Ejemplo n.º 1
        print 'MAP: min(a)={}, max(a)={}'.format(mina, maxa)
        print 'med_misfit={:.4e}, err={:.1f}%'.format(norm_mmfa, erra)

        print '\ntarget: min(b)={}, max(b)={}'.format(minbt, maxbt)
        print 'init: min(b)={}, max(b)={}'.format(minb0, maxb0)
        print 'MAP: min(b)={}, max(b)={}'.format(minb, maxb)
        print 'med_misfit={:.4e}, err={:.1f}%'.format(norm_mmfb, errb)

        print '\ntarget: min(c)={}, max(c)={}'.format(minct, maxct)
        print 'MAP: min(c)={}, max(c)={}'.format(minc, maxc)
        print 'med_misfit={:.4e}, err={:.1f}%'.format(norm_mmfc, errc)

        # WARNING: only makes sense if mpicomm_local == mpi_comm_self
        # otherwise, can't be restricted to PRINT processor only
        plotfolder = PARAM + '_k' + str(k) + '_e' + str(eps)
        myplot = PlotFenics(Outputfolder='output_transmission/plots/' + plotfolder, \
        comm = mesh.mpi_comm())
            '-map_' + PARAM + '-VTV_' + amg + '_k' + str(k) + '_e' + str(eps))

        myplot.set_varname('c-map_' + PARAM + '-VTV_' + amg + '_k' + str(k) +
                           '_e' + str(eps))
    # Test gradient and Hessian after several steps of Newton method
    waveobj.GN = False
    waveobj.regularization = ZeroRegularization(Vl)
    if ALL and (PARAM == 'a' or PARAM == 'b') and PRINT:
        print '*** Warning: Single inversion but changing both parameters'
    MPa = [
Ejemplo n.º 2
Plot selected medium parameters
import sys
from os.path import splitext, isdir
from shutil import rmtree
import dolfin as dl
from dolfin import MPI
from fenicstools.plotfenics import PlotFenics
from mediumparameters1 import \
targetmediumparameters, initmediumparameters, loadparameters

LARGE = True
Nxy, Dt, fpeak, _, _, _, tf = loadparameters(LARGE)

X, Y = 1, 1
mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(Nxy, Nxy)
Vl = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)

mpicomm = mesh.mpi_comm()
mpirank = MPI.rank(mpicomm)
filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
if mpirank == 0:
    if isdir(filename + '/'): rmtree(filename + '/')
myplot = PlotFenics(mpicomm, filename)

at, bt, c, lam, rho = targetmediumparameters(Vl, X, myplot)
a0, b0, _, _, _ = initmediumparameters(Vl, X, myplot)
    # define pde operator:
    wavepde = AcousticWave({'V': V, 'Vm': Vm})
    wavepde.timestepper = 'backward'
    wavepde.lump = True
    wavepde.update({'a':a_target_fn, 'b':b_target_fn, \
    't0':t0, 'tf':tf, 'Dt':Dt, 'u0init':dl.Function(V), 'utinit':dl.Function(V)})

    # parameters
    Vm = wavepde.Vm
    V = wavepde.V
    lenobspts = obsop.PtwiseObs.nbPts

    # set up plots:
    filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
    if isdir(filename + '/'): rmtree(filename + '/')
    myplot = PlotFenics(filename + str(Nxy))

    # define objective function:
    regul = LaplacianPrior({
        'Vm': Vm,
        'gamma': 5e-4,
        'beta': 5e-4,
        'm0': a_target_fn
    waveobj = ObjectiveAcoustic(wavepde, mysrc, 'a', regul)
    waveobj.obsop = obsop

    # noisy data
    print 'generate noisy data'
Ejemplo n.º 4
from fenicstools.acousticwave import AcousticWave
from fenicstools.plotfenics import PlotFenics
from fenicstools.miscfenics import setfct

r = 2  # polynomial order
c = 1.0  # wave velocity
freq = 4.0  # Hz
maxfreq = 10.0
cmin = c / maxfreq
Ricker = RickerWavelet(freq, 1e-10)
Dt = 1e-4
tf = 0.5

filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
if isdir(filename + '/'): rmtree(filename + '/')
myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
boolplot = 100

print 'Compute most accurate solution as reference'
qq = 20
N = int(qq / cmin)
h = 1. / N
mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(N, N)
Vl = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
Vex = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', r)
Pt = PointSources(Vex, [[.5, .5]])
mydelta = Pt[0].array()

def mysrc(tt):
    return Ricker(tt) * mydelta
    Wave.timestepper = 'centered'
    Wave.lump = True
    Wave.set_abc(mesh, AllFour(), True)
    Wave.exact = Function(V)
    Wave.update({'b':1.0, 'a':1.0, 't0':0.0, 'tf':tf, 'Dt':Dt,\
    'u0init':Function(V), 'utinit':Function(V)})
    Wave.ftime = mysrc
    sol, error = Wave.solve()
    if myrank == 0: print 'relative error = {:.5e}'.format(error)
    if not mycomm == None: MPI.barrier(mycomm)

