Ejemplo n.º 1
def handle_il(res, mapping):
    state = 'IL'
    state_name = 'Illinois'
    mapped = {}
    # main dashboard
    for county in res[0]['characteristics_by_county']['values']:
        if county['County'] == state_name:
            mapped = map_attributes(county, mapping, state)

    last_update = res[0]['LastUpdateDate']
    y = last_update['year']
    m = last_update['month']
    d = last_update['day']
    timestamp = datetime(y, m, d).timestamp()
    mapped[Fields.TIMESTAMP.name] = timestamp

    # probable
    partial = map_attributes(res[0].get('probable_case_counts', {}), mapping,

    # hospital data
    hosp_data = res[1]['statewideValues']
    hosp_mapped = map_attributes(hosp_data, mapping, state)

    # fill in the date
    last_update = res[1]['lastUpdatedDate']
    y = last_update['year']
    m = last_update['month']
    d = last_update['day']
    updated = datetime(y, m, d, 23, 59).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    mapped[Fields.DATE.name] = updated

    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_mo(res, mapping):
    testing = res[0]
    foo = testing[testing['Test Date'] == 'All'].groupby('Measure Names', as_index=True).sum()
    mapped = map_attributes(foo['Measure Values'], mapping, 'MO')

    county = res[1]
    county = county[county['County'] == 'All'].set_index('Measure Names')
    partial = map_attributes(county['Measure Values'].astype(int), mapping, 'MO')
    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 3
def handle_ma(res, mapping):
    tagged = {}

    files = ['DeathsReported.csv', 'Testing2.csv', 'Cases.csv']

    with MaContextManager(res[0]) as zipdir:
        for filename in files:
            with open(os.path.join(zipdir, filename), 'r') as csvfile:
                reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect='unix')
                rows = list(reader)
                for rn in range(1, len(rows)):
                    # find last non-empty
                    if rows[-rn]['Date']:
                        last_row = rows[-rn]
                partial = map_attributes(last_row, mapping, 'MA')

        inverse_mapping = {v: k for k, v in mapping.items()}
        keys = [Fields.HOSP.name, Fields.DEATH.name, Fields.POSITIVE.name]
        keys = [inverse_mapping[k] for k in keys]

        df = pd.read_excel(
            open(os.path.join(zipdir, 'Hospitalization from Hospitals.xlsx'),
        partial = map_attributes(df.iloc[-1].to_dict(), mapping, 'MA')

        df = pd.read_excel(
            open(os.path.join(zipdir, 'TestingByDate.xlsx'), 'rb'))
        tagged[Fields.SPECIMENS_POS.name] = df.sum(
        )['All Positive Molecular Tests']

    # weekly report:
    with MaContextManager(res[0],
                          "Weekly Public Health Report - Raw Data",
                          file_type='xls') as tmpfile:
        df = pd.read_excel(tmpfile, sheet_name=None)

        # recovered
        rec = df['Quarantine and Isolation']
        recovered = rec[
            rec['Status'] ==
            'Total Cases Released from Isolation'].iloc[-1]['Residents']
        tagged[Fields.RECOVERED.name] = recovered
        antibody = df['Antibody'].sum()
        tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_TOTAL_PEOPLE.name] = antibody['Total Tests']
        tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_POS_PEOPLE.name] = antibody['Positive Tests']

        hosp = df['RaceEthnicity']
        maxdate = hosp['Date'].max()
        tagged[Fields.HOSP.name] = hosp[hosp['Date'] ==
                                        maxdate].sum()['Ever Hospitaltized']

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 4
def handle_nd(res, mapping):
    soup = res[0]
    tagged = {}

    # Serology testing
    table = soup.find('table')
    rows = table.find_all('tr')
    titles = rows[0]
    data = rows[1].find_all('td')

    for i, title in enumerate(titles.find_all("td")):
        title = title.get_text(strip=True)
        if title in mapping:
            value = atoi(data[i].get_text(strip=True))
            tagged[mapping[title]] = value

    # confirmed+probable death
    h2_death = soup.find("h2", string=re.compile("Deaths"))
    death_table = h2_death.find_next("table")

    for tr in death_table.find_all("tr"):
        cols = tr.find_all("td")
        if len(cols) < 2:
        strong = cols[0].find("strong")
        if not strong or len(strong.get_text()) < 10:
        name = strong.get_text(strip=True)
        value = atoi(cols[1].get_text(strip=True))
        if len(cols) > 2:
            value += atoi(cols[2].get_text(strip=True))
        if name in mapping:
            tagged[mapping[name]] = atoi(value)

    # by county testing snapshot: for negatives
    county_testing = res[1]
    columns = [
        k for k, v in mapping.items() if v in [
            Fields.CONFIRMED.name, Fields.NEGATIVE.name,
    values = csv_sum(county_testing, columns=columns)
    tagged.update(map_attributes(values, mapping))

    # PCR encounters and other metrics
    pcr = res[2]
    partial = map_attributes(pcr.sum(), mapping)

    # active hosp/icu should not be summed
    hosp = pcr.groupby('Date').sum().filter(like='Active').iloc[-1]
    tagged.update(map_attributes(hosp, mapping))

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 5
def handle_ma(res, mapping):
    tagged = {}

    df = MaRawData(res[0])
    tabs = ['DeathsReported (Report Date)', 'Testing2 (Report Date)',
            'Cases (Report Date)', 'Hospitalization from Hospitals']

    for tab in tabs:
        # report the last row
        partial = map_attributes(df[tab].iloc[-1], mapping, 'MA')

    # positive pcr
    tests = df['TestingByDate (Test Date)'].filter(like='All Positive')
    tagged[Fields.SPECIMENS_POS.name] = tests.sum()['All Positive Molecular Tests']

    hosp = df['RaceEthnicityLast2Weeks']
    maxdate = hosp['Date'].max()
    tagged[Fields.HOSP.name] = hosp[hosp['Date'] == maxdate].sum()['Ever Hospitaltized']

    # weekly report:
    df = MaRawData(res[0], "Weekly Public Health Report - Raw Data")

    # recovered
    rec = df['Quarantine and Isolation'].sort_values('Date')
    recovered = rec[rec['Status'] == 'Total Cases Released from Isolation'].iloc[-1]['Residents']
    tagged[Fields.RECOVERED.name] = recovered
    antibody = df['Antibody'].sum()
    tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_TOTAL_PEOPLE.name] = antibody['Total Tests']
    tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_POS_PEOPLE.name] = antibody['Positive Tests']

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 6
def handle_fl(res, mapping):
    '''Need to add the non-FL residents to the totals:
    they separate it for death and hosp"
    mapped = extract_arcgis_attributes(res[1], mapping, 'FL')
    pcr = map_attributes(res[0], mapping, 'FL')

    extra_hosp = 0
    extra_death = 0
    stats = res[1]
        extra_hosp = stats['features'][0]['attributes']['SUM_C_HospYes_NonRes']
        extra_death = stats['features'][0]['attributes']['SUM_C_NonResDeaths']
    except Exception as ex:
        logging.warning("Failed Florida extra processing: ", ex)

    mapped[Fields.HOSP.name] += extra_hosp
    mapped[Fields.DEATH.name] += extra_death

    # Current hosp csv
    hosp = res[2]
    for r in hosp:
        if r.get('County') == 'All':
            mapped[Fields.CURR_HOSP.name] = atoi(r.get('COVID Hospitalizations'))

    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 7
def handle_ok(res, mapping):
    mapped = {}
    for result in res[:-1]:
        partial = map_attributes(result, mapping, 'OK')

    # need to sum all values
    res = res[1]

    # sum all fields
    # TODO: functools probably has something nice
    cols = ['Cases', 'Deaths', 'Recovered']
    summed = csv_sum(res, cols)
    mapped.update(map_attributes(summed, mapping, 'OK'))
    mapped[Fields.DATE.name] = res[0].get('ReportDate')
    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 8
def handle_ma(res, mapping):
    tagged = {}

    files = ['DeathsReported.csv', 'Testing2.csv',
             'Hospitalization from Hospitals.csv', 'Cases.csv']

    with MaContextManager(res) as zipdir:
        for filename in files:
            with open(os.path.join(zipdir, filename), 'r') as csvfile:
                reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect='unix')
                rows = list(reader)
                last_row = rows[-1]
                partial = map_attributes(last_row, mapping, 'MA')

        hosp_key = ""
        for k, v in mapping.items():
            if v == Fields.HOSP.name:
                hosp_key = k
        hospfile = csv.DictReader(open(os.path.join(zipdir, "RaceEthnicity.csv"), 'r'))
        hosprows = list(hospfile)
        last_row = hosprows[-1]
        hosprows = [x for x in hosprows if x['Date'] == last_row['Date']]
        summed = csv_sum(hosprows, [hosp_key])
        tagged[Fields.HOSP.name] = summed[hosp_key]

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 9
def handle_tx(res, mapping):
    tagged = {}
    for result in res[:-3]:
        partial = extract_arcgis_attributes(result, mapping, debug_state='TX')

    # dashboard totals
    totals = res[-3]
                x['attributes']['TestType']: x['attributes']['Count_']
                for x in totals['features']
            }, mapping, 'TX'))

    # positive pcr
    pcr_pos = res[-2]
    val = sum(pcr_pos['features'][0]['attributes'].values())
    tagged[Fields.SPECIMENS_POS.name] = val

    # last item is the current ICU DataFrame
    df = res[-1]
    icu = df.loc[df[df.columns[0]] == 'Total'][df.columns[-1]].iloc[-1]
    tagged[Fields.CURR_ICU.name] = icu
    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 10
def handle_ak(res, mapping):
    # collect values
    res = res[0].get('features', [])
    collected = {
        x['attributes']['Race']: x['attributes']['CountCases']
        for x in res
    return map_attributes(collected, mapping, 'AK')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def handle_in(res, mapping):
    daily_stats = res[0]
    mapped = map_attributes(daily_stats, mapping, 'IN')

    # Base data is in "daily statistics", hosp data in "data"
    for metric_category in ['data', 'daily_statistics']:
        df = pd.DataFrame(daily_stats['metrics'][metric_category])
        df = df[df['district_type'] == 's']  # assuming "s" stands for State
        last_row = df.iloc[-1]  # assume either unique or sorted by date (that's what we know)
        for k, v in last_row.iteritems():
            if k in mapping:
                mapped[mapping[k]] = v

    partial = map_attributes(res[1]['result']['records'][0], mapping, 'IN')

    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 12
def handle_va(res, mapping):
    '''Getting multiple CVS files from the state and parsing each for
    the specific data it contains
    tagged = {}

    # Res:
    # 0 -- cases & death, probable & confirmed
    # 1 -- testing info
    # 2 -- hospital/icu/vent
    cases = res[0]
    testing = res[1]
    hospital = res[2]

    date_format = "%m/%d/%Y"

    # Cases
    # expecting 2 rows in the following format
    # Report Date,Case Status,Number of Cases,Number of Hospitalizations,Number of Deaths
    # 5/14/2020,Probable,1344,24,28
    # 5/14/2020,Confirmed,26469,3568,927

    PROB = 'Probable'
    CONF = 'Confirmed'

    for row in cases:
        if (row['Case Status'] == CONF):
            for k, v in row.items():
                if (k in mapping):
                    tagged[mapping[k]] = atoi(v)
        elif (row['Case Status'] == PROB):
            tagged[Fields.PROBABLE.name] = atoi(row['Number of Cases'])
            tagged[Fields.DEATH_PROBABLE.name] = atoi(row['Number of Deaths'])
           name] = tagged[Fields.CONFIRMED.name] + tagged[Fields.PROBABLE.name]

