Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __GetChangeOfBasisMatrix(
            mesh):  # change of basis matrix for beam or plate elements
        if not (mesh.GetID()) in Assembly.__saveMatrixChangeOfBasis:
            ### change of basis treatment for beam or plate elements
            MatrixChangeOfBasis = 1
            computeMatrixChangeOfBasis = False

            Nnd = mesh.GetNumberOfNodes()
            Nel = mesh.GetNumberOfElements()
            elm = mesh.GetElementTable()
            nNd_elm = np.shape(elm)[1]
            crd = mesh.GetNodeCoordinates()
            dim = ProblemDimension.GetDoF()
            localFrame = mesh.GetLocalFrame()
            elmRefGeom = eval(mesh.GetElementShape())()
            #        xi_nd = elmRefGeom.xi_nd
            xi_nd = GetNodePositionInElementCoordinates(
                mesh.GetElementShape(), nNd_elm)  #function to define

            if 'X' in mesh.GetCoordinateID() and 'Y' in mesh.GetCoordinateID(
            ):  #if not in physical space, no change of variable
                for nameVector in Variable.ListVector():
                    if Variable.GetVectorCoordinateSystem(
                            nameVector) == 'global':
                        if computeMatrixChangeOfBasis == False:
                            range_nNd_elm = np.arange(nNd_elm)
                            computeMatrixChangeOfBasis = True
                            Nvar = Variable.GetNumberOfVariable()
                            listGlobalVector = []
                            listLocalVariable = list(range(Nvar))

    #                        MatrixChangeOfBasis = sparse.lil_matrix((Nvar*Nel*nNd_elm, Nvar*Nnd)) #lil is very slow because it change the sparcity of the structure
                        listLocalVariable = [
                            i for i in listLocalVariable
                            if not (i in listGlobalVector[-1])
                #Data to build MatrixChangeOfBasis with coo sparse format
                if computeMatrixChangeOfBasis:
                    rowMCB = np.empty(
                        (len(listGlobalVector) * Nel, nNd_elm, dim, dim))
                    colMCB = np.empty(
                        (len(listGlobalVector) * Nel, nNd_elm, dim, dim))
                    dataMCB = np.empty(
                        (len(listGlobalVector) * Nel, nNd_elm, dim, dim))
                    LocalFrameEl = elmRefGeom.GetLocalFrame(
                        crd[elm], xi_nd, localFrame
                    )  #array of shape (Nel, nb_nd, nb of vectors in basis = dim, dim)
                    for ivec, vec in enumerate(listGlobalVector):
                        dataMCB[ivec * Nel:(ivec + 1) * Nel] = LocalFrameEl
                        rowMCB[ivec * Nel:(ivec + 1) * Nel] = np.arange(
                            Nel).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1) + range_nNd_elm.reshape(
                                1, -1, 1, 1) * Nel + np.array(vec).reshape(
                                    1, 1, -1, 1) * (Nel * nNd_elm)
                        colMCB[ivec * Nel:(ivec + 1) * Nel] = elm.reshape(
                            Nel, nNd_elm, 1,
                            1) + np.array(vec).reshape(1, 1, 1, -1) * Nnd

            if computeMatrixChangeOfBasis:
                MatrixChangeOfBasis = sparse.coo_matrix(
                    (sp.reshape(dataMCB, -1),
                     (sp.reshape(rowMCB, -1), sp.reshape(colMCB, -1))),
                    shape=(Nel * nNd_elm * Nvar, Nnd * Nvar))
                for var in listLocalVariable:
                    MatrixChangeOfBasis = MatrixChangeOfBasis.tolil()
                    MatrixChangeOfBasis[range(var * Nel * nNd_elm,
                                              (var + 1) * Nel * nNd_elm),
                                        range(var * Nel * nNd_elm,
                                              (var + 1) * Nel * nNd_elm)] = 1
                MatrixChangeOfBasis = MatrixChangeOfBasis.tocsr()

                mesh.GetID()] = MatrixChangeOfBasis
            return MatrixChangeOfBasis

        return Assembly.__saveMatrixChangeOfBasis[mesh.GetID()]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def PreComputeElementaryOperators(
    ):  #Précalcul des opérateurs dérivés suivant toutes les directions (optimise les calculs en minimisant le nombre de boucle)
        if nb_pg is None:
            NumberOfGaussPoint = GetDefaultNbPG(elementType, mesh)
            NumberOfGaussPoint = nb_pg

        objElement = eval(elementType)

        if isinstance(objElement, dict):
            for val in set(objElement.values()):
                Assembly.PreComputeElementaryOperators(mesh, val, nb_pg,

        elmRef = objElement(NumberOfGaussPoint)

        Nnd = mesh.GetNumberOfNodes()
        Nel = mesh.GetNumberOfElements()
        elm = mesh.GetElementTable()
        nNd_elm = np.shape(elm)[1]
        crd = mesh.GetNodeCoordinates()
        dim = ProblemDimension.GetDoF()

        if NumberOfGaussPoint == 0:  # in this case, it is a finite difference mesh
            # we compute the operators directly from the element library
            OP = elmRef.computeOperator(crd, elm)
                mesh.GetID(), NumberOfGaussPoint)] = sparse.identity(
                    OP[0][0].shape[0], 'd', format='csr'
                )  #No gaussian quadrature in this case : nodal identity matrix
                mesh.GetID(), NumberOfGaussPoint
            )] = 1  #no need to translate between pg and nodes because no pg
                                           NumberOfGaussPoint)] = 1
            )] = 1  # No change of basis:  MatrixChangeOfBasis = 1
                mesh.GetID(), elementType,
                NumberOfGaussPoint)] = OP  #elmRef.computeOperator(crd,elm)

        elmRefGeom = eval(mesh.GetElementShape())(NumberOfGaussPoint)
        nNd_elm_geom = len(elmRefGeom.xi_nd)
        elm_geom = elm[:, :nNd_elm_geom]

        localFrame = mesh.GetLocalFrame()
        nb_elm_nd = np.bincount(elm_geom.reshape(-1))  #len(nb_elm_nd) = Nnd

        vec_xi = elmRef.xi_pg

        PGtoNode = np.linalg.pinv(
            elmRefGeom.ShapeFunctionPG)  #pseudo-inverse of NodeToPG
        #        PGtoNode = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(elmRef.GeometricalShapeFunctionPG.T , elmRef.GeometricalShapeFunctionPG))
        #        PGtoNode = np.dot(PGtoNode , elmRef.GeometricalShapeFunctionPG.T) #inverse of the NodeToPG matrix (built from the values of the shapeFuctions at PG) based on the least square method

            crd[elm_geom], vec_xi, localFrame
        )  #elmRef.JacobianMatrix, elmRef.detJ, elmRef.inverseJacobian
        derivativePG = np.matmul(elmRefGeom.inverseJacobian,

        nb_dir_deriv = derivativePG.shape[-2]
        nop = nb_dir_deriv + 1  #nombre d'opérateur à discrétiser
        if hasattr(elmRef, 'ShapeFunctionSecondDerivativePG'):
            #TODO : only work for beam. Consider revising in the future
            #            secondDerivativePG = np.matmul(elmRefGeom.inverseJacobian , elmRef.ShapeFunctionSecondDerivativePG)
            secondDerivativePG = np.matmul(

            nop += nb_dir_deriv
            computeSecondDerivativeOp = True
            computeSecondDerivativeOp = False

        NbDoFperNode = np.shape(elmRef.ShapeFunctionPG)[1] // nNd_elm
        if NbDoFperNode > 1:  #for bernoulli beam (of plate in the future)
            AngularDoF = True
            AngularDoF = False

        range_nbPG = np.arange(NumberOfGaussPoint)

        if Assembly.__GetChangeOfBasisMatrix(mesh) is 1: ChangeOfBasis = False
            ChangeOfBasis = True
            range_nNd_elm = np.arange(nNd_elm)

        # Assemblage
        gaussianQuadrature = (elmRefGeom.detJ * elmRefGeom.w_pg).T.reshape(-1)

        row = np.empty((Nel, NumberOfGaussPoint, nNd_elm))
        col = np.empty((Nel, NumberOfGaussPoint, nNd_elm))
        col2 = np.empty((Nel, NumberOfGaussPoint, nNd_elm))
        data = [[
            np.empty((Nel, NumberOfGaussPoint, nNd_elm))
            for j in range(NbDoFperNode)
        ] for i in range(nop)]
        dataNodeToPG = np.empty((Nel, NumberOfGaussPoint, nNd_elm_geom))

