            transfer = self.transfers[key]
            transfer.addFile(TransferFile(fileSrc, fileDest))
        except KeyError:
            transfer = Transfer(conf, apMon, logger)
            trFile = TransferFile(fileSrc, fileDest)
            transfer.setUp(hostSrc, portSrc, hostDest, portDest, trFile)
            self.transfers[key] = transfer
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def call(self, action):
     self.logger.debug("Calling '%s' request: %s\n%s ..." %
                       (self.uri, action.__class__.__name__, action))
             if action.timeout:
                 # raise alarm in timeout seconds
             result = self.proxy.service(action)
             signal.alarm(0)  # disable alarm
     except TimeoutException, ex:
         m = ("Call to remote PYRO FDTD service timed-out (remote "
              "service down, firewall, or ? ...).")
         raise FDTCopyException(m)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Transfers(object):
    Wrapper for all transfers, does copyjobfile processing if specified.
    def __init__(self, conf, apMon, logger):
        # dict of Transfer class instances
        # key is hostPortSrc+hostPortDest - processing for
        #   copyjobfile - transfers grouping
        self.transfers = {}

        if not conf.get("copyjobfile"):
            # consider no copyjobfile scenario - must be a single file
            self._setTransfer(conf.get("urlSrc"), conf.get("urlDest"), apMon,
                              conf, logger)
            self._processCopyJobFile(conf, apMon, logger)

    def _setTransfer(self, urlSrc, urlDest, apMon, conf, logger):
        Initialise instance of Transfer class and set up properties.
        URL form:
        Aggregates the same source, destination hosts into group transfer.
        Same source, destination value is defined by

        pattern = re.compile("fdt://(?P<host>.*):"

        if not pattern.match(urlSrc):
            raise FDTCopyException("Wrong format of '%s'" % urlSrc)
        if not pattern.match(urlDest):
            raise FDTCopyException("Wrong format of '%s'" % urlDest)

        m = pattern.search(urlSrc)
        hostSrc, portSrc, fileSrc = (m.group("host"), m.group("port"),
        m = pattern.search(urlDest)
        hostDest, portDest, fileDest = (m.group("host"), m.group("port"),

        # check if such transfer exists, if so, aggregate, if not, create it
        key = "%s:%s-%s:%s" % (hostSrc, portSrc, hostDest, portDest)
            transfer = self.transfers[key]
            transfer.addFile(TransferFile(fileSrc, fileDest))
        except KeyError:
            transfer = Transfer(conf, apMon, logger)
            trFile = TransferFile(fileSrc, fileDest)
            transfer.setUp(hostSrc, portSrc, hostDest, portDest, trFile)
            self.transfers[key] = transfer

    def _processCopyJobFile(self, conf, apMon, logger):
        Process copyjobfile - list of pairs urlSrc urlDest
        (resp. FROM_PFN TO_PFN).

        fileName = conf.get("copyjobfile")
            lines = open(fileName, 'r').readlines()
        except IOError, ex:
            raise FDTCopyException("Can't read '%s', reason: %s" %
                                   (fileName, ex))

            for index, line in enumerate(lines):
                line = line.strip()
                urls = line.split()
                urlSrc, urlDest = urls[0], urls[1]
                self._setTransfer(urlSrc, urlDest, apMon, conf, logger)
                if len(self.transfers) == 0:
                    raise FDTCopyException("No transfer requests found "
                                           "in '%s'" % fileName)
        except IndexError, ex:
            # count lines from 1 for user-friendly error message
            lineNum = index + 1
            m = ("Can't parse file '%s', line: '%s' line number: %s, "
                 "reason: %s" % (fileName, line, lineNum, ex))
            raise FDTCopyException(m)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _runAuthChain(self):
        # 1) contact remote parties in order to obtain port on which
        # AuthService runs, then run AuthClient locally to perform
        # authentication first with the destination, then with source site
        authServiceAction = AuthServiceAction(self.id)

        # inconsistent design - catching exceptions / checking result status?
        result = self.receiver.perform(authServiceAction)

        authServicePortReceiver = result.serverPort
        self.logger.info("Remote AuthService (receiver): %s:%s" %
                         (result.host, authServicePortReceiver))

        result = self.sender.perform(authServiceAction)

        authServicePortSender = result.serverPort
        self.logger.info("Remote AuthService (sender): %s:%s" %
                         (result.host, authServicePortSender))

        # 2) run local AuthClient and authenticate with A, then B
        # set options so that AuthClient know which host:port to contact
        options = dict(host=self.hostDest, port=authServicePortReceiver)
        authClientAction = AuthClientAction(self.id, options)

        # execute locally AuthClient and authenticate with destination
        # remote site
        # (the one which will receive files)
        result, remoteGridUserDest = authClientAction.execute(
            conf=self.conf, logger=self.logger)

        self.logger.debug("Authentication client result: %s, Grid user name "
                          "at destination: %s" % (result, remoteGridUserDest))

        # inconsistent design - catching exceptions / checking result status?
        if result.status != 0:
            raise FDTCopyException("Authentication failed, reason: %s" %

        # if no exception was raised here, first local-"receiver site"
        # authentication was successful

        # run local AuthClient - source remote site (the one which will
        # send files)
        # set options so that AuthClient know which host:port to contact
        options = dict(host=self.hostSrc, port=authServicePortSender)
        authClientAction = AuthClientAction(self.id, options)

        # execute locally AuthClient
        result, remoteGridUserSrc = authClientAction.execute(
            conf=self.conf, logger=self.logger)

        self.logger.debug("Authentication client result: %s, Grid user name "
                          "at source: %s" % (result, remoteGridUserSrc))

        # inconsistent design - catching exceptions / checking result status?
        if result.status != 0:
            raise FDTCopyException("Authentication failed, reason: %s" %

        # if no exception was raised, authentication chain was successful

        # no need to perform clean up - AuthService processes are running only
        # in single instances at remote sites and taken care of by the
        # daemon process

        self.logger.info("Authentication chain was successful.")

        return remoteGridUserSrc, remoteGridUserDest
Ejemplo n.º 9
                if action.timeout:
                    # raise alarm in timeout seconds
                result = self.proxy.service(action)
                signal.alarm(0)  # disable alarm
        except TimeoutException, ex:
            m = ("Call to remote PYRO FDTD service timed-out (remote "
                 "service down, firewall, or ? ...).")
            raise FDTCopyException(m)
        # ProtocolError first, before PyroError
        except ProtocolError, ex:
            m = "ProtocolError during remote PYRO call, reason: %s" % ex
            self.logger.error("PYRO call traceback: %s" %
            raise FDTCopyException(m)
        except PyroError, ex:
            self.logger.error("PYRO call traceback: %s" %
            m = "PyroError during remote PYRO call, reason: %s" % ex
            raise FDTCopyException(m)
        except ConnectionClosedError, ex:
            m = "Connection with remote PYRO service lost, try again."
            raise FDTCopyException(m)
            #self.logger.debug("Call to remote PYRO service successful.")
            return result

    def perform(self, action):
        result = self.call(action)
        if result.status == 0: