Ejemplo n.º 1
class ProjectPropertiesDialog( QDialog, object ):
    """ project properties dialog implementation """

    def __init__( self, project = None, parent = None ):

        QDialog.__init__( self, parent )

        # The dialog caller reads this member if the dialog was finished
        # successfully.
        self.absProjectFileName = None

        self.__project = project

        if project is None:
            # It a new project creation
            self.setWindowTitle( "New Project Properties" )

            userRecord = pwd.getpwuid( os.getuid() )

            if not userRecord[ 5 ].endswith( os.path.sep ):
                self.dirEdit.setText( userRecord[ 5 ] + os.path.sep )
                self.dirEdit.setText( userRecord[ 5 ] )
            self.initialDirName = self.dirEdit.text()
            self.lastProjectName = ""

            if userRecord[ 4 ] != "":
                self.authorEdit.setText( userRecord[ 4 ].split( ',' )[ 0 ].strip() )
                self.authorEdit.setText( userRecord[ 0 ] )

                self.emailEdit.setText( userRecord[ 0 ] +
                                        "@" + socket.gethostname() )

            self.versionEdit.setText( "0.0.1" )
            self.licenseEdit.setText( "GPL v3" )
            self.copyrightEdit.setText( "Copyright (c) " +
                                        self.authorEdit.text() + ", " +
                                        str( datetime.date.today().year ) )
            self.creationDateEdit.setText( getLocaleDate() )

        elif type( project ) == type( "" ):
            self.setWindowTitle( "Viewing Project Properties" )

            # This is viewing properties and the argument is the path to the
            # project file
            scriptName, importDirs, creationDate, author, lic, \
            copy_right, description, \
            version, email, uuid = getProjectProperties( project )

            if not os.path.isabs( scriptName ) and scriptName != "":
                scriptName = os.path.normpath( os.path.dirname( project ) +
                                               os.path.sep + scriptName )

            self.nameEdit.setText( os.path.basename( project ) )
            self.nameEdit.setToolTip( "" )
            self.dirEdit.setText( os.path.dirname( project ) )
            self.dirEdit.setToolTip( "" )
            self.scriptEdit.setText( scriptName )
            self.versionEdit.setText( version )
            self.authorEdit.setText( author )
            self.emailEdit.setText( email )
            self.licenseEdit.setText( lic )
            self.copyrightEdit.setText( copy_right )
            self.descriptionEdit.setText( description )
            self.creationDateEdit.setText( creationDate )
            self.uuidEdit.setText( str( uuid ) )
            self.uuidEdit.setToolTip( settingsDir + str( uuid ) + os.path.sep +
                                      " (double click to copy path)"  )

            for item in importDirs:
                self.importDirList.addItem( item )


            self.setWindowTitle( "Editing Project Properties" )

            # This is editing the loaded project.
            self.nameEdit.setText( os.path.basename( project.fileName ) )
            self.nameEdit.setToolTip( "" )
            self.dirEdit.setText( project.getProjectDir() )
            self.dirEdit.setToolTip( "" )
            self.scriptEdit.setText( project.getProjectScript() )
            self.versionEdit.setText( project.version )
            self.authorEdit.setText( project.author )
            self.emailEdit.setText( project.email )
            self.licenseEdit.setText( project.license )
            self.copyrightEdit.setText( project.copyright )
            self.descriptionEdit.setText( project.description )
            self.creationDateEdit.setText( project.creationDate )
            self.uuidEdit.setText( str( project.uuid ) )
            self.uuidEdit.setToolTip( project.userProjectDir +
                                      " (double click to copy path)" )

            for item in project.importDirs:
                self.importDirList.addItem( item )
            if self.importDirList.count() > 0:
                self.importDirList.setCurrentRow( 0 )
                self.delImportDirButton.setEnabled( True )

            # The project could be the one belonging to another user
            # so there might be no write permissions.
            if not os.access( project.fileName, os.W_OK ):
                # Disable editing
                self.setWindowTitle( "Viewing Project Properties (no write permissions)" )


    def __createLayout( self ):
        """ Creates the dialog layout """

        self.resize( 600, 400 )
        self.setSizeGripEnabled( True )

        verticalLayout = QVBoxLayout( self )
        gridLayout = QGridLayout()

