Ejemplo n.º 1
class Experiment(Operation):
    some_parameter = NumericField(0)
    new_parameter = NumericField(1)

    def apply(self, runner):
        print "Running {}...".format(self)
        # new_parameter's value == 2 reproduces previous experiment
        return self.some_parameter * self.new_parameter
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SpecA(Spec):
    field1 = NumericField(0)
    field2 = PrimitiveField(1, default=None)
    func = PrimitiveField(default=general_append)
    verbose = PrimitiveField(default=False, serialize=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "A(field1={}, field2={})".format(self.field1, self.field2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class GetNumber(Numeric):
    input = NumericField(0)

    def apply(self, runner):
        super(GetNumber, self).apply(runner)
        return self.input + 1

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}".format(self.input)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class BaseDataStore(OperationRunner):
    Base class for all data stores, to implement a backend you need to implement
    _get, save and iteritems methods

    The _get is the actual get procedure, the caching strategy is part of the DataStore implementation


    get_cache_size = NumericField(default=0)
    verbose = PrimitiveField(default=False, serialize=False)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Instances the data store.

        :param get_cache_size: Size of the FIFO cache for serialization
        super(BaseDataStore, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.get_cache_size > 0:
            self.get_cache = FifoCache(self.get_cache_size)
            self.get_cache = None

    def get_key(cls, spec):
        if isinstance(spec, Spec):
            return spec.key
            assert isinstance(spec, dict)
            return Spec._dict2key(spec)

    def get(self, spec):
        Gets an operation from this data store.
        def _get():
                return self._get(spec)
            except KeyError, e:
                # TODO: I don't like puting RehashUI.ignored_specs here
                if config.interactive_rehash and spec not in RehashUI.ignored_specs:
                    # Interactive rehash has been enabled and this spec has not been processed
                    # Trigger interactive rehash
                    if self.interactive_rehash(spec):
                        # If we did an interactive rehash, retry the get
                        return self.get(spec)
                        raise e
                    raise e

        if self.get_cache is None:
            return _get()
                return self.get_cache[spec]
            except KeyError:
                res = _get()
                self.get_cache.set(spec, res)
                return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
class BaseDataStore(OperationRunner):
    Base class for all data stores, to implement a backend you need to implement
    _get, save and iteritems methods

    The _get is the actual get procedure, the caching strategy is part of the DataStore implementation


    get_cache_size = NumericField(default=0)
    verbose = PrimitiveField(default=False, serialize=False)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Instances the data store.

        :param get_cache_size: Size of the FIFO cache for serialization
        super(BaseDataStore, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.get_cache_size > 0:
            self.get_cache = FifoCache(self.get_cache_size)
            self.get_cache = None

    def get(self, spec):
        Gets an operation from this data store.
        If you provide a string, it is assumed to be a `Get`
        if self.get_cache is None:
            return self._get(spec)
                return self.get_cache[spec]
            except KeyError:
                res = self._get(spec)
                self.get_cache.set(spec, res)
                return res

    def _get(self, spec):
        Abstract method, actual implementation of the fetch from the data_store
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_by_id(self, id):
        Fetches the value given some id. The id is implementation specific
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def save(self, spec, object):
        Actual implementation that saves an object associated with the id or operation
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def iteritems(self):
        Iterates over the datastore
        :return: An iterator over (operation, object) pairs
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def iterkeys(self, raw=False):
        Iterates over the keys of the data store
        :param raw: Whether to return raw documents or specs
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __getitem__(self, spec):
        return self.get(spec)

    def __setitem__(self, spec, object):
        self.save(spec, object)

    def get_or_none(self, spec):
            return self.get(spec)
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def __contains__(self, spec):
        return self.get_or_none(spec) is not None

    def autosave(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['cache_on'] = self
        return AutosavedFunction(*args, **kwargs)

    def refactor(self, refactor_operation, out_data_store, permissive=False):
        # TODO: rewrite iterkeys, it's horrible!
        for id, doc in self.iterkeys(raw=True):
                refactored_doc = refactor_operation.bind(doc=doc).execute()
                spec = Spec.dict2spec(refactored_doc)
                out_data_store[spec] = self.get_by_id(id)
            except Exception, e:
                if permissive:
                    warnings.warn(' '.join(e.args))
                    raise e
Ejemplo n.º 6
class OperationRunner(Spec):
    execute_cache_size = NumericField(default=0)
    verbose = PrimitiveField(default=False)

    # Whether to force execution and ignore caches
    # Helps encapsulate the behaviour so the Operation.apply remains simple
    force = PrimitiveField(serialize=False, default=False)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(OperationRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.execute_cache_size == 0:
            self.execute_cache = None
            self.execute_cache = FifoCache(self.execute_cache_size,

    def alias(self, **kwargs):
        Same as self.replace, but keeps the same execute_cache
        res = self.replace(**kwargs)
        if res.execute_cache is not None:
            res.execute_cache = self.execute_cache
        return res

    # TODO: The FifoCache can be casted into a FifoDataStore, and make this function an @autosave
    def execute(self, operation, force=False):
        Executes an operation using this data store as input
        If this data store was configured to use an execute cache, it will be used

        :param force: Whether to ignore the current cached value of this operation
        force = force or self.force
        if not force:
            # if not force, then check the caches out
            functions = [
                lambda: self._get_memory_cache(operation),
                lambda: self._get_data_store_cache(operation),
            functions = []

        functions.append(lambda: operation.apply(self.alias(force=force)))

        for func in functions:
            res = func()
            if res is not None: break

        if self.execute_cache is not None:
            self.execute_cache.set(operation, res)

        out_data_store = operation.get_out_data_store()
        if out_data_store is not None:
            out_data_store[operation] = res

        return res

    def _get_memory_cache(self, operation):
        if self.execute_cache is not None:
            return self.execute_cache.get(operation)

    def _get_data_store_cache(self, operation):
        out_data_store = operation.get_out_data_store()
        if out_data_store is not None:
            return out_data_store.get_or_none(operation)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Experiment(Operation):
    some_parameter = NumericField(0)

    def apply(self, runner):
        print "Running {}...".format(self)
        return self.some_parameter * 2