def main(): data = np.genfromtxt("config/test_data.dat",dtype=float,delimiter='\t') x_vals = [x[0] for x in data] y_vals = [x[1] for x in data],y_vals)
def fit(self, X, y):, y, self.estimator, self.cv_results_, self.best_score_, self.best_params_, self.param_grid, self.cv_n, self.cv_type) best_index = self.cv_results_['mean_test_score'].index( max(self.cv_results_['mean_test_score'])) self.best_score_ = max(self.cv_results_['mean_test_score']) self.best_params_ = self.cv_results_['params'][best_index]
def classify(trainX, trainY, testX, testY): """ Uses the Bayesian Classifier to classify the test data. """ trainC = getClasses(trainY) P = estimatePosterior(trainX, trainC, testX) E = fit(testX, P) (e_rate, se, interval) = error.confidenceInterval(testY, E) return (P, E, e_rate, se, interval)
def retrieve(measured_intensity, measured_intensity1, measured_intensity2, measured_intensity3, phase_obj, phase_obj1, phase_obj2, phase_obj3, phase_modulate1, phase_modulate2, phase_modulate3, defocus_term): unet = U_Net(in_ch=1, out_ch=1).cuda() # unet = Slim_Net(in_ch=1, out_ch=1).cuda() mse_loss, mse_loss2, net_input, unet = fit( net=unet, net_input=measured_intensity.type(dtype), ref_intensity1=measured_intensity1.type(dtype), ref_intensity2=measured_intensity2.type(dtype), ref_intensity3=measured_intensity3.type(dtype), num_iter=10000, LR=0.1, lr_decay_epoch=0, add_noise=False, gt=Variable(torch.tensor(phase_obj)), cosLR=False, reducedLR=False, modulate1=Variable(torch.tensor(phase_modulate1)), modulate2=Variable(torch.tensor(phase_modulate2)), modulate3=Variable(torch.tensor(phase_modulate3)), defocus_term=defocus_term) # modulate1=None, # modulate2=Variable(torch.tensor(phase_modulate2))) # output = unet(net_input.type(dtype)).data.cpu().squeeze(0).numpy()[0] best_unet = U_Net(in_ch=1, out_ch=1).cuda() best_unet.load_state_dict(torch.load('best.pth')) output, _, _, _, _, _, _ = best_unet(measured_intensity.type(dtype), defocus_term.type(dtype)) output =[0] # output = unet(measured_intensity.type(dtype)).data.cpu().squeeze(0).numpy()[0] return mse_loss, mse_loss2, output
def fit_withrebin(f, p, fitfuncin=None, p0=None, minfreq=0, binsize=0.1, minpoints=10, sampling=4, **args): """Without modification, this fits log-binned to a powerlaw plus constant. Change fitfunc and supply correct p0 to fit for arbitary function. Binning parameters are as in "rebin"; returns parameters and uncertainties for successful fit, full message otherwise. Minpoints and sampling really shouldn't matter here. Extra args are passed through to leastsq (eg, maxfev=). """ if fitfuncin: #need function in rescaled logarithmicaly fitfunc = lambda p, x: log10(fitfuncin(p, 10**x)) else: fitfunc = lambda p, x: log10(abs(p[0]) * (10**x)**p[1] + abs(p[2])) p[p == 0] = min(p[p > 0]) ind = f > minfreq logbinf, logbinp, logbine = rebin(f[ind], p[ind], binsize, minpoints, sampling) if p0 == None: p0 = [1000, -1, 1e-5] return fit(logbinf, logbinp, logbine, p0, fitfunc, **args)
def classify(probabilities, testX, testY): """ Uses the sum rule to combine two predictions and then classify the data. """ n = len(testX) P = sum_rule(probabilities, n) E = fit(testX, P) (e_rate, se, interval) = error.confidenceInterval(testY, E) return (P, E, e_rate, se, interval)
def paramsOpt(filtr,params,func): qp=quotes[[i for i,x in enumerate(quotes.papel) if x in papeis]] #qp=filtr(qp) daystoexp=np.array([x.days for x in]) precoacao=np.array([petr4[]['high'][0] for xdate in]) p=params,p,[qp.exercicio,precoacao,daystoexp],qp.high) return p
def paramsOpt(filtr, params, func): qp = quotes[[i for i, x in enumerate(quotes.papel) if x in papeis]] #qp=filtr(qp) daystoexp = np.array([x.days for x in qp.vencimento -]) precoacao = np.array( [petr4[ == xdate]['high'][0] for xdate in]) p = params p =, p, [qp.exercicio, precoacao, daystoexp], qp.high) return p
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='train unet', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) fit.add_fit_args(parser) seed = 2012310818 np.random.seed(seed) parser.set_defaults(batch_size=16, num_epochs=40, lr=0.0001, optimizer='adam' # lr_step_epochs='10', # lr_factor = 0.8 ) args = parser.parse_args() kv = mx.kvstore.create(args.kv_store) unet = segnet(workspace=workspace) train, val, lt, lv = data_iter(args, kv), unet[2], data_iter)
def test_2(self): # устанавливаю параметры nn_params = create_nn_params() nn_params.with_bias = False nn_params.with_adap_lr = True = 0.01 nn_params.act_fu = SIGMOID nn_params.alpha_sigmoid = 0.056 nn_map = (2, 3, 1) X = [[1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]] Y_and = [[1], [1], [1], [0]] b_c_new = [ 0 ] * bc_bufLen # буффер для сериализации матричных элементов и входов initiate_layers(nn_params, nn_map, len(nn_map)) fit(b_c_new, nn_params, 7, X, Y_and, 100) print("in test_1 after learn. matr") for i in nn_params.list_: print(i.matrix) # сериализуем compil_serializ(nn_params, b_c_new, nn_params.list_, len(nn_map) - 1, "weight_file") # десериализуем nn_params_new = create_nn_params() deserializ(nn_params_new, nn_params_new.list_, "weight_file") print("in test_1 after deserializ. matr") for i in nn_params_new.list_: print(i.matrix) # предсказание print(answer_nn_direct(nn_params_new, [1, 1], 1)) # предсказание наоборот print("*ON CONTRARY*") answer_nn_direct_on_contrary(nn_params_new, [0], 1) print("-------------")
def application(environ, start_response): logpath = "%s/winti.log" % os.getenv("OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR") ctype = "text/plain" if environ["PATH_INFO"] == "/history": lines = open(logpath).readlines() response_body = "".join(lines) elif environ["PATH_INFO"] == "/current": lines = open(logpath).readlines() response_body = lines[-1] elif environ["PATH_INFO"] == "/filter": lines = open("logpath", "r") output = [] for line in lines: for line in lines: if not line.find(",,") >= 0: if not line.endswith(","): output.append(line) lines.close() response_body = "".join(output) elif environ["PATH_INFO"].startswith("/predict/"): s = re.compile("/predict/(\d+)") m = s.match(environ["PATH_INFO"]) predpeople = int( histstamps = [] histpeople = [] lines = open(logpath).readlines() for line in lines: try: stamp, people, date = line.split(",") except: stamp, people = line.strip().split(",") date = None if stamp == "" or people == "": continue histstamps.append(int(stamp)) histpeople.append(int(people)) fitlambda =, histstamps) predstamp = int(fitlambda(predpeople)) preddate = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(predstamp), "%a, %-d. %B %Y, %-H:%M") response_body = "Predicted date when the population of Winterthur reaches %s: %s" % (, preddate) elif environ["PATH_INFO"] == "/source": response_body = "" else: response_body = "This is a data source/data service informing about the population of Winterthur. Use /filter to filter /current or /history or /predict/{number-of-inhabitants} as invocation methods. Use /source to get a pointer to the service implementation source code." response_body = response_body.encode("utf-8") status = "200 OK" response_headers = [("Content-Type", ctype), ("Content-Length", str(len(response_body)))] start_response(status, response_headers) return [response_body]
def fit_quality(time, parameters, noise, repetitions): """ Apply the fitting routine a number of times, as given by `repetitions`, and return informations about the fit performance. """ results = [] errors = [] from numpy.random import seed alpha_psp = AlphaPSP() for _ in xrange(repetitions): seed() value = noisy_psp(time=time, noise=noise, **parameters) fit_result = fit(alpha_psp, time, value, noise, fail_on_negative_cov=[True, True, True, False, False]) if fit_result is not None: result, error, chi2, success = fit_result if chi2 < 1.5 and success: print chi2, result results.append(result) errors.append(error) else: print "fit failed:", print fit_result keys = alpha_psp.parameter_names() result_dict = dict(((key, []) for key in keys)) error_dict = dict(((key, []) for key in keys)) for result in results: for r, key in zip(result, keys): result_dict[key].append(r) for error in errors: for r, key in zip(p.diag(error), keys): error_dict[key].append(p.sqrt(r)) if p.isnan(p.sqrt(r)): print "+++++++", r return ([p.mean(result_dict[key]) for key in keys], [p.std(result_dict[key]) for key in keys], len(results), keys, [result_dict[key] for key in keys], [error_dict[key] for key in keys])
def fit(self, train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y): for i in range(2): fittedParams, mse = fit(self.model, self.paramcount, train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y) if i == 0: error = mse bestparam = fittedParams if (mse < error): error = mse bestparam = fittedParams self.params = bestparam self.error = error return error
def application(environ, start_response): logpath = "%s/winti.log" % os.getenv("OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR") ctype = 'text/plain' if environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/history': lines = open(logpath).readlines() response_body = "".join(lines) elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/current': lines = open(logpath).readlines() response_body = lines[-1] elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/troll': top = Tkinter.Tk() def helloCallBack(): tkMessageBox.showinfo( "Hello Python", "Hello World") B = Tkinter.Button(top, text ="Hello", command = helloCallBack) B.pack() top.mainloop() response_body = "lalalalalla" elif environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith('/predict/'): s = re.compile("/predict/(\d+)") m = s.match(environ['PATH_INFO']) predpeople = int( histstamps = [] histpeople = [] lines = open(logpath).readlines() for line in lines: try: stamp, people, date = line.split(",") except: stamp, people = line.strip().split(",") date = None if stamp == "" or people == "": continue histstamps.append(int(stamp)) histpeople.append(int(people)) fitlambda =, histstamps) predstamp = int(fitlambda(predpeople)) preddate = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(predstamp), "%a, %-d. %B %Y, %-H:%M") response_body = "Predicted date when the population of Winterthur reaches %s: %s" % (, preddate) elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/source': response_body = "blah blah blah blah bk" else: response_body = "This is a data source/data service informing about the population of Winterthur. Use /current or /history or /predict/{number-of-inhabitants} as invocation methods. Use /source to get a pointer to the service implementation source code." response_body = response_body.encode('utf-8') status = '200 OK' response_headers = [('Content-Type', ctype), ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))] start_response(status, response_headers) return [response_body]