        # Project name
        nameLabel = QLabel( self )
        nameLabel.setText( "Project name:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( nameLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.nameEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        self.nameEdit.setToolTip( "Type a project name without a path" )
        self.nameEdit.installEventFilter( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.nameEdit, 0, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Project dir
        dirLabel = QLabel( self )
        dirLabel.setText( "Project directory:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( dirLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.dirEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        self.dirEdit.setToolTip( "Not existed directories will be created" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.dirEdit, 1, 1, 1, 1 )
        self.dirButton = QPushButton( self )
        self.dirButton.setText( "..." )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.dirButton, 1, 2, 1, 1 )
        self.dirCompleter = DirCompleter( self.dirEdit )

        # Project script
        mainScriptLabel = QLabel( "Main script:", self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( mainScriptLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.scriptEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        self.scriptEdit.setToolTip( "Project main script, "
                                    "used when the project is run" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.scriptEdit, 2, 1, 1, 1 )
        self.scriptButton = QPushButton( "...", self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.scriptButton, 2, 2, 1, 1 )
        self.fileCompleter = FileCompleter( self.scriptEdit )

        # Import dirs
        importLabel = QLabel( self )
        importLabel.setText( "Import directories:" )
        importLabel.setAlignment( Qt.AlignTop )
        gridLayout.addWidget( importLabel, 3, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.importDirList = QListWidget( self )
        self.importDirList.setAlternatingRowColors( True )
        self.importDirList.setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection )
        self.importDirList.setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView.SelectRows )
        self.importDirList.setItemDelegate( NoOutlineHeightDelegate( 4 ) )
        self.importDirList.setToolTip( "Directories where to look for "
                                       "project specific imports" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.importDirList, 3, 1, 1, 1 )

        self.addImportDirButton = QPushButton( self )
        self.addImportDirButton.setText( "Add dir" )
        self.delImportDirButton = QPushButton( self )
        self.delImportDirButton.setText( "Delete dir" )
        self.delImportDirButton.setEnabled( False )
        vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
        vLayout.addWidget( self.addImportDirButton )
        vLayout.addWidget( self.delImportDirButton )
        vLayout.addStretch( 0 )
        gridLayout.addLayout( vLayout, 3, 2, 1, 1 )

        # Version
        versionLabel = QLabel( self )
        versionLabel.setText( "Version:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( versionLabel, 4, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.versionEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.versionEdit, 4, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Author
        authorLabel = QLabel( self )
        authorLabel.setText( "Author:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( authorLabel, 5, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.authorEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.authorEdit, 5, 1, 1, 1 )

        # E-mail
        emailLabel = QLabel( self )
        emailLabel.setText( "E-mail:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( emailLabel, 6, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.emailEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.emailEdit, 6, 1, 1, 1 )

        # License
        licenseLabel = QLabel( self )
        licenseLabel.setText( "License:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( licenseLabel, 7, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.licenseEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.licenseEdit, 7, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Copyright
        copyrightLabel = QLabel( self )
        copyrightLabel.setText( "Copyright:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( copyrightLabel, 8, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.copyrightEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.copyrightEdit, 8, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Description
        descriptionLabel = QLabel( self )
        descriptionLabel.setText( "Description:" )
        descriptionLabel.setAlignment( Qt.AlignTop )
        gridLayout.addWidget( descriptionLabel, 9, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.descriptionEdit = QTextEdit( self )
        self.descriptionEdit.setTabChangesFocus( True )
        self.descriptionEdit.setAcceptRichText( False )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.descriptionEdit, 9, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Creation date
        creationDateLabel = QLabel( self )
        creationDateLabel.setText( "Creation date:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( creationDateLabel, 10, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.creationDateEdit = FramedLabelWithDoubleClick()
        self.creationDateEdit.setToolTip( "Double click to copy" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.creationDateEdit, 10, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Project UUID
        uuidLabel = QLabel( self )
        uuidLabel.setText( "UUID:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( uuidLabel, 11, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.uuidEdit = FramedLabelWithDoubleClick( "", self.__copyProjectPath )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.uuidEdit, 11, 1, 1, 1 )

        verticalLayout.addLayout( gridLayout )

