Ejemplo n.º 1
    def gen_figshare_metadata(self, input_dict: dict):
        Fill values in basic figshare_metadata dictionary from an input dictionary.

            input_dict: Common keys in input_dict and figshare_metadata dict have values set to those of input_dict


        # Iterate through keys in the input dictionary and check to see if they are in figshare_metadata
        for key in input_dict:
            if key in self.figshare_metadata:
                # For non-None values in input_dict set the values of figshare_metadata to those of input_dict
                if input_dict[key] != 'None' and input_dict[key] is not None:
                    self.figshare_metadata[key] = input_dict[key]

        # For published articles check to see if the public article is up-to-date
        if self.figshare_metadata['status'] == 'public':
            # Get the date of the last modification to the public article
            result = issue_request(
            date = result['modified_date']
            self.figshare_desktop_metadata['public_modified_date'] = date
        # Perform up-to-date check
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_figshare_cats(self):
     Creates a dictionary object with collection id: name pairs.
         cat_dict (dict): Figshare categories dictionary.
     # Get a dictionary of categories from Figshare with id and name pairs
     allowed_cats = issue_request(method='GET', endpoint='categories', token=self.token)
     id_dict = {}
     name_dict = {}
     for cat in allowed_cats:
         id_dict[cat['id']] = cat['title']
         name_dict[cat['title']] = cat['id']
     return id_dict, name_dict
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def check_basic(self):
        Checks the formatting of metadata fields in the figshare_metadata dictionary




        # TITLE
        # =====
        # Title metadata should be a string with length between 3 and 500 characters

        title = self.figshare_metadata[
            'title']  # get the current value for title
        if title is not None:
            # Convert the title to a string if it is not one already
            if type(title) is not str:
                title = str(title)
                # If the title was a list then it will have square brackets around it. Remove these
                if title[0] == '[':
                    title = title[1:-1]
            # The Article title must be between 2 and 500 characters
            if len(title) < 3:
                title += '000'
            if len(title) > 500:
                title = title[:500]
            # Set the metadata title to the edited version
            self.figshare_metadata['title'] = title

        # ===========
        # Description should be a string of unlimited length.
        # Here we will remove any vestige of the description being within a list
        descr = self.figshare_metadata['description']  # get the current value
        if descr is not None:
            # Convert to a string if necessary, and remove brackets from a list if present
            if type(descr) is not str:
                descr = str(descr)
                if descr[0] == '[' and descr[-1] == ']':
                    descr = descr[1:-1]
            # Set the metadata value to the edited version
            self.figshare_metadata['description'] = descr

        # TAGS
        # ====
        # Tags should be a list of strings.
        tags = self.figshare_metadata['tags']  # get the current value
        if tags is not None:
            # If the tags are not in a list attempt to structure them into one
            if type(tags) is not list:
                tags = str(tags)
                if tags[0] == '[':
                    tags = tags[1:-1]
                tags = [tags]
            # For each tag in the list of tags check that it is a string and does not have brackets around it
                for tag in range(len(tags)):
                    if type(tags[tag]) is not str:
                        tags[tag] = str(tags[tag])
                    elif tags[tag][0] == '[':
                        tags[tag] = tags[tag][1:-1]
            # Set the metadata value to the edited version
            self.figshare_metadata['tags'] = tags

        # REFERENCES
        # ==========
        # References should be a list of strings of valid URLS
        refs = self.figshare_metadata['references']  # get the current value
        if refs is not None:
            # If references are not in a list convert to one
            if type(refs) is not list:
                refs = str(refs)
                if refs[0] == '[':
                    refs = refs[1:-1]
                checked_refs = [refs]
                # For each reference in the list remove encompassing brackets and check that it is a valid url
                for ref in range(len(refs)):
                    if type(refs[ref]) is not str:
                        refs[ref] = str(refs[ref])
                    elif refs[ref][0] == '[':
                        refs[ref] = refs[ref][1:-1]

                    if refs[ref][0:7] != 'http://':
                        refs[ref] = None

                # Remove any references that were not valid
                checked_refs = []
                for ref in refs:
                    if ref is not None:

            # Set the metadata value to the edited version
            self.figshare_metadata['references'] = checked_refs

        # CATEGORIES
        # ==========
        # Categories should be a list of integers that relate to valid category ID numbers on Figshare.
        # Here we will attempt to construct this list from either given integers, or strings that correspond to the
        # category names on Figshare.
        cats = self.figshare_metadata['categories']  # get the current value
        if cats is not None:
            # Get a dictionary of categories from Figshare with id and name pairs
            allowed_cats = issue_request(method='GET',
            cat_dict = {}
            for cat in allowed_cats:
                cat_dict[cat['id']] = cat['title']

            # If the current value of categories is a list check each of the items
            if type(cats) is list:
                checked_cats = [
                ]  # create an empty list to hold checked categories
                for cat in cats:
                    cat_type = type(cat)
                    # If the category value is a dictionary object check that it is a valid id, name pair
                    if cat_type is dict:
                        if 'id' in cat:
                            cat_id = cat['id']
                            if cat_id in cat_dict:

                    # If the category value is a string attempt to convert it to a valid categoriy ID number
                    elif cat_type is str:
                        # If the string can be converted directly to an integer do so and check for a valid ID
                            cat_id = int(cat)
                            if cat_id in cat_dict:
                        # If the string could not be converted check if the string is the name of a category
                            if cat in cat_dict.values():
                                for key, value in cat_dict.items():
                                    if value == cat:
                    # If the category value is an integer check to see if it is a valid ID
                    elif cat_type is int:
                        if cat in cat_dict:

            # If the categories value is not a list set it to none
                checked_cats = None

            # Set the metadata value to the edited version
            self.figshare_metadata['categories'] = checked_cats

        # AUTHORS
        # =======
        # Authors metadata should comprise of a list of dictionaries which have either or the two following structures
        #    {'id': int}
        #    {'name': string}
        auths = self.figshare_metadata['authors']  # get the current value
        if auths is not None:
            auths_type = type(auths)  # get the type of the current value

            # If value is a list and not empty check its values
            if auths_type is list and auths != []:
                checked_auths = [
                ]  # create an empty list to hold the author dictionaries
                # Iterate through the list of authors
                for auth in auths:
                    item_type = type(auth)  # get the type of the value

                    # If the value is a dictionary object
                    if item_type is dict:
                        if 'id' in auth:  # If the value is an id
                                id_int = int(auth['id'])
                                temp_d = {'id': id_int}

                        elif 'name' in auth:  # If the value is a name
                            if type(auth['name']) is str:
                                temp_d = {'name': auth['name']}
                    elif item_type is str:
                            user_id = int(auth)
                            checked_auths.append({'id': user_id})
                            checked_auths.append({'name': auth})

                    elif item_type is int:
                        checked_auths.append({'id': auth})

            elif auths_type is str:
                checked_auths = [{'name': auths}]
            elif auths_type is int:
                checked_auths = [{'id': auths}]
                checked_auths = None

            self.figshare_metadata['authors'] = checked_auths

        # DEFINED TYPE
        # ============
        # Defined type should be string equal to one of ten pre-defiend values. Here we will normalise inputs that
        # are either the string itself or an integer corresponding to the position in the list
        def_type = self.figshare_metadata[
            'defined_type']  # get the current value
        # define a dictionary of the allowed values and corresponding integer keys
        types = {
            1: 'figure',
            2: 'media',
            3: 'dataset',
            4: 'fileset',
            5: 'poster',
            6: 'paper',
            7: 'presentation',
            8: 'thesis',
            9: 'code',
            10: 'metadata'
        if def_type is not None:
            def_type_type = type(
                def_type)  # get the type of the metadata value
            # If a string check that it is one of the ten pre-defined values
            if def_type_type is str:
                if def_type not in types.values():
                    def_type = None
            # If in integer check to see if it is in the pre-defined keys
            elif def_type_type is int:
                if def_type not in types:
                    def_type = None
                    def_type = types[def_type]
                def_type = None
            # Set the metadata value to the edited version
            self.figshare_metadata['defined_type'] = def_type

