Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        self.config = config
        self.init = False
        self.surf_last = None
        self.corner_last = None
        self.feature_extractor = FeatureExtract(config=config)
        self.rot_w_curr = np.eye(3)
        self.trans_w_curr = np.zeros((3,1))
        self.transform = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) # rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz
        self.frame_count = 0
        if config is None:
            self.DIST_THRES = 5
            self.RING_INDEX = 4
            self.NEARBY_SCAN = 2.5
            self.OPTIM_ITERATION = 25
            self.VOXEL_SIZE = 0.2
            self.DIST_THRES = config['odometry']['dist_threshold']
            self.RING_INDEX = config['odometry']['ring_index']
            self.NEARBY_SCAN = config['odometry']['nearby_scan']
            self.OPTIM_ITERATION = config['odometry']['optim_iteration']
            self.VOXEL_SIZE = config['odometry']['voxel_size']

        # For test
        self.trans_list = []
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_data(path):
    data = []
    images = get_images(path)
    for obj in images:
        feat_extract = FeatureExtract(obj["image"])
        kp, des = feat_extract.extract_features()
        data_obj = {"des": des}
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        self.config = config
        self.init = False
        self.surf_last = None
        self.corner_last = None
        self.feature_extractor = FeatureExtract()

        self.transform = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz
        # TODO: make below variables to config
        self.DIST_THRES = 25
        self.RING_INDEX = 4
        self.NEARBY_SCAN = 2.5
        self.OPTIM_ITERATION = 2
        self.DISTORTION = False
        self.USE_ROBUST_LOSS = True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def extractFeatures(color_dic):
    write_to_csv(os.path.join(new_dir, 'color.csv'), ['id', 'color'],

    # cv2.waitKey(0)
    # cv2.destroyAllWindows()

    feature_extract = FeatureExtract(dir=new_dir)
    ref_segments = feature_extract.get_image_names()

    color_features = feature_extract.read_from_csv()

    print('Extracting features..')
    full_features = feature_extract.extract_features(ref_segments,

    # print(color_features)
    # print(full_features)
    print('Writing features..')
    if feature_extract.write_to_csv(
        ['id', 'color', 'area', 'center', 'has_child'], full_features):
        print('Segmentation complete!')
        return (True, feature_extract.ref_csv_path)
        return (False, '')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def df_extract():
    dataer = FeatureExtract()
    features = dataer.DF(5000)
    write_file("./data/df.txt", features)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def mi_extract():
    dataer = FeatureExtract()
    features = dataer.MI(5000)
    write_file("./data/mi.txt", features)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ig_extract():
    dataer = FeatureExtract()
    features = dataer.IG(5000)
    write_file("./data/ig.txt", features)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def chi_extract():
    dataer = FeatureExtract()
    features = dataer.CHI(5000)
    write_file("./data/chi.txt", features)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Odometry:
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        self.config = config
        self.init = False
        self.surf_last = None
        self.corner_last = None
        self.feature_extractor = FeatureExtract()

        self.transform = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz
        # TODO: make below variables to config
        self.DIST_THRES = 25
        self.RING_INDEX = 4
        self.NEARBY_SCAN = 2.5
        self.OPTIM_ITERATION = 2
        self.DISTORTION = False
        self.USE_ROBUST_LOSS = True
    def angle_norm(self, angle):
        if angle <= -math.pi:
            angle += math.pi
        elif angle > math.pi:
            angle -= math.pi
        return angle

    def grab_frame(self, cloud):
        corner_sharp, corner_less, surf_flat, surf_less = self.feature_extractor.feature_extract(cloud)
        if not self.init:
            self.init = True
            self.surf_last = surf_less
            self.corner_last = corner_less
            weight = 1.0
            if self.USE_ROBUST_LOSS:
                loss = HuberLoss.Huber(1.0)
                loss = None
            for opt_iter in range(self.OPTIM_ITERATION):
                single_pose_graph = FactorGraph()
                # corner_points, corner_points_a, corner_points_b = self.get_corner_correspondences(corner_sharp)
                surf_points, surf_points_a, surf_points_b, surf_points_c = self.get_surf_correspondences(surf_flat)
                print("Surf points: ", len(surf_points))
                for i in range(len(surf_points)):
                    single_pose_graph.add(PlaneFactor(key('p', 0), surf_points[i], surf_points_a[i], surf_points_b[i], surf_points_c[i], weight, loss))
                init_pose = Variables()
                init_pose.add(key('p', 0), self.transform)