    # sum everything
    testing_cols = [
        'Number of PCR Testing Encounters', 'Number of Positive PCR Tests',
        'Total Number of Testing Encounters', 'Total Number of Positive Tests'
    summed_testing = csv_sum(testing, testing_cols)
    tagged[Fields.SPECIMENS.name] = summed_testing[testing_cols[0]]
    tagged[Fields.SPECIMENS_POS.name] = summed_testing[testing_cols[1]]
    tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_TOTAL.name] = summed_testing[
        testing_cols[2]] - summed_testing[testing_cols[0]]
    tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_POS.name] = summed_testing[
        testing_cols[3]] - summed_testing[testing_cols[1]]

    # Hospitalizations
    hospital = sorted(hospital,
                      key=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x['Date'], date_format),
    mapped_hosp = map_attributes(hospital[0], mapping, 'VA')

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 13
def handle_me(res, mapping):
    tagged = {}
    # summary csv from tableau
    df = res[0]
    df = df[df['Patient County'] == 'All'].set_index('Measure Names')
    partial = map_attributes(df['Measure Values'], mapping, 'ME')

    # hospital capacity
    df = res[1]
    partial = map_attributes(df.iloc[0], mapping, 'ME')

    soup = res[-1]
    th = soup.find(
        "th", string=re.compile("Results from Labs Reporting Electronically"))
    table = th.find_parent('table')
    for tr in table.find_all('tr'):
        tds = tr.find_all('td')
        if len(tds) < 3:
        name = tds[0].get_text(strip=True)
        if name not in ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Total']:
        antibody_val = atoi(tds[1].get_text(strip=True))
        antigen_val = atoi(tds[2].get_text(strip=True))
        pcr_val = atoi(tds[3].get_text(strip=True))

        if name == 'Positive':
            tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_POS.name] = antibody_val
            tagged[Fields.ANTIGEN_POS.name] = antigen_val
            tagged[Fields.SPECIMENS_POS.name] = pcr_val
        elif name == 'Negative':
            tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_NEG.name] = antibody_val
            tagged[Fields.ANTIGEN_NEG.name] = antigen_val
            tagged[Fields.SPECIMENS_NEG.name] = pcr_val
        elif name == 'Total':
            tagged[Fields.ANTIBODY_TOTAL.name] = antibody_val
            tagged[Fields.ANTIGEN_TOTAL.name] = antigen_val
            tagged[Fields.SPECIMENS.name] = pcr_val

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 14
def handle_de(res, mapping):
    df = res[0]
    df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df[['Year', 'Month', 'Day']])
    df = df[(df['Unit'] == 'people') & (df['Statistic'].isin(mapping.keys()))]
    max_date = df['Date'].max()
    df = df[df['Date'] == max_date]
    df = df.set_index('Statistic')

    mapped = map_attributes(df['Value'], mapping, 'DE')
    mapped.update({Fields.DATE.name: max_date})
    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 15
def handle_ok(res, mapping):
    # need to sum all values
    res = res[0]

    # sum all fields
    # TODO: functools probably has something nice
    cols = ['Cases', 'Deaths', 'Recovered']
    summed = csv_sum(res, cols)
    mapped = map_attributes(summed, mapping, 'OK')
    mapped[Fields.DATE.name] = res[0].get('ReportDate')
    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 16
def handle_de(res, mapping):
    df = res[0]
    df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df[['Year', 'Month', 'Day']])
    people = df[(df['Unit'].isin(['people'])) & (df['Statistic'].isin(mapping.keys()))]
    max_date = df['Date'].max()
    people = people[people['Date'] == max_date]
    people = people.set_index('Statistic')

    mapped = map_attributes(people['Value'], mapping, 'DE')
    mapped.update({Fields.DATE.name: max_date})