        # FUNDING
        # =======
        # Funding should be a string of length between 0 and 2000 characters
        fund = self.figshare_metadata['funding']  # get the current value
        if fund is not None:
            fund_type = type(fund)
            if fund_type is not str:
                fund = str(fund)
            if 0 < len(fund) < 2001:
                fund = fund[:2000]
            # Set string to edited version
            self.figshare_metadata['funding'] = fund

        # License
        # ========
        # License should be a string of an integer corresponding to a predefined value
        lic = self.figshare_metadata[
            'license']  # Get the current value of the license

        # Retrieve a list of available licenses from Figshare
        # Yields a list of dictionaries, with string-integer: name pairs
        lics_list = issue_request(method='GET',

        # Convert the list of dictionaries into a single dictionary
        allowed_lics = {}
        for d in lics_list:
            allowed_lics[d['value']] = d['name']

        if lic is not None:
            lic_type = type(lic)  # get the type of the value
            # If a dictionary object is given try to extract value string-integer
            if lic_type is dict:
                if 'value' in lic:
                    lic_id = lic['value']
                    if lic_id in allowed_lics:
                        checked_lic = lic_id
                        checked_lic = None
            # If a string is given then check if it is an allowed value
            elif lic_type is str:
                if lic in allowed_lics:
                    checked_lic = lic
                    checked_lic = None
            # If an integer is passed try to see if a string version of it is an allowed value
            elif lic_type is int:
                lic = str(lic)
                if lic in allowed_lics:
                    checked_lic = lic
                    checked_lic = None
                checked_lic = None
            # Set the metadata value to the edited version
            self.figshare_metadata['license'] = checked_lic
    def initFig(self):
        Initialises the figshare data
        n_articles = len(self.article_ids)

        # For more than one files
        if n_articles > 1:

            # First generate an empty dictionary for the default figshare metadata
            figshare_metadata = {}
            article = self.parent.local_articles[self.article_ids[0]]
            for d in article.input_dicts()[0:1]:
                figshare_metadata = {**figshare_metadata, **d}
            self.figshare_metadata = dict.fromkeys(figshare_metadata)

            # Get the type of the first article
            article = self.parent.local_articles[self.article_ids[0]]
            initial_type = article.get_type()

            # Initially set all files as the same type
            self.same_type = True

            for article_id, article in self.parent.local_articles.items():
                article_type = article.get_type()
                if article_type != initial_type:
                    self.same_type = False

            # Set the file specific metdata dictionary as None by default
            self.file_metadata = None

            # If all files are of the same kind then generate an empty dictionary from the file specific metadata
            if self.same_type:
                if len(article.input_dicts()) > 2:
                    file_dict = {}
                    for d in article.input_dicts()[2:]:
                        file_dict = {**file_dict, **d}
                    self.file_metadata = dict.fromkeys(file_dict)

        # For a Single Article

            # First get dictionary for the default figshare metadata
            self.figshare_metadata = self.parent.local_articles[

            article = self.parent.local_articles[self.article_ids[0]]
            # Set the dictionary of file specific metadata keys and values
            self.file_metadata = None
            if len(article.input_dicts()) > 2:
                file_dict = {}
                for d in article.input_dicts()[2:]:
                    file_dict = {**file_dict, **d}
                self.file_metadata = file_dict

        # Metadata Dictionaries
        allowed_cats = issue_request(method='GET',
        self.cat_dict = {}
        for cat in allowed_cats:
            self.cat_dict[cat['id']] = cat['title']

        self.defined_type_dict = {
            '': 0,
            'figure': 1,
            'media': 2,
            'dataset': 3,
            'fileset': 4,
            'poster': 5,
            'paper': 6,
            'presentation': 7,
            'thesis': 8,
            'code': 9,
            'metadata': 10
        self.license_dict = {
            0: '',
            1: 'CC BY',
            2: 'CC-0',
            3: 'MIT',
            4: 'GPL',
            5: 'GPL-2.0',
            6: 'GPL-3.0',
            7: 'Apache-2.0'