Ejemplo n.º 1
Ndump = 2500  # output every this number of timesteps
Nrat = 20  # update radiative transfer this number of time-steps
Short_Fric = False  ## whether to use short friction time approx or not

Arad = True
Haze_flux = 1e-14
Kzz = 1e6

Tstar = 5777.

#### initialise the grid

gd = grid.grid(9.9e9, 1.181e10, 0.01, np.pi - 0.01, 225, 2000, 2.)
ry = grid.rays(gd, 400, 3.)
fd = field.field(gd, 1, 1.25)
sy = field.system(9.5e29, 3.83e33, 0.03 * 1.5e13, 5e6, 0., 2.35)

fd.setup_iso_atm(sy, gd, True)

fd.short_friction = Short_Fric

fd.Tstar = Tstar

sy.kappa_star = 4e-3  ### value from Guillot et al. (2010)

ry.get_tau_grid_analytic(gd, sy)

#### Below is for testing ray-tracing scheme on analytic gas profile
#ry.do_ray_trace(fd.gas_dens*sy.kappa_star) ### using analytic gas optical depth calculation
### Now initialise the initial conditions
Ejemplo n.º 2
beta_want = 6.
a_want = a_actual * np.sqrt(beta_actual / beta_want)
Mdot_actual = 1.7e10
Mdot_use = Mdot_actual * (a_actual / a_want)**2.

Fbol = Lstar / (4. * np.pi * a_actual**2.)

Tequil = (Fbol / 4. / 5.6704e-5)**(0.25)

#### initialise the grid

gd = grid.grid(1.3e+10, 1.65e10, 0.01, np.pi - 0.01, 152, 1000, 2.)
ry = grid.rays(gd, 400, 3.)
fd = field.field(gd, 1, 1.25)
sy = field.system(Mp, Rp, a_want, 1e6, Mdot_use, 2.35, Tequil)

fd.setup_iso_atm(sy, gd, True)

fd.short_friction = Short_Fric

fd.Tstar = Tstar

sy.kappa_star = 4e-3  ### value from Guillot et al. (2010)

ry.get_tau_grid_analytic(gd, sy)

#### Below is for testing ray-tracing scheme on analytic gas profile
#ry.do_ray_trace(fd.gas_dens*sy.kappa_star) ### using analytic gas optical depth calculation
### Now initialise the initial conditions
Ejemplo n.º 3
#### Simulation parameters
Nsteps = 2500000  # total number of timesteps to run
Ndump = 25000  # output every this number of timesteps
Nrat = 20  # update radiative transfer this number of time-steps

Arad = True
Haze_flux = 1e-13
Kzz = 1e6

#### initialise the grid

gd = grid.grid(1.9e9, 3.65e9, 0.01, np.pi - 0.01, 225, 726, 1.5)
ry = grid.rays(gd, 400, 3.)
fd = field.field(gd, 1, 1.25)
sy = field.system(4. * 5.97e27, 3.83e33, 0.2 * 1.5e13, 5e6, 0., 2.35)

fd.setup_iso_atm(sy, gd, True)

sy.kappa_star = 1e-2 * (0.03 / 0.2)**(0.25
                                      )  # Guillot 2010 optical opacity scaling

ry.get_tau_grid_analytic(gd, sy)

### Now initialise the initial conditions

fd.par_K[:] = Kzz

Sdot = Haze_flux

fd.par_dens[:, :, 0] = 1e-40
Ejemplo n.º 4
#### Simulation parameters
Nsteps = 2500000  # total number of timesteps to run
Ndump = 25000  # output every this number of timesteps
Nrat = 20  # update radiative transfer this number of time-steps

Arad = True
Haze_flux = 1e-13
Kzz = 1e6

#### initialise the grid

gd = grid.grid(2.9e9, 4.5e9, 0.01, np.pi - 0.01, 225, 1000, 1.6)
ry = grid.rays(gd, 400, 3.)
fd = field.field(gd, 1, 1.25)
sy = field.system(30. * 5.97e27, 3.83e33, 0.015 * 1.5e13, 5e6, 0., 2.35)

fd.setup_iso_atm(sy, gd, True)

sy.kappa_star = 1e-2 * 2**(0.25)  # Guillot 2010 optical opacity scaling

ry.get_tau_grid_analytic(gd, sy)

### Now initialise the initial conditions

fd.par_K[:] = Kzz

Sdot = Haze_flux

fd.par_dens[:, :, 0] = 1e-40