        row[:] = np.arange(Nel).reshape(
            (-1, 1, 1)) + range_nbPG.reshape(1, -1, 1) * Nel
        col[:] = elm.reshape((Nel, 1, nNd_elm))
        if ChangeOfBasis:
            col2[:] = np.arange(Nel).reshape(
                (-1, 1, 1)) + range_nNd_elm.reshape((1, 1, -1)) * Nel

        dataPGtoNode = PGtoNode.T.reshape(
            (1, NumberOfGaussPoint,
             nNd_elm_geom)) / nb_elm_nd[elm_geom].reshape(
                 (Nel, 1,
                  nNd_elm_geom))  #shape = (Nel, NumberOfGaussPoint, nNd_elm)
        dataNodeToPG[:] = elmRefGeom.ShapeFunctionPG.reshape(
            (1, NumberOfGaussPoint, nNd_elm_geom))
        data[0][0][:] = elmRef.ShapeFunctionPG[:, :nNd_elm].reshape(
            (1, NumberOfGaussPoint, nNd_elm))

        for dir_deriv in range(nb_dir_deriv):
            data[dir_deriv + 1][0][:] = derivativePG[..., dir_deriv, :nNd_elm]
            if computeSecondDerivativeOp:
                data[1 + nb_dir_deriv +
                     dir_deriv][0][:] = secondDerivativePG[...,
                                                           dir_deriv, :nNd_elm]

        if AngularDoF:  #angular dof for C1 elements
            for j in range(1, NbDoFperNode):
                data[0][j][:] = elmRef.ShapeFunctionPG[:, j * nNd_elm:(j + 1) *
                for dir_deriv in range(nb_dir_deriv):
                    data[dir_deriv +
                         1][j][:] = derivativePG[..., dir_deriv,
                                                 j * nNd_elm:(j + 1) * nNd_elm]
                    if computeSecondDerivativeOp:
                        data[1 + nb_dir_deriv +
                             dir_deriv][j][:] = secondDerivativePG[
                                 ..., dir_deriv, j * nNd_elm:(j + 1) * nNd_elm]

        row_geom = np.reshape(row[..., :nNd_elm_geom], -1)
        col_geom = np.reshape(col[..., :nNd_elm_geom], -1)
        row = np.reshape(row, -1)
        col = np.reshape(col, -1)
        col2 = np.reshape(col2, -1)

        if ChangeOfBasis: Ncol = Nel * nNd_elm
            Ncol = Nnd
            col2 = col

        op_dd = [[
            sparse.coo_matrix((data[i][j].reshape(-1), (row, col2)),
                              shape=(Nel * NumberOfGaussPoint, Ncol)).tocsr()
            for j in range(NbDoFperNode)
        ] for i in range(nop)]

        #        data = [sparse.diags(gaussianQuadrature, 0, format='csr')] #matrix to get the gaussian quadrature (integration over each element)
        ), NumberOfGaussPoint)] = sparse.diags(
            gaussianQuadrature, 0, format='csr'
        )  #matrix to get the gaussian quadrature (integration over each element)
        #matrix to compute the node values from pg
        #        data.extend([sparse.coo_matrix((sp.reshape(dataPGtoNode,-1),(col,row)), shape=(Nel * nNd_elm , Nel*NumberOfGaussPoint) )])
        ), NumberOfGaussPoint)] = sparse.coo_matrix(
            (dataPGtoNode.reshape(-1), (col_geom, row_geom)),
            shape=(Nnd, Nel * NumberOfGaussPoint)
        )  #matrix to compute the node values from pg using the geometrical shape functions
        #matrix to compute the pg values from nodes using the geometrical shape functions (no angular dof)
        ), NumberOfGaussPoint)] = sparse.coo_matrix(
            (sp.reshape(dataNodeToPG, -1), (row_geom, col_geom)),
            shape=(Nel * NumberOfGaussPoint, Nnd)
        )  #matrix to compute the pg values from nodes using the geometrical shape functions (no angular dof)

        data = {0: op_dd[0]}  #data is a dictionnary
        for i in range(nb_dir_deriv):
            data[1, i] = op_dd[i + 1]
            if computeSecondDerivativeOp:
                data[2, i] = op_dd[i + 1 + nb_dir_deriv]
        Assembly.__saveOperator[(mesh.GetID(), elementType,
                                 NumberOfGaussPoint)] = data