def to_fit(self, x, y, erry): ''' Decompose a single spectrum using current parameters ''' if ( (not self.par['SG_winlen']) or (not self.par['SG_order']) ): print('SG_winlen or SG_order is unset') return status, results = x, y, erry, SG_winlen = self.par['SG_winlen'], SG_order = self.par['SG_order'], y_thresh = self.par['y_thresh'], band_frac = self.par['band_frac'], derv2_thresh = self.par['derv2_thresh'] ) return results
def fit_withrebin(f,p,fitfuncin=None,p0=None,minfreq=0,binsize=0.1,minpoints=10,sampling=4, **args): """Without modification, this fits log-binned to a powerlaw plus constant. Change fitfunc and supply correct p0 to fit for arbitary function. Binning parameters are as in "rebin"; returns parameters and uncertainties for successful fit, full message otherwise. Minpoints and sampling really shouldn't matter here. Extra args are passed through to leastsq (eg, maxfev=). """ if fitfuncin: #need function in rescaled logarithmicaly fitfunc = lambda p,x: log10(fitfuncin(p,10**x)) else: fitfunc = lambda p,x : log10(abs(p[0]) * (10**x)**p[1] + abs(p[2])) p[p==0] = min(p[p>0]) ind = f>minfreq logbinf, logbinp, logbine = rebin(f[ind],p[ind],binsize,minpoints,sampling) if p0==None: p0 = [1000,-1,1e-5] return fit(logbinf,logbinp,logbine,p0,fitfunc,**args)
def fit(self, funcs, quiet=False): f = fit(x=self.plotx, y=self.ploty, funcs=funcs) plsq = f.go() # Generate a new values of x (500) to make plotted # functions look good! step = (self.plotx.max() - self.plotx.min()) / 500 x = arange(self.plotx.min(), self.plotx.max(), step) self.fitx = x self.fity = f.evalfunc(x=x) if self.plotted: hold(True) plot(self.fitx, self.fity, 'b-') return plsq
def fit(self, funcs, quiet = False): f = fit(x = self.plotx, y = self.ploty, funcs = funcs) plsq = f.go() # Generate a new values of x (500) to make plotted # functions look good! step = ( self.plotx.max() - self.plotx.min() ) / 500 x = arange(self.plotx.min(), self.plotx.max(), step) self.fitx = x self.fity = f.evalfunc(x = x) if self.plotted: hold(True) plot(self.fitx,self.fity, 'b-') return plsq
def load(self,f): for l in f: l=l.strip() if l.startswith("END DATASET"): break elif l.startswith("FIT"): key=int(l.split()[1]) self.list_of_keys.append(key) self.fits[key]=fit(self.list_datafiles,self.datafile,self.index,key) self.fits[key].load(f) self.number_fits=max(self.number_fits,key+1) elif l.startswith("Label:"): self.label=l[7:] else: if len(l.split())>1: variable=l.split()[0][variable][0]=l[len(variable)+1:] self.calculate() for key in self.list_of_keys: self.fits[key].start_fit()
def fit_T1(self, save_file=None): from fit import fit from fitmodels import func_kohlrausch, guess_kohlrausch p0 = guess_kohlrausch([:, 0],[:, 1]) self.pprint(p0) fit_result = fit(func_kohlrausch, p0,[:, 0],[:, 1]) self.pprint(fit_result) p0 = fit_result[0]"Final t1: %r" % (1 / p0[1])) t1_misguess = log10(self.T1guess * p0[1]) if abs(t1_misguess) > 0.74: print "*** WARNING: T1guess is off by 10**%r." % \ t1_misguess if save_file is not None:[:, 2] =[:, 1] - \ func_kohlrausch(p0,[:, 0]) savetxt(save_file, self.fit_result = fit_result return 1 / p0[1]
def training_fcn(kwargs): j = kwargs['j'] true_params = np.append(kwargs['hgts'][j], np.append(kwargs['FWHMs'][j], kwargs['cens'][j])) # Produce initial guesses status, result =['vel'][j], kwargs['ytb'][j], kwargs['erry'][j], SG_winlen=kwargs['SG_winlen'], SG_order=kwargs['SG_order'], y_thresh=kwargs['y_thresh'], derv2_thresh=kwargs['derv2_thresh']) # If nothing was found, skip to next iteration if (status == 0): print('Nothing found in this spectrum, continuing...') return 0, 0, true_params // 3 guess_params = result['init_pars'] return compare_pars(guess_params, true_params)
def make_plot(): logfile = "/home/durant/data/ultracam/ScoX1/" ccd=1 band="low" mjd,rel,err,mjd_utc,rate,e = ultraxte.correlate(logfile,ccd,root+logfiles[logfile]+mid+band+'.lc',fclip=2) start,lag,output,output2,output3,ave1,ave2,std1,std2=corr(50,30,mjd[rel>0.03]*24*3600,rel[rel>0.03],mjd_utc*24*3600,rate) imshow(output,extent=[lag[0]-0.26502320542931557/2,lag[-1]+0.26502320542931557/2,-15,start[-1]-start[0]+15]) fitfunc = lambda p,x : abs(p[0]) * s.gauss(x,p[1],p[2]) errfunc = lambda p,x,y : fitfunc(p,x) - y from fit import fit res=[] for i in range(len(start)): temp = fit(lag,output[i],bart_err(output2[i],output3[i]),p0[:],fitfunc,assume=0) res.append(temp) peak = n.ones(len(start))*1.0 err = n.ones(len(start))*1.0 try: peak[i] = res[i][0][1] err[i] = res[i][1][1] except: pass s.errorbar(peak2[peak2!=1],start[peak2!=1]-start[0],xerr=err2[peak2!=1],yerr=0,fmt='ko',capsize=0) s.xlabel("$\delta t$ (s)") s.ylabel("$T$ (s)")