                opt_param = LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
                opt_param.max_iterations = 3
                opt_param.verbosity_level = NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
                opt = LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(opt_param)
                opt_pose = Variables()
                status = opt.optimize(single_pose_graph, init_pose, opt_pose)

                if status is NonlinearOptimizationStatus.SUCCESS:
                    print("Optimiazation error: ", status)
                print("Optimizied values: ", opt_pose.at(key('p', 0)))
                self.transform = opt_pose.at(key('p', 0)).copy()
                self.transform[0] = self.angle_norm(self.transform[0])
                self.transform[1] = self.angle_norm(self.transform[1])
                self.transform[2] = self.angle_norm(self.transform[2])

    def get_corner_correspondences(self, corner_sharp):
        curr_points = []
        points_a = []
        points_b = []
        corner_last_tree = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(np.transpose(self.corner_last[:, :3]))

        for i in range(corner_sharp.shape[0]):
            point_sel = self.transform_to_start(corner_sharp[i, :3])
            [_, ind, dist] = corner_last_tree.search_knn_vector_3d(point_sel, 1)
            closest_ind = -1
            min_ind2 = -1
            if dist[0] < self.DIST_THRES:
                closest_ind = ind[0]
                closest_scan_id = self.corner_last[ind[0], self.RING_INDEX]
                min_sq_dist2 = self.DIST_THRES
                for j in range(closest_ind+1, self.corner_last.shape[0]):
                    if self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] <= closest_scan_id:
                    if self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] > closest_scan_id + self.NEARBY_SCAN:

                    point_sq_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] - point_sel))
                    if point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist2:
                        min_sq_dist2 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind2 = j

                for j in range(closest_ind-1, -1, -1):
                    if self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] >= closest_scan_id:
                    if self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] < closest_scan_id - self.NEARBY_SCAN:

                    point_sq_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] - point_sel))
                    if point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist2:
                        min_sq_dist2 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind2 = j
                if min_ind2 >= 0:
                    curr_points.append(corner_sharp[i, :3])
                    points_a.append(self.corner_last[closest_ind, :3])
                    points_b.append(self.corner_last[min_ind2, :3])
        return curr_points, points_a, points_b

    def get_surf_correspondences(self, surf_flat):
        curr_points = []
        points_a = []
        points_b = []
        points_c = []
        surf_last_tree = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(np.transpose(self.surf_last[:, :3]))
        for i in range(surf_flat.shape[0]):
            point_sel = self.transform_to_start(surf_flat[i,:3])
            [_, ind, dist] = surf_last_tree.search_knn_vector_3d(point_sel, 1)
            closest_ind = -1
            min_ind2 = -1 
            min_ind3 = -1
            if dist[0] < self.DIST_THRES:
                closest_ind = ind[0]
                closest_scan_id = self.surf_last[ind[0], self.RING_INDEX]
                min_sq_dist2 = self.DIST_THRES
                min_sq_dist3 = self.DIST_THRES
                for j in range(closest_ind+1, self.surf_last.shape[0]):
                    if self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] > closest_scan_id + self.NEARBY_SCAN:
                    point_sq_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.surf_last[j, :3].reshape(3,1) - point_sel))
                    if self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] <= closest_scan_id and point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist2:
                        min_sq_dist2 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind2 = j
                    elif self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] > closest_scan_id and point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist3:
                        min_sq_dist3 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind3 = j
                for j in range(closest_ind-1, -1, -1):
                    if self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] < closest_scan_id - self.NEARBY_SCAN:
                    point_sq_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.surf_last[j, :3].reshape(3,1) - point_sel))
                    if self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] <= closest_scan_id and point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist2:
                        min_sq_dist2 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind2 = j
                    elif self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] > closest_scan_id and point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist3:
                        min_sq_dist3 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind3 = j
                if min_ind2 >= 0 and min_ind3 >= 0:
                    ab_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.surf_last[min_ind2, :3]-self.surf_last[closest_ind, :3]))
                    ac_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.surf_last[min_ind3, :3]-self.surf_last[closest_ind, :3]))
                    if ab_dist < 1e-3 or ac_dist < 1e-3:
                    curr_points.append(surf_flat[i, :3])
                    points_a.append(self.surf_last[closest_ind, :3])
                    points_b.append(self.surf_last[min_ind2, :3])
                    points_c.append(self.surf_last[min_ind3, :3])

        return curr_points, points_a, points_b, points_c

    def transform_to_start(self, pt):
        s = 1.0
        if self.DISTORTION:
            s = 0.5  # TODO: hard code
        scaled_transform = s * self.transform
        rot_mat = get_rotation(scaled_transform[0], scaled_transform[1], scaled_transform[2])
        translation = scaled_transform[3:6]
        undistorted_pt = np.transpose(rot_mat).dot(pt.reshape(3,1) - translation.reshape(3,1))
        return undistorted_pt
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Odometry:
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        self.config = config
        self.init = False
        self.surf_last = None
        self.corner_last = None
        self.feature_extractor = FeatureExtract(config=config)
        self.rot_w_curr = np.eye(3)
        self.trans_w_curr = np.zeros((3,1))
        self.transform = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) # rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz
        self.frame_count = 0
        if config is None:
            self.DIST_THRES = 5
            self.RING_INDEX = 4
            self.NEARBY_SCAN = 2.5
            self.OPTIM_ITERATION = 25
            self.VOXEL_SIZE = 0.2
            self.DIST_THRES = config['odometry']['dist_threshold']
            self.RING_INDEX = config['odometry']['ring_index']
            self.NEARBY_SCAN = config['odometry']['nearby_scan']
            self.OPTIM_ITERATION = config['odometry']['optim_iteration']
            self.VOXEL_SIZE = config['odometry']['voxel_size']

        # For test
        self.trans_list = []

    def grab_frame(self, cloud):
        corner_sharp, corner_less, surf_flat, surf_less = self.feature_extractor.feature_extract(cloud)
        is_degenerate = False
        T_w_curr = np.eye(4)
        print("Processing frame: ", self.frame_count)
        if not self.init:
            self.init = True
            P_mat = np.identity(6)
            if self.surf_last.shape[0] < 100 or self.corner_last.shape[0] < 10:
                print("Warning: too few points in last frame")
                return self.surf_last, self.corner_last, T_w_curr

            for opt_iter in range(self.OPTIM_ITERATION):
                if opt_iter % 5 == 0:
                    corner_points, corner_points_a, corner_points_b = self.get_corner_correspondences(corner_sharp)
                    surf_points, surf_points_a, surf_points_b, surf_points_c = self.get_surf_correspondences(surf_flat)
                edge_A, edge_B = self.get_edge_mat(corner_points, corner_points_a, corner_points_b, opt_iter)
                surf_A, surf_B = self.get_plane_mat(surf_points, surf_points_a, surf_points_b, surf_points_c, opt_iter)

                A_mat = np.vstack((edge_A, surf_A))
                B_mat = np.vstack((edge_B, surf_B)) * -0.05 # Reference to original LOAM

                if A_mat.shape[0] < 10:
                    print('Warning: too few matches')
                AtA = np.matmul(A_mat.T, A_mat)
                AtB = np.matmul(A_mat.T, B_mat)
                X_mat = np.linalg.solve(AtA, AtB)
                if opt_iter == 0:
                    vals, vecs = np.linalg.eig(AtA)
                    eigen_vec = vecs.copy()
                    for i in range(6):
                        if vals[i] < 10:
                            print("Warning: Degenerate!")
                            is_degenerate = True
                            eigen_vec[:, i] = np.zeros(6)
                    P_mat = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(vecs), eigen_vec)
                if is_degenerate:
                    X_mat = np.matmul(P_mat, X_mat)
                self.transform += np.squeeze(X_mat)

                delta_r = np.linalg.norm(np.rad2deg(X_mat[:3]))
                delta_t = np.linalg.norm(X_mat[3:] * 100)
                # print("{} frame, {} iter, [{},{},{}] delta translation".format(self.frame_count, opt_iter, self.transform[3], self.transform[4], self.transform[5]))
                if delta_r < 0.1 and delta_t < 0.1:
                    print("Odometry converged.")

