Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_neighborhood_outside_nyc(self):
     from fixcity.bmabr.views import neighborhood_for_rack
     rack = Rack(address='i have no idea where this is',
                 title='far away',
                 email='*****@*****.**', location=Point(20.0, 20.0, srid=SRID),
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_neighborhood(self):
     from fixcity.bmabr.views import neighborhood_for_rack
     rack = Rack(address='67 s 3rd st, brooklyn, ny 11211',
                 title='williamsburg somewhere',
                 location=Point(-73.964858020364, 40.713349294636,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def make_csv(bo, outfile):
    import csv
    csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile)
    # Initial heading row. Does DOT want this?
        ['date received', 'generated by', 'establishment', 'street address',
         'from', 'to', 'borough', 'cb', 'neighborhood',  # ... skip some we lack
         'email', # ... skip some more ...
         'status', # ... skip more ... 
         'image', 'doc',
    from fixcity.bmabr.views import cross_streets_for_rack, neighborhood_for_rack
    from fixcity.bmabr.models import CommunityBoard
    from fixcity.bmabr.models import StatementOfSupport
    for rack in bo.racks:
        from_st, to_st = cross_streets_for_rack(rack)
        neighborhood = neighborhood_for_rack(rack)
        cb = CommunityBoard.objects.get(the_geom__intersects=rack.location)
            site_domain = Site.objects.get_current().domain
            photo_url = 'http://%s%s' % (site_domain, rack.photo.url)
        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
            photo_url = ''
        row = [
            rack.date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),  # 'date'
            rack.source or 'web',  # 'generated by'
            rack.title,   # 'establishment'
            rack.address, # 'street address' ... actually the whole address.
            from_st,      # 'from'
            to_st,        # 'to'
            cb.borough.boroname,  # 'borough' ... actually should be a 2-letter code but we don't have those.
            cb.borocd,    # 'cb' in DOT's extended format, eg. 301 for bk 1
            neighborhood, # 'neighborhood'
            rack.email,   # 'email'
            'request',    # 'status'
            photo_url,    # 'image'
        statement_query = StatementOfSupport.objects.filter(s_rack=rack.id)
        for s in statement_query:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_csv(bo, outfile):
    logger.info('Start make_csv')
    import csv
    fieldnames = ("ID", "TrackNum", "DateIn", "Action_", "GenBy",
                  "Requestor", "Address", "Address2", "ReqBoro", "ZipCode",
                  "Phone", "Email", "Title", "RComment",
                  "LocName", "LocAdd", "LocAddNum", 
                  "Street", "From_", "To_",
                  "Width", "x", "y", "Boro", "LocZip",
                  "CB", "Comments", "Area", "SubStation", "SubLine",
                  "Status", "Sited", "SitedBy", "InspDate", "InspBy",
                  "Side", "Sm", "Lg", "RackType",
                  "MeterNum", "DOTRespDat", "CBNoteDate", "CommNote",
                  "WorkOrder", "InstDate", "Invoice", "Image_", "txtImgName")

    # In python 2.7 you can do: csv_writer.writeheader()
    outfile.write(', '.join(fieldnames))

    csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(outfile, fieldnames)

    from fixcity.bmabr.views import cross_streets_for_rack, neighborhood_for_rack
    from fixcity.bmabr.models import CommunityBoard
    from fixcity.bmabr.models import StatementOfSupport
    for rack in bo.racks:
        from_st, to_st = cross_streets_for_rack(rack)
        neighborhood = neighborhood_for_rack(rack)
        cb = CommunityBoard.objects.get(the_geom__intersects=rack.location)
            site_domain = Site.objects.get_current().domain
            photo_url = 'http://%s%s' % (site_domain, rack.photo.url)
        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
            photo_url = ''
        row = {
            "ID": '', 'TrackNum': '',
            'DateIn':  rack.date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),
            'Action_': 'REQUEST',
            'GenBy': 'INTERNET',  #rack.source or 'web',
            'Requestor': rack.user or rack.email,
            'Address': '', 'Address2': '',  # user's address?
            'ReqBoro': cb.borough.boroname,  # user's or rack's?? actually should be a 2-letter code but we just have names.
            'ZipCode': '',
            'Phone': '',
            'Email': rack.email,
            'Title': '',  # eg. Dr, Mr, Mrs ...
            'RComment': rack.description,
            'LocName': rack.title,
            'LocAdd': '',  # Number part of rack address?
            'LocAddNum': '',  # Number part of rack address again?
            'Street': rack.address,  # Should be just the street part?
            'From_': from_st,
            'To_': to_st,
            'Width': '',  # what's this?
            'x': '',  # maybe a longitude? but in some other units?
            'y': '',  # maybe a latitude? but what are the units??
            'Boro': cb.borough.borocode,  # or what? should be '1' for manhattan??
            'LocZip': '',  # rack's zip? don't have it.
            'CB': cb.borocd,
            'Comments':  '',  # for DOT's internal use?
            'Area': neighborhood,
            'SubStation': '',  # subway station
            'SubLine': '',   # subway line
            'Status': 'P',  #  always submit as 'Pending'.
            # DOT internal statuses: "sited" (approved for install),
            # "rejected" (with a comment), "installed" (DOT has
            # audited it post-install)
            'Sited': '', 'SitedBy': '',  # only if installed.
            'InspDate': '', 'InspBy': '',
            'Side': '', 'Sm': '', 'Lg': '', 'RackType': '',
            'MeterNum': '', 'DOTRespDat': '', 'CBNoteDate': '',
            'CommNote': '', 'WorkOrder': '', 'InstDate': '',
            'Invoice': '',
            'Image_': '', 
            'txtImgName': photo_url,  # URL ok here?

        statement_query = StatementOfSupport.objects.filter(s_rack=rack.id)
        for s in statement_query:
            # What to do with these? DOT doesn't really have a place for them.

        # DictWriter doesn't handle encoding automatically.
        for k, v in row.items():
            if v is None:
                v = u''
            if isinstance(v, basestring):
                row[k] = v.encode('utf8')
    logger.info('Start make_csv')