def QUAPNT(lookup_type, name): return [{ 'instruction': SY('LOWACC01'), 'rules': (MSCompare('QUAPOS', '1', MSCompare.OP.GT) & MSCompare('QUAPOS', '10', MSCompare.OP.LT)) }]
def DEPARE(lookup_type, name): # These values are normally passed by the mariner # safety_contour = 10 # shallow_contour = 20 # deep_contour = 30 # Basic implementation of DEPARE constructed symbol. # We are missing all the line and fill symbology return [{ 'instruction': AC('DEPIT'), 'rules': MSCompare('DRVAL2', '0', MSCompare.OP.LE), }, { 'instruction': AC('DEPVS'), 'rules': MSCompare('DRVAL2', '10', MSCompare.OP.LT), }, { 'instruction': AC('DEPMS'), 'rules': MSCompare('DRVAL2', '20', MSCompare.OP.LT), }, { 'instruction': AC('DEPMD'), 'rules': MSCompare('DRVAL2', '30', MSCompare.OP.LT), }, { 'instruction': AC('DEPDW'), 'rules': MSNoRules(), }]
def QUALIN(lookuptype, name): common_rule = [{ 'instruction': LC('LOWACC21'), 'rules': ( # QUAPOS only has values 1 to 11. QUAPOS not in 1, 10, 11 is # equivalent to the below rules MSCompare('QUAPOS', '1', MSCompare.OP.GT) & MSCompare('QUAPOS', '10', MSCompare.OP.LT)) }] if name == 'COALNE': return common_rule + [{ 'instruction': LS('SOLD', 1, 'CSTLN'), 'rules': MSNoRules() }] else: return common_rule + [ { 'instruction': [LS('SOLD', 3, 'CHMGF'), LS('SOLD', 1, 'CSTLN')], 'rules': MSCompare('CONRAD', '1') }, { # CONRAD missing and CONRAD != 1 both lead here 'instruction': LS('SOLD', 1, 'CSTLN'), 'rules': MSNoRules() } ]
def DEPCNT(lookup_type, name): return [{ 'rules': (MSCompare('QUAPOS', '1', MSCompare.OP.GT) & MSCompare('QUAPOS', '10', MSCompare.OP.LT)), 'instruction': LS('DASH', 1, 'DEPCN'), }, { 'rules': MSNoRules(), 'instruction': LS('SOLD', 1, 'DEPCN'), }]
def WRECKS_other(lookup_type, name): # TODO: add rules for background return [{ 'rules': (MSCompare('QUAPOS', '1', MSCompare.OP.GT) & MSCompare('QUAPOS', '10', MSCompare.OP.LT)), 'instruction': LC('LOWACC41') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('VALSOU', '30', MSCompare.OP.GT), 'instruction': LS('DASH', 2, 'CHBLK') }, { 'rules': MSHasValue('VALSOU'), 'instruction': LS('DOTT', 2, 'CHBLK') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '1') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '2'), 'instruction': [LS('SOLD', 2, 'CSTLN'), AC('CHBRN')] }, { 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '4'), 'instruction': [LS('DASH', 2, 'CSTLN'), AC('DEPIT')] }, { 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '3') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '5'), 'instruction': [LS('DOTT', 2, 'CSTLN'), AC('DEPVS')] }, { 'rules': MSNoRules(), 'instruction': [LS('DOTT', 2, 'CSTLN'), AC('DEPVS')] }]
def LEGLIN(lookup_type, name): plnspd = TE("'%d kt'", 'plnspd', 3, 2, 2, '15110', 0, 0, 'CHBLK', 50) return [{ 'rules': MSCompare('select', '1') & MSHasValue('plnspd'), 'instruction': [LC('PLNRTE03'), SY('PLNSPD03'), plnspd], }, { 'rules': MSCompare('select', '1'), 'instruction': LC('PLNRTE03'), }, { 'rules': MSHasValue('plnspd'), 'instruction': [LS('DOTT', 2, 'APLRT'), SY('PLNSPD04'), plnspd], }, { 'rules': MSNoRules(), 'instruction': LS('DOTT', 2, 'APLRT'), }]
def OBSTRN_area(name): return [{ 'rules': MSCompare('VALSOU', '30', MSCompare.OP.GT), 'instruction': LS('DASH', 2, 'CHGRD') }, { 'rules': MSHasValue('VALSOU'), 'instruction': LS('DOTT', 2, 'CHBLK') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('CATOBS', '6'), 'instruction': [AP('FOULAR01'), LS('DOTT', 2, 'CHBLK')] }, { 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '1') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '2'), 'instruction': [AC('CHBRN'), LS('SOLD', 2, 'CSTLN')] }, { 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '4'), 'instruction': [AC('DEPIT'), LS('DASH', 2, 'CSTLN')] }, { 'rules': MSNoRules(), 'instruction': [AC('DEPVS'), LS('DOTT', 2, 'CHBLK')] }]
def OBSTRN_line(name): return [ { 'rules': MSCompare('VALSOU', '30', MSCompare.OP.GT), 'instruction': LS('DASH', 2, 'CHBLK') }, { # VALSOU missing and <= SAFETY_DEPTH both lead here 'rules': MSNoRules(), 'instruction': LS('DOTT', 2, 'CHBLK') } ]
def TOPMAR(lookup_type, name): if os.environ.get('TOPMAR_FLOAT'): sy_getter = itemgetter(0) else: sy_getter = itemgetter(1) return [{ 'instruction': SY(sy), 'rules': MSCompare('TOPSHP', shp) } for shp, floating, rigid in topshp_to_sy for sy in [sy_getter([floating, rigid])] ] + [{ 'instruction': SY(sy_getter(('TMARDEF2', 'TMARDEF1'))), 'rules': MSHasValue('TOPSHP') }, { 'instruction': SY('QUESMRK1'), 'rules': MSNoRules(), }]