# Plots:
    boolplot = int(sys.argv[1])
    boolplot = 0
if boolplot > 0:
    filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
    if myrank == 0:
        if isdir(filename + '/'): rmtree(filename + '/')
    if not mycomm == None: MPI.barrier(mycomm)
    myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
    plotp = Function(V)
    for index, pp in enumerate(sol):
        if index % boolplot == 0:
            plotp.vector()[:] = pp[0]
            myplot.plot_vtk(plotp, index)
u0 = dl.Constant("0.0")
bc = dl.DirichletBC(V, u0, u0_boundary)

mtrue_exp = \
dl.Expression('1.0 + 7.0*(x[0]<=0.8)*(x[0]>=0.2)*(x[1]<=0.8)*(x[1]>=0.2)')
mtrue = dl.interpolate(mtrue_exp, Vme)  # target medium
mtrueVm = dl.interpolate(mtrue_exp, Vm)  # target medium
f = dl.Expression("1.0")  # source term

# set up plots:
if PLOT:
    filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
    if mpirank == 0 and isdir(filename + '/'):
        rmtree(filename + '/')
    myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
    myplot = None

if mpirank == 0: print 'Compute noisy data'
OPPS = 15
NB = OPPS + 1.
Points = np.array([[[ii/NB,jj/NB] for ii in range(1,OPPS+1)]\
 for jj in range(1,OPPS+1)])
Points.resize((OPPS * OPPS, 2))
ObsOp = ObsPointwise({'V': V, 'Points': Points}, mpicomm)
Ejemplo n.º 7
import dolfin as dl
from fenicstools.plotfenics import PlotFenics
from fenicstools.miscfenics import setfct

mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(40, 40)
V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
myplot = PlotFenics()
u = dl.Function(V)
for ii in range(10):
    setfct(u, dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(ii), V))
    myplot.plot_vtk(u, ii)
def run_test(fpeak, lambdamin, lambdamax, Nxy, tfilterpts, r, Dt, skip):
    h = 1./Nxy
    checkdt(Dt, h, r, np.sqrt(lambdamax), True)
    mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(Nxy, Nxy)
    Vl = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
    V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', r)
    fctV = dl.Function(V)
    # set up plots:
    filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
    if isdir(filename + '/'):   rmtree(filename + '/')
    myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
    # source:
    Ricker = RickerWavelet(fpeak, 1e-10)
    Pt = PointSources(V, [[0.5,0.5]])
    mydelta = Pt[0].array()
    def mysrc(tt):
        return Ricker(tt)*mydelta
    # target medium:
    lambda_target = dl.Expression('lmin + x[0]*(lmax-lmin)', \
    lmin=lambdamin, lmax=lambdamax)
    lambda_target_fn = dl.interpolate(lambda_target, Vl)
    # initial medium:
    lambda_init = dl.Constant(lambdamin)
    lambda_init_fn = dl.interpolate(lambda_init, Vl)
    # observation operator:
    #obspts = [[0.2, 0.5], [0.5, 0.2], [0.5, 0.8], [0.8, 0.5]]
    obspts = [[0.2, ii/10.] for ii in range(2,9)] + \
    [[0.8, ii/10.] for ii in range(2,9)] + \
    [[ii/10., 0.2] for ii in range(3,8)] + \
    [[ii/10., 0.8] for ii in range(3,8)]
    obsop = TimeObsPtwise({'V':V, 'Points':obspts}, tfilterpts)
    # define pde operator:
    wavepde = AcousticWave({'V':V, 'Vl':Vl, 'Vr':Vl})
    wavepde.timestepper = 'centered'
    wavepde.lump = True
    wavepde.set_abc(mesh, LeftRight(), True)
    wavepde.update({'lambda':lambda_target_fn, 'rho':1.0, \
    't0':t0, 'tf':tf, 'Dt':Dt, 'u0init':dl.Function(V), 'utinit':dl.Function(V)})
    wavepde.ftime = mysrc
    # define objective function:
    waveobj = ObjectiveAcoustic(wavepde)
    waveobj.obsop = obsop
    # data
    print 'generate noisy data'
    myplot.plot_timeseries(waveobj.solfwd, 'pd', 0, skip, fctV)
    dd = waveobj.Bp.copy()
    nbobspt, dimsol = dd.shape
    noiselevel = 0.1   # = 10%
    sigmas = np.sqrt((dd**2).sum(axis=1)/dimsol)*noiselevel
    rndnoise = np.random.randn(nbobspt*dimsol).reshape((nbobspt, dimsol))
    waveobj.dd = dd + sigmas.reshape((len(sigmas),1))*rndnoise
    # gradient
    print 'generate observations'
    cost1 = waveobj.misfit
    print 'misfit = {}'.format(waveobj.misfit)
    myplot.plot_timeseries(waveobj.solfwd, 'p', 0, skip, fctV)
    # Plot data and observations
    fig = plt.figure()
    if len(obspts) > 9: fig.set_size_inches(20., 15.)
    for ii in range(len(obspts)):
        if len(obspts) == 4:    ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,ii+1)
        else:   ax = fig.add_subplot(4,6,ii+1)
        ax.plot(waveobj.PDE.times, waveobj.dd[ii,:], 'k--')
        ax.plot(waveobj.PDE.times, waveobj.Bp[ii,:], 'b')
    fig.savefig(filename + '/observations.eps')
    print 'compute gradient'
    myplot.plot_timeseries(waveobj.soladj, 'v', 0, skip, fctV)
    MG = waveobj.MGv.array().copy()
    print 'check gradient with FD'
    Medium = np.zeros((5, Vl.dim()))
    for ii in range(5):
        smoothperturb = dl.Expression('sin(n*pi*x[0])*sin(n*pi*x[1])', n=ii+1)
        smoothperturb_fn = dl.interpolate(smoothperturb, Vl)
        Medium[ii,:] = smoothperturb_fn.vector().array()
    checkgradfd_med(waveobj, Medium, 1e-6, [1e-5, 1e-4])
    print 'check Hessian with FD'
    checkhessfd_med(waveobj, Medium, 1e-6, [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5], False)
def run_test(fpeak, lambdamin, lambdamax, Nxy, tfilterpts, r, Dt, skip):
    h = 1. / Nxy
    checkdt(Dt, h, r, np.sqrt(lambdamax), True)
    mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(Nxy, Nxy)
    Vl = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
    V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', r)
    fctV = dl.Function(V)
    # set up plots:
    filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
    if isdir(filename + '/'): rmtree(filename + '/')
    myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
    # source:
    Ricker = RickerWavelet(fpeak, 1e-10)
    Pt = PointSources(V, [[0.5, 0.5]])
    mydelta = Pt[0].array()

    def mysrc(tt):
        return Ricker(tt) * mydelta

    # target medium:
    lambda_target = dl.Expression('lmin + x[0]*(lmax-lmin)', \
    lmin=lambdamin, lmax=lambdamax)
    lambda_target_fn = dl.interpolate(lambda_target, Vl)
    # initial medium:
    lambda_init = dl.Constant(lambdamin)
    lambda_init_fn = dl.interpolate(lambda_init, Vl)
    # observation operator:
    #obspts = [[0.2, 0.5], [0.5, 0.2], [0.5, 0.8], [0.8, 0.5]]
    obspts = [[0.2, ii/10.] for ii in range(2,9)] + \
    [[0.8, ii/10.] for ii in range(2,9)] + \
    [[ii/10., 0.2] for ii in range(3,8)] + \
    [[ii/10., 0.8] for ii in range(3,8)]
    obsop = TimeObsPtwise({'V': V, 'Points': obspts}, tfilterpts)
    # define pde operator:
    wavepde = AcousticWave({'V': V, 'Vl': Vl, 'Vr': Vl})
    wavepde.timestepper = 'backward'
    wavepde.lump = True
    wavepde.set_abc(mesh, LeftRight(), True)
    wavepde.update({'lambda':lambda_target_fn, 'rho':1.0, \
    't0':t0, 'tf':tf, 'Dt':Dt, 'u0init':dl.Function(V), 'utinit':dl.Function(V)})
    wavepde.ftime = mysrc
    # define objective function:
    waveobj = ObjectiveAcoustic(wavepde)
    waveobj.obsop = obsop
    # data
    print 'generate data'
    myplot.plot_timeseries(waveobj.solfwd, 'pd', 0, skip, fctV)
    dd = waveobj.Bp.copy()
    # gradient
    print 'generate observations'
    waveobj.dd = dd
    cost1 = waveobj.misfit
    print 'misfit = {}'.format(waveobj.misfit)
    myplot.plot_timeseries(waveobj.solfwd, 'p', 0, skip, fctV)
    # Plot data and observations
    fig = plt.figure()
    if len(obspts) > 9: fig.set_size_inches(20., 15.)
    for ii in range(len(obspts)):
        if len(obspts) == 4: ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, ii + 1)
        else: ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 6, ii + 1)
        ax.plot(waveobj.PDE.times, waveobj.dd[ii, :], 'k--')
        ax.plot(waveobj.PDE.times, waveobj.Bp[ii, :], 'b')
        ax.set_title('Plot' + str(ii))
    fig.savefig(filename + '/observations.eps')
    print 'compute gradient'
    myplot.plot_timeseries(waveobj.soladj, 'v', 0, skip, fctV)
    MG = waveobj.MGv.array().copy()
for index, pp in enumerate(sol):
    setfct(solp, pp[0])
    Bp[:, index] = myObs.obs(solp)
    mytimes[index] = pp[1]
Bpf = Bp * mytf.evaluate(mytimes)

# Plots:
    boolplot = int(sys.argv[1])
    boolplot = 20
if boolplot > 0:
    filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
    if myrank == 0:
        if isdir(filename + '/'): rmtree(filename + '/')
    if PARALLEL: MPI.barrier(mycomm)
    myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
    plotp = Function(V)
    myplot.plot_timeseries(sol, 'p', 0, boolplot, plotp)
    # Plot medium
    # Plot observations
    fig = plt.figure()
    for ii in range(Bp.shape[0]):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, ii + 1)
        ax.plot(mytimes, Bp[ii, :], 'b')
        ax.plot(mytimes, Bpf[ii, :], 'r--')
        ax.set_title('Plot' + str(ii))
    fig.savefig(filename + '/observations_p' + str(myrank) + '.eps')
bc = DirichletBC(V, u0, u0_boundary)
# Define target medium and rhs:
mtrue_exp = Expression("1 + 7*(pow(pow(x[0] - 0.5,2) +" + " pow(x[1] - 0.5,2),0.5) > 0.2)")
mtrue = interpolate(mtrue_exp, Vme)
f = Expression("1.0")

if myrank == 0:
    print "Compute target data".format(myrank)
obspts = [[ii / 5.0, jj / 5.0] for ii in range(1, 5) for jj in range(1, 5)]
noisepercent = 0.10  # e.g., 0.02 = 2% noise level
ObsOp = ObsPointwise({"V": V, "Points": obspts, "noise": noisepercent}, mycomm)
goal = ObjFctalElliptic(V, Vme, bc, bc, [f], ObsOp, [], [], [], False, mycomm)
UDnoise = goal.U

if myrank == 0:
    print "Define prior and sample from prior"
m0 = Function(Vm)
m0.vector()[:] = 1.0
myprior = BilaplacianPrior({"Vm": Vm, "gamma": 10.0, "beta": 10.0, "m0": m0})
filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
if isdir(filename + "/"):
    rmtree(filename + "/")
plotprior = PlotFenics(filename + "/Prior/")
for ii in range(10):
    mypriorsample = myprior.sample()
    plotprior.plot_vtk(mypriorsample, ii)
    mytimes[index] = pp[1]
Bpf = Bp*mytf.evaluate(mytimes)

# Plots:
    boolplot = int(sys.argv[1])
    boolplot = 20
if boolplot > 0:
    filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
    #filename = filename + '0'
    if myrank == 0: 
        if isdir(filename + '/'):   rmtree(filename + '/')
    if not mycomm == None:  MPI.barrier(mycomm)
    myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
    plotp = Function(V)
    myplot.plot_timeseries(sol, 'p', 0, boolplot, plotp)
#    myplot.set_varname('p')
#    for index, pp in enumerate(sol):
#        if index%boolplot == 0:
#            setfct(plotp, pp[0])
#            myplot.plot_vtk(plotp, index)
#    myplot.gather_vtkplots()
    # Plot medium
    # Plot observations
    fig = plt.figure()
    for ii in range(Bp.shape[0]):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,ii+1)
Ejemplo n.º 13
from fenicstools.acousticwave import AcousticWave
from fenicstools.plotfenics import PlotFenics
from fenicstools.miscfenics import setfct

r = 2   # polynomial order
c = 1.0 # wave velocity
freq = 4.0  # Hz
maxfreq = 10.0
cmin = c/maxfreq
Ricker = RickerWavelet(freq, 1e-10)
Dt = 1e-4
tf = 0.5

filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
if isdir(filename + '/'):   rmtree(filename + '/')
myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
boolplot = 100

print 'Compute most accurate solution as reference'
qq = 20
N = int(qq/cmin)
h = 1./N
mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(N,N)
Vl = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
Vex = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', r)
Pt = PointSources(Vex, [[.5,.5]])
mydelta = Pt[0].array()
def mysrc(tt):
    return Ricker(tt)*mydelta
Waveex = AcousticWave({'V':Vex, 'Vl':Vl, 'Vr':Vl})
Waveex.timestepper = 'backward'
Ejemplo n.º 14
from fenicstools.miscfenics import createMixedFS
from fenicstools.plotfenics import PlotFenics
from fenicstools.jointregularization import crossgradient, normalizedcrossgradient
from fenicstools.linalg.miscroutines import compute_eigfenics

