Ejemplo n.º 1
def getTree(fileDb, fileId, options):
    if not fileDb[fileId].has_key("tree"):
        if options.verbose:
            print "    - Generating tree for %s..." % fileId

        useCache = False
        loadCache = False

        fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]
        filePath = fileEntry["path"]

        if options.cacheDirectory != None:
            cachePath = os.path.join(filetool.normalize(options.cacheDirectory), fileId + "-tree.pcl")
            useCache = True

            if not filetool.checkCache(filePath, cachePath):
                loadCache = True

        if loadCache:
            tree = filetool.readCache(cachePath)
            tree = treegenerator.createSyntaxTree(getTokens(fileDb, fileId, options))

            if useCache:
                if options.verbose:
                    print "    - Caching tree for %s..." % fileId

                filetool.storeCache(cachePath, tree)

        fileDb[fileId]["tree"] = tree

    return fileDb[fileId]["tree"]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def storeEntryCache(fileDb, options):
    cacheCounter = 0
    ignoreDbEntries = ["tokens", "tree", "path", "pathId", "encoding", "resourceInput", "resourceOutput", "listIndex", "classPath", "classUri"]

    for fileId in fileDb:
        fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]

        if fileEntry["cached"] == True:

        # Store flag
        fileEntry["cached"] = True

        # Copy entries
        fileEntryCopy = {}
        for key in fileEntry:
            if not key in ignoreDbEntries:
                fileEntryCopy[key] = fileEntry[key]

        filetool.storeCache(fileEntry["cachePath"], fileEntryCopy)
        cacheCounter += 1

    if cacheCounter == 0:
        print "  * No classes were modified"
        print "  * %s classes were modified" % cacheCounter
Ejemplo n.º 3
def storeEntryCache(fileDb, options):
    cacheCounter = 0
    ignoreDbEntries = ["tokens", "tree", "path", "pathId", "encoding", "resourceInput", "resourceOutput", "listIndex", "classPath", "classUri"]

    for fileId in fileDb:
        fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]

        if fileEntry["cached"] == True:

        # Store flag
        fileEntry["cached"] = True

        # Copy entries
        fileEntryCopy = {}
        for key in fileEntry:
            if not key in ignoreDbEntries:
                fileEntryCopy[key] = fileEntry[key]

        filetool.storeCache(fileEntry["cachePath"], fileEntryCopy)
        cacheCounter += 1

    if cacheCounter == 0:
        print "  * No classes were modified"
        print "  * %s classes were modified" % cacheCounter
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getTree(fileDb, fileId, options):
    if not fileDb[fileId].has_key("tree"):
        if options.verbose:
            print "    - Generating tree for %s..." % fileId

        useCache = False
        loadCache = False

        fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]
        filePath = fileEntry["path"]

        if options.cacheDirectory != None:
            cachePath = os.path.join(filetool.normalize(options.cacheDirectory), fileId + "-tree.pcl")
            useCache = True

            if not filetool.checkCache(filePath, cachePath):
                loadCache = True

        if loadCache:
            tree = filetool.readCache(cachePath)
            tree = treegenerator.createSyntaxTree(getTokens(fileDb, fileId, options))

            if useCache:
                if options.verbose:
                    print "    - Caching tree for %s..." % fileId

                filetool.storeCache(cachePath, tree)

        fileDb[fileId]["tree"] = tree

    return fileDb[fileId]["tree"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getStrings(fileDb, fileId, options):
  if not fileDb[fileId].has_key("strings"):
    if options.verbose:
      print "    - Searching for strings in %s..." % fileId

    useCache = False
    loadCache = False

    fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]
    filePath = fileEntry["path"]

    if options.cacheDirectory != None:
      cachePath = os.path.join(filetool.normalize(options.cacheDirectory), fileId + "-strings.pcl")
      useCache = True

      if not filetool.checkCache(filePath, cachePath, getInternalModTime(options)):
        loadCache = True

    if loadCache:
      strings = filetool.readCache(cachePath)
      strings = stringoptimizer.search(getTree(fileDb, fileId, options), options.verbose)

      if useCache:
        if options.verbose:
          print "    - Caching strings for %s..." % fileId

        filetool.storeCache(cachePath, strings)

    fileDb[fileId]["strings"] = strings

  return fileDb[fileId]["strings"]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getTokens(fileDb, fileId, options):
  if not fileDb[fileId].has_key("tokens"):
    if options.verbose:
      print "    - Generating tokens for %s..." % fileId

    useCache = False
    loadCache = False

    fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]

    filePath = fileEntry["path"]
    fileEncoding = fileEntry["encoding"]

    if options.cacheDirectory != None:
      cachePath = os.path.join(filetool.normalize(options.cacheDirectory), fileId + "-tokens.pcl")
      useCache = True

      if not filetool.checkCache(filePath, cachePath, getInternalModTime(options)):
        loadCache = True

    if loadCache:
      tokens = filetool.readCache(cachePath)
      fileContent = filetool.read(filePath, fileEncoding)
      tokens = tokenizer.parseStream(fileContent, fileId)

      if useCache:
        if options.verbose:
          print "    - Caching tokens for %s..." % fileId

        filetool.storeCache(cachePath, tokens)

    fileDb[fileId]["tokens"] = tokens

  return fileDb[fileId]["tokens"]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getTokens(fileDb, fileId, options):
    if not fileDb[fileId].has_key("tokens"):
        if options.verbose:
            print "    - Generating tokens for %s..." % fileId

        useCache = False
        loadCache = False

        fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]

        filePath = fileEntry["path"]
        fileEncoding = fileEntry["encoding"]

        if options.cacheDirectory != None:
            cachePath = os.path.join(filetool.normalize(options.cacheDirectory), fileId + "-tokens.pcl")
            useCache = True

            if not filetool.checkCache(filePath, cachePath):
                loadCache = True

        if loadCache:
            tokens = filetool.readCache(cachePath)
            fileContent = filetool.read(filePath, fileEncoding)

            # TODO: This hack is neccesary because the current parser cannot handle comments
            #       without a context.
            if fileDb[fileId]["meta"]:
                fileContent += "\n(function() {})()"

            tokens = tokenizer.parseStream(fileContent, fileId)

            if useCache:
                if options.verbose:
                    print "    - Caching tokens for %s..." % fileId

                filetool.storeCache(cachePath, tokens)

        fileDb[fileId]["tokens"] = tokens

    return fileDb[fileId]["tokens"]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getTokens(fileDb, fileId, options):
    if not fileDb[fileId].has_key("tokens"):
        if options.verbose:
            print "    - Generating tokens for %s..." % fileId

        useCache = False
        loadCache = False

        fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]

        filePath = fileEntry["path"]
        fileEncoding = fileEntry["encoding"]

        if options.cacheDirectory != None:
            cachePath = os.path.join(filetool.normalize(options.cacheDirectory), fileId + "-tokens.pcl")
            useCache = True

            if not filetool.checkCache(filePath, cachePath):
                loadCache = True

        if loadCache:
            tokens = filetool.readCache(cachePath)
            fileContent = filetool.read(filePath, fileEncoding)

            # TODO: This hack is neccesary because the current parser cannot handle comments
            #       without a context.
            if fileDb[fileId]["meta"]:
                fileContent += "\n(function() {})()"

            tokens = tokenizer.parseStream(fileContent, fileId)

            if useCache:
                if options.verbose:
                    print "    - Caching tokens for %s..." % fileId

                filetool.storeCache(cachePath, tokens)

        fileDb[fileId]["tokens"] = tokens

    return fileDb[fileId]["tokens"]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getTokens(fileDb, fileId, options):
    if not fileDb[fileId].has_key("tokens"):
        if options.verbose:
            print "    - Generating tokens for %s..." % fileId

        useCache = False
        loadCache = False

        fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]

        filePath = fileEntry["path"]
        fileEncoding = fileEntry["encoding"]

        if options.cacheDirectory != None:
            cachePath = os.path.join(
                fileId + "-tokens.pcl")
            useCache = True

            if not filetool.checkCache(filePath, cachePath,
                loadCache = True

        if loadCache:
            tokens = filetool.readCache(cachePath)
            fileContent = filetool.read(filePath, fileEncoding)
            tokens = tokenizer.parseStream(fileContent, fileId)

            if useCache:
                if options.verbose:
                    print "    - Caching tokens for %s..." % fileId

                filetool.storeCache(cachePath, tokens)

        fileDb[fileId]["tokens"] = tokens

    return fileDb[fileId]["tokens"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getStrings(fileDb, fileId, options):
    if not fileDb[fileId].has_key("strings"):
        if options.verbose:
            print "    - Searching for strings in %s..." % fileId

        useCache = False
        loadCache = False

        fileEntry = fileDb[fileId]
        filePath = fileEntry["path"]

        if options.cacheDirectory != None:
            cachePath = os.path.join(
                fileId + "-strings.pcl")
            useCache = True

            if not filetool.checkCache(filePath, cachePath,
                loadCache = True

        if loadCache:
            strings = filetool.readCache(cachePath)
            strings = stringoptimizer.search(getTree(fileDb, fileId, options),

            if useCache:
                if options.verbose:
                    print "    - Caching strings for %s..." % fileId

                filetool.storeCache(cachePath, strings)

        fileDb[fileId]["strings"] = strings

    return fileDb[fileId]["strings"]