Ejemplo n.º 1
def save_file(request):
  The POST endpoint to save a file in the file editor.

  Does the save and then redirects back to the edit page.
    form = EditorForm(request.POST)
    is_valid = form.is_valid()
    path = form.cleaned_data.get('path')

    if request.POST.get('save') == "saveAs":
        if not is_valid:
            return edit(request, path, form=form)
            data = dict(form=form)
            return render_with_toolbars("saveas.mako", request, data)

    if not path:
        raise PopupException("No path specified")
    if not is_valid:
        return edit(request, path, form=form)

    if request.fs.exists(path):
        _do_overwrite_save(request.fs, path, form.cleaned_data['contents'],
        _do_newfile_save(request.fs, path, form.cleaned_data['contents'],

    request.flash.put('Saved %s.' % os.path.basename(path))
    """ Changing path to reflect the request path of the JFrame that will actually be returned."""
    request.path = urlresolvers.reverse("filebrowser.views.edit",
    return edit(request, path, form)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: abayer/hue
def save_file(request):
  The POST endpoint to save a file in the file editor.

  Does the save and then redirects back to the edit page.
  form = EditorForm(request.POST)
  is_valid = form.is_valid()
  path = form.cleaned_data.get('path')

  if request.POST.get('save') == "saveAs":
    if not is_valid:
      return edit(request, path, form=form)
      data = dict(form = form)
      return render_with_toolbars("saveas.mako", request, data)

  if not path:
    raise PopupException("No path specified")
  if not is_valid:
    return edit(request, path, form=form)

  if request.fs.exists(path):
    _do_overwrite_save(request.fs, path,
    _do_newfile_save(request.fs, path,

  request.flash.put('Saved %s.' % os.path.basename(path))
  """ Changing path to reflect the request path of the JFrame that will actually be returned."""
  request.path = urlresolvers.reverse("filebrowser.views.edit", kwargs=dict(path=path))
  return edit(request, path, form)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generic_op(form_class,
  Generic implementation for several operations.

  @param form_class form to instantiate
  @param request incoming request, used for parameters
  @param op callable with the filesystem operation
  @param parameter_names list of form parameters that are extracted and then passed to op
  @param piggyback list of form parameters whose file stats to look up after the operation
  @param extra_params dictionary of extra parameters to send to the template for rendering
    # Use next for non-ajax requests, when available.
    next = request.GET.get("next")
    if next is None:
        next = request.POST.get("next")

    ret = dict({'next': next})

    if extra_params is not None:
        ret['extra_params'] = extra_params

    for p in parameter_names:
        val = request.REQUEST.get(p)
        if val:
            ret[p] = val

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_class(request.POST)
        # TODO(philip): How best to do error handling?  fs will throw
        # an arbitrary-ish exception (typically file not found or maybe permission
        # denied), and this needs to be coaxed into an HTTP error.
        ret['form'] = form
        if form.is_valid():
            args = [form.cleaned_data[p] for p in parameter_names]
            if next:
                logging.debug("Next: %s" % next)
                # Doesn't need to be quoted: quoting is done by HttpResponseRedirect.
                return format_preserving_redirect(request, next)
            ret["success"] = True
                if piggyback:
                    piggy_path = form.cleaned_data[piggyback]
                    ret["result"] = _massage_stats(
                        request, request.fs.stats(piggy_path))
            except Exception, e:
                # Hard to report these more naturally here.  These happen either
                # because of a bug in the piggy-back code or because of a
                # race condition.
                logger.exception("Exception while processing piggyback data")
                ret["result_error"] = True

            return render_with_toolbars(template, request, ret)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def upload(request):
  Handles file uploads.

  Django has a hook for "upload handlers" that could make this more
  efficient.  Currently Django will store files greater than 2.5MB in
  a temp directory.  We could implement an upload handler to
  send data right through to the destination.

  if request.method == 'POST':
    form = UploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
    if form.is_valid():
      # Bit of a wart that form.file doesn't give you the file,
      # and you have to do form.files.get("file").
      file = form.files.get("file")
      dest = form.cleaned_data["dest"]
      if request.fs.isdir(dest):
        assert posixpath.sep not in file.name
        dest = posixpath.join(dest, file.name)
      output = request.fs.open(dest, "w")
        for chunk in file.chunks():

