Ejemplo n.º 1
def generateStatModel(pathShapes, pathToTiles, pathToStats, pathToCmdStats,
                      pathWd, pathConf):
    AllCmd = []
    modTiles = GM.getModel(pathShapes)
    cfg = Config(pathConf)
    Stack_ind = fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf)
    classifier = Config(file(pathConf)).argTrain.classifier

    for mod, Tiles in modTiles:
        allpath = ""
        for tile in Tiles:
            pathToFeat = pathToTiles + "/" + tile + "/Final/" + Stack_ind
            allpath = allpath + " " + pathToFeat + " "
        # hpc case
        #if pathWd != None:
        #    pathToStats = "$TMPDIR"
        if classifier == "svm":
            cmd = "otbcli_ComputeImagesStatistics -il " + allpath + " -out " + pathToStats + "/Model_" + str(
                mod) + ".xml"
            cmd = "echo 'random forest does not need stats'"


    fu.writeCmds(pathToCmdStats + "/stats.txt", AllCmd)

    return AllCmd
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fusion(pathClassif, pathConf, pathWd):
    f = file(pathConf)
    cfg = Config(f)
    classifMode = cfg.argClassification.classifMode
    N = int(cfg.chain.runs)
    allTiles = cfg.chain.listTile.split(" ")
    fusionOptions = cfg.argClassification.fusionOptions
    mode = cfg.chain.mode
    pixType = cfg.argClassification.pixType

    if mode == "outside":
        AllClassif = fu.fileSearchRegEx(pathClassif +
        allTiles = []
        models = []
        for classif in AllClassif:
            mod = classif.split("/")[-1].split("_")[3].split("f")[0]
            tile = classif.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1]
            if not mod in models:
            if not tile in allTiles:
    AllCmd = []
    for seed in range(N):
        for tile in allTiles:
            directoryOut = pathClassif
            if pathWd != None:
                directoryOut = "$TMPDIR"

            if mode != "outside":
                classifPath = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathClassif, True,
                                                "Classif_" + tile,
                                                "seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif")
                allPathFusion = " ".join(classifPath)
                cmd = "otbcli_FusionOfClassifications -il " + allPathFusion + " " + fusionOptions + " -out " + directoryOut + "/" + tile + "_FUSION_seed_" + str(
                    seed) + ".tif"
                for mod in models:
                    classifPath = fu.fileSearchRegEx(pathClassif +
                                                     "/Classif_" + tile +
                                                     "_model_" + mod +
                                                     "f*_seed_" + str(seed) +
                    if len(classifPath) != 0:
                        allPathFusion = " ".join(classifPath)
                        cmd = "otbcli_FusionOfClassifications -il " + allPathFusion + " " + fusionOptions + " -out " + directoryOut + "/" + tile + "_FUSION_model_" + mod + "_seed_" + str(
                            seed) + ".tif " + pixType

    tmp = pathClassif.split("/")
    if pathClassif[-1] == "/":
        del tmp[-1]
    tmp[-1] = "cmd/fusion"
    pathToCmdFusion = "/".join(tmp)
    fu.writeCmds(pathToCmdFusion + "/fusion.txt", AllCmd)