        # Buttons at the bottom
        buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox( self )
        buttonBox.setOrientation( Qt.Horizontal )
        buttonBox.setStandardButtons( QDialogButtonBox.Cancel | \
                                      QDialogButtonBox.Ok )
        verticalLayout.addWidget( buttonBox )

        nameLabel.setBuddy( self.nameEdit )
        dirLabel.setBuddy( self.dirEdit )
        versionLabel.setBuddy( self.versionEdit )
        authorLabel.setBuddy( self.authorEdit )
        emailLabel.setBuddy( self.emailEdit )
        licenseLabel.setBuddy( self.licenseEdit )
        copyrightLabel.setBuddy( self.copyrightEdit )
        descriptionLabel.setBuddy( self.descriptionEdit )

        buttonBox.accepted.connect( self.onOKButton )
        buttonBox.rejected.connect( self.reject )
        self.dirButton.clicked.connect( self.onDirButton )
        self.scriptButton.clicked.connect( self.onScriptButton )
        self.importDirList.currentRowChanged.connect( self.onImportDirRowChanged )
        self.addImportDirButton.clicked.connect( self.onAddImportDir )
        self.delImportDirButton.clicked.connect( self.onDelImportDir )
        self.nameEdit.textEdited.connect( self.onProjectNameChanged )

        self.setTabOrder( self.nameEdit, self.dirEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.dirEdit, self.dirButton )
        self.setTabOrder( self.dirButton, self.scriptEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.scriptEdit, self.scriptButton )
        self.setTabOrder( self.scriptButton, self.importDirList )
        self.setTabOrder( self.importDirList, self.addImportDirButton )
        self.setTabOrder( self.addImportDirButton, self.delImportDirButton )
        self.setTabOrder( self.delImportDirButton, self.versionEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.versionEdit, self.authorEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.authorEdit, self.emailEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.emailEdit, self.licenseEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.licenseEdit, self.copyrightEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.copyrightEdit, self.descriptionEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.descriptionEdit, buttonBox )

    def eventFilter( self, obj, event ):
        " Event filter for the project name field "

        # Do not allow path separators
        if event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress:
            if event.key() == ord( os.path.sep ):
                return True
        return QObject.eventFilter( self, obj, event )

    def onDirButton( self ):
        " Displays a directory selection dialog "

        dirName = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self,
                    "Select project directory",
                    QFileDialog.Options( QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly ) )

        if dirName:
            self.dirEdit.setText( os.path.normpath( dirName ) )

    def onScriptButton( self ):
        " Displays a file selection dialog "
        scriptName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self,
                        "Select project main script",
                        self.dirEdit.text() )

        if scriptName:
            self.scriptEdit.setText( os.path.normpath( scriptName ) )

    def onImportDirRowChanged( self, row ):
        " Triggered when a current row in the import dirs is changed "
        self.delImportDirButton.setEnabled( row != -1 )

    def onAddImportDir( self ):
        " Displays a directory selection dialog "

        dirName = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self,
                    "Select import directory",
                    QFileDialog.Options( QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly ) )

        if not dirName:

        # There are 2 cases: new project or
        # editing the existed project properties
        if self.__project is None:
            # It a new project; the project path could be editedd
            dirToInsert = dirName
            # This is an existed project; no way the project path is changed
            # Let's decide it a relative path should be used here
            if self.__project.isProjectDir( dirName ):
                dirToInsert = relpath( dirName, self.dirEdit.text() )
                dirToInsert = dirName

        index = 0
        while index < self.importDirList.count():
            if self.importDirList.item( index ).text() == dirToInsert:
                logging.warning( "The directory '" + dirName +
                                 "' is already in the list of "
                                 "imported directories and is not added." )
            index += 1

        self.importDirList.addItem( dirToInsert )
        self.importDirList.setCurrentRow( self.importDirList.count() - 1 )

    def onDelImportDir( self ):
        " Triggered when an import dir should be deleted "

        rowToDelete = self.importDirList.currentRow()
        if  rowToDelete == -1:
            self.delImportDirButton.setEnabled( False )

        self.importDirList.takeItem( rowToDelete )
        if self.importDirList.count() == 0:
            self.delImportDirButton.setEnabled( False )
            self.importDirList.setCurrentRow( self.importDirList.count() - 1 )

    def onOKButton( self ):
        " Checks that the mandatory fields are filled properly "

        # The checks must be done for a new project only
        if not self.nameEdit.isEnabled():

        # Check that the project name does not have path separators and is not
        # empty
        if not self.nameEdit.text().strip():
            QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error",
                                  "The project name must not be empty" )
        if os.path.sep in self.nameEdit.text():
            QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error",
                                  "The project name must not "
                                  "contain path separators" )

        # Check that the project directory is given
        dirName = self.dirEdit.text().strip()
        if not dirName:
            QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error",
                                  "The project directory must not be empty" )

        dirName = os.path.abspath( dirName )
        self.dirEdit.setText( dirName )
        # Check that the project file does not exist
        projectFileName = dirName
        if not projectFileName.endswith( os.path.sep ):
            projectFileName += os.path.sep
        projectFileName += self.nameEdit.text().strip()
        if not projectFileName.endswith( ".cdm" ):
            projectFileName += ".cdm"

        if os.path.exists( projectFileName ):
            QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error",
                                  "The project file " + projectFileName +
                                  " exists. Please provide another "
                                  "directory / project name." )

