Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_grid_vs_anal_L_lfm_grid(res=9):
    test_re = np.linspace(start=4.0, stop=10.0, num=20)
    med_error = col.OrderedDict()

    filename = "test_data/lfm_dipole_test.vts"
    data = pv.OpenDataFile(filename=filename)
    fl1 = fl.fieldLine(data=data, start=[2.5, 0.0, 0.0])

    for re in test_re:
        print "Running on L*={}".format(re)
        fl1.recompute_field_line(new_start_location=[re, 0.0, 0.0])
        int_grid = ih.get_lat(fl1.get_location_for_RE(RE=2.5))
        int_anal = ih.analytic_dipole_line_lat_crossing(L=re, r=2.5)
        int_err = np.abs(int_anal - int_grid)
        med_error[re] = int_err

    X3, Y3 = ih.dict_to_x_y(med_error)

    fig1 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
    ax1.semilogy(X3, Y3, 'k.-', label="Error")

        "$\lambda$ Intersection Error Rates for Field Line Tracing (by $L^*$)\nLFM True Double grid Dipole Field"
    ax1.set_ylabel("Absolute Error")

    # ax1.legend(handles=[line1, line2, line3], loc='best')
Ejemplo n.º 2
import fieldLine as fl
import numpy as np
from prototype import driftShell as ds

from ghostpy.prototype import inv_common as ih

fl1 = fl.fieldLine(start=[8., 0, 0])

x_f = [a[0] for a in fl1.fieldLinePoints_f]
y_f = [a[1] for a in fl1.fieldLinePoints_f]
z_f = [a[2] for a in fl1.fieldLinePoints_f]

x_b = [a[0] for a in fl1.fieldLinePoints_b]
y_b = [a[1] for a in fl1.fieldLinePoints_b]
z_b = [a[2] for a in fl1.fieldLinePoints_b]

print "B(K=0): {} nT".format(fl1.get_B_mirror_for_K(K=0))

divs = 1000
calcTimes = np.linspace(0, 24, num=4, endpoint=False)

ds1 = ds.driftShell(local_times=calcTimes,
                    start_line=[2.5, 0.0, 0.0],
ideal_RE = ih.mag(ds1.field_lines[0].fieldLinePoints_f[0])
print "Ideal L*: {}".format(ideal_RE)

test_grids = np.arange(start=100, stop=100, step=50, dtype=np.int)
L_star = ds1.calculate_L_star(RE=1.0, lat_divs=divs, lon_divs=divs)
diff = ideal_RE - L_star
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, PV_dataObject=None, local_times=None, K=None, b_mirror=None, start_line=None, mode='K', error_tol=None):
        Initialization routine for driftShell class. Sets up the intial configuration of a drift shell
        :param PV_dataObject: Paraview Data object that contains the grid
        :param local_times: array like object of starting local times for finding starting lines (mode='K', K, b_mirror) required.
        :param K: value of K used to define the particle
        :param b_mirror: b_mirror (nT) used to define the particle
        :param start_line: (x,y,z) coordinates for starting line (requires b_mirror)
        :param mode: 'location' or 'K'.
                     'location': starts with a specific location and traces first line there. Uses the given b_mirror.
                     'K': utilizes local time and K to itterate and find the requested b_mirror

        self.data = PV_dataObject
        self.is_valid = True
        self.analytic = False

        if error_tol is None:
            self.error_tol = 1e-5
            self.error_tol = error_tol

        if mode is 'location_k':
            print "Location (K) based mode"

            if start_line is None or K is None:
                print "ERROR: start_line and K are both required in this mode"
            self.start_location = start_line
            self.start_RE = ih.mag(start_line)
            self.K = K
            self.field_lines = col.OrderedDict()
            localtime2 = ih.get_local_time_from_location(start_line)
            self.field_lines[localtime2] = fl.fieldLine(self.data, start=start_line)
            self.b_mirror = self.field_lines[localtime2].get_B_mirror_for_K(self.K)
            for lt in local_times:
                print "Processing Local Time: ", lt
                if not self.field_lines[lt] is None:
                    self.start_RE = ih.mag(self.field_lines[lt].startLoc)

        elif mode is 'location_b':
            print "Location (b_mirror) based mode"