    # Here's the funny thing, while we need to *max* date for most metrics, we need
    # a 2-day lagged testing metric
    tests = df[(df['Unit'].isin(['tests'])) & (df['Statistic'].isin(mapping.keys()))]
    tests_date = tests['Date'].sort_values().unique()[-3]
    tests = tests[tests['Date'] == tests_date]
    tests = tests.set_index('Statistic')
    partial = map_attributes(tests['Value'], mapping, 'DE')

    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 17
def handle_sc(res, mapping):
    tagged = {}
    for result in res[:-1]:
        partial = extract_arcgis_attributes(result, mapping, debug_state='SC')

    # testing
    df = res[-1]
    df = df.unstack()
    df.index = df.index.map("-".join)
    partial = map_attributes(df, mapping)

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 18
def handle_fl(res, mapping):
    '''Need to add the non-FL residents to the totals:
    they separate it for death and hosp"
    mapped = map_attributes(res[0], mapping, 'FL')

    for result in res[1:-1]:
        partial = extract_arcgis_attributes(result, mapping, 'FL')

    # pcr encounters
    result = res[-1].get('features', [{}])[0].get('attributes')
    mapped[Fields.PCR_TEST_ENCOUNTERS.name] = sum(result.values())
    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 19
def handle_la(res, mapping):
    tagged = {}
    for stats in res[:2]:
        if 'features' in stats and len(stats['features']) > 0:
            attributes = stats['features']
            attributes = {attr.get('attributes', {}).get('Measure'):
                          attr.get('attributes', {}).get('SUM_Value') for attr in attributes}
            tagged.update(map_attributes(attributes, mapping, 'LA'))

    # everything else
    for result in res[2:]:
        partial = extract_arcgis_attributes(result, mapping, 'LA')

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 20
def handle_fl(res, mapping):
    '''Need to add the non-FL residents to the totals:
    they separate it for death and hosp"
    mapped = map_attributes(res[0], mapping, 'FL')

    for result in res[1:-1]:
        partial = extract_arcgis_attributes(result, mapping, 'FL')

    # Current hosp csv
    hosp = res[-1]
    for r in hosp:
        if r.get('County') == 'All':
            mapped[Fields.CURR_HOSP.name] = atoi(r.get('COVID Hospitalizations'))

    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 21
def handle_ga(res, mapping):
    tagged = {}
    for result in res[:-1]:
        partial = extract_arcgis_attributes(result, mapping, debug_state='GA')
    tagged[Fields.CURR_HOSP.name] += tagged.pop('CURR_HOSP_PUI')

    # last item is zip
    files = ["total_testing.csv", "summary_totals.csv"]
    with zipContextManager(res[-1]) as zipdir:
        for filename in files:
            summary = csv.DictReader(open(os.path.join(zipdir, filename), 'r'))
            summary = list(summary)
            summary = summary[-1]
            partial = map_attributes(summary, mapping, 'GA')

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 22
def handle_la(res, mapping):
    stats = res[0]
    state_tests = 'STATE_TESTS'
    tagged = {}
    if 'features' in stats and len(stats['features']) > 0:
        attributes = stats['features']
        attributes = {
            attr.get('attributes', {}).get('Measure'):
            attr.get('attributes', {}).get('SUM_Value')
            for attr in attributes
        tagged = map_attributes(attributes, mapping, 'LA')

    if state_tests in tagged:
        tests = tagged.pop(state_tests)
        tagged[Fields.TOTAL.name] += tests

    # parse the probable death and vent and hospital data
    # This is going to be fragile
    hosp_title = "Reported COVID-19 Patients in Hospitals"
    recovered_title = "Presumed Recovered"
    curr_hosp = ""
    curr_vent = ""
    recovered = ""

    widgets = res[1].get('widgets', {})
    for widget in widgets:
        if widget.get('defaultSettings', {}) \
                    .get('topSection', {}).get('textInfo', {}).get('text') == hosp_title:
            # Take the hosp value from the main number, and vent number from the small text
            curr_hosp = atoi(widget['datasets'][0]['data'])
            vent_subtext = widget['defaultSettings']['bottomSection'][
            curr_vent = atoi(vent_subtext.split()[0])
        elif widget.get('defaultSettings', {}) \
                    .get('topSection', {}).get('textInfo', {}).get('text', '').find(recovered_title) >= 0:
            recovered = atoi(widget['datasets'][0]['data'])