def main(): print "Hello world" xdata = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] temp = xdata ydata = np.square(temp) a =, ydata) yfunc = xdata print ("xdata", xdata) # for i in range(1, 6): # yfunc[i - 1] = fit.equation(i, a) print ("xdata", xdata) print a print yfunc plt.title("Fitted Plot in red vs Actual points in black") plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel("X") plt.ylabel("Y") xx = np.linspace(np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)) #plt.xlim([xdata[0]-20, xdata[-1] + 20]) #plt.ylim([ydata[0]-2000, ydata[-1] + 2000]) plt.plot(xx, fit.equation(xx, a), 'r-') #, label="Fitted Curve") plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'ko')
def auto_fit(cors, options=None):"Finding best fit range") logging.debug("Temporarily setting the logger to warnings only") individual_fitfun = functions[options.function].individual(options.period) print cors ranges = [] for cor in cors: ranges.append(fit.best_fit_range(individual_fitfun, cor, options)[0]) print "best ranges" print ranges #exit() # logger = logging.getLogger() # previous_loglevel = logger.level # ALWAYSINFO = 26 # logger.setLevel(ALWAYSINFO) # import itertools # tend = options.period/2 # print tend # tends = [tend] * len(cors) # allowed_tmins = range(5,tend-5) # tmins = itertools.product(allowed_tmins, repeat=2) # tmins = [(x,y) for x,y in tmins if x>y] # best_ranges = [] # for tmin in tmins: # multicor = mergecors(cors, tmin, tends) # funct = functions[options.function](Nt=options.period, ranges=zip(tmin, tends)) # try: # _, _, qual =, multicor, min(multicor.times), max(multicor.times), # bootstraps=1, return_chi=False, return_quality=True, options=options) # metric = qual # best_ranges.append((metric,tmin)) # except RuntimeError: # logging.warn("Fitter failed, skipping this tmin,tmax {},{}".format(*tmin)) # except fit.InversionError: # logging.warn("Covariance matrix failed, skipping this tmin,tmax {},{}".format(*tmin)) # except Exception as e: # logging.warn("Fitter failed error {}".format(e)) # logging.warn("Fitter failed, skipping this tmin,tmax {},{}".format(*tmin)) # logger.setLevel(previous_loglevel) # logging.debug("Restored logging state to original") # sortedranges = [(metric, tmins) for metric, tmins in sorted(best_ranges, reverse=True)] # print sortedranges[:5] # exit() # for _, tmin in sortedranges[:10]: # try: # multicor = mergecors(cors, tmin, tends) # funct = functions[options.function](Nt=options.period, ranges=zip(tmin, tends)) #, multicor, min(multicor.times), max(multicor.times), # filestub=options.output_stub, return_chi=False, return_quality=True, options=options) # except RuntimeError: # logging.warn("Fitter failed, skipping this tmin,tmax {},{}".format(*tmin)) # except fit.InversionError: # logging.warn("Covariance matrix failed, skipping this tmin,tmax {},{}".format(*tmin)) # else: # print "fit using ranges {}".format(tmin) # break # print "done" # exit() # ranges = [(10,25), (10,25)] multicor = mergecors(cors, zip(*ranges)[0], zip(*ranges)[1]) funct = functions[options.function](Nt=options.period, ranges=ranges), multicor, min(multicor.times), max(multicor.times), filestub=options.output_stub, return_chi=False, return_quality=True, options=options) print "done""starting fit with mergedcorrelator")
def __init__(self, dl, device): self.dl = dl self.device = device def __iter__(self): for b in self.dl: yield to_device(b, self.device) def __len__(self): return len(self.dl) # 把数据集装入显存中并用GPU做后续运算 train_dl = DeviceDataLoader(train_dl, dev) valid_dl = DeviceDataLoader(valid_dl, dev) model = model.kiUnet(1, 1) # 这行代码是用CNN模型训练的 to_device(model, dev) # 把模型及其参数也都放到显存里,再用GPU运行 loss_func = loss_functions.loss_func() # 选择优化器 opt = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=1e-8) # 设置权重衰减 scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(opt, milestones, gamma=gamma, last_epoch=-1), model, loss_func, opt, train_dl, valid_dl)
description="Train classification models on ImageNet", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) models.add_model_args(parser) fit.add_fit_args(parser) data.add_data_args(parser) dali.add_dali_args(parser) data.add_data_aug_args(parser) return parser.parse_args() def setup_logging(args): head = '{asctime}:{levelname}: {message}' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=head, style='{', handlers=[ logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr), logging.FileHandler(args.log) ])'Start with arguments {}'.format(args)) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() setup_logging(args) model = models.get_model(**vars(args)) data_loader = data.get_data_loader(args), model, data_loader)
# end def predict_proba def predict(self, X): return batch_to_anysize(self.batch_size, self.predict_batch, X) # end def predict if __name__ == '__main__': from misc import set_quick_logging set_quick_logging() datasets = load_data(data_name='mnist') clf = MLP(n_epochs=10, batch_size=200) fit(clf, train_set=datasets[0], valid_set=datasets[1], test_set=datasets[2], flag_report_test=True, flag_report_valid=True, early_stop=True) print clf.predict_proba_batch(datasets[1][0][0:200]) print clf.predict_batch(datasets[1][0][0:200]) print clf.predict_proba(datasets[1][0]) print clf.predict(datasets[1][0]) print clf.predict_cost_batch(datasets[1][0][0:200], datasets[1][1][0:200]) print clf.predict_cost(datasets[1][0][0:200], datasets[1][1][0:200]) print clf.predict_cost(datasets[1][0], datasets[1][1])
h3 = layers.DenseLayer(h2, 20)#, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid) h4 = layers.DenseLayer(h3, 20)#, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid) h5 = layers.DenseLayer(h4, 10, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax) _layers = [h1, h2, h3, h4] shape = lin.get_output_shape() Xi = np.asarray([(t.ravel()) for t in X]) for l in _layers: if ( != 'merge'): inp = layers.InputLayer(shape) tlayer = layers.DenseLayer(incoming=inp, num_units=l.num_units, W=l.W, b=l.b, nonlinearity=l.nonlinearity) out = layers.DenseLayer(incoming=tlayer, num_units=Xi.shape[1])#, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid) if ( == 'afterinput'): fit(lin=inp, lhog = lhog, output_layer=out, X=X, X_hog=X_hog, y=Xi, eval_size=0.1, num_epochs=100, l_rate_start = 0.01, l_rate_stop = 0.00001, batch_size = 100, l2_strength = 0, Flip=False) else: fit(lin=inp, lhog = lhog, output_layer = out, X=Xi, X_hog=X_hog, y=Xi, eval_size=0.1, num_epochs=50, l_rate_start = 0.001, l_rate_stop = 0.0001, batch_size = 100, l2_strength = 0, Flip=False) shape = l.output_shape kf = KFold(NTRAIN, 100) Xi = np.empty(tuple(np.append([1], shape[1:])), 'float32') for indices in iter(kf): lin.input_var = theano.shared(X[indices[1]]) lhog.input_var = theano.shared(X_hog[indices[1]]) out = theano.function([], layers.get_output(l, deterministic=True), on_unused_input='ignore') t=out() Xi = np.concatenate((Xi, out()))
def BBfit(x, y, x_err=None, y_err=None, ai=None, bi=None, scatteri=None, clip=None): return, y, x_err, y_err, ai, bi, scatteri, clip, fit_type=2)
def add_fit(self): self.fits[self.number_fits]=fit(self.list_datafiles,self.datafile,self.index,self.number_fits) self.list_of_keys=sorted(self.fits.keys()) self.number_fits+=1
lr=0.02, lr_factor=0.2, lr_step_epochs='5', wd=0, mom=0, optimizer='sgd', disp_batches=10, model_prefix=MODEL_DIR + "/resnext101", ) # use less augmentations for fine-tune data.set_data_aug_level(parser, 1) args = parser.parse_args() # pre-trained model should be downloaded and renamed sym, arg_params, aux_params = mx.model.load_checkpoint( MODEL_DIR + "/resnext101", 0) # remove the last fullc layer (new_sym, new_args) = get_fine_tune_model(sym, arg_params, args.num_classes, args.layer_before_fullc) # train, network=new_sym, data_loader=data.get_image_iter, arg_params=new_args, aux_params=aux_params)
test_dataset = TextLoader(X_test, y_test, TEST_TRANSFORMS, char2idx ,idx2char) test_loader =, shuffle=True, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True, collate_fn=TextCollate()) if MODEL == 'model1': from models import model1 model = model1.TransformerModel(len(ALPHABET), hidden=HIDDEN, enc_layers=ENC_LAYERS, dec_layers=DEC_LAYERS, nhead=N_HEADS, dropout=DROPOUT).to(DEVICE) if MODEL == 'model2': from models import model2 model = model2.TransformerModel(len(ALPHABET), hidden=HIDDEN, enc_layers=ENC_LAYERS, dec_layers=DEC_LAYERS, nhead=N_HEADS, dropout=DROPOUT).to(DEVICE) if FROM_CHECKPOINT_PATH != None: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(FROM_CHECKPOINT_PATH)) print(f'loading from checkpoint {FROM_CHECKPOINT_PATH}') criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=char2idx['PAD']) optimizer = torch.optim.__getattribute__(OPTIMIZER_NAME)(model.parameters(), lr=LR) if SCHUDULER_ON: scheduler =torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, patience=PATIENCE) else: scheduler = None print(f'checkpoints are saved in {CHECKPOINTS_PATH} every {CHECKPOINT_FREQ} epochs') for epoch in range(1, N_EPOCHS, CHECKPOINT_FREQ): fit(model, optimizer, scheduler, criterion, train_loader, test_loader, epoch, epoch+CHECKPOINT_FREQ), CHECKPOINTS_PATH+'checkpoint_{}.pt'.format(epoch+CHECKPOINT_FREQ))
# data data_train_imglist=TRAIN_ALL_DIR + "/train_all_train.lst", data_train_imgrec=TRAIN_ALL_DIR + "/train_all_train.rec", data_train_imgidx=TRAIN_ALL_DIR + "/train_all_train.idx", data_val_imglist=TRAIN_ALL_DIR + "/train_all_val.lst", data_val_imgrec=TRAIN_ALL_DIR + "/train_all_val.rec", data_val_imgidx=TRAIN_ALL_DIR + "/train_all_val.idx", num_classes=NUM_CLASSES, num_examples=NUM_TRAIN_IMGS, image_shape='3,%d,%d' % (INPUT_HEIGHT, INPUT_WIDTH), # train gpus='0', batch_size=TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, num_epochs=EPOCHS, lr=LR, lr_factor=0.5, lr_step_epochs='5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45', optimizer='sgd', disp_batches=10, model_prefix=MODEL_DIR + "/resnext50", ) args = parser.parse_args() # load network from importlib import import_module net = import_module( sym = net.get_symbol(**vars(args)) # train, sym, data.get_image_iter)
data_shape=(3, 224, 224), path_imgrec=args.val_rec, shuffle=True, rand_mirror=args.rand_mirror, mean=args.rgb_mean, cutoff=0, ) val_dataiter = # load network sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from importlib import import_module net = import_module('symbols.' + sym = net.get_symbol(num_classes=args.num_classes, multiplier=args.multiplier) # print(sym.get_internals()['mobilenetv20_features_conv0_weight'].attr_dict()['mobilenetv20_features_conv0_weight']['__shape__']) # exit() # set up logger logger = logging.getLogger() fh = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join( '../../log', time.strftime('%F-%T', time.localtime()).replace(':', '-') + '.log')) fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # ch = logging.StreamHandler() # ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(fh) # logger.addHandler(ch) # train, sym, train_dataiter, val_dataiter, logger)