      dest_stats = request.fs.stats(dest)
      return render_with_toolbars('upload_done.mako', request, {
          # status is used by "fancy uploader"
          'status': 1,
          'path': dest,
          'result': _massage_stats(request, dest_stats),
          'next': request.GET.get("next")
    dest = request.GET.get("dest")
    initial_values = {}
    if dest:
      initial_values["dest"] = dest
    form = UploadForm(initial=initial_values)
  return render_with_toolbars('upload.mako', request,
                              {'form': form, 'next': request.REQUEST.get("dest")})
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: abayer/hue
def status(request):
  status = request.fs.status()
  data = {
    # Beware: "messages" is special in the context browser.
    'msgs': status.get_messages(),
    'health': status.get_health(),
    'datanode_report': status.get_datanode_report(),
    'name': request.fs.name
  return render_with_toolbars("status.mako", request, data)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def status(request):
    status = request.fs.status()
    data = {
        # Beware: "messages" is special in the context browser.
        'msgs': status.get_messages(),
        'health': status.get_health(),
        'datanode_report': status.get_datanode_report(),
        'name': request.fs.name
    return render_with_toolbars("status.mako", request, data)
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: abayer/hue
def generic_op(form_class, request, op, parameter_names, piggyback=None, template="fileop.mako", extra_params=None):
  Generic implementation for several operations.

  @param form_class form to instantiate
  @param request incoming request, used for parameters
  @param op callable with the filesystem operation
  @param parameter_names list of form parameters that are extracted and then passed to op
  @param piggyback list of form parameters whose file stats to look up after the operation
  @param extra_params dictionary of extra parameters to send to the template for rendering
  # Use next for non-ajax requests, when available.
  next = request.GET.get("next")
  if next is None:
    next = request.POST.get("next")

  ret = dict({

  if extra_params is not None:
    ret['extra_params'] = extra_params

  for p in parameter_names:
    val = request.REQUEST.get(p)
    if val:
      ret[p] = val

  if request.method == 'POST':
    form = form_class(request.POST)
    # TODO(philip): How best to do error handling?  fs will throw
    # an arbitrary-ish exception (typically file not found or maybe permission
    # denied), and this needs to be coaxed into an HTTP error.
    ret['form'] = form
    if form.is_valid():
      args = [ form.cleaned_data[p] for p in parameter_names ]
      if next:
        logging.debug("Next: %s" % next)
        # Doesn't need to be quoted: quoting is done by HttpResponseRedirect.
        return format_preserving_redirect(request, next)
      ret["success"] = True
        if piggyback:
          piggy_path = form.cleaned_data[piggyback]
          ret["result"] = _massage_stats(request, request.fs.stats(piggy_path))
      except Exception, e:
        # Hard to report these more naturally here.  These happen either
        # because of a bug in the piggy-back code or because of a
        # race condition.
        logger.exception("Exception while processing piggyback data")
        ret["result_error"] = True

      return render_with_toolbars(template, request, ret)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _upload(request):
  Handles file uploads. The uploaded file is stored in HDFS. We just
  need to rename it to the right path.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = UploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if not form.is_valid():
            logger.error("Error in upload form: %s" % (form.errors, ))
            uploaded_file = request.FILES['hdfs_file']
            dest = form.cleaned_data["dest"]
            if request.fs.isdir(dest):
                assert posixpath.sep not in uploaded_file.name
                dest = request.fs.join(dest, uploaded_file.name)

            # Temp file is created by superuser. Chown the file.
            tmp_file = uploaded_file.get_temp_path()
            username = request.user.username
                    request.fs.chmod(tmp_file, 0644)
                    request.fs.chown(tmp_file, username, username)
                except IOError, ex:
                    msg = 'Failed to chown uploaded file ("%s") as superuser %s' % \
                          (tmp_file, request.fs.superuser)
                    raise PopupException(msg, detail=str(ex))

            # Move the file to where it belongs
                request.fs.rename(uploaded_file.get_temp_path(), dest)
            except IOError, ex:
                raise PopupException(
                    'Failed to rename uploaded temporary file ("%s") to "%s": %s'
                    % (tmp_file, dest, ex))

            dest_stats = request.fs.stats(dest)
            return render_with_toolbars(
                    # status is used by "fancy uploader"
                    'status': 1,
                    'path': dest,
                    'result': _massage_stats(request, dest_stats),
                    'next': request.GET.get("next")
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: abayer/hue
def _upload(request):
  Handles file uploads. The uploaded file is stored in HDFS. We just
  need to rename it to the right path.
  if request.method == 'POST':
    form = UploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
    if not form.is_valid():
      logger.error("Error in upload form: %s" % (form.errors,))
      uploaded_file = request.FILES['hdfs_file']
      dest = form.cleaned_data["dest"]
      if request.fs.isdir(dest):
        assert posixpath.sep not in uploaded_file.name
        dest = request.fs.join(dest, uploaded_file.name)

      # Temp file is created by superuser. Chown the file.
      tmp_file = uploaded_file.get_temp_path()
      username = request.user.username
          request.fs.chmod(tmp_file, 0644)
          request.fs.chown(tmp_file, username, username)
        except IOError, ex:
          msg = 'Failed to chown uploaded file ("%s") as superuser %s' % \
                (tmp_file, request.fs.superuser)
          raise PopupException(msg, detail=str(ex))

      # Move the file to where it belongs
        request.fs.rename(uploaded_file.get_temp_path(), dest)
      except IOError, ex:
        raise PopupException(
            'Failed to rename uploaded temporary file ("%s") to "%s": %s' %
            (tmp_file, dest, ex))

      dest_stats = request.fs.stats(dest)
      return render_with_toolbars('upload_done.mako', request, {
          # status is used by "fancy uploader"
          'status': 1,
          'path': dest,
          'result': _massage_stats(request, dest_stats),
          'next': request.GET.get("next")
Ejemplo n.º 10
def listdir(request, path):
  Implements directory listing (or index).

  Intended to be called via view().
    path = _unquote_path(path)
    if not request.fs.isdir(path):
        raise PopupException("Not a directory: %s" % (path, ))

    file_filter = request.REQUEST.get('file_filter', 'any')

    assert file_filter in ['any', 'file', 'dir']

    home_dir_path = request.user.get_home_directory()
    data = {
        # These could also be put in automatically via
        # http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/api/#django-core-context-processors-request,
        # but manually seems cleaner, since we only need it here.
        request.fs.isdir(home_dir_path) and home_dir_path or None,
        (request.REQUEST.get('show_upload') == 'false' and (False, )
         or (True, ))[0]

    stats = request.fs.listdir_stats(path)

    # Include parent dir, unless at filesystem root.
    if normpath(path) != posixpath.sep:
        parent_stat = request.fs.stats(posixpath.join(path, ".."))
        # The 'path' field would be absolute, but we want its basename to be
        # actually '..' for display purposes. Encode it since _massage_stats expects byte strings.
        parent_stat['path'] = posixpath.join(path, "..")
        stats.insert(0, parent_stat)

    data['files'] = [_massage_stats(request, stat) for stat in stats]
    return render_with_toolbars('listdir.mako', request, data)
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: abayer/hue
def listdir(request, path):
  Implements directory listing (or index).

  Intended to be called via view().
  path = _unquote_path(path)
  if not request.fs.isdir(path):
    raise PopupException("Not a directory: %s" % (path,))

  file_filter = request.REQUEST.get('file_filter', 'any')

  assert file_filter in ['any', 'file', 'dir']

  home_dir_path = request.user.get_home_directory()
  data = {
    'path': path,
    'file_filter': file_filter,
    # These could also be put in automatically via
    # http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/api/#django-core-context-processors-request,
    # but manually seems cleaner, since we only need it here.
    'current_request_path': request.path,
    'home_directory': request.fs.isdir(home_dir_path) and home_dir_path or None,
    'cwd_set': True,
    'show_upload': (request.REQUEST.get('show_upload') == 'false' and (False,) or (True,))[0]

  stats = request.fs.listdir_stats(path)

  # Include parent dir, unless at filesystem root.
  if normpath(path) != posixpath.sep:
    parent_stat = request.fs.stats(posixpath.join(path, ".."))
    # The 'path' field would be absolute, but we want its basename to be
    # actually '..' for display purposes. Encode it since _massage_stats expects byte strings.
    parent_stat['path'] = posixpath.join(path, "..")
    stats.insert(0, parent_stat)

  data['files'] = [_massage_stats(request, stat) for stat in stats]
  return render_with_toolbars('listdir.mako', request, data)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: abayer/hue
def display(request, path):
  Implements displaying part of a file.

  GET arguments are length, offset, mode, compression and encoding
  with reasonable defaults chosen.

  Note that display by length and offset are on bytes, not on characters.

  TODO(philip): Could easily built-in file type detection
  (perhaps using something similar to file(1)), as well
  as more advanced binary-file viewing capability (de-serialize
  sequence files, decompress gzipped text files, etc.).
  There exists a python-magic package to interface with libmagic.
  path = _unquote_path(path)
  if not request.fs.isfile(path):
    raise PopupException("Not a file: '%s'" % (path,))

  stats = request.fs.stats(path)
  encoding = request.GET.get('encoding') or i18n.get_site_encoding()

  # I'm mixing URL-based parameters and traditional
  # HTTP GET parameters, since URL-based parameters
  # can't naturally be optional.

  # Need to deal with possibility that length is not present
  # because the offset came in via the toolbar manual byte entry.
  end = request.GET.get("end")
  if end:
    end = int(end)
  begin = request.GET.get("begin", 1)
  if begin:
    # Subtract one to zero index for file read
    begin = int(begin) - 1
  if end:
    offset = begin
    length = end - begin
    if begin >= end:
      raise PopupException("First byte to display must be before last byte to display.")
    length = int(request.GET.get("length", DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES))
    # Display first block by default.
    offset = int(request.GET.get("offset", 0))

  mode = request.GET.get("mode")
  compression = request.GET.get("compression")

  if mode and mode not in ["binary", "text"]:
    raise PopupException("Mode must be one of 'binary' or 'text'.")
  if offset < 0:
    raise PopupException("Offset may not be less than zero.")
  if length < 0:
    raise PopupException("Length may not be less than zero.")
  if length > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES:
    raise PopupException("Cannot request chunks greater than %d bytes" % MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES)

  # Auto gzip detection, unless we are explicitly told to view binary
  if not compression and mode != 'binary':
    if path.endswith('.gz') and detect_gzip(request.fs.open(path).read(2)):
      compression = 'gzip'
      offset = 0
      compression = 'none'

  f = request.fs.open(path)

  if compression == 'gzip':
    if offset and offset != 0:
      raise PopupException("We don't support offset and gzip Compression")
        contents = GzipFile('', 'r', 0, StringIO(f.read())).read(length)
        logging.warn("Could not decompress file at %s" % path, exc_info=True)
        contents = ''
        raise PopupException("Failed to decompress file")
      contents = f.read(length)

  # Get contents as string for text mode, or at least try
  uni_contents = None
  if not mode or mode == 'text':
    uni_contents = unicode(contents, encoding, errors='replace')
    is_binary = uni_contents.find(i18n.REPLACEMENT_CHAR) != -1
    # Auto-detect mode
    if not mode:
      mode = is_binary and 'binary' or 'text'

  # Get contents as bytes
  if mode == "binary":
    xxd_out = list(xxd.xxd(offset, contents, BYTES_PER_LINE, BYTES_PER_SENTENCE))

  dirname = posixpath.dirname(path)
  # Start with index-like data:
  data = _massage_stats(request, request.fs.stats(path))
  # And add a view structure:
  data["success"] = True
  data["view"] = {
    'offset': offset,
    'length': length,
    'end': offset + len(contents),
    'dirname': dirname,
    'mode': mode,
    'compression': compression,
    'size': stats['size']
  data["filename"] = os.path.basename(path)
  data["editable"] = stats['size'] < MAX_FILEEDITOR_SIZE
  if mode == "binary":
    # This might be the wrong thing for ?format=json; doing the
    # xxd'ing in javascript might be more compact, or sending a less
    # intermediate representation...
    logger.debug("xxd: " + str(xxd_out))
    data['view']['xxd'] = xxd_out
    data['view']['masked_binary_data'] =  False
    data['view']['contents'] = uni_contents
    data['view']['masked_binary_data'] = is_binary

  return render_with_toolbars("display.mako", request, data)
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: abayer/hue
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
          raise PopupException("File is not encoded in %s; cannot be edited: %s" % (encoding, path))
      current_contents = u""

    form = EditorForm(dict(path=path, contents=current_contents, encoding=encoding))

  data = dict(
    exists=(stats is not None),
  return render_with_toolbars("edit.mako", request, data)

def save_file(request):
  The POST endpoint to save a file in the file editor.

  Does the save and then redirects back to the edit page.
  form = EditorForm(request.POST)
  is_valid = form.is_valid()
  path = form.cleaned_data.get('path')

  if request.POST.get('save') == "saveAs":
    if not is_valid:
      return edit(request, path, form=form)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
          raise PopupException("File is not encoded in %s; cannot be edited: %s" % (encoding, path))
      current_contents = u""

    form = EditorForm(dict(path=path, contents=current_contents, encoding=encoding))

  data = dict(
    exists=(stats is not None),
  return render_with_toolbars("edit.mako", request, data)

def save_file(request):
  The POST endpoint to save a file in the file editor.

  Does the save and then redirects back to the edit page.
  form = EditorForm(request.POST)
  is_valid = form.is_valid()
  path = form.cleaned_data.get('path')

  if request.POST.get('save') == "saveAs":
    if not is_valid:
      return edit(request, path, form=form)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def display(request, path):
  Implements displaying part of a file.

  GET arguments are length, offset, mode, compression and encoding
  with reasonable defaults chosen.

  Note that display by length and offset are on bytes, not on characters.

  TODO(philip): Could easily built-in file type detection
  (perhaps using something similar to file(1)), as well
  as more advanced binary-file viewing capability (de-serialize
  sequence files, decompress gzipped text files, etc.).
  There exists a python-magic package to interface with libmagic.
    path = _unquote_path(path)
    if not request.fs.isfile(path):
        raise PopupException("Not a file: '%s'" % (path, ))

    stats = request.fs.stats(path)
    encoding = request.GET.get('encoding') or i18n.get_site_encoding()

    # I'm mixing URL-based parameters and traditional
    # HTTP GET parameters, since URL-based parameters
    # can't naturally be optional.

    # Need to deal with possibility that length is not present
    # because the offset came in via the toolbar manual byte entry.
    end = request.GET.get("end")
    if end:
        end = int(end)
    begin = request.GET.get("begin", 1)
    if begin:
        # Subtract one to zero index for file read
        begin = int(begin) - 1
    if end:
        offset = begin
        length = end - begin
        if begin >= end:
            raise PopupException(
                "First byte to display must be before last byte to display.")
        length = int(request.GET.get("length", DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES))
        # Display first block by default.
        offset = int(request.GET.get("offset", 0))

    mode = request.GET.get("mode")
    compression = request.GET.get("compression")

    if mode and mode not in ["binary", "text"]:
        raise PopupException("Mode must be one of 'binary' or 'text'.")
    if offset < 0:
        raise PopupException("Offset may not be less than zero.")
    if length < 0:
        raise PopupException("Length may not be less than zero.")
    if length > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES:
        raise PopupException("Cannot request chunks greater than %d bytes" %

    # Auto gzip detection, unless we are explicitly told to view binary
    if not compression and mode != 'binary':
        if path.endswith('.gz') and detect_gzip(request.fs.open(path).read(2)):
            compression = 'gzip'
            offset = 0
            compression = 'none'

    f = request.fs.open(path)

    if compression == 'gzip':
        if offset and offset != 0:
            raise PopupException(
                "We don't support offset and gzip Compression")
                contents = GzipFile('', 'r', 0,
                logging.warn("Could not decompress file at %s" % path,
                contents = ''
                raise PopupException("Failed to decompress file")
            contents = f.read(length)

    # Get contents as string for text mode, or at least try
    uni_contents = None
    if not mode or mode == 'text':
        uni_contents = unicode(contents, encoding, errors='replace')
        is_binary = uni_contents.find(i18n.REPLACEMENT_CHAR) != -1
        # Auto-detect mode
        if not mode:
            mode = is_binary and 'binary' or 'text'

    # Get contents as bytes
    if mode == "binary":
        xxd_out = list(
            xxd.xxd(offset, contents, BYTES_PER_LINE, BYTES_PER_SENTENCE))

    dirname = posixpath.dirname(path)
    # Start with index-like data:
    data = _massage_stats(request, request.fs.stats(path))
    # And add a view structure:
    data["success"] = True
    data["view"] = {
        'offset': offset,
        'length': length,
        'end': offset + len(contents),
        'dirname': dirname,
        'mode': mode,
        'compression': compression,
        'size': stats['size']
    data["filename"] = os.path.basename(path)
    data["editable"] = stats['size'] < MAX_FILEEDITOR_SIZE
    if mode == "binary":
        # This might be the wrong thing for ?format=json; doing the
        # xxd'ing in javascript might be more compact, or sending a less
        # intermediate representation...
        logger.debug("xxd: " + str(xxd_out))
        data['view']['xxd'] = xxd_out
        data['view']['masked_binary_data'] = False
        data['view']['contents'] = uni_contents
        data['view']['masked_binary_data'] = is_binary

    return render_with_toolbars("display.mako", request, data)
Ejemplo n.º 16
                        "File is not encoded in %s; cannot be edited: %s" %
                        (encoding, path))
            current_contents = u""

        form = EditorForm(
            dict(path=path, contents=current_contents, encoding=encoding))

    data = dict(exists=(stats is not None),
    return render_with_toolbars("edit.mako", request, data)

def save_file(request):
  The POST endpoint to save a file in the file editor.

  Does the save and then redirects back to the edit page.
    form = EditorForm(request.POST)
    is_valid = form.is_valid()
    path = form.cleaned_data.get('path')

    if request.POST.get('save') == "saveAs":
        if not is_valid:
            return edit(request, path, form=form)