            print("Transform: ", self.transform)
            T_last_curr = np.eye(4)
            T_w_last = np.eye(4)
            T_last_curr[0:3, 0:3] = get_rotation(self.transform[0], self.transform[1], self.transform[2]).T
            T_last_curr[0:3, 3] = -np.matmul(T_last_curr[0:3, 0:3], self.transform[3:].reshape(3,1)).reshape(3)
            T_w_last[0:3, 0:3] = self.rot_w_curr
            T_w_last[0:3, 3] = self.trans_w_curr.reshape(3)
            T_w_curr = np.matmul(T_w_last, T_last_curr)

            self.rot_w_curr = T_w_curr[0:3, 0:3]
            self.trans_w_curr = T_w_curr[0:3, 3].reshape(3,1)

            # Transform surf_less and corner_less to the end
            for i in range(surf_less.shape[0]):
                surf_less[i, :3] = self.transform_to_end(surf_less[i, :3], surf_less[i, -1]).T
            for i in range(corner_less.shape[0]):
                corner_less[i, :3] = self.transform_to_end(corner_less[i, :3], corner_less[i, -1]).T

        if surf_less.shape[0] > 100 and corner_less.shape[0] > 10:
            self.surf_last = surf_less
            self.corner_last = corner_less
        self.frame_count += 1
        return self.surf_last, self.corner_last, T_w_curr

    def get_corner_correspondences(self, corner_sharp):
        curr_points = []
        points_a = []
        points_b = []
        corner_last_tree = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(np.transpose(self.corner_last[:, :3]))

        for i in range(corner_sharp.shape[0]):
            point_sel = self.transform_to_start(corner_sharp[i, :3], corner_sharp[i, -1])
            [_, ind, dist] = corner_last_tree.search_knn_vector_3d(point_sel, 1)
            closest_ind = -1
            min_ind2 = -1
            if dist[0] < self.DIST_THRES:
                closest_ind = ind[0]
                closest_scan_id = self.corner_last[ind[0], self.RING_INDEX]
                min_sq_dist2 = self.DIST_THRES * self.DIST_THRES

                for j in range(closest_ind+1, corner_sharp.shape[0]):
                    if self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] <= closest_scan_id:
                    if self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] > closest_scan_id + self.NEARBY_SCAN:

                    point_sq_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.corner_last[j, :3].reshape(3,1) - point_sel))
                    if point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist2:
                        min_sq_dist2 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind2 = j

                for j in range(closest_ind-1, -1, -1):
                    if self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] >= closest_scan_id:
                    if self.corner_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] < closest_scan_id - self.NEARBY_SCAN:

                    point_sq_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.corner_last[j, :3].reshape(3,1) - point_sel))
                    if point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist2:
                        min_sq_dist2 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind2 = j
                if min_ind2 >= 0:
                    ab_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.corner_last[min_ind2, :3]-self.corner_last[closest_ind, :3]))
                    if ab_dist < 1e-3:
                    curr_points.append(corner_sharp[i, :])
                    points_a.append(self.corner_last[closest_ind, :])
                    points_b.append(self.corner_last[min_ind2, :])
        return curr_points, points_a, points_b