def fit(self, data, x=None, var=None): return, self.coef, data, x=x, var=var)
def train_core( X, y, X_valid=None, y_valid=None, n_iter=500, target_width=32, target_height=32, class_weight=None, flag_rgb=True, classifier_type="convnet", preproc_type="univar", bowsvm_config=None, ): ''' core function for training, including data preprocessing and classifier training ''' # data preprocessing # # input/output: X, X_valid if preproc_type == 'none': scaler = NullScaler() if classifier_type == 'bowsvm': scaler.transform = recover_image_from_vector X = scaler.transform(X) X_valid = scaler.transform(X_valid) elif preproc_type == "univar": scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(X) X = scaler.transform(X) X_valid = scaler.transform(X_valid) elif preproc_type == "zca": scaler = preprocessor(flag_zca=True) X = X_valid = elif preproc_type == "lcn": scaler = preprocessor(flag_lcn=True) X = X_valid = else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Currently only implemented preproc_type: univar, zca and lcn.') # need to make y int # train classifier # # input: X, y # output: clf # here clf combines log loss and l2 penalty, which is equivalent to logistic regression # alpha is the coeff for l2 qregularization term if classifier_type == "convnet": print X.shape[0] if flag_rgb: img_dim = 3 else: img_dim = 1 clf = lenet5(n_epochs=n_iter, batch_size=256, learning_rate=0.002, img_dim=img_dim, nkerns=[32, 48], num_class=2) fit_outputs = fit(clf, train_set=(X, y), flag_report_test=False, flag_report_valid=True, early_stop=True, valid_set=(X_valid, y_valid), optimize_type='momentum') clf.set_weights(fit_outputs['best_params']) elif classifier_type == "logreg": clf = SGDClassifier(loss="log", penalty="l2", n_iter=n_iter, verbose=True, shuffle=True, alpha=0.01, class_weight=class_weight), y) elif classifier_type == "svm": clf = SVM(probability=True, verbose=True, kernel='linear'), y) elif classifier_type == "bowsvm": clf = BowSvm( num_cluster=bowsvm_config['num_cluster'], verbose=True, kernel=bowsvm_config['kernel'], degree=bowsvm_config['degree'], ), y) else: raise NotImplementedError( "classifier_type can only be convnet / logreg / svm / bow-svm") # report number of examples n_pos = (y == 1).sum() n_neg = (y == 0).sum() n_train = y.shape[0] 'training set: %d positive examples, %d negative examples, %d total' % (n_pos, n_neg, n_train)) if y_valid is not None: n_pos = (y_valid == 1).sum() n_neg = (y_valid == 0).sum() n_train = y_valid.shape[0] 'validation set: %d positive examples, %d negative examples, %d total' % (n_pos, n_neg, n_train)) return clf, scaler
def run_fit(self): param=[] for i in range(len(self.fpcoef)): if self.fitcoef[i]: param.append(self.fpcoef[i]) fit(self.errf, param, self.w)
def fit(self, func, coef, data, var): return, coef, data, var=var)
quotes=bmfutils.readfile('') petr4=quotes[quotes.papel=='PETR4'] calls=quotes[quotes.merc=='070'] puts=quotes[quotes.merc=='080'] dates=sorted(set( for d in dates[:10]: data=[] precoacao=petr4[].med[0] c=calls[] for v in sorted(set(c.vencimento))[:4]: t=(v-d).days def f(strike,p): r=0.00018 v=p[0] return bs.BlackSholes('c',precoacao,strike,t,r,v) cv=c[c.vencimento==v],[0.0],cv.exercicio, print params,v data.append(params) #pylab.plot(cv.exercicio,f(x,params),'x') #pylab.plot(cv.exercicio,tvalue,'.',label=str(v)) pylab.plot([x[0] for x in data],[x[0] for x in data],'.',label=str(d)) print '-----' pylab.rcParams['legend.loc'] = 'best' pylab.legend()
quotes = bmfutils.readfile('') petr4 = quotes[quotes.papel == 'PETR4'] calls = quotes[quotes.merc == '070'] puts = quotes[quotes.merc == '080'] dates = sorted(set( for d in dates[:10]: data = [] precoacao = petr4[ == d].med[0] c = calls[ == d] for v in sorted(set(c.vencimento))[:4]: t = (v - d).days def f(strike, p): r = 0.00018 v = p[0] return bs.BlackSholes('c', precoacao, strike, t, r, v) cv = c[c.vencimento == v] params =, [0.0], cv.exercicio, print params, v data.append(params) #pylab.plot(cv.exercicio,f(x,params),'x') #pylab.plot(cv.exercicio,tvalue,'.',label=str(v)) pylab.plot([x[0] for x in data], [x[0] for x in data], '.', label=str(d)) print '-----' pylab.rcParams['legend.loc'] = 'best' pylab.legend()
# # No need to provide first guess at parameters for fit.gaus # (xf, yf), params, err, chi =, x,y) # print "N: %.2f +/- %.3f" % (params[0], err[0]) # print "N: %.2f +/- %.3f" % (params[1], err[1]) # print "N: %.2f +/- %.3f" % (params[2], err[2]) def example_function(params, x): kappa, n = params return (1. - exp(-kappa * x**n)) # It will still try to guess parameters, but they are dumb! (xf, yf), p, e, chi =, x, y) plot(x, y, 'bo', label='Data') # plot(xf,yf, 'r-', label='Fit') # errorbar(xf,yf,yerr=e,'r-', label='Fit') errorbar(xf, yf, yerr=chi) legend() # results =, x, y, default_pars = [1, 12, 10, 1, 1, 1]) # plot(results[0][0], results[0][1], 'r--') # Fit a sub-range: # clf() # results =, x, y, data_range=[0, 23]) # plot(results[0][0], results[0][1], 'r-.')