N = 40
mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(N,N)
V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
mpirank = dl.MPI.rank(mesh.mpi_comm())

VV = createMixedFS(V, V)
cg = crossgradient(VV)
ncg = normalizedcrossgradient(VV)

outdir = 'Output-CGvsNCG-' + str(N) + 'x' + str(N) + '/'
plotfenics = PlotFenics(mesh.mpi_comm(), outdir)

a1true = [
dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('log(10 - ' + 
'(x[0]>0.25)*(x[0]<0.75)*(x[1]>0.25)*(x[1]<0.75) * 8 )'), V),
dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('log(10 - ' + 
'(x[0]>0.25)*(x[0]<0.75)*(x[1]>0.25)*(x[1]<0.75) * (' + 
'4*(x[0]<=0.5) + 8*(x[0]>0.5) ))'), V),
dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('log(10 - ' + 
'(x[0]>0.25)*(x[0]<0.75)*(x[1]>0.25)*(x[1]<0.75) * (' + 
'4*(x[0]<=0.5) + 8*(x[0]>0.5) ))'), V),
dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('log(10 - ' + 
'(x[0]>0.25)*(x[0]<0.75)*(x[1]>0.25)*(x[1]<0.75) * (' + 
'4*(x[0]<=0.5) + 8*(x[0]>0.5) ))'), V)]
a2true = [
dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('log(10 - ' + 
cmax = 3.0
epsmin = -1.0  # medium perturbation
epsmax = 1.0  # medium perturbation
h = 1.0 / Nxy
r = 2
checkdt(Dt, h, r, cmax + epsmax, True)
# mesh
mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(Nxy, Nxy)
Vl, V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1), dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", r)
fctV = dl.Function(V)
fctVl = dl.Function(Vl)
# set up plots:
filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
if isdir(filename + "/"):
    rmtree(filename + "/")
myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
# source:
Ricker = RickerWavelet(fpeak, 1e-10)
Pt = PointSources(V, [[0.5, 1.0]])
mydelta = Pt[0].array()

def mysrc(tt):
    return Ricker(tt) * mydelta

# target medium
medformula = "A*A*(x[1]>=0.5) + 2.0*2.0*(x[1]<0.5)"
TargetMedExpr = dl.Expression(medformula, A=1.5)
TargetMed = dl.interpolate(TargetMedExpr, Vl)
Ejemplo n.º 16
# Convergence order:
for ii in range(len(ERROR)-1):
print '\n\norder of convergence:', CONVORDER

# Save plots:
    boolplot = int(sys.argv[1])
    boolplot = 0
if boolplot > 0:
    filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
    if isdir(filename + '/'):   rmtree(filename + '/')
    myplot = PlotFenics(filename)
    plotp = Function(V)
    for index, pp in enumerate(sol):
        plotp.vector()[:] = pp[0]
        myplot.plot_vtk(plotp, index)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.loglog(1./NN, ERROR, '-o')
    fig.savefig(filename + '/convergence.eps')

Ejemplo n.º 17
# mesh
if mpirank == 0: print 'meshing'
mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(Nxy, Nxy)
Vm = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)

# target medium:
b_target = dl.Expression(\
'1.0 + 1.0*(x[0]<=0.7)*(x[0]>=0.3)*(x[1]<=0.7)*(x[1]>=0.3)')
b_target_fn = dl.interpolate(b_target, Vm)
a_target = dl.Expression('1.0')
a_target_fn = dl.interpolate(a_target, Vm)

# set up plots:
filename, ext = splitext(sys.argv[0])
myplot = PlotFenics(outputdirectory + filename + str(freq))
if PLOT:
    myplot = None

# observations:
obspts = [[0.0, ii/10.] for ii in range(1,10)] + \
[[1.0, ii/10.] for ii in range(1,10)] + \
[[ii/10., 0.0] for ii in range(1,10)]
#obspts = [[0.9, 0.1]]

# define pde operator:
if mpirank == 0: print 'define wave pde'