Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_one_not_and_lookup():
    Test one normal and one `not` lookup.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & ~L('country', 'netherlands')
    expected = {
        L.AND: [
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                L.NOT: {
                    L.AND: [
                            FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                            VALUE_KEY: 'netherlands',
                            LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_one_not_and_lookup():
    Test one normal and one `not` lookup.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & ~L('country', 'netherlands')
    expected = Q(name='spindle') & ~Q(country='netherlands')

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_dumps():
    Test dumping of a lookup.
    # The JSON dumps is unordered so try all possible combinations.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle')
    result = lookup.dumps()

    assert lookup.to_dict() == json.loads(result)
    assert lookup.to_dict() == L.from_json(result).to_dict()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_one_lookup():
    Test one normal lookup.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle')
    expected = Q(name='spindle')

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)

    lookup = L('name', True, lookup=ISNULL)
    expected = Q(name__isnull=True)

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_all_not_and_lookup():
    Test all lookups with `not`.
    lookup = ~(L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands'))
    expected = {
        L.NOT: {
            L.AND: [
                    FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                    VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                    LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                    FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                    VALUE_KEY: 'netherlands',
                    LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected

    lookup = ~(L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands')
               & L('status', 'awesome'))
    expected = {
        L.NOT: {
            L.AND: [
                    FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                    VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                    LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                    FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                    VALUE_KEY: 'netherlands',
                    LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                    FIELD_KEY: 'status',
                    VALUE_KEY: 'awesome',
                    LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_or_lookup():
    Test the `or` lookup.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') | L('name', 'devhouse')
    expected = Q(name='spindle') | Q(name='devhouse')

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)

    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') | L('name', 'devhouse') | L(
        'name', 'devhouse spindle')
    expected = Q(name='spindle') | Q(name='devhouse') | Q(
        name='devhouse spindle')

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_and_lookup():
    Test the `and` lookup.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands')
    expected = Q(name='spindle') & Q(country='netherlands')

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)

    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands') & L(
        'status', 'awesome')
    expected = Q(name='spindle') & Q(country='netherlands') & Q(

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_all_not_and_lookup():
    Test all lookups with `not`.
    lookup = ~(L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands'))
    expected = ~(Q(name='spindle') & Q(country='netherlands'))

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)

    lookup = ~(L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands')
               & L('status', 'awesome'))
    expected = ~(Q(name='spindle') & Q(country='netherlands')
                 & Q(status='awesome'))

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_one_not_lookup():
    Test one `not` lookup.
    lookup = ~L('name', 'spindle')
    expected = ~Q(name='spindle')

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_and_lookup():
    Test the `and` lookup.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands')
    expected = {
        L.AND: [
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                VALUE_KEY: 'netherlands',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected

    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands') & L(
        'status', 'awesome')
    expected = {
        L.AND: [
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                VALUE_KEY: 'netherlands',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                FIELD_KEY: 'status',
                VALUE_KEY: 'awesome',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_or_lookup():
    Test the `or` lookup.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') | L('name', 'devhouse')
    expected = {
        L.OR: [
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'devhouse',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected

    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') | L('name', 'devhouse') | L(
        'name', 'devhouse spindle')
    expected = {
        L.OR: [
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'devhouse',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'devhouse spindle',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_special_type_lookup():
    Test converting lookups with the special Decimal type.
    pi = '3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375'

    lookup = L('pi', pi)
    expected = Q(pi=pi)

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_invalid_value_for_lookup():
    Test invalid value for a lookup.
    message = 'Only True or False allowed for ISNULL lookup type.'

    with raises(InvalidValueException) as excinfo:
        L('name', 'null', lookup=ISNULL)

    assert str(excinfo.value) == message
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_invalid_lookup_type():
    Test a lookup with a invalid type.
    message = '`spindle` is not a supported lookup! Supported lookups are: %s' % LOOKUP_TYPES

    with raises(UnsupportedLookupException) as excinfo:
        L('name', 'spindle', lookup='spindle')

    assert str(excinfo.value) == message
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_adding_type_to_filter():
    Test if type is added to filter for unsupported json types.
    lookup = L('date', date(2017, 6, 6))