start = 30. offset = 50. repetitions = 100 result = p.empty(repetitions * len(times)) for i in xrange(repetitions): v = noisy_psp(height, tau_1, tau_2, start, offset, times, noise) result[i * len(times): (i + 1) * len(times)] = v return result if __name__ == '__main__': noise_est = 0.1 psps = build_rep_trace(noise_est) shapes = segment(psps, dt, 100) psp = AlphaPSP() i = [] i_err = [] res = [] for shape in shapes: r = fit(psp, times, shape, noise_est, fail_on_negative_cov=[True, True, True, False, False]) a, b = psp.integral(times, r[0], r[1]) print "fit succeeded:", r[-1] print "fit result:", r[0] print "integral:", a, "+/-", b
def calculate_fit_quality_fixed_seed(self, seed_val, debug_plot=False, max_dev=4.): """ Assert the quality of the fit by comparing the parameters used to generate test data to the fit result. The deviation should be smaller than `max_dev` times the error estimate reported by the fit routine. (e.g., using max_dev=3 leads to a statistical failure probability of 0.3% assuming a normal distribution on the results.) Only the height and tau_1/tau_2 are tested for a correct error estimate. """ noise = .1 seed(seed_val) times = p.arange(0, 100, .1) height = 1. tau_1 = 10. tau_2 = 5. start = 30. offset = 50. voltage = noisy_psp(height, tau_1, tau_2, start, offset, times, noise) fitres, cov, red_chi2, success = fit( AlphaPSP(), times, voltage, noise, fail_on_negative_cov=[True, True, True, False, False]) if debug_plot: p.figure() p.plot(times, AlphaPSP()(times, *fitres), 'r-') p.errorbar(times, voltage, yerr=noise, fmt='bx') p.xlabel("time / AU") p.ylabel("voltage / AU") p.title("fit result") fname = "/tmp/fit_quality_plot_{0}.pdf".format(seed_val) p.savefig(fname) print "Plot saved to:", fname err = p.sqrt(p.diag(cov)) print "seed:", seed_val self.assertTrue(success) self.assertLess(abs(fitres[0] - height), max_dev * err[0]) self.assertLess(abs(fitres[1] - tau_1), max_dev * err[1]) self.assertLess(abs(fitres[2] - tau_2), max_dev * err[2]) # NOTE: only testing height and time constants for correct # error estimate # self.assertLess(abs(fitres[3] - start), max_dev * err[3]) # self.assertLess(abs(fitres[4] - offset), # max_dev * err[4]) self.assertLess(red_chi2, 1.5) print red_chi2, abs(fitres[1] - tau_1) / err[1], abs(fitres[2] - tau_2) / err[2]
# --set-resnet-aug ... # Finally, to get the legacy MXNet v1.2 training settings on a per-use basis, invoke as in: # --set-data-aug-level 3 parser.set_defaults( # network num_layers = 50, # data resize = 256, num_classes = 1000, num_examples = 1281167, image_shape = '3,224,224', min_random_scale = 1, # if input image has min size k, suggest to use # 256.0/x, e.g. 0.533 for 480 # train num_epochs = 90, lr_step_epochs = '30,60,80', dtype = 'float32' ) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.use_dali: data.set_data_aug_level(parser, 0) # load network import resnet as net sym = net.get_symbol(**vars(args)) # train, sym, dali.get_rec_iter)
def get_drift_rate_camera(center_frequency, data_sets, do_plot=True, units='Hz'): fig = None data_ = [] ans_ = [] err_ = [] for filename, data_set in data_sets.items(): data = Data(filename) fit_settings = data_set['fit_settings'] data['name'] = filename load_images(data, data_set['camera_args']) process_images_eg(data, data_set['camera_args']) data = process_clock_scan_camera(data, center_frequency) data = fit_clock_scan_camera(data, fit_settings) data_set['data'] = data fig = plot_clock_scan_camera(data, fit_settings['region'], fig=fig) data_.append(data) ans_.append(data['fit_clock_scan']['fit']) err_.append(data['fit_clock_scan']['err']) f0_ = [center_frequency - ans['x0'] for ans in ans_] if err_: f0err_ = [err['x0'] for err in err_] else: f0err_ = None T_ = [ data['time']['timestamp'][np.argmin( abs(data['clock_aom']['frequency'] - f0))] for data, f0 in zip(data_, f0_) ] T_ = [T - T_[0] for T in T_] p_guess = {'a': (f0_[-1] - f0_[0]) / T_[-1], 'b': f0_[0]} ans, err = fit(linear, p_guess, T_, f0_, y_err=f0err_) print 'drift rate: {} {}/s'.format(ans['a'], units) print 'error bar: {} {}/s'.format(err['a'], units) cxn = labrad.connect() cxn.rf.select_device('clock_dedrift') rr = cxn.rf.ramprate() print 'new ramprate: {} Hz/s'.format(rr + ans['a']) if do_plot: T_fit_ = np.linspace(min(T_), max(T_), 1000) f0_fit_ = linear(ans)(T_fit_) fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(8, 5) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if f0err_: ax.errorbar(T_, f0_, f0err_, fmt='o') else: ax.plot(T_, f0_, 'o') ax.plot(T_fit_, f0_fit_, '-') ax.set_title('measure drift') ax.set_ylabel('center frequency [{}]'.format(units)) ax.set_xlabel('time [s]') max_y = max([max(l.get_ydata()) for l in ax.get_lines()]) min_y = min([min(l.get_ydata()) for l in ax.get_lines()]) range_y = max_y - min_y ax.set_ylim([min_y - .1 * range_y, max_y + .1 * range_y]) max_x = max([max(l.get_xdata()) for l in ax.get_lines()]) min_x = min([min(l.get_xdata()) for l in ax.get_lines()]) range_x = max_x - min_x ax.set_xlim([min_x - .1 * range_x, max_x + .1 * range_x]) return fig
else: tlayer = layers.DenseLayer(incoming=inp, num_units=l.num_units, W=l.W, b=l.b) out = layers.DenseLayer(incoming=tlayer, num_units=Xi.shape[1]) if ('afterinput' in fit(lin=inp, lhog = lhog, output_layer=out, X=X, X_hog=X_hog, y=Xi, eval_size=0.1, num_epochs=1, l_rate_start = 0.01, l_rate_stop = 0.00001, batch_size = 100, l2_strength = 0, Flip=False) else: fit(lin=inp, lhog = lhog, output_layer=out, X=Xi, X_hog=X_hog, y=Xi, eval_size=0.1, num_epochs=1, l_rate_start = 0.01, l_rate_stop = 0.00001, batch_size = 100, l2_strength = 0, Flip=False) shape = l.output_shape kf = KFold(NTRAIN, 100) Xi = np.empty(tuple(np.append([1], shape[1:])), 'float32') for indices in iter(kf): lin.input_var = theano.shared(X[indices[1]]) lhog.input_var = theano.shared(X_hog[indices[1]]) out = theano.function([], layers.get_output(l, deterministic=True), on_unused_input='ignore') t=out() Xi = np.concatenate((Xi, out())) Xi = Xi[1:] ''' fit(lin=lin, lhog=lhog, output_layer=out, X=X, X_hog=X_hog, y=y, eval_size=0.1, num_epochs=EPOCHS, l_rate_start = 0.02, l_rate_stop = 0.0001, batch_size = 100, l2_strength = 0.00005, Flip=True, p=None) loader.print_prediction(count=NTEST, numiters=1000, pred=pred, lin=lin, lhog=lhog, output_layer=out)
auto_fit(cors, options=args) else: while not DONE: multicor = mergecors(cors, args.time_start, args.time_end) multicor.symmetric = True multicor.symmetry = "symmetric" # hack multicor.period = args.period funct = functions[args.function](Nt=args.period, ranges=zip(args.time_start, args.time_end)) funct.stride = args.tstride"starting fit with mergedcorrelator") try: averages, stds, chi =, multicor, min(multicor.times), max(multicor.times), bootstraps=args.bootstraps, filestub=args.output_stub, return_chi=True, return_quality=False, writecor=False, tstride=args.tstride, options=args) except (fit.InversionError, InvalidFit) as e: logging.error("Could not invert, {}".format(e)) if args.debug_noretry: exit(-1) logging.error("Trying larger stride time {}->{}".format(args.tstride, args.tstride+1)) args.tstride += 1 funct.stride = args.tstride if args.tstride > 3: args.time_start = [t+1 for t in args.time_start] args.time_end = [t-1 for t in args.time_end] args.tstride = 1"new tstarts: {} new tends: {}".format(args.time_start, args.time_end)) continue
# continue fn = "testing_2014-06-04/%s/COMSAT_field_%04d-%02d-%02d.txt" % ( lakename, int(margs_part[6]), int(margs_part[7]), int(margs_part[8]), ) comsatprofile = np.genfromtxt(fn, usecols=1) p1d, p2d = finddefaults(margs_part[0]) p1a = np.linspace(start=p1d / 10.0, stop=p1d * 2.0, num=n) p2a = np.linspace(start=p2d / 4.0, stop=(p2d + 3.0) / 4.0, num=n) rmsda = np.zeros((n, n)) * np.nan biasa = np.zeros((n, n)) * np.nan for i1, p1 in enumerate(p1a): for i2, p2 in enumerate(p2a): rmsd, bias, ml = + [p1, p2], comsatprofile) rmsda[i1, i2] = rmsd biasa[i1, i2] = bias print (" ".join(["%.2g" % v for v in [i1, i2, p1, p2, rmsd, bias]])) rmsddict[id] = rmsda biasdict[id] = biasa plt.cla() plotfitstats(p1a, p2a, p1d, p2d, rmsda, biasa, lakename, "png/%s.png" % lakename) p_default = dict() p_min_rmsd = dict() p_min_abs_bias = dict() min_rmsd = dict() min_abs_bias = dict() for id in cmddict.keys(): lakename = "COMSAT%s" % id
def tmin_plot(fn, cor, tmin, tmax, filestub=None, bootstraps=NBOOTSTRAPS): emass_dt = 3 index = fn.parameter_names.index("mass") fitted_params = [] fitted_errors = [] qualities = [] Tpoints = range(tmin, tmax-(len(fn.parameter_names)+1)) if args.write_each_boot: orig_write_each_boot = args.write_each_boot for t in Tpoints: if args.write_each_boot: args.write_each_boot = orig_write_each_boot+"_{}".format(t) try: params, errors, qual =, cor, t, tmax, filestub=filestub, bootstraps=bootstraps, return_quality=True, options=args) fitted_params.append(params[index]) fitted_errors.append(errors[index]) qualities.append(qual) except RuntimeError: fitted_params.append(np.nan) fitted_errors.append(np.nan) qualities.append(0.0) continue fig = plt.figure() emass = cor.periodic_effective_mass(emass_dt) emass_errors = cor.periodic_effective_mass_errors(emass_dt).values() emass_plot = plt.errorbar(np.array(emass.keys())+0.2, emass.values(), yerr=emass_errors, fmt='g^', zorder=0) cmap = tmin_plot = plt.scatter(Tpoints, fitted_params, c=qualities, s=50, cmap=cmap) plt.clim(0, 1) tmin_error = plt.errorbar(Tpoints, fitted_params, yerr=fitted_errors, fmt=None, zorder=0) for i in flatten(emass_plot): i.set_visible(False) cb = fig.colorbar(tmin_plot) cb.set_label("Fit Quality") plt.ylim([0, max(emass.values())*1.2]) plt.xlim([0, tmax + 2]) def func(label): if label == 'tminplot': tmin_plot.set_visible(not tmin_plot.get_visible()) for i in flatten(tmin_error): if i: i.set_visible(not i.get_visible()) elif label == 'emass': for i in flatten(emass_plot): if i: i.set_visible(not i.get_visible()) plt.draw() if(filestub):"Saving plot to {}".format(filestub+".png")) plt.savefig(filestub)"Saving tmin data to {}".format(filestub+".tmin.out")) with open(filestub+".tmin.out", "w") as f: for t, data, error, q in zip(Tpoints, fitted_params, fitted_errors, qualities): f.write("{}, {}, {}, {}\n".format(t, data, error, q)) else: rax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.8, 0.1, 0.15]) check = CheckButtons(rax, ('tminplot', 'emass'), (True, False)) check.on_clicked(func)
true_w = to_gpu(torch.ones((20, 1))) random_w = torch.randn(true_w.shape) true_model = to_gpu(Net(true_w)) model = to_gpu(Net(random_w)) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.05) scheduler = lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=10, gamma=0.8) criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss() epochs = 20 save_path = 'test.mdl' valid_dataset = DatasetFromModel(first_dim=1, batches=256, model=true_model) train_dataset = DatasetFromModel(first_dim=1, batches=1024, model=true_model) valid_loader = DataLoader(valid_dataset, batch_size=256) train_loader = DataLoader(valid_dataset, batch_size=64) fit(train_gen=train_loader, valid_gen=valid_loader, model=model, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, epochs=epochs, loss_fn=criterion, save_path=save_path) # now try creating a new model and loading the old weights model_2 = to_gpu(Net(torch.randn(true_w.shape))) model_2.load_state_dict(torch.load(save_path)) print(model_2.w)
def classify(trainX, trainY, testX, testY, k): """ Uses the KNN to classify the test data. """ P = estimatePosterior(trainX, trainY, testX, k) E = fit(testX, P) (e_rate, se, interval) = error.confidenceInterval(testY, E) return (P, E, e_rate, se, interval)