Ejemplo n.º 1
import fileOps, math
from Tkinter import *
from simMetrics import *
from collections import defaultdict
products = fileOps.openCsv("products.csv")
orders = fileOps.openCsvDebug("casesDebug.csv")
orderDebug = fileOps.openCsvDebug("casesDebug.csv")
newOrderDict = {}
customerProducts = []
orderSimilarity = {}
similarityThreshold = 0.3
#similarityThreshold = raw_input('Enter threshold:')
state = 1

#Iterate over the CSV.
def main():
    global newOrderDict
    newOrderDict = {}
    customerProducts = []
    orderSimilarity = {}

    custID = custEntry.get()
    custType = fileOps.getStockistType("c" + custID)
    print custType
    print '++=========++'
    for key, prods in orders.iteritems():
        if "c" + custID == key:
            #Once we've find the customer, we've got our list of products and can break the loop.
            customerProducts += prods
Ejemplo n.º 2
import fileOps
from collections import OrderedDict
from operator import itemgetter
from simMetrics import *
orders = fileOps.openCsv("test.csv")

def categoryMet(cat):
    temp = {}
    for item in category[cat].items():
        temp[item[0]] = item[1]
    ordTemp = OrderedDict(sorted(temp.items(), key=itemgetter(1),
    return ordTemp

def stockistMet(sType):
    temp = {}

    for item in stockist[sType].items():
        temp[item[0]] = item[1]

    ordTemp = OrderedDict(sorted(temp.items(), key=itemgetter(1),
    return ordTemp

custID = raw_input('Enter Customer ID:')
print 'Customer:' + custID
for ords in orders:
Ejemplo n.º 3
import fileOps,math
products = fileOps.openCsv("products.csv")
orders = fileOps.openCsv1("cases.csv")
print type(orders)
customerProducts = []
similarOrders = {}
custID = raw_input('__Enter customer ID:')
#Iterate over the CSV. 
for key, prods in orders.iteritems():
	if "c" + custID == key:
		#Once we've find the customer, we've got our list of products and can break the loop.
		customerProducts = prods
print '----------'
for key, prods in orders.iteritems():
	if custID != key:
		customerProducts = set(customerProducts)
		prods = set(prods)
		extraProducts = prods ^ customerProducts	#Xor
 		similarProducts = prods & customerProducts	#interseciton
		print ""
		print "Checking customer " + str(key)
		print "  Number of extra products: " + str(len(extraProducts))		
		print "  Number of similar products: " + str(len(similarProducts))
Ejemplo n.º 4
import fileOps
from collections import OrderedDict
from operator import itemgetter
from simMetrics import *

orders = fileOps.openCsv("test.csv")

def categoryMet(cat):
    temp = {}
    for item in category[cat].items():
        temp[item[0]] = item[1]
    ordTemp = OrderedDict(sorted(temp.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True))
    return ordTemp

def stockistMet(sType):
    temp = {}

    for item in stockist[sType].items():
        temp[item[0]] = item[1]

    ordTemp = OrderedDict(sorted(temp.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True))
    return ordTemp

custID = raw_input("Enter Customer ID:")
print "Customer:" + custID
for ords in orders:

    if ords["Customer ID"] == custID: