Ejemplo n.º 1
class FetchAIApi(LedgerApi, FetchAIHelper):
    """Class to interact with the Fetch ledger APIs."""

    identifier = _FETCHAI

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Initialize the Fetch.AI ledger APIs.

        :param kwargs: key word arguments (expects either a pair of 'host' and 'port' or a 'network')
        if not ("host" in kwargs and "port" in kwargs):
            network = kwargs.pop("network", DEFAULT_NETWORK)
            kwargs["network"] = network
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            self._api = FetchaiLedgerApi(**kwargs)

    def api(self) -> FetchaiLedgerApi:
        """Get the underlying API object."""
        return self._api

    def get_balance(self, address: Address) -> Optional[int]:
        Get the balance of a given account.

        :param address: the address for which to retrieve the balance.
        :return: the balance, if retrivable, otherwise None
        balance = self._try_get_balance(address)
        return balance

    @try_decorator("Unable to retrieve balance: {}", logger_method="debug")
    def _try_get_balance(self, address: Address) -> Optional[int]:
        """Try get the balance."""
        return self._api.tokens.balance(FetchaiAddress(address))

    def get_transfer_transaction(  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        sender_address: Address,
        destination_address: Address,
        amount: int,
        tx_fee: int,
        tx_nonce: str,
    ) -> Optional[Any]:
        Submit a transfer transaction to the ledger.

        :param sender_address: the sender address of the payer.
        :param destination_address: the destination address of the payee.
        :param amount: the amount of wealth to be transferred.
        :param tx_fee: the transaction fee.
        :param tx_nonce: verifies the authenticity of the tx
        :return: the transfer transaction
        tx = TokenTxFactory.transfer(
            [],  # we don't add signer here as we would need the public key for this
        return tx

    def send_signed_transaction(self, tx_signed: Any) -> Optional[str]:
        Send a signed transaction and wait for confirmation.

        :param tx_signed: the signed transaction
        encoded_tx = transaction.encode_transaction(tx_signed)
        endpoint = "transfer" if tx_signed.transfers is not None else "create"
        return self.api.tokens._post_tx_json(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            encoded_tx, endpoint)

    def get_transaction_receipt(self, tx_digest: str) -> Optional[Any]:
        Get the transaction receipt for a transaction digest (non-blocking).

        :param tx_digest: the digest associated to the transaction.
        :return: the tx receipt, if present
        tx_receipt = self._try_get_transaction_receipt(tx_digest)
        return tx_receipt

    @try_decorator("Error when attempting getting tx receipt: {}",
    def _try_get_transaction_receipt(self, tx_digest: str) -> Optional[Any]:
        Get the transaction receipt (non-blocking).

        :param tx_digest: the transaction digest.
        :return: the transaction receipt, if found
        return self._api.tx.status(tx_digest)

    def get_transaction(self, tx_digest: str) -> Optional[Any]:
        Get the transaction for a transaction digest.

        :param tx_digest: the digest associated to the transaction.
        :return: the tx, if present
        tx = self._try_get_transaction(tx_digest)
        return tx

    @try_decorator("Error when attempting getting tx: {}",
    def _try_get_transaction(self, tx_digest: str) -> Optional[TxContents]:
        Try get the transaction (non-blocking).

        :param tx_digest: the transaction digest.
        :return: the tx, if found
        return cast(TxContents, self._api.tx.contents(tx_digest))

    def get_contract_instance(self,
                              contract_interface: Dict[str, str],
                              contract_address: Optional[str] = None) -> Any:
        Get the instance of a contract.

        :param contract_interface: the contract interface.
        :param contract_address: the contract address.
        :return: the contract instance
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_deploy_transaction(
        contract_interface: Dict[str, str],
        deployer_address: Address,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Get the transaction to deploy the smart contract.

        :param contract_interface: the contract interface.
        :param deployer_address: The address that will deploy the contract.
        :returns tx: the transaction dictionary.
        raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(HOST, PORT)

    # we generate an identity from a known key, which contains funds.
    multi_sig_identity = Entity.from_hex(

    # generate a board to control multi-sig account, with variable voting weights
    board = [

    voting_weights = {
        board[0]: 1,
        board[1]: 1,
        board[2]: 1,
        board[3]: 2,

    # generate another entity as a target for transfers
    other_identity = Entity.from_hex(

    # submit deed
    print("\nCreating deed...")
    deed = Deed()
    for sig, weight in voting_weights.items():
        deed.set_signee(sig, weight)
    deed.set_operation(Operation.amend, 4)
    deed.set_operation(Operation.transfer, 3)

    api.sync(api.tokens.deed(multi_sig_identity, deed, 500))

    # display balance before
    print("\nBefore remote-multisig transfer")
    print('Balance 1:', api.tokens.balance(multi_sig_identity))
    print('Balance 2:', api.tokens.balance(other_identity))

    # scatter/gather example
    print("Generating transaction and distributing to signers...")

    # add intended signers to transaction
    ref_tx = TokenTxFactory.transfer(multi_sig_identity,

    # make a reference payload that can be used in this script for validation
    reference_payload = ref_tx.encode_payload()

    # have signers individually sign transaction
    signed_txs = []
    for signer in board:
        # signer builds their own transaction to compare to note that each of the signers will need to agree on all
        # parts of the message including the validity period and the counter
        signer_tx = TokenTxFactory.transfer(multi_sig_identity,
        signer_tx.counter = ref_tx.counter
        signer_tx.valid_until = ref_tx.valid_until
        signer_tx.valid_from = ref_tx.valid_from

        # sanity check each of the signers payload should match the reference payload
        assert signer_tx.encode_payload() == reference_payload

        # signers locally sign there version of the transaction

        # simulate distribution of signed partial transactions

    # gather and encode final transaction - this step in theory can be done by all the signers provided they are
    # received all the signature shares
    print("Gathering and combining signed transactions...")
    partial_txs = [Transaction.decode_partial(s)[1] for s in signed_txs]

    # merge them together into one fully signed transaction
    success, tx = Transaction.merge(partial_txs)
    assert success  # this indicates that all the signatures have been merged and that the transaction now validates

    # submit the transaction

    print("\nAfter remote multisig-transfer")
    print('Balance 1:', api.tokens.balance(multi_sig_identity))
    print('Balance 2:', api.tokens.balance(other_identity))

    # round-robin example
    print("\nGenerating transaction and sending down the line of signers...")

    # create the basis for the transaction
    tx = TokenTxFactory.transfer(multi_sig_identity,

    # serialize and send to be signed
    tx_payload = tx.encode_payload()

    # have signers individually sign transaction and pass on to next signer
    for signer in board:
        # build the target transaction
        signer_tx = Transaction.decode_payload(tx_payload)

        # Signer decodes payload to inspect transaction

        # ensure that when we merge the signers signature into the payload that it is correct
        assert tx.merge_signatures(signer_tx)

    # once all the partial signatures have been merged then it makes sense
    print("Collecting final signed transaction...")
    assert tx.is_valid()

    print("\nAfter remote multisig-transfer")
    print('Balance 1:', api.tokens.balance(multi_sig_identity))
    print('Balance 2:', api.tokens.balance(other_identity))