    tagged[Fields.CURR_HOSP.name] = curr_hosp
    tagged[Fields.CURR_VENT.name] = curr_vent
    tagged[Fields.RECOVERED.name] = recovered
    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 23
def handle_nh(res, mapping):
    # we love soup
    t = res[0].find('table')

    mapped = {}
    for tr in t.find_all('tr'):
        th = tr.find('th').get_text(strip=True)
        td = tr.find('td').get_text(strip=True)
        # numbers here are funny, need to clean a bit
        td = td.split()[0]
        if th in mapping:
            # yay, the faster option
            mapped[mapping[th]] = atoi(re.search("[0-9,]+", td).group(0))

    # cases + tests
    for df in res[1:]:
        mapped.update(map_attributes(df.sum(), mapping, 'NH'))

    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 24
def handle_ma(res, mapping):
    soup = res[0]
    link = soup.find('a', string=re.compile("COVID-19 Raw Data"))
    link_part = link['href']
    url = "https://www.mass.gov{}".format(link_part)

    tagged = {}

    # download zip
    req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
    with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response, \
         NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) as tmpfile , TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        shutil.copyfileobj(response, tmpfile)
        shutil.unpack_archive(tmpfile.name, tmpdir, format="zip")

        # Now we can read the files
        files = [
            'DeathsReported.csv', 'Testing2.csv',
            'Hospitalization from Hospitals.csv', 'Cases.csv'
        for filename in files:
            with open("{}/{}".format(tmpdir, filename), 'r') as csvfile:
                reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect='unix')
                rows = list(reader)
                last_row = rows[-1]
                partial = map_attributes(last_row, mapping, 'MA')

        hosp_key = ""
        for k, v in mapping.items():
            if v == Fields.HOSP.name:
                hosp_key = k
        hospfile = csv.DictReader(open(tmpdir + "/RaceEthnicity.csv", 'r'))
        hosprows = list(hospfile)
        last_row = hosprows[-1]
        hosprows = [x for x in hosprows if x['Date'] == last_row['Date']]
        summed = csv_sum(hosprows, [hosp_key])
        tagged[Fields.HOSP.name] = summed[hosp_key]

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 25
def handle_ma(res, mapping):
    '''Returning a list of dictionaries (records)
    tagged = []
    # files we care about: attemting from mappings
    files = [f for k, f in mapping.items() if k.endswith("_file")]
    death_mapping = copy(mapping)
        "Probable Total": Fields.DEATH_PROBABLE.name,
        "Confirmed Total": Fields.DEATH_CONFIRMED.name,
    with MaContextManager(res) as zipdir:
        for filename in files:
            print("Filename", filename)
            with open("{}/{}".format(zipdir, filename), 'r') as csvfile:
                reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect='unix')
                rows = list(reader)
                m = mapping
                if filename == 'DateofDeath.csv':
                    m = death_mapping
                tagged_rows = [map_attributes(r, m, 'MA') for r in rows]

    return tagged
Ejemplo n.º 26
def collect_attributes(attributes, mapping, field, value, debug_state=None):
    collected = {
        x['attributes'][field]: x['attributes'][value]
        for x in attributes
    return map_attributes(collected, mapping, debug_state)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def handle_ri(res, mapping):
    dict_res = {r[0]: r[1] for r in res[0]}
    mapped = map_attributes(dict_res, mapping, 'RI')
    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 28
def handle_id(res, mapping):
    # yay, tableau
    mapped = {}
    for df in res[0]:
        mapped.update(map_attributes(df.iloc[-1], mapping))
    return mapped
Ejemplo n.º 29
def handle_wv(res, mapping):
    return map_attributes(res[0].sum(), mapping)