Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_expectation(filename):
    Load an expected fitting problem from a json file.

    :param filename: The path to the expectation file
    :type filename: string
    :return: A fitting problem to test against
    :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.FittingProblem
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        expectation_dict = load(f)

    expectation = FittingProblem(OPTIONS)
    expectation.name = expectation_dict['name']
    expectation.start_x = expectation_dict['start_x']
    expectation.end_x = expectation_dict['end_x']
    expectation.data_x = np.array(expectation_dict['data_x'])
    expectation.data_y = np.array(expectation_dict['data_y'])
    expectation.data_e = expectation_dict['data_e']
    if expectation.data_e is not None:
        expectation.data_e = np.array(expectation.data_e)
    expectation.starting_values = expectation_dict['starting_values']
    expectation.value_ranges = expectation_dict['value_ranges']

    return expectation
    def test_verify_problem(self):
        Test that verify only passes if all required values are set.
        fitting_problem = FittingProblem(self.options)
        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.FittingProblemError):
            self.fail('verify() passes when no values are set.')

        fitting_problem.starting_values = [OrderedDict([('p1', 1), ('p2', 2)])]
        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.FittingProblemError):
            self.fail('verify() passes starting values are set.')

        fitting_problem.data_x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.FittingProblemError):
            self.fail('verify() passes when data_x is set.')

        fitting_problem.data_y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.FittingProblemError):
            self.fail('verify() passes when data_y is set.')

        fitting_problem.function = lambda x, p1, p2: p1 + p2
        except exceptions.FittingProblemError:
            self.fail('verify() fails when all required values set.')

        fitting_problem.data_x = [1, 2, 3]
        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.FittingProblemError):
            self.fail('verify() passes for x values not numpy.')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parse(self):
        Parse the NIST problem file into a Fitting Problem.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem

        fitting_problem = FittingProblem()

        equation, data, starting_values, name = self._parse_line_by_line()
        data = self._parse_data(data)

        fitting_problem.data_x = data[:, 1]
        fitting_problem.data_y = data[:, 0]
        if len(data[0, :]) > 2:
            fitting_problem.data_e = data[:, 2]

        fitting_problem.name = name

        # String containing a mathematical expression
        fitting_problem.equation = self._parse_equation(equation)

        fitting_problem.starting_values = starting_values

        fitting_problem.function = \

        return fitting_problem
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_verify_problem(self):
        Test that verify only passes if all required values are set.
        fitting_problem = FittingProblem()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.fail('verify() passes when no values are set.')

        fitting_problem.starting_values = [['p1', [1]], ['p2', [2]]]
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.fail('verify() passes starting values are set.')

        fitting_problem.data_x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.fail('verify() passes when data_x is set.')

        fitting_problem.data_y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.fail('verify() passes when data_y is set.')

        fitting_problem.functions = [[lambda x, p1, p2: p1 + p2, [1, 2]]]
        except TypeError:
            self.fail('verify() fails when all required values set.')

        fitting_problem.data_x = [1, 2, 3]
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.fail('verify() passes for x values not numpy.')
 def test_get_function_params(self):
     Tests that the function params is formatted correctly
     fitting_problem = FittingProblem(self.options)
     expected_function_def = 'a=1, b=2.0, c=3.3, d=4.99999'
     fitting_problem.starting_values = [
         OrderedDict([('a', 0), ('b', 0), ('c', 0), ('d', 0)])
     params = [1, 2.0, 3.3, 4.99999]
     function_def = fitting_problem.get_function_params(params=params)
     self.assertEqual(function_def, expected_function_def)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_get_function_def(self):
     Tests that the function def is formatted correctly
     fitting_problem = FittingProblem()
     expected_function_def = \
         'test_function | a=1, b=2.0, c=3.3, d=4.99999999'
     fitting_problem.equation = 'test_function'
     fitting_problem.starting_values = [['a', [0]], ['b', [0]], ['c', [0]],
                                        ['d', [0]]]
     params = [1, 2.0, 3.3, 4.99999999]
     function_def = fitting_problem.get_function_def(params=params)
     self.assertEqual(function_def, expected_function_def)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def setup_nist_expected_problem(self):

        prob = FittingProblem()

        prob.name = 'Misra1a'
        prob.equation = 'b1*(1-exp(-b2*x))'
        prob.starting_values = [['b1', [500.0, 250.0]],
                                ['b2', [0.0001, 0.0005]]]
        data_pattern = self.setup_misra1a_expected_data_points()
        prob.data_x = data_pattern[:, 1]
        prob.data_y = data_pattern[:, 0]
        prob.ref_residual_sum_sq = 1.2455138894e-01

        return prob
    def generate_mock_results(self):
        Generates results to test against