def WRECKS_Point(lookup_type, name): return [{ 'rules': MSCompare('VALSOU', '30', MSCompare.OP.GT), 'instruction': SY('DANGER02') }, { 'rules': MSHasValue('VALSOU'), 'instruction': SY('DANGER01') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('CATWRK', '1') & MSCompare('WATLEV', '3'), 'instruction': SY('WRECKS04') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('CATWRK', '2') & MSCompare('WATLEV', '3'), 'instruction': SY('WRECKS05') }, { 'rules': (MSCompare('CATWRK', '4') | MSCompare('CATWRK', '5') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '1') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '2') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '3') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '4')), 'instruction': SY('WRECKS01') }, { 'rules': MSNoRules(), 'instruction': SY('WRECKS05') }]
def SLCONS(lookup_type, name): return [ { 'instruction': SY('LOWACC01'), 'rules': ( # QUAPOS only has values 1 to 11. QUAPOS not in 1, 10, 11 is # equivalent to the below rules MSCompare('QUAPOS', '1', MSCompare.OP.GT) & MSCompare('QUAPOS', '10', MSCompare.OP.LT)) }, { 'instruction': LC('LOWACC21'), 'rules': ( # QUAPOS only has values 1 to 11. QUAPOS not in 1, 10, 11 is # equivalent to the below rules MSCompare('QUAPOS', '1', MSCompare.OP.GT) & MSCompare('QUAPOS', '10', MSCompare.OP.LT)) }, { 'instruction': LS('DASH', 1, 'CSTLN'), 'rules': MSCompare('CONDTN', '1') | MSCompare('CONDTN', '2') }, { 'instruction': LS('SOLD', 4, 'CSTLN'), 'rules': (MSCompare('CATSLC', '6') | MSCompare('CATSLC', '15') | MSCompare('CATSLC', '16')) }, { 'instruction': LS('DASH', 2, 'CSTLN'), 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '3') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '4') }, { 'instruction': LS('SOLD', 2, 'CSTLN'), 'rules': MSNoRules() } ]
def OBSTRN_point(name): common_rule = [{ 'rules': MSCompare('VALSOU', '30', MSCompare.OP.GT), 'instruction': SY('DANGER02') }] if name == 'UWTROC': return common_rule + [{ 'rules': (MSHasValue('VALSOU') & (MSCompare('WATLEV', '4') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '5'))), 'instruction': SY('UWTROC04') }, { 'rules': MSHasValue('VALSOU'), 'instruction': SY('DANGER01') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '3'), 'instruction': SY('UWTROC03') }, { 'rules': MSNoRules(), 'instruction': SY('UWTROC04') }] else: return common_rule + [ { 'rules': MSHasValue('VALSOU') & MSCompare('CATOBS', '6'), 'instruction': SY('DANGER01') }, { 'rules': (MSHasValue('VALSOU') & (MSCompare('WATLEV', '1') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '2'))), 'instruction': SY('OBSTRN11') }, { 'rules': (MSHasValue('VALSOU') & (MSCompare('WATLEV', '4') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '5'))), 'instruction': SY('DANGER03') }, { 'rules': MSHasValue('VALSOU'), 'instruction': SY('DANGER01') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('CATOBS', '6'), 'instruction': SY('OBSTRN01') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '1') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '2'), 'instruction': SY('OBSTRN11') }, { 'rules': MSCompare('WATLEV', '4') | MSCompare('WATLEV', '5'), 'instruction': SY('OBSTRN03') }, { 'rules': MSNoRules(), 'instruction': SY('OBSTRN01') } ]
def LIGHTS(lookup_type, name): return [ { 'instruction': SY('LIGHTS82'), 'rules': MSCompare('CATLIT', '11') | MSCompare('CATLIT', '8'), }, { 'instruction': SY('LIGHTS81'), 'rules': MSCompare('CATLIT', '9'), }, { 'instruction': SY('LIGHTS81'), 'rules': ((MSCompare('CATLIT', '1') | MSCompare('CATLIT', '16')) & MSCompare('ORIENT', 'null')), }, { 'instruction': SY('LIGHTS81'), 'rules': MSCompare('CATLIT', '1') | MSCompare('CATLIT', '16'), }, { 'instruction': [], 'rules': (MSCompare('VALNMR', '10', MSCompare.OP.LT) & MSRawFilter('NOT ("[CATLIT]" ~ "5" OR "[CATLIT]" ~ "6")') & MSCompare('LITCHR', '12', MSCompare.OP.NE)), }, { # TODO: Figure out why a simple SY instruction ends up with a bad # offset 'instruction': _MS(''' STYLE SYMBOL 'LIGHTS11' OFFSET 9 9 END'''), 'rules': MSCompare('COLOUR', '3,1') | MSCompare('COLOUR', '3'), }, { 'instruction': _MS(''' STYLE SYMBOL 'LIGHTS12' OFFSET 9 9 END'''), 'rules': MSCompare('COLOUR', '4,1') | MSCompare('COLOUR', '4') }, { 'instruction': _MS(''' STYLE SYMBOL 'LIGHTS13' OFFSET 9 9 END'''), 'rules': (MSCompare('COLOUR', '11') | MSCompare('COLOUR', '6') | MSCompare('COLOUR', '1')), } ]