Ejemplo n.º 1
 def build_mesh(self):
     self.mesh = fd.BoxMesh(self.nx, self.ny, self.nz, self.Lx, self.Ly,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, mesh, bbox, orders, levels, fixed_dims=[],
        bbox: a list of tuples describing [(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), ...]
              of a Cartesian grid that extends around the shape to be
        orders: describe the orders (one integer per geometric dimension)
                of the tensor-product B-spline basis. A univariate B-spline
                has order "o" if it is a piecewise polynomial of degree
                "o-1". For instance, a hat function is a B-spline of
                order 2 and thus degree 1.
        levels: describe the subdivision levels (one integers per
                geometric dimension) used to construct the knots of
                univariate B-splines
        fixed_dims: dimensions in which the deformation should be zero

        boundary_regularities: how fast the splines go to zero on the boundary
                               for each dimension
                               [0,..,0] : they don't go to zero
                               [1,..,1] : they go to zero with C^0 regularity
                               [2,..,2] : they go to zero with C^1 regularity
        self.boundary_regularities = [o - 1 for o in orders] \
            if boundary_regularities is None else boundary_regularities
        # information on B-splines
        self.dim = len(bbox)  # geometric dimension
        self.bbox = bbox
        self.orders = orders
        self.levels = levels
        if isinstance(fixed_dims, int):
            fixed_dims = [fixed_dims]
        self.fixed_dims = fixed_dims
        self.comm = mesh.mpi_comm()
        # create temporary self.mesh_r and self.V_r to assemble innerproduct
        if self.dim == 2:
            nx = len(self.knots[0]) - 1
            ny = len(self.knots[1]) - 1
            Lx = self.bbox[0][1] - self.bbox[0][0]
            Ly = self.bbox[1][1] - self.bbox[1][0]
            meshloc = fd.RectangleMesh(nx, ny, Lx, Ly, quadrilateral=True,
                                       comm=self.comm)  # quads or triangle?
            # shift in x- and y-direction
            meshloc.coordinates.dat.data[:, 0] += self.bbox[0][0]
            meshloc.coordinates.dat.data[:, 1] += self.bbox[1][0]
            # inner_product.fixed_bids = [1,2,3,4]

        elif self.dim == 3:
            # maybe use extruded meshes, quadrilateral not available
            nx = len(self.knots[0]) - 1
            ny = len(self.knots[1]) - 1
            nz = len(self.knots[2]) - 1
            Lx = self.bbox[0][1] - self.bbox[0][0]
            Ly = self.bbox[1][1] - self.bbox[1][0]
            Lz = self.bbox[2][1] - self.bbox[2][0]
            meshloc = fd.BoxMesh(nx, ny, nz, Lx, Ly, Lz, comm=self.comm)
            # shift in x-, y-, and z-direction
            meshloc.coordinates.dat.data[:, 0] += self.bbox[0][0]
            meshloc.coordinates.dat.data[:, 1] += self.bbox[1][0]
            meshloc.coordinates.dat.data[:, 2] += self.bbox[2][0]
            # inner_product.fixed_bids = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

        self.mesh_r = meshloc
        maxdegree = max(self.orders) - 1
        # self.V_r =
        # self.inner_product = inner_product
        # self.inner_product.get_impl(self.V_r, self.FullIFW)

        # is this the proper space?
        self.V_control = fd.VectorFunctionSpace(self.mesh_r, "CG", maxdegree)
        self.I_control = self.build_interpolation_matrix(self.V_control)

        # standard construction of ControlSpace
        self.mesh_r = mesh
        element = fd.VectorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), maxdegree)
        self.V_r = fd.FunctionSpace(self.mesh_r, element)
        X = fd.SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh_r)
        self.id = fd.Function(self.V_r).interpolate(X)
        self.T = fd.Function(self.V_r, name="T")
        self.mesh_m = fda.Mesh(self.T)
        self.V_m = fd.FunctionSpace(self.mesh_m, element)

        assert self.dim == self.mesh_r.geometric_dimension()

        # assemble correct interpolation matrix
        self.FullIFW = self.build_interpolation_matrix(self.V_r)