        :return: A list of results objects along with expected values for
                 normallised accuracy and runtimes
        :rtype: tuple(list of FittingResults,
                      list of list of float,
                      list of list of float)
        self.num_problems = 4
        self.num_minimizers = 2
        results = []
        options = Options()
        problem = FittingProblem(options)
        problem.starting_values = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}]

        acc_in = [[1, 5], [7, 3], [10, 8], [2, 3]]

        runtime_in = [[float('Inf'), 2.2e-3], [3.0e-10, 5.0e-14],
                      [6.9e-7, 4.3e-5], [1.6e-13, 1.8e-13]]

        acc_expected = []
        runtime_expected = []
        for i in range(self.num_problems):
            acc_results = acc_in[i][:]
            acc_expected.append(list(acc_results) / np.min(acc_results))

            runtime_results = runtime_in[i][:]
                list(runtime_results) / np.min(runtime_results))
            prob_results = []
            cost_func = NLLSCostFunc(problem)
            jac = Scipy(cost_func)
            jac.method = "2-point"
            for j in range(self.num_minimizers):
                minimizer = 'min_{}'.format(j)
                                  initial_params=[1, 2, 3],
                                  params=[1, 2, 3],
        return results, acc_expected, runtime_expected
 def test_eval_starting_params(self):
     Test that eval_starting_params returns the correct result
     fitting_problem = FittingProblem()
     fitting_problem.function = lambda x, p1: x + p1
     fitting_problem.starting_values = [
         OrderedDict([('p1', 3)]),
         OrderedDict([('p1', 7)])
     fitting_problem.data_x = np.array([1])
     eval_result = fitting_problem.eval_starting_params(0)
     self.assertTrue(all(eval_result == np.array([4])))
     eval_result = fitting_problem.eval_starting_params(1)
     self.assertTrue(all(eval_result == np.array([8])))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def parse(self):
        Get data into a Fitting Problem via cutest.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem
        self.mastsif_dir = TemporaryDirectory()

        # set the MASTSIF environment variable so that pycutest
        # can find the sif files
        os.environ["MASTSIF"] = self.mastsif_dir.name

        self._num_params = None

        # get just the short filename (minus the .SIF)
        fp = FittingProblem(self.options)

        # Collect x and create new file with blank y
        fname, fp.data_x, fp.data_y, fp.data_e = self._setup_data()

        self._p = _import_problem(fname)

        fp.name = self._p.name

        fp.function = self._function  # self._p.objcons
        fp.jacobian = self._jacobian  # self._p.lagjac
        fp.equation = None
        fp.starting_values = self._get_starting_values()
        fp.start_x = None
        fp.end_x = None
        fp.format = "cutest"

        # Create a list of x and f (function evaluation) and x and g (Jacobian
        # evaluation).
        # If a new x is given we will create and parse a new file
        self._cache_f = [(fp.data_x, self._p.objcons)]
        self._cache_g = [(fp.data_x, self._p.lagjac)]

        return fp
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def parse(self):
        Parse the Fitbenchmark problem file into a Fitting Problem.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem
        fitting_problem = FittingProblem()

        self._entries = self._get_fitbenchmark_data_problem_entries()
        self._parsed_func = self._parse_function()

        fitting_problem.name = self._entries['name']

        data_points = self._get_data_points()

        fitting_problem.data_x = data_points[:, 0]
        fitting_problem.data_y = data_points[:, 1]
        if data_points.shape[1] > 2:
            fitting_problem.data_e = data_points[:, 2]

        # String containing the function name(s) and the starting parameter
        # values for each function
        self._mantid_equation = self._entries['function']

        fitting_problem.functions = self._fitbenchmark_func_definitions()

        # Print number of equations until better way of doing this is looked at
        equation_count = len(self._parsed_func)
        fitting_problem.equation = '{} Functions'.format(equation_count)

        fitting_problem.starting_values = self._get_starting_values()

        # start and end values in x range
        if 'fit_parameters' in self._entries:
            start_x, end_x = self._get_x_range()
            fitting_problem.start_x = start_x
            fitting_problem.end_x = end_x

        return fitting_problem
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def parse(self):
        Parse the NIST problem file into a Fitting Problem.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem

        fitting_problem = FittingProblem(self.options)

        equation, data, starting_values, name = self._parse_line_by_line()
        data = self._parse_data(data)

        fitting_problem.data_x = data[:, 1]
        fitting_problem.data_y = data[:, 0]
        if len(data[0, :]) > 2:
            fitting_problem.data_e = data[:, 2]

        fitting_problem.name = name

        # String containing a mathematical expression
        fitting_problem.equation = self._parse_equation(equation)

        fitting_problem.starting_values = starting_values

        fitting_problem.function = \
        fitting_problem.format = "nist"
            jacobian = self._parse_jacobian(name)
            fitting_problem.jacobian = \
        except NoJacobianError:
            LOGGER.warn("WARNING: Could not find analytic Jacobian "
                        "information for {} problem".format(name))

        return fitting_problem
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def parse(self):

        fitting_problem = FittingProblem()

        equation, data, starting_values, name = self._parse_line_by_line()
        data = self._parse_data(data)

        fitting_problem.data_x = data[:, 1]
        fitting_problem.data_y = data[:, 0]
        if len(data[0, :]) > 2:
            fitting_problem.data_e = data[:, 2]

        fitting_problem.name = name

        # String containing a mathematical expression
        fitting_problem.equation = self._parse_equation(equation)

        fitting_problem.starting_values = starting_values

        fitting_problem.functions = \

        return fitting_problem
    def parse(self):
        Parse the Fitbenchmark problem file into a Fitting Problem.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        fitting_problem = FittingProblem(self.options)

        self._entries = self._get_data_problem_entries()
        software = self._entries['software'].lower()
        if not (software in import_success and import_success[software][0]):
            error = import_success[software][1]
            raise MissingSoftwareError('Requirements are missing for {} parser'
                                       ': {}'.format(software, error))

        self._parsed_func = self._parse_function()

        if software == 'mantid' and self._entries['input_file'][0] == '[':
            fitting_problem.multifit = True

        # NAME
        fitting_problem.name = self._entries['name']

        # DATA
        data_points = [_get_data_points(p) for p in self._get_data_file()]

        # FUNCTION
        if software == 'mantid':
            fitting_problem.function = self._create_mantid_function()
            fitting_problem.format = 'mantid'
        elif software == 'sasview':
            fitting_problem.function = self._create_sasview_function()
            fitting_problem.format = 'sasview'

        # EQUATION
        equation_count = len(self._parsed_func)
        if equation_count == 1:
            fitting_problem.equation = self._parsed_func[0]['name']
            fitting_problem.equation = '{} Functions'.format(equation_count)

        fitting_problem.starting_values = self._get_starting_values()

        vr = _parse_range(self._entries.get('parameter_ranges', ''))
        fitting_problem.value_ranges = vr if vr != {} else None

        # FIT RANGES
        fit_ranges_str = self._entries.get('fit_ranges', '')
        # this creates a list of strs like '{key: val, ...}' and parses each
        fit_ranges = [
            _parse_range('{' + r.split('}')[0] + '}')
            for r in fit_ranges_str.split('{')[1:]

        if fitting_problem.multifit:
            num_files = len(data_points)
            fitting_problem.data_x = [d[:, 0] for d in data_points]
            fitting_problem.data_y = [d[:, 1] for d in data_points]
            fitting_problem.data_e = [
                d[:, 2] if d.shape[1] > 2 else None for d in data_points

            if not fit_ranges:
                fit_ranges = [{} for _ in range(num_files)]

            fitting_problem.start_x = [
                f['x'][0] if 'x' in f else None for f in fit_ranges
            fitting_problem.end_x = [
                f['x'][1] if 'x' in f else None for f in fit_ranges

            fitting_problem.data_x = data_points[0][:, 0]
            fitting_problem.data_y = data_points[0][:, 1]
            if data_points[0].shape[1] > 2:
                fitting_problem.data_e = data_points[0][:, 2]

            if fit_ranges and 'x' in fit_ranges[0]:
                fitting_problem.start_x = fit_ranges[0]['x'][0]
                fitting_problem.end_x = fit_ranges[0]['x'][1]

        if software == 'mantid':
            # String containing the function name(s) and the starting parameter
            # values for each function.
            fitting_problem.additional_info['mantid_equation'] \
                = self._entries['function']

            if fitting_problem.multifit:
                fitting_problem.additional_info['mantid_ties'] \
                    = self._parse_ties()

        return fitting_problem
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def parse(self):
        Parse the Fitbenchmark problem file into a Fitting Problem.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem
        fitting_problem = FittingProblem()

        self._entries = self._get_data_problem_entries()
        software = self._entries['software'].lower()
        if not (software in import_success and import_success[software][0]):
            e = import_success[software][1]
            raise MissingSoftwareError('Requirements are missing for {} parser'
                                       ': {}'.format(software, e))

        self._parsed_func = self._parse_function()

        # NAME
        fitting_problem.name = self._entries['name']

        # DATA
        data_points = self._get_data_points()
        fitting_problem.data_x = data_points[:, 0]
        fitting_problem.data_y = data_points[:, 1]
        if data_points.shape[1] > 2:
            fitting_problem.data_e = data_points[:, 2]

        # FUNCTION
        if software == 'mantid':
            fitting_problem.function = self._create_mantid_function()
        elif software == 'sasview':
            fitting_problem.function = self._create_sasview_function()

        # EQUATION
        equation_count = len(self._parsed_func)
        if equation_count == 1:
            fitting_problem.equation = self._parsed_func[0]['name']
            fitting_problem.equation = '{} Functions'.format(equation_count)

        if software == 'mantid':
            # String containing the function name(s) and the starting parameter
            # values for each function
            fitting_problem._mantid_equation = self._entries['function']

        fitting_problem.starting_values = self._get_starting_values()

        vr = self._parse_range('parameter_ranges')
        fitting_problem.value_ranges = vr if vr != {} else None

        # FIT RANGES
        fit_ranges = self._parse_range('fit_ranges')
            fitting_problem.start_x = fit_ranges['x'][0]
            fitting_problem.end_x = fit_ranges['x'][1]
        except KeyError:

        return fitting_problem