    return AllCmd
Ejemplo n.º 3
def launchFit(sensorName, cmdPath, workingDirectory, outDirectory, outGridPath,
              outputGrid_tileNameField, outPixRes, outputProjection,
              interpolator, inputGrid_tileNameField, inputGRID, arboMask,
              masksInitValues, masksPatterns, arboRaster, rasterInitValue,
              rasterPatterns, TileFolder):
    createOutGrid(TileFolder, rasterPatterns[0], outputProjection,
                  outputGrid_tileNameField, outGridPath)
    intersections = getIntersections(inputGRID, outGridPath,
    allCmd = []
    for refTile, tiles in intersections:
        outFolder_tile = outDirectory + "/" + refTile
        if not os.path.exists(outFolder_tile):
        minX_ref, maxX_ref, minY_ref, maxY_ref = getTileEnvelope(
            inputGRID, inputGrid_tileNameField, refTile)
        for currentTile in tiles:
            datas, dates = getAllDatasByDate(currentTile, rasterPatterns,
                                             masksPatterns, arboRaster,
                                             arboMask, TileFolder,
                                             rasterInitValue, masksInitValues)
            for currentDatas, currentDate in zip(datas, dates):
                outFolderDate = outFolder_tile + "/" + sensorName + "_" + refTile + "_" + currentDate + "_" + currentTile
                outFolderDateMask = outFolderDate + "/MASKS"
                if not os.path.exists(outFolderDate):
                for currentRaster in currentDatas:
                    folder = outFolderDate
                    print currentRaster
                    if checkMaskFromRaster(currentRaster[0], masksPatterns):
                        folder = outFolderDateMask
                    outFolder = folder
                    if workingDirectory: folder = workingDirectory + "/"
                    outName = currentRaster[0].split("/")[-1].replace(
                        refTile).replace(".tif", "_" + currentTile + ".tif")
                    out = folder + "/" + outName
                    cmd = "gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:" + outputProjection + " -wo INIT_DEST=" + currentRaster[
                        1] + " -te " + str(minX_ref) + " " + str(minY_ref) + " " + str(maxX_ref) + " " + str(
                        maxY_ref) + " -tr " + outPixRes + " -" + outPixRes + " -r " + interpolator + " " + \
                          currentRaster[0] + " " + out
                    if not os.path.exists(outFolder + "/" + outName):
                        print cmd
                        if workingDirectory:
                            shutil.copy(out, outFolder + "/" + outName)
    fu.writeCmds(cmdPath, allCmd)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def genCmdSplitShape(config):
    f = file(config)
    cfg = Config(f)
    maxArea = float(cfg.chain.mode_outside_RegionSplit)
    outputpath = cfg.chain.outputPath
    dataField = cfg.chain.dataField
    execMode = cfg.chain.executionMode

    allShape = fu.fileSearchRegEx(outputpath + "/dataRegion/*.shp")
    allArea = getAreaByRegion(allShape)

    workingDir = " --wd $TMPDIR "
    if execMode == "sequential":
        workingDir = " "

    print "all area [square meter]:"
    print allArea
    shapeToSplit = []

    dic = {}  # {'region':Nsplits,..}
    for region, area in allArea:
        fold = math.ceil(area / (maxArea * 1e6))
        dic[region] = fold

    TooBigRegions = [region for region in dic if dic[region] > 1]

    print "Too big regions"
    print TooBigRegions

    for bigR in TooBigRegions:
        tmp = fu.fileSearchRegEx(outputpath + "/dataAppVal/*_region_" + bigR + "*.shp")
        for shapeTmp in tmp:
    print shapeToSplit

    # write cmds
    AllCmd = []
    for currentShape in shapeToSplit:
        currentRegion = currentShape.split('/')[-1].split("_")[2].split("f")[0]
        cmd = "python splitShape.py -config " + config + " -path.shape " + currentShape + " -Nsplit " + str(
            int(dic[currentRegion])) + " " + workingDir

    fu.writeCmds(outputpath + "/cmd/splitShape/splitShape.txt", AllCmd)
    return AllCmd
Ejemplo n.º 5
def launchClassification(model, pathConf, stat, pathToRT, pathToImg,
                         pathToRegion, fieldRegion, N, pathToCmdClassif,
                         pathOut, pathWd):
    f = file(pathConf)

    cfg = Config(f)
    classif = cfg.argTrain.classifier
    mode = cfg.chain.mode
    outputPath = cfg.chain.outputPath
    classifMode = cfg.argClassification.classifMode
    regionMode = cfg.chain.mode
    pixType = cfg.argClassification.pixType
    bindingPy = cfg.GlobChain.bindingPython

    Stack_ind = fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf)

    AllCmd = []

    allTiles_s = cfg.chain.listTile
    allTiles = allTiles_s.split(" ")

    maskFiles = pathOut + "/MASK"
    if not os.path.exists(maskFiles):
        os.system("mkdir " + maskFiles)

    shpRName = pathToRegion.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "")

    AllModel = fu.FileSearch_AND(model, True, "model", ".txt")
    AllModel = [f for f in AllModel if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.txt']

    for path in AllModel:
        model = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1]
        tiles = fu.getListTileFromModel(
            model, outputPath + "/config_model/configModel.cfg")
        model_Mask = model
        if re.search('model_.*f.*_', path.split("/")[-1]):
            model_Mask = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1].split("f")[0]
        seed = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[-1].replace(".txt", "")
        tilesToEvaluate = tiles
        if ("fusion" in classifMode
                and regionMode != "outside") or (regionMode == "one_region"):
            tilesToEvaluate = allTiles
            # construction du string de sortie
        for tile in tilesToEvaluate:
            pathToFeat = pathToImg + "/" + tile + "/Final/" + Stack_ind
            if bindingPy == "True":
                pathToFeat = fu.FileSearch_AND(
                    pathToImg + "/" + tile + "/tmp/", True, ".tif")[0]
            maskSHP = pathToRT + "/" + shpRName + "_region_" + model_Mask + "_" + tile + ".shp"
            maskTif = shpRName + "_region_" + model_Mask + "_" + tile + ".tif"