    _filter = lookup.filters[0]
    _type = _filter.get(TYPE_KEY)

    assert _type
    assert _type == date.__name__
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_duplicate_lookup():
    Test when combining exactly the same lookups.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & L('name', 'spindle')
    expected = {
        L.AND: [
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected

    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & L('name', 'spindle') & L('name', 'spindle')

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_complex_mix_lookup():
    Test two complex mixed lookups with `not's` `and's` and `or's`.
    lookup = (~L('name', 'spindle') & L('status', 'awesome')) & (L(
        'country', 'netherlands') | L('country', 'germany'))
    expected = (~Q(name='spindle') & Q(status='awesome')) & (
        Q(country='netherlands') | Q(country='germany'))

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)

    lookup = (L('name', 'spindle') & L('status', 'awesome')
              ) | ~(L('country', 'netherlands') | L('country', 'germany'))
    expected = (Q(name='spindle') & Q(
        status='awesome')) | ~(Q(country='netherlands') | Q(country='germany'))

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_one_lookup():
    Test one normal lookup.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle')
    expected = {
        L.AND: [
                FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_one_not_lookup():
    Test one `not` lookup.
    lookup = ~L('name', 'spindle')
    expected = {
        L.NOT: {
            L.AND: [
                    FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                    VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                    LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_invalid_formats():
    Test supplying invalid formats to from_dict.
    wrong_format = {L.AND: '', L.OR: ''}
    message = 'Lookup root can only have 1 key %s' % wrong_format

    with raises(InvalidFormat) as execinfo:

    assert str(execinfo.value) == message

    wrong_format = {L.NOT: {L.AND: '', L.OR: ''}}
    message = 'Lookup root can only have 1 key %s' % {L.AND: '', L.OR: ''}

    with raises(InvalidFormat) as execinfo:

    assert str(execinfo.value) == message

    wrong_format = {'unknown': ''}
    message = 'Lookup root connector must be `%s`, `%s` or `%s` %s' % (
        L.AND, L.NOT, L.OR, wrong_format)

    with raises(InvalidFormat) as execinfo:

    assert str(execinfo.value) == message

    wrong = {L.AND: 'wrong', L.OR: 'format'}
    wrong_format = {L.AND: [wrong]}
    message = 'Not a lookup or node for filter %s' % wrong

    with raises(InvalidFormat) as execinfo:

    assert str(execinfo.value) == message
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_and_or_lookup():
    Test lookup with the use of `and` and `or`.
    lookup = L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands') | L(
        'status', 'awesome')
    expected = Q(name='spindle') & Q(country='netherlands') | Q(

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)

    lookup = L('status',
               'awesome') | L('name', 'spindle') & L('country', 'netherlands')
    expected = Q(
        status='awesome') | Q(name='spindle') & Q(country='netherlands')

    _do_comparison_test(lookup, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_combining_invalid_types():
    Test combining invalid types.
    with raises(TypeError):
        L('name', 'spindle') & 1337
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_complex_mix_lookup():
    Test two complex mixed lookups with `not's` `and's` and `or's`.
    lookup = (~L('name', 'spindle') & L('status', 'awesome')) & (L(
        'country', 'netherlands') | L('country', 'germany'))
    expected = {
        L.AND: [
                L.NOT: {
                    L.AND: [
                            FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                            VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                            LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                FIELD_KEY: 'status',
                VALUE_KEY: 'awesome',
                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                L.OR: [
                        FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                        VALUE_KEY: 'netherlands',
                        LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                        FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                        VALUE_KEY: 'germany',
                        LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected

    lookup = (L('name', 'spindle') & L('status', 'awesome')
              ) | ~(L('country', 'netherlands') | L('country', 'germany'))
    expected = {
        L.OR: [
                L.AND: [
                        FIELD_KEY: 'name',
                        VALUE_KEY: 'spindle',
                        LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                        FIELD_KEY: 'status',
                        VALUE_KEY: 'awesome',
                        LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                L.NOT: {
                    L.AND: [{
                        L.OR: [
                                FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                                VALUE_KEY: 'netherlands',
                                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'
                                FIELD_KEY: 'country',
                                VALUE_KEY: 'germany',
                                LOOKUP_KEY: 'exact'

    assert lookup.to_dict() == expected