    def get_surf_correspondences(self, surf_flat):
        curr_points = []
        points_a = []
        points_b = []
        points_c = []
        surf_last_tree = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(np.transpose(self.surf_last[:, :3]))
        for i in range(surf_flat.shape[0]):
            point_sel = self.transform_to_start(surf_flat[i,:3], surf_flat[i, -1])
            [_, ind, dist] = surf_last_tree.search_knn_vector_3d(point_sel, 1)
            closest_ind = -1
            min_ind2 = -1 
            min_ind3 = -1
            if dist[0] < self.DIST_THRES:
                closest_ind = ind[0]
                closest_scan_id = self.surf_last[ind[0], self.RING_INDEX]
                min_sq_dist2 = self.DIST_THRES * self.DIST_THRES
                min_sq_dist3 = self.DIST_THRES * self.DIST_THRES
                for j in range(closest_ind+1, surf_flat.shape[0]):
                    if self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] > closest_scan_id + self.NEARBY_SCAN:
                    point_sq_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.surf_last[j, :3].reshape(3,1) - point_sel))
                    if self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] <= closest_scan_id and point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist2:
                        min_sq_dist2 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind2 = j
                    elif point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist3:
                        min_sq_dist3 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind3 = j
                for j in range(closest_ind-1, -1, -1):
                    if self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] < closest_scan_id - self.NEARBY_SCAN:
                    point_sq_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.surf_last[j, :3].reshape(3,1) - point_sel))
                    if self.surf_last[j, self.RING_INDEX] >= closest_scan_id and point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist2:
                        min_sq_dist2 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind2 = j
                    elif point_sq_dist < min_sq_dist3:
                        min_sq_dist3 = point_sq_dist
                        min_ind3 = j
                if min_ind2 >= 0 and min_ind3 >= 0:
                    ab_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.surf_last[min_ind2, :3]-self.surf_last[closest_ind, :3]))
                    ac_dist = np.sum(np.square(self.surf_last[min_ind3, :3]-self.surf_last[closest_ind, :3]))
                    if ab_dist < 1e-3 or ac_dist < 1e-3:
                    curr_points.append(surf_flat[i, :])
                    points_a.append(self.surf_last[closest_ind, :])
                    points_b.append(self.surf_last[min_ind2, :])
                    points_c.append(self.surf_last[min_ind3, :])

        return curr_points, points_a, points_b, points_c

    def get_downsample_cloud(self, cloud):
        o3d_cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
        o3d_cloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(cloud[:, :3])
        max_bound = o3d_cloud.get_max_bound() + self.VOXEL_SIZE * 0.5
        min_bound = o3d_cloud.get_min_bound() - self.VOXEL_SIZE * 0.5
        out = o3d_cloud.voxel_down_sample_and_trace(self.VOXEL_SIZE, min_bound, max_bound, False)
        index_ds = [cubic_index[0] for cubic_index in out[2]]
        return index_ds

    def transform_to_start(self, pt, s=1.0):
        scaled_transform = s * self.transform
        rot_mat = get_rotation(scaled_transform[0], scaled_transform[1], scaled_transform[2])
        translation = scaled_transform[3:6]

        if len(pt.shape) == 1:
            pt = pt.reshape(3,-1)
        if pt.shape[0] != 3:
            pt = pt.T

        undistorted_pt = np.transpose(rot_mat).dot(pt - translation.reshape(3,1))
        return undistorted_pt

    def transform_to_end(self, pt, s=1.0):
        un_point = self.transform_to_start(pt, s)
        rot_mat = get_rotation(self.transform[0], self.transform[1], self.transform[2])
        translation = self.transform[3:]
        pt_end = rot_mat.dot(un_point) + translation.reshape(3,1)
        return pt_end

    def get_plane_mat(self, surf_points, surf_points_a, surf_points_b, surf_points_c, iter_num):
        A_mat = []
        B_mat = []

        srx = np.sin(self.transform[0])
        crx = np.cos(self.transform[0])
        sry = np.sin(self.transform[1])
        cry = np.cos(self.transform[1])
        srz = np.sin(self.transform[2])
        crz = np.cos(self.transform[2])
        tx = self.transform[3]
        ty = self.transform[4]
        tz = self.transform[5]

        weight = 1.0

        for i in range(len(surf_points)):
            s = surf_points[i][-1]
            pt = surf_points[i][:3].reshape(3,1)
            pt_a = surf_points_a[i][:3].reshape(3,1)
            pt_b = surf_points_b[i][:3].reshape(3,1)
            pt_c = surf_points_c[i][:3].reshape(3,1)
            pt_sel = self.transform_to_start(pt, s)
            plane_norm = np.cross((pt_b - pt_a), (pt_c - pt_a), axis=0)
            norm = np.linalg.norm(plane_norm)
            plane_norm = plane_norm / norm
            dist = np.dot(np.transpose(plane_norm),(pt_sel - pt_a))

            if iter_num >= 5:
                weight = 1 - 1.8 * abs(dist) / np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(pt_sel))

            if norm < 1e-5 or weight <= 0.1:
            plane_norm = weight * plane_norm
            A_tmp = np.zeros((1,6))
            B_tmp = np.zeros((1,1))