            CmdConfidenceMap = ""
            confidenceMap = ""
            if "fusion" in classifMode:
                if mode != "outside":
                    tmp = pathOut.split("/")
                    if pathOut[-1] == "/":
                        del tmp[-1]
                    tmp[-1] = "envelope"
                    pathToEnvelope = "/".join(tmp)
                    maskSHP = pathToEnvelope + "/" + tile + ".shp"
            confidenceMap = tile + "_model_" + model + "_confidence_seed_" + seed + ".tif"
            CmdConfidenceMap = " -confmap " + pathOut + "/" + confidenceMap

            if not os.path.exists(maskFiles + "/" + maskTif):
                pathToMaskCommun = pathToImg + "/" + tile + "/tmp/MaskCommunSL.shp"
                # cas cluster
                if pathWd != None:
                    pathToMaskCommun = pathToImg + "/" + tile + "/MaskCommunSL.shp"
                    maskFiles = pathWd

                nameOut = fu.ClipVectorData(maskSHP, pathToMaskCommun,
                                            maskTif.replace(".tif", ""))
                cmdRaster = "otbcli_Rasterization -in " + nameOut + " -mode attribute -mode.attribute.field " + fieldRegion + " -im " + pathToFeat + " -out " + maskFiles + "/" + maskTif
                if "fusion" in classifMode:
                    cmdRaster = "otbcli_Rasterization -in " + nameOut + " -mode binary -mode.binary.foreground 1 -im " + pathToFeat + " -out " + maskFiles + "/" + maskTif
                print cmdRaster
                if pathWd != None:
                    os.system("cp " + pathWd + "/" + maskTif + " " + pathOut +

            out = pathOut + "/Classif_" + tile + "_model_" + model + "_seed_" + seed + ".tif"

            # hpc case
            if pathWd != None:
                out = "$TMPDIR/Classif_" + tile + "_model_" + model + "_seed_" + seed + ".tif"
                CmdConfidenceMap = " -confmap $TMPDIR/" + confidenceMap

            appli = "otbcli_ImageClassifier "
            pixType_cmd = pixType
            if bindingPy == "True":
                appli = "python bPy_ImageClassifier.py -conf " + pathConf + " "
                pixType_cmd = " -pixType " + pixType
            cmd = appli + " -in " + pathToFeat + " -model " + path + " -mask " + pathOut + "/MASK/" + maskTif + " -out " + out + " " + pixType_cmd + " -ram 128 " + CmdConfidenceMap

            # Ajout des stats lors de la phase de classification
            if ("svm" in classif):
                cmd = cmd + " -imstat " + stat + "/Model_" + str(
                    model) + ".xml"

    fu.writeCmds(pathToCmdClassif + "/class.txt", AllCmd)

    return AllCmd
Ejemplo n.º 6
def launchTraining(pathShapes, pathConf, pathToTiles, dataField, stat, N,
                   pathToCmdTrain, out, pathWd, pathlog):
    OUT : les commandes pour l'app
    cmd_out = []

    f = file(pathConf)
    cfg = Config(f)
    classif = cfg.argTrain.classifier
    options = cfg.argTrain.options
    outputPath = cfg.chain.outputPath
    samplesMode = Config(file(pathConf)).argTrain.shapeMode
    dataField = Config(file(pathConf)).chain.dataField
    binding = Config(file(pathConf)).GlobChain.bindingPython

    posModel = -3  # model's position, if training shape is split by "_"

    Stack_ind = fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf)

    pathToModelConfig = outputPath + "/config_model/configModel.cfg"
    configModel = open(pathToModelConfig, "w")
    for seed in range(N):
        pathAppVal = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathShapes, True, "seed" + str(seed),
                                       ".shp", "learn")
        sort = [(path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[posModel], path)
                for path in pathAppVal]
        sort = fu.sortByFirstElem(sort)
        # get tiles by model
        names = []
        for r, paths in sort:
            tmp = ""
            for i in range(len(paths)):
                if i < len(paths) - 1:
                    tmp = tmp + paths[i].split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] + "_"
                    tmp = tmp + paths[i].split("/")[-1].split("_")[0]
        cpt = 0
        for r, paths in sort:
            writeConfigName(r, names[cpt], pathToModelConfig)
            cpt += 1
        if samplesMode == "points":
            pathAppVal = fu.FileSearch_AND(outputPath + "/learningSamples",
                                           True, "seed" + str(seed), ".sqlite",
            sort = [(path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[posModel], path)
                    for path in pathAppVal]

        for r, paths in sort:
            print r
            if samplesMode != "points":
                cmd = buildTrainCmd_poly(r, paths, pathToTiles, Stack_ind,
                                         classif, options, dataField, out,
                                         seed, stat, pathlog)
                if binding == "True" and classif == "svm":
                    outStats = outputPath + "/stats/Model_" + r + ".xml"
                    if os.path.exists(outStats):
                    writeStatsFromSample(paths, outStats)
                cmd = buildTrainCmd_points(r, paths, classif, options,
                                           dataField, out, seed, stat, pathlog)

    configModel = open(pathToModelConfig, "a")

    fu.writeCmds(pathToCmdTrain + "/train.txt", cmd_out)

    return cmd_out
Ejemplo n.º 7
def genConfMatrix(pathClassif, pathValid, N, dataField, pathToCmdConfusion,
                  pathConf, pathWd):
    AllCmd = []
    pathTMP = pathClassif + "/TMP"

    f = file(pathConf)
    cfg = Config(f)
    pathTest = cfg.chain.outputPath
    workingDirectory = pathClassif + "/TMP"
    if pathWd:
        workingDirectory = os.getenv('TMPDIR').replace(":", "")

        # AllTiles = cfg.chain.listTile.split(" ")
    AllTiles = []
    validationFiles = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathValid, True, "_val.shp")
    for valid in validationFiles:
        currentTile = valid.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0]
            ind = AllTiles.index(currentTile)
        except ValueError:

    for seed in range(N):
        # recherche de tout les shapeFiles par seed, par tuiles pour les fusionner
        for tile in AllTiles:
            valTile = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathValid, True, tile,
                                        "_seed" + str(seed) + "_val.shp")
            fu.mergeVectors("ShapeValidation_" + tile + "_seed_" + str(seed),
                            pathTMP, valTile)
            learnTile = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathValid, True, tile,
                                          "_seed" + str(seed) + "_learn.shp")
            fu.mergeVectors("ShapeLearning_" + tile + "_seed_" + str(seed),
                            pathTMP, learnTile)
            pathDirectory = pathTMP
            if pathWd != None: pathDirectory = "$TMPDIR"
            cmd = 'otbcli_ComputeConfusionMatrix -in ' + pathClassif + '/Classif_Seed_' + str(
            ) + '.tif -out ' + pathDirectory + '/' + tile + '_seed_' + str(
            ) + '.csv -ref.vector.field ' + dataField + ' -ref vector -ref.vector.in ' + pathTMP + '/ShapeValidation_' + tile + '_seed_' + str(
                seed) + '.shp'
            classif = pathTMP + "/" + tile + "_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif"
            diff = pathTMP + "/" + tile + "_seed_" + str(seed) + "_CompRef.tif"
            footprint = pathTest + "/final/Classif_Seed_0.tif"
                pathTMP + '/ShapeValidation_' + tile + '_seed_' + str(seed) +
                '.shp', pathTMP + '/ShapeLearning_' + tile + '_seed_' +
                str(seed) + '.shp', classif, diff, footprint, workingDirectory,

    fu.writeCmds(pathToCmdConfusion + "/confusion.txt", AllCmd)
    spatialRes = cfg.chain.spatialResolution
    for seed in range(N):
        AllDiff = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathTMP, True,
                                    "_seed_" + str(seed) + "_CompRef.tif")
        diff_seed = pathTest + "/final/diff_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif"
        if pathWd:
            diff_seed = workingDirectory + "/diff_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif"
        fu.assembleTile_Merge(AllDiff, spatialRes, diff_seed)
        if pathWd:
            shutil.copy(workingDirectory + "/diff_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif",
                        pathTest + "/final/diff_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif")
    return (AllCmd)