Ejemplo n.º 1
    c=dict(crop=(0.35, 0.45), center=0.4),
    d=dict(crop=(0.45, 0.55), center=0.5),
    e=dict(crop=(0.55, 0.65), center=0.6),
    f=dict(crop=(0.65, 0.75), center=0.7),

COLORS_272 = np.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                                  '..', 'tools', 'colors_272.npy'))

TMP_DIR = os.path.join('.', 'tmp_mutual')
if not os.path.exists(TMP_DIR):

DRAWER = Drawer()
SHOW = False

# %% Tools

def hist(x, y, num_bins=NUM_BINS):
    _range = (min((min(x), min(y))), max((max(x), max(y))))
    x_hist, edges = np.histogram(x, bins=num_bins, range=_range)
    y_hist, _ = np.histogram(y, bins=edges)
    xy_hist, _, _ = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(edges, edges), range=_range)
    return (x_hist / num_bins,
            y_hist / num_bins,
            np.ravel(xy_hist) / num_bins)

# numpy
import numpy as np

# sklearn
from sklearn import metrics

# Plotting --------------------------------------
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Local Settings --------------------------------------
# Tools
sys.path.append(os.path.join('..', 'tools'))  # noqa
from figure_tools import Drawer

# Drawer
DRAWER = Drawer()

# Init results_folder
RESULTS_FOLDER = os.path.join('.', 'results_baseline')
RESULTS_NAME = os.path.join('.', 'results_baseline.json')

def fuck_report(report):
    # I don't know why report has to be 2-layers dictionary,
    # this method is to make it human useable.
    fucked_report = dict()
    for key1 in report:
        if isinstance(report[key1], dict):
            for key2 in report[key1]:
                fucked_report[f'{key1}-{key2}'] = report[key1][key2]
    c=dict(crop=(0.35, 0.45), center=0.4),
    d=dict(crop=(0.45, 0.55), center=0.5),
    e=dict(crop=(0.55, 0.65), center=0.6),
    f=dict(crop=(0.65, 0.75), center=0.7),

COLORS_272 = np.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                                  '..', 'tools', 'colors_272.npy'))

TMP_DIR = os.path.join('.', 'tmp_mutual')
if not os.path.exists(TMP_DIR):

DRAWER = Drawer()
SHOW = False

# %% Tools

def hist(x, y, num_bins=NUM_BINS):
    _range = (min((min(x), min(y))), max((max(x), max(y))))
    x_hist, edges = np.histogram(x, bins=num_bins, range=_range)
    y_hist, _ = np.histogram(y, bins=edges)
    xy_hist, _, _ = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(edges, edges), range=_range)
    return (x_hist / num_bins,
            y_hist / num_bins,
            np.ravel(xy_hist) / num_bins)

Ejemplo n.º 4
# Plotting
import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Local tools
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'tools'))  # noqa
from MEG_worker import MEG_Worker
from figure_tools import Drawer

# Settings

COLORS_272 = np.load(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'tools', 'colors_272.npy'))

DRAWER = Drawer()
SHOW = False

# %%
idx = 3

# Setting -------------------------------------------
running_name = f'MEG_S{idx:02d}'


# Worker pipeline -----------------------------------
worker = MEG_Worker(running_name=running_name)

# %%
# numpy
import numpy as np

# sklearn
from sklearn import metrics

# Plotting --------------------------------------
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Local Settings --------------------------------------
# Tools
sys.path.append(os.path.join('..', 'tools'))  # noqa
from figure_tools import Drawer

# Drawer
DRAWER = Drawer()

# Init results_folder
RESULTS_FOLDER = os.path.join('.', 'results')
TMP_FOLDER = os.path.join('.', 'tmp')


def fuck_report(report):
    # I don't know why report has to be 2-layers dictionary,
    # this method is to make it human useable.
    fucked_report = dict()
    for key1 in report:
        if isinstance(report[key1], dict):
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, title_prefix='', show=False):
     self.epochs = None
     self.drawer = Drawer()
     self.title_prefix = title_prefix
     self.show = show
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Visualizer():
    def __init__(self, title_prefix='', show=False):
        self.epochs = None
        self.drawer = Drawer()
        self.title_prefix = title_prefix
        self.show = show

    def _title(self, title):
        # Built-in title method
        prefix = self.title_prefix
        return f'{prefix}-{title}'

    def load_epochs(self, epochs):
        # Load epochs for ploting
        self.epochs = epochs
        print(f'New epochs are loaded: {epochs}')

    def plot_lags(self, paired_lags_timelines, title=None):
        # Methods for visualizing the lags and timelines of button effect
        # Make sure we have a title
        if title is None:
            title = 'Lags vs. Timeline'

        # Prepare times, _lags, _timelines,
        # _lags: the lags of behavior button response to target picture,
        # _timelines: the estimated time line of the button effect.
        times = self.epochs.times
        _lags = paired_lags_timelines['sorted_lags']
        _timelines = paired_lags_timelines['sorted_timelines']

        # Filter too long lags
        _timelines = _timelines[_lags < 0.8]
        _lags = _lags[_lags < 0.8]

        # Compute number of samples
        num_samples = _lags.shape[0]

        # Compute corr between _lags and peak _timelines
        def _corr(_lags, _timelines, num_samples):
            def _smooth_max(a, b=np.ones(10)):
                new_a = np.convolve(a, b, mode='same')
                return np.where(new_a == max(new_a))[0][0]

            _idx_peaks = np.array([_smooth_max(e) for e in _timelines])

            return np.corrcoef(_lags, _idx_peaks)[0][1]

        _corrcoef = _corr(_lags, _timelines, num_samples)
        title = f'{title} - {_corrcoef}'

        # Plot in two layers,
        # Bottom is the _timelines matrix,
        # Top is the _lags curve.
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        ax.plot(_lags, c='red', alpha=0.7, linewidth=3)
        ax.set_ylim([min(times), max(times)])
        im = ax.imshow(_timelines.transpose(),
                       extent=(0, num_samples - 1, min(times), max(times)),
        fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)

        # Save fig into drawer
        self.drawer.fig = fig

    def plot_joint(self, event_id, title=None, times='peaks'):
        # Plot joint
        # Make sure we have a title
        if title is None:
            title = event_id

        # Compute evoked
        evoked = self.epochs[event_id].average()

        # Plot evoked in joint plot
        self.drawer.fig = evoked.plot_joint(show=self.show,

    def save_figs(self, path):
        # Save plotted figures into [path]
# numpy
import numpy as np

# sklearn
from sklearn import metrics

# Plotting --------------------------------------
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Local Settings --------------------------------------
# Tools
sys.path.append(os.path.join('..', 'tools'))  # noqa
from figure_tools import Drawer

# Drawer
DRAWER = Drawer()

# Init results_folder
RESULTS_FOLDER = os.path.join('.', 'results')

def fuck_report(report):
    # I don't know why report has to be 2-layers dictionary,
    # this method is to make it human useable.
    fucked_report = dict()
    for key1 in report:
        if isinstance(report[key1], dict):
            for key2 in report[key1]:
                fucked_report[f'{key1}-{key2}'] = report[key1][key2]
            fucked_report[key1] = report[key1]