Ejemplo n.º 1
def _la_solve(A, x, b, **kwargs):
    """Solve a linear algebra problem.

    :arg A: the assembled bilinear form, a :class:`.Matrix`.
    :arg x: the :class:`.Function` to write the solution into.
    :arg b: the :class:`.Function` defining the right hand side values.
    :kwarg bcs: an optional list of :class:`.DirichletBC`\s to apply.
    :kwarg solver_parameters: optional solver parameters.
    :kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
         :class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null space of
         the operator.
    :kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
         make the right hand side consistent.
    :kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to add
         the near nullspace.
    :kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
         PETSc options.  If not provided a unique prefix will be
         created.  Use this option if you want to pass options
         to the solver from the command line in addition to
         through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.

    .. note::

        Any boundary conditions passed in as an argument here override the
        boundary conditions set when the bilinear form was assembled.
        That is, in the following example:

        .. code-block:: python

           A = assemble(a, bcs=[bc1])
           solve(A, x, b, bcs=[bc2])

        the boundary conditions in `bc2` will be applied to the problem
        while `bc1` will be ignored.

    Example usage:

    .. code-block:: python

        _la_solve(A, x, b, solver_parameters=parameters_dict)."""

    bcs, solver_parameters, nullspace, nullspace_T, near_nullspace, \
        options_prefix = _extract_linear_solver_args(A, x, b, **kwargs)
    if bcs is not None:
        A.bcs = bcs

    solver = ls.LinearSolver(A,

    solver.solve(x, b)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _la_solve(A, x, b, **kwargs):
    r"""Solve a linear algebra problem.

    :arg A: the assembled bilinear form, a :class:`.Matrix`.
    :arg x: the :class:`.Function` to write the solution into.
    :arg b: the :class:`.Function` defining the right hand side values.
    :kwarg solver_parameters: optional solver parameters.
    :kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
         :class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null space of
         the operator.
    :kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
         make the right hand side consistent.
    :kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to add
         the near nullspace.
    :kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
         PETSc options.  If not provided a unique prefix will be
         created.  Use this option if you want to pass options
         to the solver from the command line in addition to
         through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.

    .. note::

        This function no longer accepts :class:`.DirichletBC`\s or
        :class:`.EquationBC`\s as arguments.
        Any boundary conditions must be applied when assembling the
        bilinear form as:

        .. code-block:: python

           A = assemble(a, bcs=[bc1])
           solve(A, x, b)

    Example usage:

    .. code-block:: python

        _la_solve(A, x, b, solver_parameters=parameters_dict)."""

    bcs, solver_parameters, nullspace, nullspace_T, near_nullspace, \
        options_prefix = _extract_linear_solver_args(A, x, b, **kwargs)

    if bcs is not None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "It is no longer possible to apply or change boundary conditions after assembling the matrix `A`; pass any necessary boundary conditions to `assemble` when assembling `A`."

    solver = ls.LinearSolver(A,
    if isinstance(x, firedrake.Vector):
        x = x.function
    # linear MG doesn't need RHS, supply zero.
    lvp = vs.LinearVariationalProblem(a=A.a, L=0, u=x, bcs=A.bcs)
    mat_type = A.mat_type
    appctx = solver_parameters.get("appctx", {})
    ctx = solving_utils._SNESContext(lvp,
    dm = solver.ksp.dm

    with dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, solver, appctx=ctx):
        solver.solve(x, b)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _la_solve(A, x, b, **kwargs):
    r"""Solve a linear algebra problem.

    :arg A: the assembled bilinear form, a :class:`.Matrix`.
    :arg x: the :class:`.Function` to write the solution into.
    :arg b: the :class:`.Function` defining the right hand side values.
    :kwarg bcs: an optional list of :class:`.DirichletBC`\s to apply.
    :kwarg solver_parameters: optional solver parameters.
    :kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
         :class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null space of
         the operator.
    :kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
         make the right hand side consistent.
    :kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to add
         the near nullspace.
    :kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
         PETSc options.  If not provided a unique prefix will be
         created.  Use this option if you want to pass options
         to the solver from the command line in addition to
         through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.

    .. note::

        Any boundary conditions passed in as an argument here override the
        boundary conditions set when the bilinear form was assembled.
        That is, in the following example:

        .. code-block:: python

           A = assemble(a, bcs=[bc1])
           solve(A, x, b, bcs=[bc2])

        the boundary conditions in `bc2` will be applied to the problem
        while `bc1` will be ignored.

    Example usage:

    .. code-block:: python

        _la_solve(A, x, b, solver_parameters=parameters_dict)."""

    bcs, solver_parameters, nullspace, nullspace_T, near_nullspace, \
        options_prefix = _extract_linear_solver_args(A, x, b, **kwargs)
    if bcs is not None:
        A.bcs = bcs

    solver = ls.LinearSolver(A, solver_parameters=solver_parameters,

    if isinstance(x, firedrake.Vector):
        x = x.function
    # linear MG doesn't need RHS, supply zero.
    lvp = vs.LinearVariationalProblem(a=A.a, L=0, u=x, bcs=bcs)
    mat_type = A.mat_type
    appctx = solver_parameters.get("appctx", {})
    ctx = solving_utils._SNESContext(lvp,
    dm = solver.ksp.dm

    with dmhooks.appctx(dm, ctx):
        solver.solve(x, b)