            if start_line is None or b_mirror is None:
                print "ERROR: start_line and b_mirror are both required in this mode"
            self.start_location = start_line
            self.start_RE = ih.mag(start_line)
            self.b_mirror = b_mirror
            self.field_lines = col.OrderedDict()
            localtime2 = ih.get_local_time_from_location(start_line)
            self.field_lines[localtime2] = fl.fieldLine(self.data, start=start_line)
            self.K = self.field_lines[localtime2].get_K(self.b_mirror)
            for lt in local_times:
                print "Processing Local Time: ", lt
                if not self.field_lines[lt] is None:
                    self.start_RE = ih.mag(self.field_lines[lt].startLoc)

        elif mode is 'K':
            print "K search based mode"
            if K is None or b_mirror is None or local_times is None:
                print "ERROR: local_times, K, and b_mirror are all required in this mode"

            self.start_RE = 5.0
            self.b_mirror = b_mirror
            self.K = K

            self.field_lines = col.OrderedDict()
            for lt in local_times:
                print "Processing Local Time: ", lt
                if not self.field_lines[lt] is None:
                    self.start_RE = ih.mag(self.field_lines[lt].startLoc)

        elif mode is 'analytic_K':
            print "Analytic (K) based mode"
            self.analytic = True
            if start_line is None or K is None:
                print "ERROR: start_line and K are both required in this mode"
            self.start_location = start_line
            self.start_RE = ih.mag(start_line)
            self.K = K
            self.field_lines = col.OrderedDict()
            localtime2 = ih.get_local_time_from_location(start_line)
            self.field_lines[localtime2] = fl.fieldLine(start=start_line, error_tol=self.error_tol)
            self.b_mirror = self.field_lines[localtime2].get_B_mirror_for_K(self.K)
            for lt in local_times:
                print "Processing Local Time: ", lt
                if not self.field_lines[lt] is None:
                    self.start_RE = ih.mag(self.field_lines[lt].startLoc)

            print "Mode ", mode, " is not understood. Exiting."
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def add_field_line_from_K(self, local_time):
        Adds a field line object to the drift shell list, based on an iteration over space for K to match B_mirror
        :local_time: the local time for which to search for a field line
        :return: True for success, False for failure
        start_unit = ih.get_location_from_localtime(local_time)
        start_location = list(start_unit * self.start_RE)
        # print start_location
        if not self.analytic:
            newLine = fl.fieldLine(self.data, start=start_location, error_tol=self.error_tol)
            newLine = fl.fieldLine(start=start_location, error_tol=self.error_tol)
        B_nl = newLine.get_B_mirror_for_K(self.K)
        new_RE = self.start_RE
        low_RE = 1.0
        hi_RE = 3 * new_RE      # TODO: This is a source of problems. needs to fix to outer boundary of grid.

        # print "start_unit: ", start_unit
        # print "start_location: ", start_location
        # print "newLine: ", newLine
        # print "B_nl: ", B_nl
        # print "new_RE: ", new_RE
        # print "low_RE: ", low_RE
        # print "hi_RE:  ", hi_RE
        # print "Start RE: ", self.start_RE

        if B_nl is None:
            print "Line Not Found"
            print "Is Bifurcated? ", newLine.is_bifurcated
            b_values, K_values = ih.dict_to_x_y(newLine.get_k_integrals())
            print "self.K", self.K
            print "Line K Range:   ", K_values[0], ":" ,K_values[-1]
            print "Line B_m Range: ", b_values[0], ":", b_values[-1]

            return False

        while not np.isclose(B_nl, self.b_mirror, atol=self.error_tol, rtol=0.0) and not np.isclose(hi_RE,low_RE, atol=self.error_tol, rtol=0.0):
            dist = np.float64(self.b_mirror-B_nl)
            sep_orig = np.abs((self.b_mirror-B_nl)/self.b_mirror)
            sep = 1.08*sep_orig

            if sep > 1.0 or sep < 0.1:
                print "Fixing SEP: {}".format(sep)
                sep = 0.5

            if B_nl < self.b_mirror or B_nl is None:
                print "Reducing RE"
                hi_RE = new_RE
                new_RE = hi_RE - sep*(hi_RE-low_RE)

                print "Increasing RE"
                low_RE = new_RE
                new_RE = low_RE + sep*(hi_RE-low_RE)

            print "SEP: {}".format(sep)
            print "DIST: {}".format(dist)
            print "HI - LO: {}-{} = {}".format(hi_RE, low_RE, hi_RE - low_RE)
            print "New RE: {}".format(new_RE)

            new_start = start_unit * new_RE
            if not self.analytic:

            B_nl = newLine.get_B_mirror_for_K(self.K)
            if B_nl is None:
                print "Re-Adjusting..."

                if new_RE < self.start_RE:
                    while B_nl is None:
                        redux = 0.5 * (hi_RE - new_RE)
                        new_RE += redux
                        new_start = start_unit * new_RE
                        if not self.analytic:
                        B_nl = newLine.get_B_mirror_for_K(self.K)

                    while B_nl is None:
                        redux = 0.5 * (new_RE - low_RE)
                        new_RE -= redux
                        new_start = start_unit * new_RE
                        if not self.analytic:
                        B_nl = newLine.get_B_mirror_for_K(self.K)

                if np.isclose(new_RE, low_RE, atol=self.error_tol, rtol=0.0) or np.isclose(new_RE, self.start_RE, atol=self.error_tol, rtol=0.0):
                    print "ERROR: None Value found"
                    B_nl = None
                    self.is_valid = False

        if B_nl is None:
            self.field_lines[local_time] = None
            return False
            self.field_lines[local_time] = newLine
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_grid_vs_anal():
    print "Conducting grid vs. analytic dipole test"
    # files_res = [3,5,7,9] #,11,13] #,15,17]
    files_res = [9]
    test_re = np.linspace(start=2, stop=10, num=16)
    min_error = col.OrderedDict()
    max_error = col.OrderedDict()
    med_error = col.OrderedDict()
    for re in test_re:
        print "Running on L*={}".format(re)
        int_anal = col.OrderedDict()
        int_grid = col.OrderedDict()
        int_err = col.OrderedDict()

        for res in files_res:
            print "Executing resolution {}".format(res)
            filename = "../../out/fields/dipole_dp0_{}_grid.vts".format(res)
            data = pv.OpenDataFile(filename=filename)
            fl1 = fl.fieldLine(data=data, start=[re, 0.0, 0.0])
            int_grid[res] = ih.get_lat(fl1.get_location_for_RE(RE=1.0))
            int_anal[res] = ih.analytic_dipole_line_lat_crossing(L=re, r=1.0)
            int_err[res] = np.abs(int_anal[res] - int_grid[res])

        # X1,Y1 = ih.dict_to_x_y(int_grid)
        # X2,Y2 = ih.dict_to_x_y(int_anal)
        # X3,Y3 = ih.dict_to_x_y(int_err)
        # fig1 = plt.figure()
        # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
        # ax2 = ax1.twinx()
        # line1, = ax1.plot(X1,Y1, 'bo-', label="Grid Trace")
        # line2, = ax1.plot(X2,Y2, 'r*-', label="Analytic Solution")
        # line3, = ax2.semilogy(X3,Y3, 'k.-', label="Error")
        # ax1.set_title("Convergence of $\lambda$ Intersection in a Gridded Dipole Field\nfor $^* =\ {}$".format(re))
        # ax1.set_xlabel("Grid Cells per $R_E$")
        # ax1.set_ylabel("$\lambda$ Intersection")
        # ax2.set_ylabel("Absolute Error")
        # ax1.legend(handles=[line1, line2, line3], loc=4)
        # fig1.tight_layout()

        # fig1.savefig("out/error_analysis/Lambda_intersection_{}_grid.pdf".format(re))
        # plt.close(fig1)
        min_error[re] = np.min(int_err.values())
        max_error[re] = np.max(int_err.values())
        med_error[re] = np.median(int_err.values())

    #X1, Y1 = ih.dict_to_x_y(min_error)
    #X2, Y2 = ih.dict_to_x_y(max_error)
    X3, Y3 = ih.dict_to_x_y(med_error)

    fig1 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
    #line1, = ax1.plot(X1, Y1, 'bo-', label="Min Error")
    #line2, = ax1.plot(X2, Y2, 'r*-', label="Max Error")
    line3, = ax1.plot(X3, Y3, 'k.-', label="Error")

        "Error Rates for Field Line Tracing by $L^*$\nGrid Cells per $\\text{R_E = 9$ "
    ax1.set_ylabel("Absolute Error")

    # ax1.legend(handles=[line1, line2, line3], loc='best')
