Ejemplo n.º 1
Currently, a few data cleaning tactics are employed. First, since there is no methane data past 2012, the VOC data
before 2012 is cut. We only look at ethane and acetylene in this circumstance, so other VOC columns are removed. Any
row with a NaN value is completely dropped. Since methane is sampled more frequently than the VOC's, methane values
from +/- three hours from any given VOC data point are averaged and then used to calculate the ratio of VOC / ch4 at
any given VOC datapoint timestep.

# Import libraries
from fileInput import fileLoad
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Import Data Sets from Excel
nmhcData = fileLoad(r"C:\Users\ARL\Desktop\Python Code\Data\NMHC.xlsx")
methaneData = fileLoad(r"C:\Users\ARL\Desktop\Python Code\Data\Methane.xlsx")

# Cleaning Up Data
nmhcData = nmhcData[nmhcData['DecYear'] >
                    2012]  # Only need years past 2012 in VOC Data
reqRows = ['DecYear', 'ethane',
           'acetylene']  # only need date, ethane, and acetylene
nmhcData = nmhcData[reqRows]  # just get required rows
methaneData = methaneData.dropna(
    axis=0, how='any')  # Remove NaN values, entire row is removed
nmhcData = nmhcData.dropna(axis=0, how='any')

# Define preliminary variables
years = np.linspace(2012, 2018, num=((2018 - 2012) + 1))  # Array of Years
numYears = np.size(years)  # Total number of years
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ratioCalc():

    import numpy as np
    from fileInput import fileLoad
    from isleapyear import isleapyear

    # Import Data Sets
    nmhcData = fileLoad(r"C:\Users\ARL\Desktop\Python Code\Data\NMHC.xlsx")
    methaneData = fileLoad(
        r"C:\Users\ARL\Desktop\Python Code\Data\Methane.xlsx")

    numYears = np.linspace(2012, 2018,
                           num=((2018 - 2012) +
                                1))  # Total Number of Years in Dataset
    nmhcDateAll = nmhcData.loc[:, 'DecYear']  # nmhc dates
    ch4Date = methaneData.loc[:, 'DecYear']  # methane dates

    hrs3 = 3 * 60 * 60  # three hours in seconds

    # Preallocate Ratio Matrices
    ethaneMethane = np.full((np.size(numYears), 1033),
                            np.nan)  # Columns are for each year
    aceMethane = np.full((np.size(numYears), 1033),
                         np.nan)  # Rows are for the actual ratio values
    datesFinal = np.full((np.size(numYears), 1033),
                         np.nan)  # Dates for these ratio arrays

    for i in numYears:  # MAIN LOOP

        # Date Variables for given year
        nmhcDate = nmhcDateAll.loc[(nmhcDateAll >= i) & (
            nmhcDateAll < (i + 1))].values  # gathers current year
        nmhcDate = 1 + (
            (nmhcDate - i) *
            (365 + isleapyear(i)) * 24 * 60 * 60)  # convert to seconds

        methaneDate = ch4Date.loc[(ch4Date >= i) & (ch4Date < (i + 1))].values
        methaneDate = 1 + (methaneDate - i) * (365 +
                                               isleapyear(i)) * 24 * 60 * 60

        # Yearly compound values
        ethane = nmhcData.loc[(nmhcDateAll >= i) & (nmhcDateAll < (i + 1)),
        ace = nmhcData.loc[(nmhcDateAll >= i) & (nmhcDateAll < (i + 1)),
        methane = methaneData.loc[(ch4Date >= i) & (ch4Date < (i + 1)),

        # Create Ratio Vectors
        for j, value in np.ndenumerate(ethane):  # LOOP: Ethane values
            high = nmhcDate[
                j] + hrs3  # current Ethane timestep in seconds + 3 hours
            low = nmhcDate[
                j] - hrs3  # current ethane timestep in seconds - 3 hours

            # Get the average of all methane values between high and low
            methaneAverage = np.mean(methane[(methaneDate[:] <= high)
                                             & (methaneDate[:] >= low)])
            ethaneMethane[np.where(numYears == i),
                          j] = value / methaneAverage  # Fills out matrix

        for k, value in np.ndenumerate(ace):  # LOOP: Acetylene Values
            high = nmhcDate[k] + hrs3  # Same process as above
            low = nmhcDate[k] - hrs3
            methaneAverage = np.mean(methane[(methaneDate[:] <= high)
                                             & (methaneDate[:] >= low)])
            aceMethane[np.where(numYears == i), k] = value / methaneAverage

        nmhcDate = (nmhcDate / 60 / 60 /
                    24) + (i - 2012) * (365 + isleapyear(i))
        location = datesFinal > np.Inf
        location[np.where(numYears == i), 0:np.size(nmhcDate)] = True
        np.place(datesFinal, location, nmhcDate)

    return ethaneMethane, aceMethane, datesFinal