Ejemplo n.º 1
    def apply_cmb_foreground_block(dc, dm, dt, dk=None):
        Apply the CMB x (Monopole + TSZ + KSZ) terms in one block:
            (A^T N^-1 A T) x_mono
            (A^T N^-1 A F) x_tsz
            (A^T N^-1 A K) x_ksz
            (T^T A^T N^-1 A) x_cmb
            (F^T A^T N^-1 A) x_cmb
            (K^T A^T N^-1 A) x_cmb
        ksz = False
        if dk is not None: ksz = True
        # (A^T N^-1 A T) x_mono; (A^T N^-1 A F) x_tsz; (A^T N^-1 A K) x_ksz
        b_lt = 0; b_lk = 0; b_lm = 0
        for f in range(nFreq):
          mct = 0; mck = 0
          for ic in range(nCluster):
            mct += dt[ic] * ninvs[f] * clumaps[0][ic][f] * g_nu[f]
            if ksz: mck += dk[ic] * ninvs[f] * clumaps[1][ic][f]
          b_lm += fft.rfft(dm * ninvs[f],axes=[-2,-1])  * beam_prec[f]
          b_lt += fft.rfft(mct,axes=[-2,-1]) * beam_prec[f]
          if ksz: b_lk += fft.rfft(mck,axes=[-2,-1]) * beam_prec[f]

        mcm = fft.irfft(b_lm,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True).reshape((nx*ny,))
        mct = fft.irfft(b_lt,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True).reshape((nx*ny,))
        if ksz: mck = fft.irfft(b_lk,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True).reshape((nx*ny,))
        # (T^T A^T N^-1 A) x_cmb; (F^T A^T N^-1 A) x_cmb; (K^T A^T N^-1 A) x_cmb
        mc = dc.copy().reshape((nx,ny))
        a_l = fft.rfft(mc,axes=[-2,-1])
        mtc = numpy.zeros(nCluster)
        mkc = numpy.zeros(nCluster)
        mmc = 0
        for f in range(nFreq):
          b_l = a_l * beam_prec[f]
          mc = fft.irfft(b_l,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True)
          mmc += numpy.sum(mc * ninvs[f])
          for ic in range(nCluster):
            mtc[ic] += numpy.sum(mc * ninvs[f] * clumaps[0][ic][f] * g_nu[f])
            if ksz: mkc[ic] += numpy.sum(mc * ninvs[f] * clumaps[1][ic][f])
        if ksz: return mct, mcm, mck, mtc, mmc, mkc
        return mct, mcm, mtc, mmc
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def apply_cmb_cmb(d0):
        Apply (S^-1 + A N^-1 A) x
        d1 = d0.copy()
        d1 = numpy.reshape(d1,(nx,ny))
        a_l = fft.rfft(d1,axes=[-2,-1])
        c_l = 0
        for f in range(nFreq):

            b_l = a_l * beam_prec[f]
            d2 = fft.irfft(b_l,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True)
            d2 *= ninvs[f]
            b_l = fft.rfft(d2,axes=[-2,-1])
            c_l += b_l * beam_prec[f]
        d2 = fft.irfft(c_l,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True)
        d1 = fft.irfft(precond_2d**2 * a_l/power_2d,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True)
        d2 += d1
        return d2.reshape((nx*ny,))
Ejemplo n.º 3
import experiment
p = experiment.p
cosmo = experiment.cosmo
mapDir = experiment.mapDir
nsims = p['nsims']
nsamp = p['nsamp']

# Load data and instrumental specifications
template, power_2d, beams, ninvs, freqs = fist.experiment_settings(p)

# Speed up FFT by measuring
template_l = fft.fft(ninvs[0],axes=[-2,-1])

#Create a directory for the results of the chain
resultDir = fist.check_dir_exists('results')

for n in range(nsims):
    for k in freqs: