Ejemplo n.º 1
    dt.assign(np.min([fenics_dt, precice_dt]))

    # Compute solution u^n+1, use bcs u_D^n+1, u^n and coupling bcs
    solve(a == L, u_np1, bcs)

    # Write data to preCICE according to which problem is being solved
    if problem is ProblemType.DIRICHLET:
        # Dirichlet problem reads temperature and writes flux on boundary to Neumann problem
        determine_gradient(V_g, u_np1, flux)
    elif problem is ProblemType.NEUMANN:
        # Neumann problem reads flux and writes temperature on boundary to Dirichlet problem

    precice_dt = precice.advance(dt(0))

    if precice.is_action_required(precice.action_read_iteration_checkpoint()):  # roll back to checkpoint
        u_cp, t_cp, n_cp = precice.retrieve_checkpoint()
        t = t_cp
        n = n_cp
    else:  # update solution
        t += float(dt)
        n += 1

    if precice.is_time_window_complete():
        u_ref = interpolate(u_D, V)
        u_ref.rename("reference", " ")
        error, error_pointwise = compute_errors(u_n, u_ref, V, total_error_tol=error_tol)
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Define boundary condition on left and right boundary
u0 = Constant(0.0)
bc = DirichletBC(V, u0, boundary)

# Define variational problem, simply copied from FEniCS demo
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
f = Expression("10*exp(-(pow(x[0] - 0.5, 2) + pow(x[1] - 0.5, 2)) / 0.02)",
g = Expression("sin(5*x[0])", degree=2)
a = inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx
L = f * v * dx + g * v * ds

while precice.is_coupling_ongoing(
):  # potential time loop, currently only one timestep is done

    # Compute solution
    u = Function(V)
    solve(a == L, u, bc)

    # Save solution in VTK format
    file = File("poisson.pvd")
    file << u

    # write data to preCICE and advance coupling

    read_data = precice.read_data()

    # Update the coupling expression with the new read data
    precice.update_coupling_expression(volume_term, read_data)
    f.assign(interpolate(volume_term, V))

    dt_inv.assign(1 / dt)

    # Compute solution u^n+1, use bcs u^n and coupling bcs
    a, L = lhs(F), rhs(F)
    solve(a == L, u_np1, bc)

    # Write data to preCICE according to which problem is being solved

    dt = precice.advance(dt)

    # roll back to checkpoint
    if precice.is_action_required(precice.action_read_iteration_checkpoint()):
        u_cp, t_cp, n_cp = precice.retrieve_checkpoint()
        t = t_cp
        n = n_cp
    else:  # update solution
        t += float(dt)
        n += 1

    if precice.is_time_window_complete():
        solution_out << u_n