            B_tmp[0, 0] = dist * weight
            A_tmp[0, 0] = (-crx*sry*srz*pt[0] + crx*crz*sry*pt[1] + srx*sry*pt[2] \
                          + tx*crx*sry*srz - ty*crx*crz*sry - tz*srx*sry) * plane_norm[0] \
                          + (srx*srz*pt[0] - crz*srx*pt[1] + crx*pt[2] \
                          + ty*crz*srx - tz*crx - tx*srx*srz) * plane_norm[1] \
                          + (crx*cry*srz*pt[0] - crx*cry*crz*pt[1] - cry*srx*pt[2] \
                          + tz*cry*srx + ty*crx*cry*crz - tx*crx*cry*srz) * plane_norm[2]
            A_tmp[0, 1] = ((-crz*sry - cry*srx*srz)*pt[0] \
                          + (cry*crz*srx - sry*srz)*pt[1] - crx*cry*pt[2] \
                          + tx*(crz*sry + cry*srx*srz) + ty*(sry*srz - cry*crz*srx) \
                          + tz*crx*cry) * plane_norm[0] \
                          + ((cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)*pt[0] \
                          + (cry*srz + crz*srx*sry)*pt[1] - crx*sry*pt[2] \
                          + tz*crx*sry - ty*(cry*srz + crz*srx*sry) \
                          - tx*(cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)) * plane_norm[2]
            A_tmp[0, 2] = ((-cry*srz - crz*srx*sry)*pt[0] + (cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)*pt[1] \
                          + tx*(cry*srz + crz*srx*sry) - ty*(cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)) * plane_norm[0] \
                          + (-crx*crz*pt[0] - crx*srz*pt[1] \
                          + ty*crx*srz + tx*crx*crz) * plane_norm[1] \
                          + ((cry*crz*srx - sry*srz)*pt[0] + (crz*sry + cry*srx*srz)*pt[1] \
                          + tx*(sry*srz - cry*crz*srx) - ty*(crz*sry + cry*srx*srz)) * plane_norm[2]
            A_tmp[0, 3] = -(cry*crz - srx*sry*srz) * plane_norm[0] + crx*srz * plane_norm[1] \
                          - (crz*sry + cry*srx*srz) * plane_norm[2]
            A_tmp[0, 4] = -(cry*srz + crz*srx*sry) * plane_norm[0] - crx*crz * plane_norm[1] \
                          - (sry*srz - cry*crz*srx) * plane_norm[2]
            A_tmp[0, 5] = crx*sry * plane_norm[0] - srx * plane_norm[1] - crx*cry * plane_norm[2]

        if len(A_mat) != 0 and len(B_mat) !=0:
            A_mat = np.vstack(A_mat)
            B_mat = np.vstack(B_mat)
            A_mat = np.zeros((0,6))
            B_mat = np.zeros((0,1))

        return A_mat, B_mat

    def get_edge_mat(self, corner_points, corner_points_a, corner_points_b, iter_num):
        A_mat = []
        B_mat = []

        srx = np.sin(self.transform[0])
        crx = np.cos(self.transform[0])
        sry = np.sin(self.transform[1])
        cry = np.cos(self.transform[1])
        srz = np.sin(self.transform[2])
        crz = np.cos(self.transform[2])
        tx = self.transform[3]
        ty = self.transform[4]
        tz = self.transform[5]

        weight = 1.0

        for i in range(len(corner_points)):
            s = corner_points[i][-1]
            pt = corner_points[i][:3].reshape(3,1)
            pt_a = corner_points_a[i][:3].reshape(3,1)
            pt_b = corner_points_b[i][:3].reshape(3,1)
            pt_sel = self.transform_to_start(pt, s)
            edge_normal = np.cross((pt_sel - pt_a), (pt_sel - pt_b), axis=0)
            ab = pt_a - pt_b
            ab_norm = np.linalg.norm(ab)
            edge_norm = np.linalg.norm(edge_normal)