        # Check that the project dir is not a file
        if os.path.exists( dirName ):
            # It might be a link, so read it first
            dirName = os.path.realpath( dirName )
            if not os.path.exists( dirName ):
                QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error",
                                      "Broken link: " + dirName )
            if not os.path.isdir( dirName ):
                QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error",
                                      "The project directory "
                                      "may not be a file" )
            # Check that the dir is writable
            if not os.access( dirName, os.W_OK ):
                QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error",
                                      "You don't have write permissions on " +
                                      dirName )
            # Create the directory
                os.makedirs( dirName )
            except OSError:
                QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error",
                                      "Cannot create the project directory" )

        # Save the absolute file name for further reading it by the caller
        self.absProjectFileName = projectFileName

        # The minimum is provided so we can accept it

    def onProjectNameChanged( self, newName ):
        " Called when the project name changed "

        if newName.endswith( ".cdm" ):
            newName = newName[ :-4 ]
        if self.dirEdit.text().strip() == (self.initialDirName +
            self.dirEdit.setText( self.initialDirName + newName )
            self.lastProjectName = newName

    def setReadOnly( self ):
        """ Disables editing some fields """

        self.dirEdit.setReadOnly( True )
        self.dirEdit.setFocusPolicy( Qt.NoFocus )
        self.dirEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.dirButton.setDisabled( True )
        self.dirButton.setFocusPolicy( Qt.NoFocus )
        self.nameEdit.setReadOnly( True )
        self.nameEdit.setFocusPolicy( Qt.NoFocus )
        self.nameEdit.setDisabled( True )

    def disableEditing( self ):
        " Disables all the editing "

        self.nameEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.dirEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.dirButton.setDisabled( True )
        self.scriptEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.scriptButton.setDisabled( True )
        self.importDirList.setDisabled( True )
        self.addImportDirButton.setDisabled( True )
        self.delImportDirButton.setDisabled( True )
        self.versionEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.authorEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.emailEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.licenseEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.copyrightEdit.setDisabled( True )
        self.descriptionEdit.setDisabled( True )

    def __copyProjectPath( self ):
        " Copies the project path when a label is double clicked "
        text = self.uuidEdit.text().strip()
        if text:
            path = settingsDir + text + os.path.sep
            QApplication.clipboard().setText( path )
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __createLayout( self ):
        """ Creates the dialog layout """

        self.resize( 600, 400 )
        self.setSizeGripEnabled( True )

        verticalLayout = QVBoxLayout( self )
        gridLayout = QGridLayout()

        # Project name
        nameLabel = QLabel( self )
        nameLabel.setText( "Project name:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( nameLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.nameEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        self.nameEdit.setToolTip( "Type a project name without a path" )
        self.nameEdit.installEventFilter( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.nameEdit, 0, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Project dir
        dirLabel = QLabel( self )
        dirLabel.setText( "Project directory:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( dirLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.dirEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        self.dirEdit.setToolTip( "Not existed directories will be created" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.dirEdit, 1, 1, 1, 1 )
        self.dirButton = QPushButton( self )
        self.dirButton.setText( "..." )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.dirButton, 1, 2, 1, 1 )
        self.dirCompleter = DirCompleter( self.dirEdit )

        # Project script
        mainScriptLabel = QLabel( "Main script:", self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( mainScriptLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.scriptEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        self.scriptEdit.setToolTip( "Project main script, "
                                    "used when the project is run" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.scriptEdit, 2, 1, 1, 1 )
        self.scriptButton = QPushButton( "...", self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.scriptButton, 2, 2, 1, 1 )
        self.fileCompleter = FileCompleter( self.scriptEdit )

        # Import dirs
        importLabel = QLabel( self )
        importLabel.setText( "Import directories:" )
        importLabel.setAlignment( Qt.AlignTop )
        gridLayout.addWidget( importLabel, 3, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.importDirList = QListWidget( self )
        self.importDirList.setAlternatingRowColors( True )
        self.importDirList.setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection )
        self.importDirList.setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView.SelectRows )
        self.importDirList.setItemDelegate( NoOutlineHeightDelegate( 4 ) )
        self.importDirList.setToolTip( "Directories where to look for "
                                       "project specific imports" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.importDirList, 3, 1, 1, 1 )

        self.addImportDirButton = QPushButton( self )
        self.addImportDirButton.setText( "Add dir" )
        self.delImportDirButton = QPushButton( self )
        self.delImportDirButton.setText( "Delete dir" )
        self.delImportDirButton.setEnabled( False )
        vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
        vLayout.addWidget( self.addImportDirButton )
        vLayout.addWidget( self.delImportDirButton )
        vLayout.addStretch( 0 )
        gridLayout.addLayout( vLayout, 3, 2, 1, 1 )

        # Version
        versionLabel = QLabel( self )
        versionLabel.setText( "Version:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( versionLabel, 4, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.versionEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.versionEdit, 4, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Author
        authorLabel = QLabel( self )
        authorLabel.setText( "Author:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( authorLabel, 5, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.authorEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.authorEdit, 5, 1, 1, 1 )

        # E-mail
        emailLabel = QLabel( self )
        emailLabel.setText( "E-mail:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( emailLabel, 6, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.emailEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.emailEdit, 6, 1, 1, 1 )

        # License
        licenseLabel = QLabel( self )
        licenseLabel.setText( "License:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( licenseLabel, 7, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.licenseEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.licenseEdit, 7, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Copyright
        copyrightLabel = QLabel( self )
        copyrightLabel.setText( "Copyright:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( copyrightLabel, 8, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.copyrightEdit = QLineEdit( self )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.copyrightEdit, 8, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Description
        descriptionLabel = QLabel( self )
        descriptionLabel.setText( "Description:" )
        descriptionLabel.setAlignment( Qt.AlignTop )
        gridLayout.addWidget( descriptionLabel, 9, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.descriptionEdit = QTextEdit( self )
        self.descriptionEdit.setTabChangesFocus( True )
        self.descriptionEdit.setAcceptRichText( False )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.descriptionEdit, 9, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Creation date
        creationDateLabel = QLabel( self )
        creationDateLabel.setText( "Creation date:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( creationDateLabel, 10, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.creationDateEdit = FramedLabelWithDoubleClick()
        self.creationDateEdit.setToolTip( "Double click to copy" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.creationDateEdit, 10, 1, 1, 1 )

        # Project UUID
        uuidLabel = QLabel( self )
        uuidLabel.setText( "UUID:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( uuidLabel, 11, 0, 1, 1 )
        self.uuidEdit = FramedLabelWithDoubleClick( "", self.__copyProjectPath )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.uuidEdit, 11, 1, 1, 1 )

        verticalLayout.addLayout( gridLayout )

        # Buttons at the bottom
        buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox( self )
        buttonBox.setOrientation( Qt.Horizontal )
        buttonBox.setStandardButtons( QDialogButtonBox.Cancel | \
                                      QDialogButtonBox.Ok )
        verticalLayout.addWidget( buttonBox )

        nameLabel.setBuddy( self.nameEdit )
        dirLabel.setBuddy( self.dirEdit )
        versionLabel.setBuddy( self.versionEdit )
        authorLabel.setBuddy( self.authorEdit )
        emailLabel.setBuddy( self.emailEdit )
        licenseLabel.setBuddy( self.licenseEdit )
        copyrightLabel.setBuddy( self.copyrightEdit )
        descriptionLabel.setBuddy( self.descriptionEdit )

        buttonBox.accepted.connect( self.onOKButton )
        buttonBox.rejected.connect( self.reject )
        self.dirButton.clicked.connect( self.onDirButton )
        self.scriptButton.clicked.connect( self.onScriptButton )
        self.importDirList.currentRowChanged.connect( self.onImportDirRowChanged )
        self.addImportDirButton.clicked.connect( self.onAddImportDir )
        self.delImportDirButton.clicked.connect( self.onDelImportDir )
        self.nameEdit.textEdited.connect( self.onProjectNameChanged )

        self.setTabOrder( self.nameEdit, self.dirEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.dirEdit, self.dirButton )
        self.setTabOrder( self.dirButton, self.scriptEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.scriptEdit, self.scriptButton )
        self.setTabOrder( self.scriptButton, self.importDirList )
        self.setTabOrder( self.importDirList, self.addImportDirButton )
        self.setTabOrder( self.addImportDirButton, self.delImportDirButton )
        self.setTabOrder( self.delImportDirButton, self.versionEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.versionEdit, self.authorEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.authorEdit, self.emailEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.emailEdit, self.licenseEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.licenseEdit, self.copyrightEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.copyrightEdit, self.descriptionEdit )
        self.setTabOrder( self.descriptionEdit, buttonBox )