            if iter_num >= 5:
                weight = 1 - 1.8 * abs(edge_norm / ab_norm)

            if edge_norm < 1e-5 or weight <= 0.1:

            la = weight * (ab[1]*edge_normal[2] + ab[2]*edge_normal[1]) / (ab_norm*edge_norm)
            lb = -weight * (ab[0]*edge_normal[2] + ab[2]*edge_normal[0]) / (ab_norm*edge_norm)
            lc = weight * (ab[0]*edge_normal[1] - ab[1]*edge_normal[0]) / (ab_norm*edge_norm)

            A_tmp = np.zeros((1,6))
            B_tmp = np.zeros((1,1))
            B_tmp[0, 0] =  weight * (edge_norm / ab_norm)
            A_tmp[0, 0] = (-crx*sry*srz*pt[0] + crx*crz*sry*pt[1] + srx*sry*pt[2] \
                          + tx*crx*sry*srz - ty*crx*crz*sry - tz*srx*sry) * la \
                          + (srx*srz*pt[0] - crz*srx*pt[1] + crx*pt[2] \
                          + ty*crz*srx - tz*crx - tx*srx*srz) * lb \
                          + (crx*cry*srz*pt[0] - crx*cry*crz*pt[1] - cry*srx*pt[2] \
                          + tz*cry*srx + ty*crx*cry*crz - tx*crx*cry*srz) * lc
            A_tmp[0, 1] = ((-crz*sry - cry*srx*srz)*pt[0] \
                          + (cry*crz*srx - sry*srz)*pt[1] - crx*cry*pt[2] \
                          + tx*(crz*sry + cry*srx*srz) + ty*(sry*srz - cry*crz*srx) \
                          + tz*crx*cry) * la \
                          + ((cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)*pt[0] \
                          + (cry*srz + crz*srx*sry)*pt[1] - crx*sry*pt[2] \
                          + tz*crx*sry - ty*(cry*srz + crz*srx*sry) \
                          - tx*(cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)) * lc
            A_tmp[0, 2] = ((-cry*srz - crz*srx*sry)*pt[0] + (cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)*pt[1] \
                          + tx*(cry*srz + crz*srx*sry) - ty*(cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)) * la \
                          + (-crx*crz*pt[0] - crx*srz*pt[1] \
                          + ty*crx*srz + tx*crx*crz) * lb \
                          + ((cry*crz*srx - sry*srz)*pt[0] + (crz*sry + cry*srx*srz)*pt[1] \
                          + tx*(sry*srz - cry*crz*srx) - ty*(crz*sry + cry*srx*srz)) * lc
            A_tmp[0, 3] = -(cry*crz - srx*sry*srz) * la + crx*srz * lb \
                          - (crz*sry + cry*srx*srz) * lc
            A_tmp[0, 4] = -(cry*srz + crz*srx*sry) * la - crx*crz * lb \
                          - (sry*srz - cry*crz*srx) * lc
            A_tmp[0, 5] = crx*sry * la - srx * lb - crx*cry * lc

        if len(A_mat) != 0 and len(B_mat) !=0:
            A_mat = np.vstack(A_mat)
            B_mat = np.vstack(B_mat)
            A_mat = np.zeros((0,6))
            B_mat = np.zeros((0,1))

        return A_mat, B_mat

    def get_trans_list(self):
        return self.trans_list
Ejemplo n.º 11
    if args["show"] == "True":
        show = True

limit = 2
if args["limit"] is not None:
    limit = args["limit"]

start = time.time()
data = dataset.get_data(args["data"])
end = time.time()
print("Database simulation: " + str(end - start))

query_image = cv2.imread(args["image"])

start = time.time()
feat_extract = FeatureExtract(query_image)
kp, des = feat_extract.extract_features()
bf = cv2.BFMatcher()

res = []
for obj in data:
    matches = bf.knnMatch(des, obj["des"], k=2)
    good = []
    for match_1, match_2 in matches:
        if match_1.distance < 0.75 * match_2.distance:
        "image": obj["image"],
        "file_name": obj["file_name"],
        "match": len(good)